913 resultados para fixed-length dc plasma reduced pressure deposition thermal plasma
La tesi s'ha estructurat en tres apartats que, en conjunt, han de permetre determinar les possibilitats d'aprofitament dins la mateixa indústria alimentària de la fracció plasmàtica de la sang de porc generada per escorxadors que utilitzen sistemes oberts de recollida higiènica. 1. En la primera part s'analitza la composició de la sang higiènica que s'està recollint actualment i s'estudien les característiques tant físico-químiques com microbiològiques que determinen la seva qualitat. La caracterització s'ha realitzat amb sang recollida en diferents escorxadors industrials de les comarques de Girona i s'ha centrat principalment en l'estudi de la contaminació microbiològica i el nivell d'hemòlisi de la sang. S'ha fet un disseny experimental que ha permès alhora valorar l'efecte d'alguns factors sobre la qualitat de la sang: possibles diferències relacionades amb (1) la climatologia del període de l'any en el qual es fa la recollida, (2) particularitats dels escorxadors (grandària, sistemes de dessagnat, tipus, dosi i sistema de dosificació de l'anticoagulant, condicions de processament, maneig i emmagatzematge després de la recollida, etc.). Els resultats obtinguts ens permeten constatar que, en les condicions actuals, la sang que s'està recollint en els escorxadors estudiats no es pot considerar adequada per a una matèria primera de productes destinats a alimentació humana. La major part de la microbiota contaminant s'adquireix en el propi sagnador. S'ha constatat que el sistema de dessagnat en posició horitzontal podria ser una mesura útil per minimitzar la contaminació d'origen fecal o provinent de la pell de l'animal sacrificat i que la separació immediata de les fraccions en el propi escorxador també pot contribuir a reduir la contaminació. Així doncs, en el benentès que l'efectivitat pot obtenir-se del conjunt de mesures preses, més que de l'aplicació d'una sola d'elles, es suggereix la introducció d'una sèrie d'actuacions que potser permetrien reduir els nivells de contaminació que s'obtenen actualment. El tractament mecànic de la sang, el sistema d'addició d'anticoagulant, el volum i concentració de la solució anticoagulant afegida i el període d'emmagatzematge són els factors responsables de l'hemòlisi; mentre que nivells elevats de contaminació microbiològica i el tipus d'anticoagulant utilitzat deterrminen la velocitat d'increment de l'hemòlisi de sang refrigerada. S'ha constatat que quan la sang no pot ser processada immediatament i s'ha d'emmagatzemar en refrigeració és millor utilitzar citrat sòdic enlloc de polifosfat com a anticoagulant ja que l'increment d'hemòlisi es dóna més lentament. 2. El segon apartat s'ha centrat en la fracció plasmàtica de la sang. S'ha utilitzat la deshidratació per atomització com a tecnologia de conservació del plasma i s'ha fet una caracterització del producte en pols resultant des del punt de vista de composició i qualitat. A més de la contaminació microbiològica, que determina la qualitat higiènico-sanitària del producte, s'ha realitzat un estudi de les propietats funcionals que podrien fer del plasma un producte útil en la formulació d'aliments (capacitat escumant, emulsionant, gelificant). S'ha fet especial incidència en (1) determinar l'efecte del procés tecnològic de deshidratació sobre la funcionalitat del producte i (2) estudiar l'estabilitat del plasma deshidratat durant el període d'emmagatzematge. En les condicions de deshidratació per atomització aplicades no es provoca desnaturalització de la fracció proteica i s'obté un producte suficientment deshidratat, amb una aw<0,4 per permetre suposar una bona estabilitat. Algunes mostres de plasma deshidratat analitzades presenten nivells detectables de determinats residus (sulfonamides i corticosteroides). La qualitat microbiològica del producte en pols reflecteix l'elevada contaminació que contenia la matèria primera utilitzada, tot i que la deshidratació per atomització ha comportat la reducció en una unitat logarítmica de la càrrega contaminant. Els recomptes generals de microorganismes són encara preocupants i més tenint en compte que s'ha evidenciat la presència de toxines estafilocòciques en algunes mostres. L'avaluació de les propietats funcionals del producte deshidratat en relació a les que presentava el plasma líquid ens ha permès comprovar que: (1) El procés de deshidratació no ha afectat la solubilitat de les proteïnes. Això, junt amb el fet que no s'obtinguin diferències significatives en