982 resultados para harry potter
A promotional brochure celebrating the completion of the Seagram Building in spring 1957 features on its cover intense portraits of seven men bisected by a single line of bold text that asks, “Who are these Men?” The answer appears on the next page: “They Dreamed of a Tower of Light” (Figures 1, 2). Each photograph is reproduced with the respective man’s name and project credit: architects, Mies van der Rohe and Philip Johnson; associate architect, Eli Jacques Kahn; electrical contractor, Harry F. Fischbach; lighting consultant, Richard Kelly; and electrical engineer, Clifton E. Smith. To the right, a rendering of the new Seagram Tower anchors the composition, standing luminous against a star-speckled night sky; its glass walls and bronze mullions are transformed into a gossamer skin that reveals the tower’s structural skeleton. Lightolier, the contract lighting manufacturer, produced the brochure to promote its role in the lighting of the Seagram Building, but Lightolier’s promotional copy was not far from the truth.
Kielet saksa ja ruotsi. Nimiösivulla teksti Helsingforsiae 1924-29.
Kielet saksa ja ruotsi.
A detailed study is presented of the expected performance of the ATLAS detector. The reconstruction of tracks, leptons, photons, missing energy and jets is investigated, together with the performance of b-tagging and the trigger. The physics potential for a variety of interesting physics processes, within the Standard Model and beyond, is examined. The study comprises a series of notes based on simulations of the detector and physics processes, with particular emphasis given to the data expected from the first years of operation of the LHC at CERN.
We have identified a novel gene, trishanku (triA), by random insertional mutagenesis of Dictyostelium discoideum. TriA is a Broad complex Tramtrack bric-a-brac domain-containing protein that is expressed strongly during the late G2 phase of cell cycle and in presumptive spore (prespore (psp)) cells. Disrupting triA destabilizes cell fate and reduces aggregate size; the fruiting body has a thick stalk, a lowered spore: stalk ratio, a sub-terminal spore mass and small, rounded spores. These changes revert when the wild-type triA gene is re-expressed under a constitutive or a psp-specific promoter. By using short- and long-lived reporter proteins, we show that in triA(-) slugs the prestalk (pst)/psp proportion is normal, but that there is inappropriate transdifferentiation between the two cell types. During culmination, regardless of their current fate, all cells with a history of pst gene expression contribute to the stalk, which could account for the altered cell-type proportion in the mutant.
Tässä sosiaalipsykologian pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkastellaan naisten asemaan ja sukupuolten väliseen tasa- arvoon liittyviä puhetapoja kamerunilaisilla tasa-arvokysymysten asiantuntijoilla. Asiantuntijat edustavat erilaisia paikallisia naisten oikeuksia ja sukupuolten tasa-arvoa edistäviä kansalaisjärjestöjä ja yhdistyksiä. Sukupuolten välisen tasa-arvon kehittäminen ja naisen aseman parantaminen globaalisti ovat olleet viime aikoina pinnalla. Tasa-arvon edistäminen on ollut myös afrikkalaisten yhteiskuntien haasteita jälki-kolonialistisella ajalla. Tässä tutkimuksessa ollaan kiinnostuneita mahdollisista ristiriidoista ja jännitteistä, joita syntyy länsimaisten ja paikallisten tasa-arvokäsitysten kohdatessa. Aineistona on sosiaalipsykologian laitoksen tutkimusprojektin yhteydessä Kamerunissa vuonna 2001 naisten asioita ajavien järjestöjen työntekijöillä kerätty haastatteluaineisto, jota lähestytään kielenkäytön sosiaalista todellisuutta rakentavaa luonnetta painottavasta diskursiivisesta näkökulmasta. Metodisesti tutkimuksessa nojaudutaan diskursiivisen sosiaalipsykologian, erityisesti brittiläisen diskursiivisen psykologian ja suomalaisen diskurssianalyysin, epistemologisiin lähtökohtiin ja teoreettis-metodologiseen välineistöön. Tärkeimmät analyyttiset käsitteet ovat tulkintarepertuaari ja subjektipositio. Aineistosta etsittiin puhetapoja mm. paikantamalla retorisia keinoja, joilla erilaisia kantoja faktuaalistetaan. Haastatteluaineistoa lähestytään sosiaalista todellisuutta tuottavana tilanteisena toimintana. Tutkimuksessa keskitytään analysoimaan sitä, miten sekä haastattelija että haastateltavat tarjoavat, haastavat ja tuottavat erilaisia kantoja siitä, mikä naisten asema Kamerunissa on ja miten sitä tulisi parantaa. Lisäksi tarkastellaan sitä, millaisena länsimainen näkökulma naisten asemaan ilmenee haastateltavien puheessa. Tutkimustuloksina löydettiin kaksi laajempaa puhetapaa, joiden alle tulkintarepertuaarit lukeutuivat. Nämä nimettiin ”tasa-arvopuheeksi” ja ”kulttuurieropuheeksi”. Tasa-arvopuheessa tasa-arvo ja naisten aseman parantaminen esitettiin tavoiteltavana päämääränä, ja siinä tuotettiin sosiaalista todellisuutta, jossa naisten asema esitettiin epätasa-arvoisena ja sukupuolten väliset suhteet nähtiin hierarkkisina ja alistavina naisten kannalta. Tämä puhetapa liittyi ensisijaisesti järjestön tehtävään, ja se tulkittiin keinoksi oikeuttaa järjestön toimintaa tasa-arvon edistämiseksi. Tämän puhetavan alla erottui kaksi tulkintarepertuaaria: ”tietämättömyys tasa-arvon esteenä” ja ”uskomukset tasa-arvon esteenä”. Kulttuurieropuheessa haastateltavat rakensivat eroa länsimaisen/eurooppalaisen ja afrikkalaisen/kamerunilaisen kulttuurin välille. Toisaalta länsimainen feminismi tarjosi haastateltaville keinoja samaistua ”yhteiseen taisteluun” naisten oikeuksien puolesta. Toisaalta länsimainen feminismi edusti haastateltaville ei-tavoiteltavaa tilaa, joka näyttäytyi peruuttamattomasti yhteen sovittamattomalta afrikkalaisen naiskuvan kanssa. Kulttuurieropuheen alle hahmottui kaksi erilaista puhetapaa, jotka nimettiin ”tasa-arvo naisten taisteluna” tulkintarepertuaariksi ja ”afrikkalaisen naisen” tulkintarepertuaariksi. Tärkeimpiä lähteitä metodin osalta olivat Potter & Wetherell (1987), Edwards & Potter (1992) sekä Jokinen, Juhila & Suoninen (1993, 1999). Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä nojauduttiin tasa-arvon teoretisoinnin osalta mm. Anne Maria Hollin (1996, 2003) ja postkoloniaalin feminismin viitekehyksen osalta mm. Chandra Mohantyn (1984, 2003) kirjoituksiin.
