697 resultados para impurities


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Analysis of the induced stress on undoped and boron-doped diamond (BDD) thin films by confocal Raman microscopy is performed in this study to investigate its correlation with sample chemical composition and the substrate used during fabrication. Knowledge of this nature is very important to the issue of long-term stability of BDD coated neurosurgical electrodes that will be used in fast-scan cyclic voltammetry, as potential occurrence of film delaminations and dislocations during their surgical implantation can have unwanted consequences for the reliability of BDD-based biosensing electrodes. To achieve a more uniform deposition of the films on cylindrically-shaped tungsten rods, substrate rotation was employed in a custom-built chemical vapor deposition reactor. In addition to visibly preferential boron incorporation into the diamond lattice and columnar growth, the results also reveal a direct correlation between regions of pure diamond and enhanced stress. Definite stress release throughout entire film thicknesses was found in the OPEN ACCESS current Raman mapping images for higher amounts of boron addition. There is also a possible contribution to the high values of compressive stress from sp2 type carbon impurities, besides that of the expected lattice mismatch between film and substrate.


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Un matériau semi-conducteur utilisé lors de la fabrication d’antennes térahertz (THz), le quaternaire InGaAsP (E_g = 0,79 eV), subit une implantation ionique de Fe suivi d’un recuit thermique rapide (RTA) dans le but d’améliorer ses propriétés d’émission. Le recuit est nécessaire afin de recristalliser la couche amorphisée lors de l’implantation, donnant lieu à un polycristal rempli de défauts de recristallisation. On constate cependant que les matériaux implantés Fe offrent de meilleures performances que ceux simplement endommagés au Ga. Dans le but de départager l’effet des défauts de recristallisation et des impuretés de Fe, des mesures de spectroscopie transitoire des niveaux profonds (DLTS) et de DLTS en courant (I-DLTS), ainsi que de spectrométrie de masse d’ions secondaires par temps de vol (ToF-SIMS) ont été effectuées sur des échantillons non implantés et d’autres recristallisés. Les mesures DLTS et I-DLTS ont pour but de caractériser les niveaux profonds générés par ces deux procédures postcroissance, tout en identifiant le rôle que jouent les impuretés de Fe sur la formation de ces niveaux profonds. De plus, le voisinage des atomes de Fe dans le matériau recristallisé a été étudié à l’aide des mesures ToF-SIMS. Les mesures DLTS sur matériau recristallisé sont peu concluantes, car la mesure de capacité est faussée par la haute résistivité du matériau. Par contre, les mesures I-DLTS sur matériau recristallisé ont permis de conclure que les impuretés de Fe sont responsables de la formation d’une grande variété de niveaux d’énergie se trouvant entre 0,25 et 0,40 eV, alors que les défauts de structure induisent des niveaux de moins de 0,25 eV. La concentration de Fe est élevée par rapport au seuil de solubilité du Fe dans le matériau recristallisé. Il serait donc plausible que des agrégats de Fe se forment. Toutefois, cette hypothèse est infirmée par l'absence de pic aux masses correspondant à la molécule ^(56)Fe_2^+ sur les spectres ToF-SIMS. De plus, un modèle simple est utilisé afin d’estimer si certaines masses présentes sur les spectres ToF-SIMS correspondent à des liaisons non induites par la mesure dans le matériau recristallisé. Bien qu’aucune liaison avec le Ga et l'As n’est détectable, ce modèle n’exclut pas la possibilité de liens préférentiels avec l’In.


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BACKGROUND African swine fever (ASF) is one of the most complex viral diseases affecting both domestic and wild pigs. It is caused by ASF virus (ASFV), the only DNA virus which can be efficiently transmitted by an arthropod vector, soft ticks of the genus Ornithodoros. These ticks can be part of ASFV-transmission cycles, and in Europe, O. erraticus was shown to be responsible for long-term maintenance of ASFV in Spain and Portugal. In 2014, the disease has been reintroduced into the European Union, affecting domestic pigs and, importantly, also the Eurasian wild boar population. In a first attempt to assess the risk of a tick-wild boar transmission cycle in Central Europe that would further complicate eradication of the disease, over 700 pre-existing serum samples from wild boar hunted in four representative German Federal States were investigated for the presence of antibodies directed against salivary antigen of Ornithodoros erraticus ticks using an indirect ELISA format. RESULTS Out of these samples, 16 reacted with moderate to high optical densities that could be indicative of tick bites in sampled wild boar. However, these samples did not show a spatial clustering (they were collected from distant geographical regions) and were of bad quality (hemolysis/impurities). Furthermore, all positive samples came from areas with suboptimal climate for soft ticks. For this reason, false positive reactions are likely. CONCLUSION In conclusion, the study did not provide stringent evidence for soft tick-wild boar contact in the investigated German Federal States and thus, a relevant involvement in the epidemiology of ASF in German wild boar is unlikely. This fact would facilitate the eradication of ASF in the area, although other complex relations (wild boar biology and interactions with domestic pigs) need to be considered.