l'anàlisi calorimètrica de mostres líquides o deshidratades, permet concloure que el procés no provoca desnaturalització proteica. (2) No s'observen efectes negatius del procés tecnològic sobre la capacitat escumant ni en l'activitat emulsionant de les proteïnes plasmàtiques, dues propietats funcionals que possibiliten l'aplicació del plasma amb aquestes finalitats en l'elaboració d'alguns aliments. (3) La deshidratació tampoc perjudica de manera important les característiques dels gels que s'obtenen per escalfament, ja que els gels obtinguts a partir del plasma líquid i del plasma deshidratat presenten la mateixa capacitat de retenció d'aigua i no s'observen diferències en la microestructura de la xarxa proteica d'ambdós tipus de gel. Tanmateix, els que s'obtenen a partir del producte en pols mostren una menor resistència a la penetració. L'estudi d'estabilitat ens ha permès comprovar que la mostra de plasma deshidratat per atomització perd algunes de les seves propietats funcionals (facilitat de rehidratació, capacitat de retenció d'aigua i fermesa dels gels) si s'emmagatzema a temperatura ambient, mentre que aquestes característiques es mantenen un mínim de sis mesos quan el producte en pols es conserva a temperatura de refrigeració. 3. En l'última part, tenint en compte les conclusions derivades dels resultats dels apartats anteriors, s'han assajat tres possibles sistemes de reducció de la contaminació aplicables a la fracció plasmàtica com a pas previ a la deshidratació, per tal de millorar les característiques de qualitat microbiològica i les perspectives d'estabilitat del producte durant l'emmagatzematge. S'ha determinat l'eficàcia, i l'efecte sobre les propietats del plasma deshidratat, que poden tenir tractaments d'higienització basats en la centrifugació, la microfiltració tangencial i l'aplicació d'altes pressions. Els tractaments de bactofugació aplicats permeten reduir entre el 96 i el 98% la contaminació microbiana del plasma. Aquesta reducció s'aconsegueix tant amb un sistema discontinu com amb un sistema continu treballant a una velocitat de 12 L/h, fet que permetria adaptar el tractament de bactofugació a un procés de producció industrial. Un sistema combinat de bactofugació en continu i microfiltració tangencial permet incrementar l'eficàcia fins a un 99,9 % de reducció. Cal tenir present, però, que aquest tractament provoca també una disminució de l'extracte sec que afecta negativament les propietats funcionals del plasma líquid. Malgrat suposar una pèrdua pel que fa al rendiment, aquest efecte negatiu sobre la funcionalitat no suposaria cap inconvenient si s'utilitzés la deshidratació com a tecnologia de conservació del plasma, ja que es podria corregir l'extracte sec durant la reconstitució del producte. Caldria avaluar si la millora en la qualitat higiènico-sanitària del producte compensa o no les pèrdues que suposa aquest sistema d'higienització combinat. Amb relació als tractaments d'alta pressió, de totes les condicions de tractament assajades, les pressions de fins 450 MPa permeten obtenir plasma sense modificacions importants que impedeixin la seva deshidratació per atomització. Així doncs, les condicions de procés que s'han aplicat són pressuritzacions a 450 MPa de 15 minuts de durada. La temperatura de tractament que s'ha mostrat més eficaç en la reducció dels recomptes de microorganismes ha estat de 40ºC. Els tractaments a aquesta temperatura permeten assolir reduccions del 99,97% i disminuir en un 80% la capacitat de creixement dels microorganismes supervivents a la pressurització en relació a la que presentava la població contaminant del plasma abans del tractament. L'estudi de l'efecte d'aquest tractament (450 MPa, 15 min i 40ºC) sobre les propietats funcionals del plasma ha permès observar que la pressurització comporta una disminució en la solubilitat del producte però una millora en les propietats de superfície -estabilitat de l'escuma i activitat emulsionant- i un increment de la capacitat de retenció d'aigua i de la duresa dels gels obtinguts per escalfament. Calen més estudis per confirmar i caracteritzar aquesta millora en la funcionalitat, així com per establir si el tractament de pressurització afecta també l'estabilitat del producte durant l'emmagatzematge. De totes les tecnologies d'higienització assajades, l'alta pressió és la que permet obtenir millors resultats en el sentit de poder garantir un producte de bona qualitat microbiològica i segur, des del punt de vista sanitari i tecnològic, per a la seva utilització com a ingredient alimentari.