The nucleotide sequence of genes 4 and 9, encoding the outer capsid proteins VP4 and VP7 of a serotype 10 tissue culture-adapted strain, 1321, representative of asymptomatic neonatal rotaviruses isolated from neonates in Bangalore, India, were determined. Comparison of nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of 1321 VP4 and VP7 with previously published sequences of various serotypes revealed that both genes were highly homologous to the respective genes of serotype 10 bovine rotavirus, B223. The VP4 of 1321 represents a new human P serotype and the 1321 and related strains represent the first description of neonatal rotaviruses that appear to derive both surface proteins from an animal rotavirus.
Despite a significant growth in food production over the past half-century, one of the most important challenges facing society today is how to feed an expected population of some nine billion by the middle of the 20th century. To meet the expected demand for food without significant increases in prices, it has been estimated that we need to produce 70-100 per cent more food, in light of the growing impacts of climate change, concerns over energy security, regional dietary shifts and the Millennium Development target of halving world poverty and hunger by 2015. The goal for the agricultural sector is no longer simply to maximize productivity, but to optimize across a far more complex landscape of production, rural development, environmental, social justice and food consumption outcomes. However, there remain significant challenges to developing national and international policies that support the wide emergence of more sustainable forms of land use and efficient agricultural production. The lack of information flow between scientists, practitioners and policy makers is known to exacerbate the difficulties, despite increased emphasis upon evidence-based policy. In this paper, we seek to improve dialogue and understanding between agricultural research and policy by identifying the 100 most important questions for global agriculture. These have been compiled using a horizon-scanning approach with leading experts and representatives of major agricultural organizations worldwide. The aim is to use sound scientific evidence to inform decision making and guide policy makers in the future direction of agricultural research priorities and policy support. If addressed, we anticipate that these questions will have a significant impact on global agricultural practices worldwide, while improving the synergy between agricultural policy, practice and research. This research forms part of the UK Government's Foresight Global Food and Farming Futures project.
Feeding 9-10billion people by 2050 and preventing dangerous climate change are two of the greatest challenges facing humanity. Both challenges must be met while reducing the impact of land management on ecosystem services that deliver vital goods and services, and support human health and well-being. Few studies to date have considered the interactions between these challenges. In this study we briefly outline the challenges, review the supply- and demand-side climate mitigation potential available in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use AFOLU sector and options for delivering food security. We briefly outline some of the synergies and trade-offs afforded by mitigation practices, before presenting an assessment of the mitigation potential possible in the AFOLU sector under possible future scenarios in which demand-side measures codeliver to aid food security. We conclude that while supply-side mitigation measures, such as changes in land management, might either enhance or negatively impact food security, demand-side mitigation measures, such as reduced waste or demand for livestock products, should benefit both food security and greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation. Demand-side measures offer a greater potential (1.5-15.6Gt CO2-eq. yr(-1)) in meeting both challenges than do supply-side measures (1.5-4.3Gt CO2-eq. yr(-1) at carbon prices between 20 and 100US$ tCO(2)-eq. yr(-1)), but given the enormity of challenges, all options need to be considered. Supply-side measures should be implemented immediately, focussing on those that allow the production of more agricultural product per unit of input. For demand-side measures, given the difficulties in their implementation and lag in their effectiveness, policy should be introduced quickly, and should aim to codeliver to other policy agenda, such as improving environmental quality or improving dietary health. These problems facing humanity in the 21st Century are extremely challenging, and policy that addresses multiple objectives is required now more than ever.
A portable mat for measuring the dynamic tire forces of commercial vehicles is described. The mat is 56 m long and 13 mm thick and has 141 capacitative strip sensors spaced at 0.4-m intervals. The accuracy of the mat for measuring dynamic tire forces generated by heavy commercial vehicles is assessed using an instrumented vehicle. The spatial repeatability of dynamic wheel loads generated by 14 uninstrumented articulated vehicles is investigated, and it is concluded that approximately half of the vehicles tested are likely to contribute to a repeatable pattern of road loading.
Assessing the road damaging potential of heavy vehicles is becoming an increasingly important issue. In this paper, current vehicle regulations and possible future alternatives are reviewed, and are categorized as tests on individual axles and whole vehicles, and 'direct' and 'indirect' tests. Whole vehicle methods of assessing road damaging potential accurately are then discussed. Direct methods are investigated (focussing on using a force measuring mat), and drawbacks are highlighted. Indirect methods using a transient input applied to individual axles are then examined. Results indicate that if non-linearities are accounted for properly, indirect methods of assessing whole vehicle road damaging potential could offer the required accuracy for a possible future test procedure.