934 resultados para fractional electrical drives


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The atmospheric electrical Potential Gradient (PG) arises from global thunderstorm activity, but surface measurements of the atmospheric Potential Gradient (PG) are influenced by global thunderstorms and local aerosol concentration changes. The local aerosol change can be monitored independently, and in some cases the concentration changes are closely related to PG changes. For these circumstances, a general theory to remove the local aerosol influence on PG measurements has been developed. Continuous measurements of PG and aerosol mass concentration were made during 24–31 Dec, 2005 within an urban environment at Reading, UK. The average diurnal variation of PG showed a double diurnal cycle, with maxima in the early morning and evening hours. The aerosol concentration has similar double maxima. Removing the aerosol using from the PG and aerosol correlation returns a single diurnal cycle, suggestive of the more global PG diurnal cycle.


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Insulating oils are a major component of high voltage plant, including transformers, switchgear and cables. Consequentially, in terms of plant failure, changes in the electrical characteristics of the oil during ageing are of crucial importance. To address this issue, commercial insulating oil was subjected to controlled ageing under laboratory conditions. The electrical properties of the aged oils were then characterized using dielectric spectroscopy. The data suggest that a degree of electrical conductivity occurs in the aged oils, which reduces the insulating properties of the oil as ageing proceeds. The role of atmosphere and additives on the electrical properties of the oils were also explored. Results are compared with model samples, which contain known amounts of materials that may occur as by-products of the ageing process.


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The development of a combined engineering and statistical Artificial Neural Network model of UK domestic appliance load profiles is presented. The model uses diary-style appliance use data and a survey questionnaire collected from 51 suburban households and 46 rural households during the summer of 2010 and2011 respectively. It also incorporates measured energy data and is sensitive to socioeconomic, physical dwelling and temperature variables. A prototype model is constructed in MATLAB using a two layer feed forward network with back propagation training which has a 12:10:24 architecture. Model outputs include appliance load profiles which can be applied to the fields of energy planning (microrenewables and smart grids), building simulation tools and energy policy.


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Evidence from in vivo and in vitro studies suggests that the consumption of pro- and prebiotics may inhibit colon carcinogenesis; however, the mechanisms involved have, thus far, proved elusive. There are some indications from animal studies that the effects are being exerted during the promotion stage of carcinogenesis. One feature of the promotion stage of colorectal cancer is the disruption of tight junctions, leading to a loss of integrity across the intestinal barrier. We have used the Caco-2 human adenocarcinoma cell line as a model for the intestinal epithelia. Trans-epithelial electrical resistance measurements indicate Caco-2 monolayer integrity, and we recorded changes to this integrity following exposure to the fermentation products of selected probiotics and prebiotics, in the form of nondigestible oligosaccharides (NDOs). Our results indicate that NDOs themselves exert varying, but generally minor, effects upon the strength of the tight junctions, whereas the fermentation products of probiotics and NDOs tend to raise tight junction integrity above that of the controls. This effect was bacterial species and oligosaccharide specific. Bifidobacterium Bb 12 was particularly effective, as were the fermentation products of Raftiline and Raftilose. We further investigated the ability of Raftilose fermentations to protect against the negative effects of deoxycholic acid (DCA) upon tight junction integrity. We found protection to be species dependent and dependent upon the presence of the fermentation products in the media at the same time as or after exposure to the DCA. Results suggest that the Raftilose fermentation products may prevent disruption of the intestinal epithelial barrier function during damage by tumor promoters.


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Layer clouds are globally extensive. Their lower edges are charged negatively by the fair weather atmospheric electricity current flowing vertically through them. Using polar winter surface meteorological data from Sodankyla ̈ (Finland) and Halley (Antarctica), we find that when meteorological diurnal variations are weak, an appreciable diurnal cycle, on average, persists in the cloud base heights, detected using a laser ceilometer. The diurnal cloud base heights from both sites correlate more closely with the Carnegie curve of global atmospheric electricity than with local meteorological measurements. The cloud base sensitivities are indistinguishable between the northern and southern hemispheres, averaging a (4.0 ± 0.5) m rise for a 1% change in the fair weather electric current density. This suggests that the global fair weather current, which is affected by space weather, cosmic rays and the El Nin ̃o Southern Oscillation, is linked with layer cloud properties.