We study the effects of hydrostatic pressure (P) on aqueous solutions and gels of the block copolymer B20E610 (E, oxyethylene; B, oxybutylene; subscripts, number of repeats), by performing simultaneous small angle neutron scattering/pressure experiments. Micellar cubic gels were studied for 9.5 and 4.5 wt% B20E610 at T = 20-80 and 35-55 degrees C, respectively, while micellar isotropic solutions where Studied for 4.5 wt% B20E610 at T > 55 degrees C. We observed that the interplanar distance d(110) (cubic unit cell parameter a = root 2d(110)) decreases while the correlation length of the Cubic order (delta) increases, upon increasing P at a fixed T for 9.5 wt% B20E610. The construction of master Curves for d(110) and delta corresponding to 9.5 wt% B20E610 proved the correlation between changes in T and P. Neither d(110) and delta nor the cubic-isotropic phase transition temperature was affected by the applied pressure for 4.5 wt% B20E610. The dramatic contrast between the pressure-induced behavior observed for 9.5 and 4.5 wt% B20E610 suggests that pressure induced effects might be more effectively transmitted through samples that present wider domains of cubic structure order (9.5 wt% compared to 4.5 wt% B20E610).
Lipid oxidation was studied in beef and chicken muscle after high pressure treatment (0.1-800 MPa) at different temperatures (20-70 degrees C for 20 min, prior to storage at 4 degrees C for 7 days. Pressure treatment of beef samples at room temperature led to increases in TBARS values after 7 days storage at 4 degrees C; however, the increases were more marked after treatment at pressures >= 400 MPa (at least fivefold) than after treatment at lower pressures (less than threefold). Similar results were found in those samples treated at 40 degrees C, but at 60 degrees C and 70 degrees C pressure had little additional effect on the oxidative stability of the muscle. Pressure treatments of 600 MPa and 800 MPa, at all temperatures. induced increased rates of lipid oxidation in chicken muscle, but, in general, chicken muscle was more stable than beef to pressure. and the catalytic effect of pressure was still seen at the higher temperatures of 50 degrees C, 60 degrees C and 70 degrees C. The addition of 1%, Na(2)EDTA decreased TBARS values of the beef muscle during storage and inhibited the increased rates of lipid oxidation induced by pressure. The inhibition by vitamin E (0.05% w/w) and BHT (0.02% w/w), either alone or in combination, were less marked than seen with Na(2)EDTA, suggesting that transition metal ions released from insoluble complexes are of major importance in catalysing lipid oxidation in pressure-treated muscle foods. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effects of high pressure (to 800 MPa) applied at different temperatures (20-70 degreesC) for 20 min on beef post-rigor longissimus dorsi texture were studied. Texture profile analysis showed that when heated at ambient pressure there was the expected increase in hardness with increasing temperature and when pressure was applied at room temperature there was again the expected increase in hardness with increasing pressure. Similar results to those found at ambient temperature were found when pressure was applied at 40 degreesC. However, at higher temperatures, 60 and 70 degreesC it was found that pressures of 200 MPa caused large and significant decreases in hardness. The results found for hardness were mirrored by those for gumminess and chewiness. To further understand the changes in texture observed, intact beef longissimus dorsi samples and extracted myofibrils were both subjected to differential scanning calorimetry after being subjected to the same pressure/temperature regimes. As expected collagen was reasonably inert to pressure and only at temperatures of 60-70 degreesC was it denatured/unfolded. However, myosin was relatively easily unfolded by both pressure and temperature and when pressure denatured a new and modified structure was formed of low thermal stability. Although this new structure had low thermal stability at ambient pressure it still formed in both the meat and myofibrils when pressure was applied at 60 degreesC. It seems unlikely that structurally induced changes can be a major cause of the significant loss of hardness observed when beef is treated at high temperature (60-70 degreesC) and 200 MPa and it is suggested that accelerated proteolysis under these conditions is the major cause. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Thermal and high hydrostatic pressure inactivation of myrosinase from green cabbage: a kinetic study
Myrosinase, a family of enzymes which coexist with glucosinolates in all Brassica vegetables, catalyses the hydrolysis of glucosinolates to yield compounds that can have beneficial effects on human health. In this study, the thermal and pressure inactivation of myrosinase from green cabbage was kinetically investigated. Thermal inactivation started at 35 C and inactivation kinetics was studied in the temperature range 35–55 C. Thermal inactivation of green cabbage myrosinase followed the well known consecutive step model. Pressure inactivation started at 300 MPa, even at 10 C, and the consecutive step model effectively described pressure inactivation in the range 300–450 MPa at 10 C. The combined effects of applying various pressures and temperatures on myrosinase inactivation kinetics were studied in the ranges 35–50 C and, 100–400 MPa. The inactivation followed first-order kinetics at all of the applied combinations. This study demonstrates that myrosinase from green cabbage is highly susceptible to both thermal and high pressure processing. Furthermore, it is also noted that myrosinase stability during processing appears to vary widely between different Brassica species.
