973 resultados para immunoendocrine interactions
The ab initio cluster model approach has been used to study the electronic structure and magnetic coupling of KCuF3 and K2CuF4 in their various ordered polytype crystal forms. Due to a cooperative Jahn-Teller distortion these systems exhibit strong anisotropies. In particular, the magnetic properties strongly differ from those of isomorphic compounds. Hence, KCuF3 is a quasi-one-dimensional (1D) nearest neighbor Heisenberg antiferromagnet whereas K2CuF4 is the only ferromagnet among the K2MF4 series of compounds (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu) behaving all as quasi-2D nearest neighbor Heisenberg systems. Different ab initio techniques are used to explore the magnetic coupling in these systems. All methods, including unrestricted Hartree-Fock, are able to explain the magnetic ordering. However, quantitative agreement with experiment is reached only when using a state-of-the-art configuration interaction approach. Finally, an analysis of the dependence of the magnetic coupling constant with respect to distortion parameters is presented.
The results are presented of a combined periodic and cluster model approach to the electronic structure and magnetic interactions in the spin-chain compounds Ca2CuO3 and Sr2CuO3. An extended t-J model is presented that includes in-chain and interchain hopping and magnetic interaction processes with parameters extracted from ab initio calculations. For both compounds, the in-chain magnetic interaction is found to be around -240 meV, larger than in any of the other cuprates reported in the literature. The interchain magnetic coupling is found to be weakly antiferromagnetic, -1 meV. The effective in-chain hopping parameters are estimated to be ~650 meV for both compounds, whereas the value of the interchain hopping parameter is 30 meV for Sr2CuO3 and 40 meV for Ca2CuO3, in line with the larger interchain distance in the former compound. These effective parameters are shown to be consistent with expressions recently suggested for the Néel temperature and the magnetic moments, and with relations that emerge from the t-J model Hamiltonian. Next, we investigate the physical nature of the band gap. Periodic calculations indicate that an interpretation in terms of a charge-transfer insulator is the most appropriate one, in contrast to the suggestion of a covalent correlated insulator recently reported in the literature.
The subsequent chapters of the Thesis deal with the toxic effects of mercury, copper, zinc und~1ead on these bivalve molluecs, their accumulation and distribution among various organs of the animals and also the motel retention winstica by the three species. Static biousauy tests have been conducted in these studies. It was found that the concentrations of the various metals studied in these organism are well below the permitted level given far ease ahellfienes (crab and ehrimgi and that these maliuscs are very good integrators ef trace metals from their environment and may be used as an indicator organism sf metal pallutaute. The present investigutionsemphaeie the need for a clean coastal water and gives a serious warning regarding the possiblc route of heavy metals in ta human body thraugh marine food chain.
Delta isobar components in the nuclear many-body wave function are investigated for the deuteron, light nuclei (16O), and infinite nuclear matter within the framework of the coupled-cluster theory. The predictions derived for various realistic models of the baryon-baryon interaction are compared to each other. These include local (V28) and nonlocal meson exchange potentials (Bonn2000) but also a model recently derived by the Salamanca group accounting for quark degrees of freedom. The characteristic differences which are obtained for the NDelta and Delta Delta correlation functions are related to the approximation made in deriving the matrix elements for the baryon-baryon interaction.
