860 resultados para fisioterapia cardiovascular
Background: We examined the vocal complaints and evaluated the correlation between the vocal handicap index (VHI) and heart rate variability (HRV) in physical education teachers. We evaluated 46 teachers. Method: The subjects were investigated regarding voice complaint and the VHI was applied. HRV was recorded at seated rest for ten minutes and it was analyzed in the time, frequency domains, geometric indices and fractal exponents. The three domains of the VHI were correlated with the indices of HRV. Results: The physical education teachers presented a VHI score much below the standard of the physiological normality. There was correlation of the organic domain of the VHI with the NN50 and pNN50 and correlation of the functional domain and organic domain of the VHI with the HF index of HRV. Conclusion: The physical education teachers evaluated reported vocal complaints that affected their function and it is suggested to be related with the cardiac autonomic regulation.
Introduction: Spirituality/religiosity is associated to well-being. In this article, we describe the association between spirituality/religiosity and cardiovascular system. Materials and methods: We performed searches using Medline, SciELO, Lilacs and Cochrane databases using crossing between the keywords “spirituality,” “cardiovascular system,” “parasympathetic nervous system,” and “sympathetic nervous system.”Results: The electronic search yielded 65 references by crossing the terms “spirituality” and “cardiovascular system.” Among these, the first round of elimination resulted in exclusion of 55 titles and abstracts that were not clearly related to the subject of the review. The titles of the remaining 10 abstracts were submitted to a final evaluation that accounted for the inclusion criteria. An investigation into the reference lists confirmed the absence of relevant documents. Summaries of the analysed studies were selected. Discussion: Among 10 studies selected, 8 of them indicated that spirituality/religiosity is very important for the cardiovascular system, whereas only 2 found no significant association between the two variables in women. Conclusion: We suggest that spirituality/religiosity is an alternative and non-pharmacological therapy for cardiovascular disorders.
Objectives: This experimental study aimed to evaluate the effects of central catalase inhibition on cardiovascular responses in rats exposed to sidestream cigarette smoke (SSCS) for 3 weeks. Methodology: A total of 20 males Wistar rats (320–370g) were implanted with a stainless steel guide cannula into the fourth cerebral ventricle (4thV). Femoral artery and vein were cannulated for mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) measurement and drug infusion, respectively. Rats were exposed to SSCS for three weeks, 180 minutes per day, 5 days/week [carbon monoxide (CO): 100–300 ppm)]. Baroreflex was tested with one pressor dose of phenylephrine (PHE, 8 μg/kg, bolus) and one depressor dose of sodium nitroprusside (SNP, 50 μg/kg, bolus). Cardiovascular responses were evaluated before and 15 minutes after 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole (ATZ, catalase inhibitor, 0.001g/100μL) injection into the 4th V. Results: Vehicle treatment into the 4th V did not change cardiovascular responses. Central catalase inhibition increased tachycardic peak, attenuated bradycardic peak and reduced HR range at 15 minutes, increased MAP at 5, 15 and 30 min and increased HR at 5 and 15 min. In rats exposed to SSCS, central ATZ increased basal MAP after 5 min and increased HR at 5, 15 and 30 minutes, respectively, and attenuated bradycardic peak at 15 minutes. Conclusion: This study suggests that brain oxidative stress caused by SSCS influences autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular system.
