920 resultados para gas flow
Results of studying isotopic composition of helium in underground fluids of the Baikal-Mongolian region during the last quarter of XX century are summarized. Determinations of 3He/4He ratio in 139 samples of gas phase from fluids, collected at 104 points of the Baikal rift zone and adjacent structures are given. 3He/4He values lie within the range from 1x10**-8 (typical for crustal radiogenic helium) to 1.1x10**-5 (close to typical MORB reservoir). Repeated sampling in some points during more than 20 years showed stability of helium isotopic composition in time in each of them at any level of 3He/4He values. There is no systematic differences of 3He/4He in samples from surface water sources and deeper intervals of boreholes in the same areas. Universal relationship between isotopic composition of helium and general composition of gas phase is absent either, but the minimum 3He/4He values occurred in methane gas of hydrocarbon deposits, whereas in nitrogen and carbon dioxide gases of helium composition varied (in the latter maximum 3He/4He values have been measured). According to N2/Ar_atm ratio nitrogen gases are atmospheric. In carbonic gas fN2/fNe ratio indicates presence of excessive (non-atmogenic) nitrogen, but the attitude CO2/3He differs from one in MORB. Comparison of helium isotopic composition with its concentration and composition of the main components of gas phase from fluids shows that it is formed under influence of fractionation of components with different solubility in the gas-water system and generation/consumption of reactive gases in the crust. Structural and tectonic elements of the region differ from the spectrum of 3He/4He values. At the pre-Riphean Siberian Platform the mean 3He/4He = (3.6+/-0.9)x10**- 8 is very close to radiogenic one. In the Paleozoic crust of Khangay 3He/4He = (16.3+/-4.6)x10**-8, and the most probable estimate is (12.3+/-2.9)x10**-8. In structures of the eastern flank of the Baikal rift zone (Khentei, Dauria) affected by the Mz-Kz activization 3He/4He values range from 4.4x10**-8 to 2.14x10**-6 (average 0.94x10**-6). Distribution of 3He/4He values across the strike of the Baikal rift zone indicates advective heat transfer from the mantle not only in the rift zone, but also much further to the east. In fluids of the Baikal rift zone range of 3He/4He values is the widest: from 4x10**-8 to 1.1x10**-5. Their variations along the strike of the rift zone are clearly patterned, namely, decrease of 3He/4He values in both directions from the Tunka depression. Accompanied by decrease in density of conductive heat flow and in size of rift basins, this trend indicates decrease in intensity of advective heat transfer from the mantle to peripheral segments of the rift zone. Comparing this trend with data on other continental rift zones and mid-ocean ridges leads to the conclusion about fundamental differences in mechanisms of interaction between the crust and the mantle in these environments.
Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) is a powerful numerical method to study rarefied gas flows such as cometary comae and has been used by several authors over the past decade to study cometary outflow. However, the investigation of the parameter space in simulations can be time consuming since 3D DSMC is computationally highly intensive. For the target of ESA's Rosetta mission, comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, we have identified to what extent modification of several parameters influence the 3D flow and gas temperature fields and have attempted to establish the reliability of inferences about the initial conditions from in situ and remote sensing measurements. A large number of DSMC runs have been completed with varying input parameters. In this work, we present the simulation results and conclude on the sensitivity of solutions to certain inputs. It is found that among cases of water outgassing, the surface production rate distribution is the most influential variable to the flow field.
The laminar low Mach number flow of a gas in a tube is analyzed for very small and very large values of the inlet-to-wall temperature ratio. When this ratio tends to zero, pressure forces confine the cold gas to a thin core around the axis of the tube. This core is neatly bounded by an ablation front that consumes it at a finite distance from the tube inlet. When the temperature ratio tends to infinity, the temperature of the gas increases smoothly from the wall to the axis of the tube and the shear stress and heat flux are positive at the wall despite the fact that the viscosity and thermal conductivity of the gas scaled with their inlet values tend to zero at the wall.