Hydrodynamic characteristics of an estuary resulting from interaction of tide and river runoff are important since problems regarding flood, salinity intrusion, water quality, ecosystem and sedimentation are ubiquitous. The present study focuses on such hydrodynamic aspects in the Cochin estuary. Most of the estuaries that come under the influence of Indian Summer Monsoon and for which the salinity is never in a steady state at any time of the year are generally shallow and convergent, i.e. the width decreases rapidly from mouth to head. In contrast, Cochin estuary is wider towards the upstream and has no typical river mouth, where the rivers are joining the estuary along the length of its channel .Adding to the complexity it has dual inlets and the tidal range is 1 m which is lower than other Indian estuaries along west coast. These typical physical features lead to its unique hydrodynamic characteristics. Therefore the thesis objectives are: I) to study the influence of river runoff on tidal propagation using observations and a numerical model ii) to study stratification and property distributions in Cochin estuary iii) to understand salinity distributions and flushing characteristics iv) to understand the influence of saltwater barrage on tides and salinity v) To evaluate several classification schemes for the estuary
In the current study, epidemiology study is done by means of literature survey in groups identified to be at higher potential for DDIs as well as in other cases to explore patterns of DDIs and the factors affecting them. The structure of the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) database is studied and analyzed in detail to identify issues and challenges in data mining the drug-drug interactions. The necessary pre-processing algorithms are developed based on the analysis and the Apriori algorithm is modified to suit the process. Finally, the modules are integrated into a tool to identify DDIs. The results are compared using standard drug interaction database for validation. 31% of the associations obtained were identified to be new and the match with existing interactions was 69%. This match clearly indicates the validity of the methodology and its applicability to similar databases. Formulation of the results using the generic names expanded the relevance of the results to a global scale. The global applicability helps the health care professionals worldwide to observe caution during various stages of drug administration thus considerably enhancing pharmacovigilance
The study was carried out to understand the effect of silver-silica nanocomposite (Ag-SiO2NC) on the cell wall integrity, metabolism and genetic stability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a multiple drugresistant bacterium. Bacterial sensitivity towards antibiotics and Ag-SiO2NC was studied using standard disc diffusion and death rate assay, respectively. The effect of Ag-SiO2NC on cell wall integrity was monitored using SDS assay and fatty acid profile analysis while the effect on metabolism and genetic stability was assayed microscopically, using CTC viability staining and comet assay, respectively. P. aeruginosa was found to be resistant to β-lactamase, glycopeptidase, sulfonamide, quinolones, nitrofurantoin and macrolides classes of antibiotics. Complete mortality of the bacterium was achieved with 80 μgml-1 concentration of Ag-SiO2NC. The cell wall integrity reduced with increasing time and reached a plateau of 70 % in 110 min. Changes were also noticed in the proportion of fatty acids after the treatment. Inside the cytoplasm, a complete inhibition of electron transport system was achieved with 100 μgml-1 Ag-SiO2NC, followed by DNA breakage. The study thus demonstrates that Ag-SiO2NC invades the cytoplasm of the multiple drug-resistant P. aeruginosa by impinging upon the cell wall integrity and kills the cells by interfering with electron transport chain and the genetic stability
Calculations of the level width \gamma( L_1) and the f_12 and f_13 Coster-Kronig yields for atomic zinc have been performed with Dirac-Fock wave functions. For \gamma(L_1), a large deviation between theory and evaluated data exists. We include the incomplete orthogonality of the electron orbitals as well as the interchannel interaction of the decaying states. Orbital relaxation reduces the total rates in all groups of the electron-emission spectrum by about 10-20 %. Different, however, is the effect of the continuum interaction. The L_1-L_23X Coster-Kronig part of the spectrum is definitely reduced in its intensity, whereas the MM and MN spectra are slightly enhanced. This results in a reduction of Coster-Kronig yields, where for medium and heavy elements considerable discrepancies have been found in comparison to relativistic theory. Briefly, we discuss the consequences of our calculations for heavier elements.
Relativistic Auger rates for the 2p spectra of Mg-like ions have been calculated in the atomic range 13 < Z < 36. We used the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock method but beyond a simple frozen-orbital approach we include also relaxation for the bound electrons and the interchannel interaction between the continuum states. Both effects may alter the individual transition rates remarkably. This is analysed for a few selected states within the isoelectronic sequence. Weak transitions within the 2p spectra can be changed by an order of magnitude because of the continuum coupling. The influence of both effects for higher-Z ions is reduced but still remain visible.
