804 resultados para freedom of information
Cities accumulate and distribute vast sets of digital information. Many decision-making and planning processes in councils, local governments and organisations are based on both real-time and historical data. Until recently, only a small, carefully selected subset of this information has been released to the public – usually for specific purposes (e.g. train timetables, release of planning application through websites to name just a few). This situation is however changing rapidly. Regulatory frameworks, such as the Freedom of Information Legislation in the US, the UK, the European Union and many other countries guarantee public access to data held by the state. One of the results of this legislation and changing attitudes towards open data has been the widespread release of public information as part of recent Government 2.0 initiatives. This includes the creation of public data catalogues such as data.gov.au (U.S.), data.gov.uk (U.K.), data.gov.au (Australia) at federal government levels, and datasf.org (San Francisco) and data.london.gov.uk (London) at municipal levels. The release of this data has opened up the possibility of a wide range of future applications and services which are now the subject of intensified research efforts. Previous research endeavours have explored the creation of specialised tools to aid decision-making by urban citizens, councils and other stakeholders (Calabrese, Kloeckl & Ratti, 2008; Paulos, Honicky & Hooker, 2009). While these initiatives represent an important step towards open data, they too often result in mere collections of data repositories. Proprietary database formats and the lack of an open application programming interface (API) limit the full potential achievable by allowing these data sets to be cross-queried. Our research, presented in this paper, looks beyond the pure release of data. It is concerned with three essential questions: First, how can data from different sources be integrated into a consistent framework and made accessible? Second, how can ordinary citizens be supported in easily composing data from different sources in order to address their specific problems? Third, what are interfaces that make it easy for citizens to interact with data in an urban environment? How can data be accessed and collected?
The article discusses the recent developments on Freedom of Information or FOI in Queensland. It mentions the recent calls for a new FOI model, pointing to a radical departure from the old FOI template and the emergence of a significantly different FOI regime. Two of these reforms are the Right to Information Bill 2009 or RTI and the Information Privacy Bill 2009 or IP. It also mentions the new FOI Public Interest Test under the RTI Act.
Jisc Freedom of Information retention schedules Disclaimer We aim to provide accurate and current information on this website. However, we accept no liability for errors or ommissions, or for loss or damage arising from using this information. The statements made and views expressed in publications are those of the authors and do not represent in any way the views of the Service. The JISC infoNet Service offers general guidance only on issues relevant to the planning and implementation of information systems. Such guidance does not constitute definitive or legal advice and should not be regarded as a substitute therefor. The JISC infoNet Service does not accept any liability for any loss suffered by persons who consult the Service whether or not such loss is suffered directly or indirectly as a result of reliance placed on guidance given by the Service. The reader is reminded that changes may have taken place since issue, particularly in rapidly changing areas such as internet addressing, and consequently URLs and e-mail addresses should be used with caution. We are not responsible for the content of other websites linked to this site. No part of this Web site or its contents may be reproduced or distributed in any form except by bona fide UK public sector education establishments or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and any amending legislation. All reproductions require an acknowledgement of the source and the author of the work. Parties outside the education sector should contact JISC infoNet regarding use of these materials.
O presente trabalho analisa a formação da cidade digital nas relações sociais, ressaltando os efeitos da garantia do direito à privacidade no ambiente dos navegantes de sites e redes sociais, em função das repercussões jurídicas do vazamento de informações da vida pessoal dos usuários da rede, e do tratamento dos dados coletados pelos prestadores de serviço. Através do ciberespaço formam-se comunidades virtuais que ultrapassam a necessidade de localidade e sociabilidade, criando um isolamento social e abandonando as interações face a face em ambientes reais, originando uma sociabilidade baseada no individualismo. Avaliamos os novos padrões de interação que se originam nesta nova formatação de coletividade informacional e suas repercussões no âmbito do direito. Em uma perspectiva mais detalhada, esse estudo indica quais as hipóteses de responsabilidade civil dos provedores na Internet em decorrência de atos ilícitos cometidos por terceiros e as alternativas de um sistema de tutela da privacidade à proteção de dados, face à lesão no ambiente informacional. O levantamento das possíveis situações de responsabilização civil foi efetuado através da análise da jurisprudência e da doutrina dominante, ressaltando os aspectos fáticos que caracterizam sua formatação. Esse modelo se impõe, através de uma relação hierárquica a uma multiplicidade de indivíduos, criando um encarceramento perfeito através do exercício do biopoder. Tais papéis são reforçados por uma cultura consumista e a sociedade do espetáculo, que transforma o indivíduo em mercadoria levantando perfis de usuários conectados em rede, propiciando uma categorização dos consumidores. Nesse contexto, apresentamos os riscos de uma sociedade de vigilância que se apresenta factível como um produto das relações de mercado, que possibilita dispor livremente de um conjunto crescente de informações. Esta constante vigilância invade todos os espaços, custodiando nosso comportamento independente do tempo, com uma implacável memória no âmbito das comunicações eletrônicas, tornando nosso passado eternamente visível e fazendo surgir situações constrangedoras a nos assombrar.
Diane Rowland, Griping, Bitching and Speaking Your Mind: Defamation and Free Expression on the Internet, Pennsylvania State Law Review Symposium Issue 110, no. 3 (2006): 519?538; RAE2008
In a 2000 report entitled "Trust in government. Ethics measures in OECD countries," OECD Secretary-General Donald J. Johnston emphasized the fact that public ethics are considered as a keystone of good governance. Moreover, public ethics are a prerequisite to public trust, which is in turn vital not only to any public service, but also to any society in general. At the same time, transparency reforms have flourished over the last few years and have several times been designed as a response to public distrust. Therefore, ethics, transparency and trust are closely linked together in a supposed virtuous circle where transparency works as a factor of better public ethics and leads to more trust in government on the citizens' side. This article explores the links between transparency and levels of trust in 10 countries between 2007 and 2014, using open data indexes and access to information requests as proxies for transparency. A national ranking of transparency, based on requests submitted by citizens to the administration and open data indexes, is then proposed. Key findings show that there is no sharp decline of trust in government in all countries considered in this article, and that transparency and trust in government are not systematically positively associated. Therefore, this article challenges the common assumption, mostly found in the normative literature, about a positive interrelation between the two, where trust in government is conceived as a beneficial effect of administrative transparency.
La libertad de prensa y de información son de gran importancia para la democracia. Actualmente, con el desarrollo de la tecnología nace la prensa virtual. Este fenómeno tiene sus características propias que obligan a replantearse la regulación actual.
Reference List for UK Computing Law
Group Poster for UK Computing Law
Zip file containing source code and database dump for the resource
Collection of poster, reference list and resource source and database dump
A presentation going over the main legal issues people face in the IT industry.
A poster summarising the main legal issues people face in the IT industry.