En la actualidad, el interés por las plantas de potencia de ciclo combinado de gas y vapor ha experimentado un notable aumento debido a su alto rendimiento, bajo coste de generación y rápida construcción. El objetivo fundamental de la tesis es profundizar en el conocimiento de esta tecnología, insuficientemente conocida hasta el momento debido al gran número de grados de libertad que existen en el diseño de este tipo de instalaciones. El estudio se realizó en varias fases. La primera consistió en analizar y estudiar las distintas tecnologías que se pueden emplear en este tipo de centrales, algunas muy recientes o en fase de investigación, como las turbinas de gas de geometría variable, las turbinas de gas refrigeradas con agua o vapor del ciclo de vapor o las calderas de paso único que trabajan con agua en condiciones supercríticas. Posteriormente se elaboraron los modelos matemáticos que permiten la simulación termodinámica de cada uno de los componentes que integran las plantas, tanto en el punto de diseño como a cargas parciales. Al mismo tiempo, se desarrolló una metodología novedosa que permite resolver el sistema de ecuaciones que resulta de la simulación de cualquier configuración posible de ciclo combinado. De esa forma se puede conocer el comportamiento de cualquier planta en cualquier punto de funcionamiento. Por último se desarrolló un modelo de atribución de costes para este tipo de centrales. Con dicho modelo, los estudios se pueden realizar no sólo desde un punto de vista termodinámico sino también termoeconómico, con lo que se pueden encontrar soluciones de compromiso entre rendimiento y coste, asignar costes de producción, determinar curvas de oferta, beneficios económicos de la planta y delimitar el rango de potencias donde la planta es rentable. El programa informático, desarrollado en paralelo con los modelos de simulación, se ha empleado para obtener resultados de forma intensiva. El estudio de los resultados permite profundizar ampliamente en el conocimiento de la tecnología y, así, desarrollar una metodología de diseño de este tipo de plantas bajo un criterio termoeconómico. ABSTRACT The growing energy demand and the need of shrinking costs have led to the design of high efficiency and quick installation power plants. The success of combined cycle gas turbine power plants lies on their high efficiency, low cost and short construction lead time. The main objective of the work is to study in detail this technology, which is not thoroughly known owing to the great number of degrees of freedom that exist in the design of this kind of power plants. The study is divided into three parts. Firstly, the different technologies and components that could be used in any configuration of a combined cycle gas turbine power plant are studied. Some of them could be of recent technology, such as the variable inlet guide vane compressors, the H-technology for gas turbine cooling or the once-through heat recovery steam generators, used with water at supercritical conditions. Secondly, a mathematical model has been developed to simulate at full and part load the components of the power plant. At the same time, a new methodology is proposed in order to solve the equation system resulting for any possible power plant configuration. Therefore, any combined cycle gas turbine could be simulated at any part load condition. Finally a themoeconomic model is proposed. This model allows studying the power plant not only from a thermodynamic point of view but also from a thermoeconomic one. Likewise, it allows determining the generating costs or the cash flow, thus achieving a trade off between efficiency and cost. Likewise, the model calculates the part load range where the power plant is profitable. Once the thermodynamic and thermoeconomic models are developed, they are intensively used in order to gain knowledge in the combined cycle gas turbine technology and, in this way, to propose a methodology aimed at the design of this kind of power plants from a thermoeconomic point of view.
We develop a simplified model of choked flow in pipes for CO2-water solutions as an important step in the modelling of a whole hydraulic system with the intention of eliminating the carbon dioxide generated in air-independent submarine propulsion. The model is based on an approximate fitting of the homogeneous isentropic solution upstream of a valve (or any other area restriction), for given fluid conditions at the entrance. The relative maximum choking back-pressure is computed as a function of area restriction ratio. Although the procedure is generic for gas solutions, numeric values for the non-dimensional parameters in the analysis are developed only for choking in the case of carbon dioxide solutions up to the pure-water limit.
The efficiency of a Power Plant is affected by the distribution of the pulverized coal within the furnace. The coal, which is pulverized in the mills, is transported and distributed by the primary gas through the mill-ducts to the interior of the furnace. This is done with a double function: dry and enter the coal by different levels for optimizing the combustion in the sense that a complete combustion occurs with homogeneous heat fluxes to the walls. The mill-duct systems of a real Power Plant are very complex and they are not yet well understood. In particular, experimental data concerning the mass flows of coal to the different levels are very difficult to measure. CFD modeling can help to determine them. An Eulerian/Lagrangian approach is used due to the low solid–gas volume ratio.
Pyrolysis and gasification of two different sludges coming from a Spanish refinery have been performed at different experimental conditions. A physico-chemical (PC) and a biological (BIO) sludge have been studied. Runs at different heating rates (approx. 4 and 10 K/s) and with different contact time between gases and decomposed sludge have been performed. In general, the ratio H2/CO is higher in pyrolytic runs. The highest ratio is obtained in the pyrolysis at low heating rate and parallel flow, using both sludges. The maximum emission of CO, i.e. the worst combustion conditions, is given in the runs where contact time is minimized and at high heating rates.