BACKGROUND: Previous studies suggested that some interactive video games induce cardiovascular responses. However, some different styles of video games have not been investigated. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to evaluate cardiovascular responses induced by video game boxing performance in healthy women. METHOD: We evaluated ten female sedentary volunteers, aged 20.9 ± 1.4 years, weight 58.7 ± 8.0 kg, height 163.2 ± 5.4cm. All subjects were weighed and measured. Their heart rate, blood pressure and lactate levels were recorded before and after video game performance. The volunteers played a Sony video game (Nintendo® Wii) by using the boxing method, in which all volunteers played for 10 minutes without interruption. At the end of the game the volunteers were reassessed using the same parameters mentioned above. RESULTS: At the end of the video game boxing performance we observed highly significant increases of lactate production (p < 0.0035) and the double product (heart rate vs. systolic blood pressure) was also higher (p < 0.0001). Both parameters indicate that the performance increased demands of the cardiovascular system. CONCLUSION: We conclude that a ten-minute video game boxing performance induces cardiovascular responses similar to aerobic exercise. This may be a practical form of exercise, but care should be exercised concerning subjects with cardiovascular disorders.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this study was to evaluate cardiovascular and respiratory effects associated with neck flexion, subarachnoid puncture, cerebrospinal fluid drainage and the subarachnoid infusion of ioversol (320mgl/mL) in dogs under isoflurane general anesthesia. The dogs received infusion of: autologous cerebrospinal fluid at 38 degrees C (GC - control group); ioversol 0.3mL/ Kg at 25 degrees C (GI25) and heated to 38 degrees C (GI38). Heart rate, systolic and diastolic arterial pressure, respiratory rate, oxyhemoglobin saturation and electrocardiography readings were recorded. The results showed that cervical myelography with ioversol 320mgl/mL at 0.3mL/Kg (25 C-degrees and 38C degrees) did not significantly alter recorded parameters, except for an elevation in arterial pressure.
INTRODUCTION: The autonomic nervous system (ANS) could be investigated in a noninvasive way by the heart rate variability analysis (HRV) which has contributed to several health areas such as physiotherapy. OBJECTIVE: To gather information regarding the use of HRV on physiotherapy aims at providing an update of the findings for the area on journals of national circulation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The journals of national circulation classified as greater than B2 or B2 and with free access and complete texts in some internet sites were searched on 21 area WebQualis resulting on selection of Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia, Fisioterapia e Pesquisa and Fisioterapia em Movimento using the keywords: autonomic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system, physiotherapy and heart rate variability. RESULTS: The search resulted in 19 articles being 17 clinical trials and two case reports. CONCLUSION: The HRV has been used as a resource of interventions evaluation, as pathological conditions common to clinical practice investigation and to physiological conditions interpretation in physiotherapy. The HRV is principally used to the cardiorespiratory specialty of physiotherapy.
O aumento do estresse oxidativo tem sido positivamente associado às doenças cardiometabólicas, como hipertensão arterial. Por outro lado, o exercício físico aeróbio de moderada intensidade promove efeitos benéficos tanto na prevenção quanto no tratamento das doenças cardiometabólicas. Os efeitos benéficos estão relacionados à maior produção de óxido nítrico (NO) e/ou sua maior biodisponibilidade e aumento na expressão de enzimas antioxidantes. Sendo assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi analisar o efeito do treinamento físico aeróbio (TFA) na intensidade da máxima fase estável de lactato (MFEL) sobre parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios e cardiovasculares, atividade de enzimas antioxidantes superóxido dismutase (SOD) e catalase, e concentração de nitrito/nitrato (NOx-) e malondialdeído (MDA) em adultos acima dos 40 anos de idade. Fizeram parte do estudo 55 voluntários normotensos (NT – 49,7±0,6 anos) e 32 voluntários hipertensos (HT – 52,7±1,1 anos). O desenho experimental foi realizado através do ensaio clínico controlado cruzado por dezesseis semanas. Os voluntários permaneceram oito semanas sem a realização de TFA, sendo realizadas avaliações antes (período inicial – PI) e após esse período (período intermediário – PINT). Nas oito semanas seguintes todos foram submetidos a 3 sessões/semana de TFA na intensidade da MFEL em esteira ergométrica e após foi novamente realizada a avaliação (período final – PF). As avaliações consistiram de medições da pressão arterial (PA) de repouso (método auscultatório), frequência cardíaca (FC) de repouso e exercício (Polar® - RSX-800CX), testes de VO2 máximo (teste de 1 milha) e coletas de sangue (12 horas de jejum noturno). Amostras de plasma e soro foram utilizadas para análises da atividade da SOD, catalase, concentrações NOx- e MDA. O protocolo para determinação da MFEL foi de acordo com Beneke et al (2003). Para análise estatística foi...