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Un matériau semi-conducteur utilisé lors de la fabrication d’antennes térahertz (THz), le quaternaire InGaAsP (E_g = 0,79 eV), subit une implantation ionique de Fe suivi d’un recuit thermique rapide (RTA) dans le but d’améliorer ses propriétés d’émission. Le recuit est nécessaire afin de recristalliser la couche amorphisée lors de l’implantation, donnant lieu à un polycristal rempli de défauts de recristallisation. On constate cependant que les matériaux implantés Fe offrent de meilleures performances que ceux simplement endommagés au Ga. Dans le but de départager l’effet des défauts de recristallisation et des impuretés de Fe, des mesures de spectroscopie transitoire des niveaux profonds (DLTS) et de DLTS en courant (I-DLTS), ainsi que de spectrométrie de masse d’ions secondaires par temps de vol (ToF-SIMS) ont été effectuées sur des échantillons non implantés et d’autres recristallisés. Les mesures DLTS et I-DLTS ont pour but de caractériser les niveaux profonds générés par ces deux procédures postcroissance, tout en identifiant le rôle que jouent les impuretés de Fe sur la formation de ces niveaux profonds. De plus, le voisinage des atomes de Fe dans le matériau recristallisé a été étudié à l’aide des mesures ToF-SIMS. Les mesures DLTS sur matériau recristallisé sont peu concluantes, car la mesure de capacité est faussée par la haute résistivité du matériau. Par contre, les mesures I-DLTS sur matériau recristallisé ont permis de conclure que les impuretés de Fe sont responsables de la formation d’une grande variété de niveaux d’énergie se trouvant entre 0,25 et 0,40 eV, alors que les défauts de structure induisent des niveaux de moins de 0,25 eV. La concentration de Fe est élevée par rapport au seuil de solubilité du Fe dans le matériau recristallisé. Il serait donc plausible que des agrégats de Fe se forment. Toutefois, cette hypothèse est infirmée par l'absence de pic aux masses correspondant à la molécule ^(56)Fe_2^+ sur les spectres ToF-SIMS. De plus, un modèle simple est utilisé afin d’estimer si certaines masses présentes sur les spectres ToF-SIMS correspondent à des liaisons non induites par la mesure dans le matériau recristallisé. Bien qu’aucune liaison avec le Ga et l'As n’est détectable, ce modèle n’exclut pas la possibilité de liens préférentiels avec l’In.


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A systematic approach was developed to investigate the stability of gentamicin sulfate (GS) and GS/poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) coatings on hydroxyapatite surfaces. The influence of environmental factors (light, humidity, oxidation and heat) upon degradation of the drug in the coatings was investigated using liquid chromatography with evaporative light scattering detection and mass spectrometry. GS coated rods were found to be stable across the range of environments assessed, with only an oxidizing atmosphere resulting in significant changes to the gentamicin composition. In contrast, rods coated with GS/PLGA were more sensitive to storage conditions with compositional changes being detected after storage at 60 °C, 75% relative humidity or exposure to light. The effect of γ-irradiation on the coated rods was also investigated and found to have no significant effect. Finally, liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis revealed that known gentamines C1, C1a and C2 were the major degradants formed. Forced degradation of gentamicin coatings did not produce any unexpected degradants or impurities.