The effect of high-pressure (HP) pretreatment on oil uptake of potato slices is examined in this paper. Potato slices were treated either by HP or thermal blanching, or a combination of thermal blanching followed by HP prior to frying. The effect of HP on starch gelatinization and potato microstructure was assessed by differential scanning calorimeter and environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM), respectively. After treatments, the slices were fried in sunflower oil at 185 °C for a predetermined time. Frying time was either kept constant (4 min) or varied according to the time needed to reach a desired moisture content of ≈2%. The high pressure applied in this study was found not to be sufficient to cause a significant degree of starch gelatinization. Analysis of the ESEM images showed that blanching had a limited effect on cell wall integrity. HP pretreatment was found to increase the oil uptake marginally. When frying for a fixed time, the highest total oil content was found in slices treated at 200 MPa for 5 min. The oil content was found to increase significantly (p<0.05) to 41.23±1.82 compared to 29.03±0.21 in the control slices. The same effect of pressure on oil content was found when the time of frying varied. On the other hand, HP pretreatment was found to decrease the frying time required to achieve a given moisture content. Thus, high-pressure pretreatment may be used to reduce the frying time, but not oil uptake.
The authors have studied the adsorption of CuII(hfac)2 on the surface of a model oxide system, TiO2(110), and probed the molecular stability with respect to thermal cycling, using atomic scale imaging by scanning tunneling microscopy supported by x-ray photoemission spectroscopy. They find that at 473 K, the adsorbed metal-organic molecules begin to dissociate and release Cu atoms which aggregate and form Cu nanoparticles. These Cu nanoparticles ripen over time and the size (height) distribution develops into a bimodal distribution. Unlike other organometallic systems, which show a bimodal distribution due to enhanced nucleation or growth at surface step edges, the nanoparticles do not preferentially form at steps. The reduced mobility of the Cu islands may be related to the co-adsorbed ligands that remain in very small clusters on the surface.
he classical problem of the response of a balanced, axisymmetric vortex to thermal and mechanical forcing is re-examined, paying special attention to the lower boundary condition. The correct condition is DΦ/Dt = 0, where Φ is the geopotential and D/Dt the material derivative, which explicitly accounts for a mass redistribution as part of the mean-flow response. This redistribution is neglected when using the boundary condition Dp/Dt = 0, which has conventionally been applied in this problem. It is shown that applying the incorrect boundary condition, and thereby ignoring the surface pressure change, leads to a zonal wind acceleration δū/δt that is too strong, especially near the surface. The effect is significant for planetary-scale forcing even when applied at tropopause level. A comparison is made between the mean-flow evolution in a baroclinic life-cycle, as simulated in a fully nonlinear, primitive-equation model, and that predicted by using the simulated eddy fluxes in the zonally-symmetric response problem. Use of the correct lower boundary condition is shown to lead to improved agreement.