A interação social é um importante fator ambiental que pode influenciar funções fisiológicas. Estudos em humanos e animais têm demonstrado que períodos de isolamento social, principalmente em fases iniciais da vida, estão associados com alterações na função cardiovascular. Entretanto, os mecanismos relacionados com estas alterações ainda são pouco compreendidos. Estudos têm sugerido que alterações na atividade do barorreflexo pode ser um mecanismo importante relacionado com a hipertensão, além de ser um fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de arritmias e morte súbita em diversas patologias cardiovasculares. Diante disso, o objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar os efeitos imediatos e a longo prazo do isolamento social de ratos adolescentes sobre parâmetros cardiovasculares basais e a atividade do barorreflexo. O isolamento social consistiu na manutenção dos animais em caixas individuais por três semanas, do dia pós-natal 27 ao 42. Em um conjunto de animais os experimentos foram realizados imediatamente após o término do isolamento. Outro grupo de animais foi reagrupado em caixas coletivas, em grupos de quatro animais, após o término do isolamento e mantidos nesta condição por outras três semanas. Os grupos controle foram mantidos em caixas coletivas, em grupos de 4 animais, no mesmo biotério e pelo mesmo período que os animais isolados. Os animais apresentaram peso corporal reduzido após o período de isolamento social, e este efeito não foi revertido após ressocialização dos animais. O isolamento social também elevou os parâmetros basais de pressão arterial, mas este efeito foi revertido após o reagrupamento dos animais. O isolamento aumentou a resposta bradicárdica do barorreflexo desencadeada por aumento da pressão arterial... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Introduction: The triangular index and the Poincaré plot (or Lorenz plot) are the best known indexes obtained from geometric methods. The triangular index (TINN, RRtri) represent the global variability of the subject and SD1, which reflects the parasympathetic component, SD2, index of global variability and its relationship (SD1/SD2) are obtained from the Poincaré plot. Despite the literature showing changes in the cardiovascular system during and after the resistance exercise (RE), aspects related to autonomic modulation of heart against these conditions have not been explored yet, so it is important to evaluate this behavior. Objectives: Analyze the acute effects of RE on the cardiac autonomic modulation during recovery (REC) through analysis of geometric indices of heart rate variability (HRV), applied with different intensities and muscle groups in healthy and active young. Methods: Were evaluated 24 young, 22.25 ± 2.4 years and 24.47 ± 3.08 kg/m2, underwent an experimental protocol of five stages, in the first stage was conducted a test of one maximum repetition (1RM) in upper limbs (UL) and lower limb (LL), and the following steps were initiated interventions to 40 (E) and 80% (F) of 1RM. Considered for HRV analysis the periods: baseline and immediately after exercise, both in supine... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
A leptina é um hormônio protéico produzido por adipócitos que atua no sistema nervoso central (SNC) modulando as respostas metabólicas e cardiorrespiratórias. Estudos prévios demonstraram que a leptina ativa receptores do sistema melanocortina (MC3/4R) para modular a ingestão de alimentos e a atividade simpática, no entanto a função dos MC3/4R no controle ventilatório ainda não foi completamente elucidada. Dessa forma, o objetivo do estudo foi de avaliar a função do sistema melanocortina e da leptina sobre as respostas cardiovasculares, metabólicas e ventilatórias. Foram utilizados ratos Holtzman (n=6/grupo) implantados com cânula guia no ventrículo lateral (VL) para a administração de leptina (5 μg/3 μl/dia), de SHU9119, antagonista MC3/4R (0,6 nmol/3 μl/dia) ou do tratamento combinado (SHU+LEP) durante sete dias consecutivos. Após o sexta dia de tratamento, foram analisadas a resposta ventilatória (VE) durante a ativação do quimiorreflexo por hipercapnia (7% CO2) pelo método de pletismografia e o índice metalóbico pela análise do consumo de O2 e da produção de CO2 pelo método de calorimetria indireta. A pressão arterial media (PAM) e a frequência cardíaca (FC) foram avaliadas no sétimo dia de tratamento por meio de catéter intravenoso. A leptina injetada no VL reduziu a ingestão alimentar (~70%) e o peso corporal (~17%), promoveu um aumento no volume corrente (12±0.4 ml.kg-1, ...
Pós-graduação em Fisioterapia - FCT