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Adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors are among the most widely used gene transfer systems in basic and pre-clinical research and have been employed in more than 160 clinical trials. AAV vectors are commonly produced in producer cell lines like HEK293 by co-transfection with a so-called vector plasmid and one (in this work) or two so-called helper plasmids. The vector plasmid contains the transgene cassette of interest (TEC) flanked by AAV’s inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) which serve as packaging signals, whereas the helper plasmid provides the required AAV and helper virus functions in trans. A pivotal aspect of AAV vectorology is the manufacturing of AAV vectors free from impurities arising during the production process. These impurities include AAV vector preparations that contain capsids containing prokaryotic sequences, e.g. antibiotic resistance genes originating from the producer plasmids. In the first part of the thesis we aimed at improving the safety of AAV vectors. As we found that encapsidated prokaryotic sequences (using the ampicillin resistance gene as indicator) cannot be re-moved by standard purification methods we investigated whether the producer plasmids could be replaced by Minicircles (MCs). MCs are circular DNA constructs which contain no functional or coding prokaryotic sequences; they only consist of the TEC and a short sequence required for production and purification. MC counterparts of a vector plasmid encoding for enhanced green fluorescent (eGFP) protein and a helper plasmid encoding for AAV serotype 2 (AAV2) and helper Adenovirus (Ad) genes were designed and produced by PlasmidFactory (Bielefeld, Germany). Using all four possible combinations of plasmid and MCs, single-stranded AAV2 vectors (ssAAV) and self-complementary AAV vectors (scAAV) were produced and characterized for vector quantity, quality and functionality. The analyses showed that plasmids can be replaced by MCs without decreasing the efficiency of vector production and vector quality. MC-derived scAAV vector preparations even exceeded plasmid-derived preparations, as they displayed up to 30-fold improved transduction efficiencies. Using MCs as tools, we found that the vector plasmid is the main source of encapsidated prokaryotic sequences. Remarkably, we found that plasmid-derived scAAV vector preparations contained a much higher relative amount of prokaryotic sequences (up to 26.1 %, relative to TEC) compared to ssAAV vector preparations (up to 2.9 %). By replacing both plasmids by MCs the amount of functional prokaryotic sequences could be decreased to below the limit of quantification. Additional analyses for DNA impurities other than prokaryotic sequences showed that scAAV vectors generally contained a higher amount of non-vector DNA (e.g. adenoviral sequences) than ssAAV vectors. For both, ssAAV and scAAV vector preparations, MC-derived vectors tended to contain lower amounts of foreign DNA. None of the vectors tested could be shown to induce immunogenicity. In summary we could demonstrate that the quality of AAV vector preparations could be significantly improved by replacing producer plasmids by MCs. Upon transduction of a target tissue, AAV vector genomes predominantly remain in an episomal state, as duplex DNA circles or concatemers. These episomal forms mediate long-term transgene expression in terminally differentiated cells, but are lost in proliferating cells due to cell division. Therefore, in the second part of the thesis, in cooperation with Claudia Hagedorn and Hans J. Lipps (University Witten/Herdecke) an AAV vector genome was equipped with an autonomous replication element (Scaffold/matrix attachment region (S/MAR)). AAV-S/MAR encoding for eGFP and a blasticidin resistance gene and a control vector with the same TEC but lacking the S/MAR element (AAV-ΔS/MAR) were produced and transduced into highly proliferative HeLa cells. Antibiotic pressure was employed to select for cells stably maintaining the vector genome. AAV-S/MAR transduced cells yielded a higher number of colonies than AAV-ΔS/MAR-transduced cells. Colonies derived from each vector transduction were picked and cultured further. They remained eGFP-positive (up to 70 days, maximum cultivation period) even in the absence of antibiotic selection pressure. Interestingly, the mitotic stability of both AAV-S/MAR and control vector AAV-ΔS/MAR was found to be a result of episomal maintenance of the vector genome. This finding indicates that, under specific conditions such as the mild selection pressure we employed, “common” AAV vectors persist episomally. Thus, the S/MAR element increases the establishment frequency of stable episomes, but is not a prerequisite.


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Reactive nitrogen (Nr=NO, NO2, HONO) and volatile organic carbon emissions from oil and gas extraction activities play a major role in wintertime ground-level ozone exceedance events of up to 140 ppb in the Uintah Basin in eastern Utah. Such events occur only when the ground is snow covered, due to the impacts of snow on the stability and depth of the boundary layer and ultraviolet actinic flux at the surface. Recycling of reactive nitrogen from the photolysis of snow nitrate has been observed in polar and mid-latitude snow, but snow-sourced reactive nitrogen fluxes in mid-latitude regions have not yet been quantified in the field. Here we present vertical profiles of snow nitrate concentration and nitrogen isotopes (δ15N) collected during the Uintah Basin Winter Ozone Study 2014 (UBWOS 2014), along with observations of insoluble light-absorbing impurities, radiation equivalent mean ice grain radii, and snow density that determine snow optical properties. We use the snow optical properties and nitrate concentrations to calculate ultraviolet actinic flux in snow and the production of Nr from the photolysis of snow nitrate. The observed δ15N(NO3-) is used to constrain modeled fractional loss of snow nitrate in a snow chemistry column model, and thus the source of Nr to the overlying boundary layer. Snow-surface δ15N(NO3-) measurements range from -5‰ to 10‰ and suggest that the local nitrate burden in the Uintah Basin is dominated by primary emissions from anthropogenic sources, except during fresh snowfall events, where remote NOx sources from beyond the basin are dominant. Modeled daily-averaged snow-sourced Nr fluxes range from 5.6-71x107 molec cm-2 s-1 over the course of the field campaign, with a maximum noon-time value of 3.1x109 molec cm-2 s-1. The top-down emission estimate of primary, anthropogenic NOx in the Uintah and Duchesne counties is at least 300 times higher than the estimated snow NOx emissions presented in this study. Our results suggest that snow-sourced reactive nitrogen fluxes are minor contributors to the Nr boundary layer budget in the highly-polluted Uintah Basin boundary layer during winter 2014.