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An incidence matrix analysis is used to model a three-dimensional network consisting of resistive and capacitive elements distributed across several interconnected layers. A systematic methodology for deriving a descriptor representation of the network with random allocation of the resistors and capacitors is proposed. Using a transformation of the descriptor representation into standard state-space form, amplitude and phase admittance responses of three-dimensional random RC networks are obtained. Such networks display an emergent behavior with a characteristic Jonscher-like response over a wide range of frequencies. A model approximation study of these networks is performed to infer the admittance response using integral and fractional order models. It was found that a fractional order model with only seven parameters can accurately describe the responses of networks composed of more than 70 nodes and 200 branches with 100 resistors and 100 capacitors. The proposed analysis can be used to model charge migration in amorphous materials, which may be associated to specific macroscopic or microscopic scale fractal geometrical structures in composites displaying a viscoelastic electromechanical response, as well as to model the collective responses of processes governed by random events described using statistical mechanics.


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Paraplegic subjects lack trunk stability due to the loss of voluntary muscle control.This leads to a restriction of the volume of bi-manual workspace available,and hence has a detrimental impact on activities of daily living. Electrical Stimulation of paralysed muscles can be used to stabilize the trunk, but has never been applied in closed loop for this purpose. This paper describes the development of two closed loop controllers(PID and LQR),and their experimental evaluation on a human subject. Advantages and disadvantages of the two are discussed,considering a potential use of this technology during daily activities.


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Relating the measurable, large scale, effects of anaesthetic agents to their molecular and cellular targets of action is necessary to better understand the principles by which they affect behavior, as well as enabling the design and evaluation of more effective agents and the better clinical monitoring of existing and future drugs. Volatile and intravenous general anaesthetic agents (GAs) are now known to exert their effects on a variety of protein targets, the most important of which seem to be the neuronal ion channels. It is hence unlikely that anaesthetic effect is the result of a unitary mechanism at the single cell level. However, by altering the behavior of ion channels GAs are believed to change the overall dynamics of distributed networks of neurons. This disruption of regular network activity can be hypothesized to cause the hypnotic and analgesic effects of GAs and may well present more stereotypical characteristics than its underlying microscopic causes. Nevertheless, there have been surprisingly few theories that have attempted to integrate, in a quantitative manner, the empirically well documented alterations in neuronal ion channel behavior with the corresponding macroscopic effects. Here we outline one such approach, and show that a range of well documented effects of anaesthetics on the electroencephalogram (EEG) may be putatively accounted for. In particular we parameterize, on the basis of detailed empirical data, the effects of halogenated volatile ethers (a clinically widely used class of general anaesthetic agent). The resulting model is able to provisionally account for a range of anaesthetically induced EEG phenomena that include EEG slowing, biphasic changes in EEG power, and the dose dependent appearance of anomalous ictal activity, as well as providing a basis for novel approaches to monitoring brain function in both health and disease.


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As low carbon technologies become more pervasive, distribution network operators are looking to support the expected changes in the demands on the low voltage networks through the smarter control of storage devices. Accurate forecasts of demand at the single household-level, or of small aggregations of households, can improve the peak demand reduction brought about through such devices by helping to plan the appropriate charging and discharging cycles. However, before such methods can be developed, validation measures are required which can assess the accuracy and usefulness of forecasts of volatile and noisy household-level demand. In this paper we introduce a new forecast verification error measure that reduces the so called “double penalty” effect, incurred by forecasts whose features are displaced in space or time, compared to traditional point-wise metrics, such as Mean Absolute Error and p-norms in general. The measure that we propose is based on finding a restricted permutation of the original forecast that minimises the point wise error, according to a given metric. We illustrate the advantages of our error measure using half-hourly domestic household electrical energy usage data recorded by smart meters and discuss the effect of the permutation restriction.