BACKGROUND: Low plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) concentration is associated with high arterial blood pressure and hypertension risk, but whether this association is causal is unknown. We used a mendelian randomisation approach to test whether 25(OH)D concentration is causally associated with blood pressure and hypertension risk. METHODS: In this mendelian randomisation study, we generated an allele score (25[OH]D synthesis score) based on variants of genes that affect 25(OH)D synthesis or substrate availability (CYP2R1 and DHCR7), which we used as a proxy for 25(OH)D concentration. We meta-analysed data for up to 108 173 individuals from 35 studies in the D-CarDia collaboration to investigate associations between the allele score and blood pressure measurements. We complemented these analyses with previously published summary statistics from the International Consortium on Blood Pressure (ICBP), the Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) consortium, and the Global Blood Pressure Genetics (Global BPGen) consortium. FINDINGS: In phenotypic analyses (up to n=49 363), increased 25(OH)D concentration was associated with decreased systolic blood pressure (β per 10% increase, -0·12 mm Hg, 95% CI -0·20 to -0·04; p=0·003) and reduced odds of hypertension (odds ratio [OR] 0·98, 95% CI 0·97-0·99; p=0·0003), but not with decreased diastolic blood pressure (β per 10% increase, -0·02 mm Hg, -0·08 to 0·03; p=0·37). In meta-analyses in which we combined data from D-CarDia and the ICBP (n=146 581, after exclusion of overlapping studies), each 25(OH)D-increasing allele of the synthesis score was associated with a change of -0·10 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure (-0·21 to -0·0001; p=0·0498) and a change of -0·08 mm Hg in diastolic blood pressure (-0·15 to -0·02; p=0·01). When D-CarDia and consortia data for hypertension were meta-analysed together (n=142 255), the synthesis score was associated with a reduced odds of hypertension (OR per allele, 0·98, 0·96-0·99; p=0·001). In instrumental variable analysis, each 10% increase in genetically instrumented 25(OH)D concentration was associated with a change of -0·29 mm Hg in diastolic blood pressure (-0·52 to -0·07; p=0·01), a change of -0·37 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure (-0·73 to 0·003; p=0·052), and an 8·1% decreased odds of hypertension (OR 0·92, 0·87-0·97; p=0·002). INTERPRETATION: Increased plasma concentrations of 25(OH)D might reduce the risk of hypertension. This finding warrants further investigation in an independent, similarly powered study.
The generation of flow and current vortices in the dayside auroral ionosphere has been predicted for two processes ocurring at the dayside magnetopause. The first of these mechanisms is time-dependent magnetic reconnection, in “flux transfer events” (FTEs); the second is the action of solar wind dynamic pressure changes. The ionospheric flow signature of an FTE should be a twin vortex, with the mean flow velocity in the central region of the pattern equal to the velocity of the pattern as a whole. On the other hand, a pulse of enhanced or reduced dynamic pressure is also expected to produce a twin vortex, but with the central plasma flow being generally different in speed from, and almost orthogonal to, the motion of the whole pattern. In this paper, we make use of this distinction to discuss recent observations of vortical flow patterns in the dayside auroral ionosphere in terms of one or other of the proposed mechanisms. We conclude that some of the observations reported are consistent only with the predicted signature of FTEs. We then evaluate the dimensions of the open flux tubes required to explain some recent simultaneous radar and auroral observations and infer that they are typically 300 km in north–south extent but up to 2000 km in longitudinal extent (i.e., roughly 5 hours of MLT). Hence these observations suggest that recent theories of FTEs which invoke time-varying reconnection at an elongated neutral line may be correct. We also present some simultaneous observations of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and solar wind dynamic pressure (observed using the IMP8 satellite) and the ionospheric flow (observed using the EISCAT radar) which are also only consistent with the FTE model. We estimate that for continuously southward IMF (
A procedure is presented for fitting incoherent scatter radar data from non-thermal F-region ionospheric plasma, using theoretical spectra previously predicted. It is found that values of the shape distortion factor D∗, associated with deviations of the ion velocity distribution from a Maxwellian distribution, and ion temperatures can be deduced (the results being independent of the path of iteration) if the angle between the line-of-sight and the geomagnetic field is larger than about 15–20°. The procedure can be used with one or both of two sets of assumptions. These concern the validity of the adopted model for the line-of-sight ion velocity distribution in the one case or for the full three-dimensional ion velocity distribution function in the other. The distribution function employed was developed to describe the line-of-sight velocity distribution for large aspect angles, but both experimental data and Monte Carlo simulations indicate that the form of the field-perpendicular distribution can also describe the distribution at more general aspect angles. The assumption of this form for the line-of-sight velocity distribution at a general aspect angle enables rigorous derivation of values of the one-dimensional, line-of-sight ion temperature. With some additional assumptions (principally that the field-parallel distribution is always Maxwellian and there is a simple relationship between the ion temperature anisotropy and the distortion of the field-perpendicular distribution from a Maxwellian), fits to data for large aspect angles enable determination of line-of-sight temperatures at all aspect angles and hence, of the average ion temperature and the ion temperature anisotropy. For small aspect angles, the analysis is restricted to the determination of the line-of-sight ion temperature because the theoretical spectrum is insensitive to non-thermal effects when the plasma is viewed along directions almost parallel to the magnetic field. This limitation is expected to apply to any realistic model of the ion velocity distribution function and its consequences are discussed. Fit strategies which allow for mixed ion composition are also considered. Examples of fits to data from various EISCAT observing programmes are presented.
