977 resultados para glacial drift deposits


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The continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula includes a number of large sediment mounds interpreted as contourite drifts. Cores from six sediment drifts spanning some 650 km of the margin and 48 of latitude have been dated using chemical and isotopic tracers of palaeoproductivity and diatom biostratigraphy. Interglacial sedimentation rates range from 1.1 to 4.3 cm/ka. Glacial sedimentation rates range from 1.8 to 13.5 cm/ka, and decrease from proximal to distal sites on each drift. Late Quaternary sedimentation was cyclic, with brown, biogenic, burrowed mud containing ice-rafted debris (IRD) in interglacials and grey, barren, laminated mud in glacials. Foraminiferal intervals occur in interglacial stages 5 and 7 but not in the Holocene. Processes of terrigenous sediment supply during glacial stages differed; meltwater plumes were more important in stages 2-4, turbidity currents and ice-rafting in stage 6. The terrigenous component shows compositional changes along the margin, more marked in glacials. The major oxides Al2O3 and K2O are higher in the southwest, and CaO and TiO2 higher in the northeast. There is more smectite among the clay minerals in the northeast. Magnetic susceptibility varies along and between drifts. These changes reflect source variations along the margin. Interglacial sediments show less clear trends, and their IRD was derived from a wider area. Downslope processes were dominant in glacials, but alongslope processes may have attained equal importance in interglacials. The area contrasts with the East Antarctic continental slope in the SE Weddell Sea, where ice-rafting is the dominant process and where interglacial sedimentation rates are much higher than glacial. The differences in glacial setting and margin physiography can account for these contrasts.


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Depositional environments, stratigraphic relations, and 35 new AMS 14C dates at Cape Shpindler, Yugorski Peninsula, help constrain the late Pleistocene glacial and environmental history of the southern Kara Sea region. Fifteen- to fifty-meter-high coastal exposures reveal a complex package of shallow marine, fluvial, glacial, and postglacial deposits, and are documented here in a 19-km-long cross-section and eight vertical sections. The shallow marine (Unit A), estuarine or prodeltaic (Unit B), and fluvio-deltaic (Unit C) deposits contain an interglacial molluscan fauna, yield radiocarbon dates greater than 40 ka, and may correspond with a regional sea-level highstand during the Eemian. These units are overlain by a diamicton (Unit D), and are pervasively deformed by folds and low- to high-angle faults into a stacked glaciotectonic accretionary complex. The diamicton (Unit D) is a subglacial till, and associated massive ground ice with deformed debris bands (Unit E) appears to be relict glacier ice. Glaciotectonic structures document both southward- and northward-directed glacier movement. Above the till and associated glaciotectonic horizons lies 0- to 11-m-thick postglacial deposits of peatland, eolian, fluvial, and primarily lacustrine origin (Unit F). The postglacial deposits yield radiocarbon ages of 12.8 to 0.8 ka. Thus, at least one regional glaciation is prominently represented in the stratigraphy, and occurred probably after the Eemian but before 12.8 ka. We infer that the bulk of the glacial record corresponds with southward advance by an early Weichselian Kara Sea Ice Sheet, in agreement with other recently documented, regional records from Yamal Peninsula and the Pechora Basin. The timing and source of northward-directed glacier ice are less well constrained. Across the broad expanse of the Eurasian Arctic, Quaternary stratigraphy is still sparsely documented. The new data from Cape Shpindler fill a spatial gap in paleoenvironmental research.


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Early and Mid-Pleistocene climate, ocean hydrography and ice sheet dynamics have been reconstructed using a high-resolution data set (planktonic and benthic d18O time series, faunal-based sea surface temperature (SST) reconstructions and ice-rafted debris (IRD)) record from a high-deposition-rate sedimentary succession recovered at the Gardar Drift formation in the subpolar North Atlantic (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Leg 306, Site U1314). Our sedimentary record spans from late in Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 31 to MIS 19 (1069-779 ka). Different trends of the benthic and planktonic oxygen isotopes, SST and IRD records before and after MIS 25 (~940 ka) evidence the large increase in Northern Hemisphere ice-volume, linked to the cyclicity change from the 41-kyr to the 100-kyr that occurred during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT). Beside longer glacial-interglacial (G-IG) variability, millennial-scale fluctuations were a pervasive feature across our study. Negative excursions in the benthic d18O time series observed at the times of IRD events may be related to glacio-eustatic changes due to ice sheets retreats and/or to changes in deep hydrography. Time series analysis on surface water proxies (IRD, SST and planktonic d18O) of the interval between MIS 31 to MIS 26 shows that the timing of these millennial-scale climate changes are related to half-precessional (10 kyr) components of the insolation forcing, which are interpreted as cross-equatorial heat transport toward high latitudes during both equinox insolation maxima at the equator.


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This paper is devoted to studies of clay minerals from two cores collected in the northern and central regions of the St. Anna Trough, the largest trough of the Kara Sea. Upper Quaternary glacial, glaciomarine, and marine deposits are characterized by various contents of kaolinite, chlorite, illite, and smectite. It is established that, from older to younger deposits, amounts of kaolinite and chlorite generally decrease, while those of illite and smectite, on the contrary, increase. A joint analysis of distributions of clay and heavy minerals over the section allowed us to refine position of sources for terrigenous matter and their temporal variability. It is shown changes in sources of supply were directly related to climate changes that occurred when passing from glacial to marine sedimentation environments.