The real-time dynamics of multiphoton ionization and fragmentation of molecules Na_2 and Na_3 has been studied in molecular beam experiments employing ion and electron spectroscopy together with femtosecond pump-probe techniques. Experiments with Na_2 and Na_3 reveal unexpected features of the dynamics of the absorption of several photons as seen in the one- and three-dimensional vibrational wave packet motion in different potential surfaces and in high laser fields: In Na_2 a second major resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) process is observed, involving the excitation of two electrons and subsequent electronic autoionization. The possibility of controlling a reaction by controlling the duration of propagation of a wave packet on an electronically-excited surface is demonstrated. In high laser fields, the contributions from direct photoionization and from the second REMPI process to the total ion yield change, due to different populations in the electronic states participating in the multiphoton ionization (MPI) processes. In addition, a vibrational wave packet motion in the electronic ground state is induced through stimulated emission pumping by the pump laser. The 4^1 \summe^+_g shelf state of Na_2 is given as an example for performing frequency spectroscopy of highlying electronic states in the time domain. Pure wave packet effects, such as the spreading and the revival of a vibrational wave packet, are investigated. The three-dimensional wave packet motion in the Na_3 reflects the normal modes in the X and B states, and shows in addition the pseudorotational motion in the B state in real time.
The magnetic properties and interactions between transition metal (TM) impurities and clusters in low-dimensional metallic hosts are studied using a first principles theoretical method. In the first part of this work, the effect of magnetic order in 3d-5d systems is addressed from the perspective of its influence on the enhancement of the magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE). In the second part, the possibility of using external electric fields (EFs) to control the magnetic properties and interactions between nanoparticles deposited at noble metal surfaces is investigated. The influence of 3d composition and magnetic order on the spin polarization of the substrate and its consequences on the MAE are analyzed for the case of 3d impurities in one- and two-dimensional polarizable hosts. It is shown that the MAE and easy- axis of monoatomic free standing 3d-Pt wires is mainly determined by the atomic spin-orbit (SO) coupling contributions. The competition between ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AF) order in FePtn wires is studied in detail for n=1-4 as a function of the relative position between Fe atoms. Our results show an oscillatory behavior of the magnetic polarization of Pt atoms as a function of their distance from the magnetic impurities, which can be correlated to a long-ranged magnetic coupling of the Fe atoms. Exceptionally large variations of the induced spin and orbital moments at the Pt atoms are found as a function of concentration and magnetic order. Along with a violation of the third Hund’s rule at the Fe sites, these variations result in a non trivial behavior of the MAE. In the case of TM impurities and dimers at the Cu(111), the effects of surface charging and applied EFs on the magnetic properties and substrate-mediated magnetic interactions have been investigated. The modifications of the surface electronic structure, impurity local moments and magnetic exchange coupling as a result of the EF-induced metallic screening and charge rearrangements are analysed. In a first study, the properties of surface substitutional Co and Fe impurities are investigated as a function of the external charge per surface atom q. At large inter-impurity distances the effective magnetic exchange coupling ∆E between impurities shows RKKY-like oscillations as a function of the distance which are not significantly affected by the considered values of q. For distances r < 10 Å, important modifications in the magnitude of ∆E, involving changes from FM to AF coupling, are found depending non-monotonously on the value and polarity of q. The interaction energies are analysed from a local perspective. In a second study, the interplay between external EF effects, internal magnetic order and substrate-mediated magnetic coupling has been investigated for Mn dimers on Cu(111). Our calculations show that EF (∼ 1eV/Å) can induce a switching from AF to FM ground-state magnetic order within single Mn dimers. The relative coupling between a pair of dimers also shows RKKY-like oscillations as a function of the inter-dimer distance. Their effective magnetic exchange interaction is found to depend significantly on the magnetic order within the Mn dimers and on their relative orientation on the surface. The dependence of the substrate-mediated interaction on the magnetic state of the dimers is qualitatively explained in terms of the differences in the scattering of surface electrons. At short inter-dimer distances, the ground-state configuration is determined by an interplay between exchange interactions and EF effects. These results demonstrate that external surface charging and applied EFs offer remarkable possibilities of manipulating the sign and strength of the magnetic coupling of surface supported nanoparticles.