Large upward field-aligned ion flows have previously been observed in the high latitude ionosphere in response to frictional heating of the local ion population. Results from a recent experiment using the EISCAT radar show similar features but allow, for the first time, determination of the field-aligned profiles of plasma parameters during these events. The upflows occur during frictional heating. The flows are shown to be transient plasma upwellings, from regions where the ion temperature has been elevated by the motion of a convection shear over the observed field line.
In the auroral zone, ionospheric plasma often moves horizontally at more than 1 km s−1, driven by magnetospheric electric fields, but it has usually been assumed that vertical velocities are much smaller. On occasions, however, plasma has been seen to move upwards along the magnetic field line at several hundred m s−1. These upward velocities are associated with electric fields strong enough to heat the ion population and drive it into a non-thermal state1,2. Here we report observations of substantial upwards acceleration of plasma, to velocities as high as 500 m s−1. An initial upthrust was provided by a combined upwelling of the neutral atmosphere and ionosphere but the continued acceleration at greater heights is explained by a combination of enhanced plasma pressure and the 'hydrodynamic mirror force'3. This acceleration marks an important stage in the transport of plasma from the ionosphere into the magnetosphere.
Three rapid, poleward bursts of plasma flow, observed by the U.K.-POLAR EISCAT experiment, are studied in detail. In all three cases the large ion velocities (> 1 kms−1) are shown to drive the ion velocity distribution into a non-Maxwellian form, identified by the characteristic shape of the observed spectra and the fact that analysis of the spectra with the assumption of a Maxwellian distribution leads to excessive rises in apparent ion temperature, and an anticorrelation of apparent electron and ion temperatures. For all three periods the total scattered power is shown to rise with apparent ion temperature by up to 6 dB more than is expected for an isotropic Maxwellian plasma of constant density and by an even larger factor than that expected for non-thermal plasma. The anomalous increases in power are only observed at the lower altitudes (< 300 km). At greater altitudes the rise in power is roughly consistent with that simulated numerically for homogeneous, anisotropic, non-Maxwellian plasma of constant density, viewed using the U.K.-POLAR aspect angle. The spectra at times of anomalously high power are found to be asymmetric, showing an enhancement near the downward Doppler-shifted ion-acoustic frequency. Although it is not possible to eliminate completely rapid plasma density fluctuations as a cause of these power increases, such effects cannot explain the observed spectra and the correlation of power and apparent ion temperature without an unlikely set of coincidences. The observations are made along a beam direction which is as much as 16.5° from orthogonality with the geomagnetic field. Nevertheless, some form of coherent-like echo contamination of the incoherent scatter spectrum is the most satisfactory explanation of these data.
Recent observations with the EISCAT incoherent scatter radar have shown large rises in dayside, auroral plasma velocities (>2 km s^{−1}) over a wide range of latitudes and lasting about an hour. These are larger than the neutral thermal speed, and allow, for the first time, observations of a non-thermal plasma over a range of observing angles, revealing a clear angular dependence. The observed ion temperature anisotropy, deduced by assuming a Maxwellian line-of-sight ion velocity distribution, is at least 1.75, which exceeds the theoretical value for a bi-Maxwellian based on a realistic ion-neutral collision model. The aspect angle dependence of the signal spectra also indicates non-Maxwellian plasma.