981 resultados para information gap


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Thematic reviews of early childhood policy originated in response to a significant change in Western societies in the latter part of the 20th century. In effect, the care and education of young children in the industrialised world had shifted from the private to the public sphere, to become a shared responsibility of families and the state. Not only was the provision of equal access to women to the labour market an important goal in this development, but also the issue of giving every child a fair start in life and at school.


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This leaflet describes the work of NICORE (Neonatal Intensive Care Outcomes Research and Evaluations), highlighting the importance of the data collected on each baby admitted to neonatal intensive care and how NICORE contributes to improved standards of care.


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Information and advice on Listeria.


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Effective safeguarding children practice depends upon information sharing, collaboration and understanding between families, agencies and professionals. Nurses are required to work in partnership with other disciplines and agencies to safeguard and promote the health and wellbeing of children and young people. This includes working in partnership with the guardian ad litem (guardian) appointed by the court when making decisions regarding the best interests of a child or young person.This guidance replaces previous regional guidance. Regional implementation will ensure that information held by nurses is shared with the guardian in a consistent, timely and appropriate manner, so that informed decisions can be made in the best interests of children and young people.


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The Northern Ireland Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme began in June 2012 and offers AAA screening to all men in their 65th year in Northern Ireland.The aim of the AAA screening programme is to reduce AAA-related mortality by providing systematic, population-based screening. There is evidence of a significant reduction (45%) in mortality from AAA in those men aged between 65 and 79 years who undergo ultrasound screening. Men older than 65 years will be able to opt into the programme and request screening through the central screening office.There is also evidence of the long-term cost-effectiveness of AAA screening in men and further evidence that the early mortality benefit from screening is maintained.The items available for download here were in the professional information pack that was sent out to all GPs, GP practice managers and pharmacies prior to the launch of the programme.The invitation leaflet is sent out to all eligible men with the letter inviting them to screening.�The results leaflets are for men diagnosed with a small, medium or large AAA. The relevant result leaflet is given to men directly after their scan.�The poster was sent out to all GPs, GP practice managers and pharmacies in the run-up to the launch of the programme as a means of raising awareness.The information sheet outlines the structure of the programme, the screening process and the primary care that follows for those men diagnosed with an AAA. It also highlights the risk factors and has stats on AAA prevalence.The frequently asked questions address issues relating to all aspects of the programme: what is an AAA, roll-out of the programme, the screening process, the scan itself, the possible results, the available treatment, and how personal information is used.


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Information for parents on preventing infections caused by Pseudomonas


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Information leaflet for parents and carers on screening patients for Pseudomonas.


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�Vaccination against shingles for adults aged 70, 78�and 79. Information for healthcare professionals


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This booklet provides parents with information on the first four years of the child health programme for all families in Northern Ireland.


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From January 2011, the Northern Ireland cervical screening programme no longer invited women aged under 25 to attend for screening. In addition, the screening interval for women aged 25-49 was reduced to every three years.This�booklet describes the rationale for the change in policy so that primary care staff and smear takers can provide appropriate and accurate advice to patients.


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This factsheet for health professionals contains information on E. coli O157, a strain of bacteria that can cause severe disease in humans.Information on prevention is included.


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This leaflet is distributed to girls in Year 9 and explains about the HPV vaccine, which can help protect against cervical cancer.


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La transparence de l'action gouvernementale et des administrations publiques est devenue une exigence démocratique inscrite dans de nombreux pays dans des lois sur l'accès à l'information. Or, si ces lois ont permis d'accroître l'information des citoyens, on constate toujours que de nombreuses organisations publiques cherchent à dissimuler de l'information alors qu'aucun intérêt public ou privé prépondérant ne justifie ce comportement. Ce working paper établit une typologie de ces comportements et les décrit avec notamment de nombreux exemples tirés des expériences faites aux USA, au Canada et en Suisse.


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Information for patients and visitors on the importance of hand hygiene in preventing the spread of infections.Accessible formatsThe below document is available as a pdf and in accessible formats. Accessible formats are alternatives to printed information, used by people who are blind or visually impaired. These accessible formats include HTML, audio and braille. �For audio and HTML copies please click on the links below. For braille copies please contact Caroline McGeary on 0300 555 0114.


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Actualment a l'Estat espanyol s'està implantant el Pla Bolonya per incorporar-se a l'Espai Europeu d'Estudis Superiors (l'EEES). Com a un dels principals objectius, l'EEES pretén homogeneïtzar els estudis i de manera concreta les competències adquirides per qualsevol estudiant independentment d'on hagi realitzat els seus estudis. Per això, existeixen iniciatives europees (com el projecte Tuning) que treballen per definir competències per a totes les titulacions universitàries.El projecte presenta l'anàlisi realitzat sobre vint Universitats de diferents continents per identificar models d'ensenyament-aprenentatge de competències no tècniques. La recerca es centra addicionalment en la competència comunicativa escrita.La font principal de dades ha estat la informació proporcionada a les pàgines Web de les universitats i molt especialment els seus plans d'estudi.