980 resultados para execution


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The advent of retrievable caval filters was a game changer in the sense, that the previously irreversible act of implanting a medical device into the main venous blood stream of the body requiring careful evaluation of the pros and cons prior to execution suddenly became a "reversible" procedure where potential hazards in the late future of the patient lost most of their weight at the time of decision making. This review was designed to assess the rate of success with late retrieval of so called retrievable caval filters in order to get some indication about reasonable implant duration with respect to relatively "easy" implant removal with conventional means, i.e., catheters, hooks and lassos. A PubMed search (www.pubmed.gov) was performed with the search term "cava filter retrieval after 30 days clinical", and 20 reports between 1994 and 2013 dealing with late retrieval of caval filters were identified, covering approximately 7,000 devices with 600 removed filters. The maximal duration of implant reported is 2,599 days and the maximal implant duration of removed filters is also 2,599 days. The maximal duration reported with standard retrieval techniques, i.e., catheter, hook and/or lasso, is 475 days, whereas for the retrievals after this period more sophisticated techniques including lasers, etc. were required. The maximal implant duration for series with 100% retrieval accounts for 84 days, which is equivalent to 12 weeks or almost 3 months. We conclude that retrievable caval filters often become permanent despite the initial decision of temporary use. However, such "forgotten" retrievable devices can still be removed with a great chance of success up to three months after implantation. Conventional percutaneous removal techniques may be sufficient up to sixteen months after implantation whereas more sophisticated catheter techniques have been shown to be successful up to 83 months or more than seven years of implant duration. Tilting, migrating, or misplaced devices should be removed early on, and replaced if indicated with a device which is both, efficient and retrievable.


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The Computational Biophysics Group at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (GRIB-UPF) hosts two unique computational resources dedicated to the execution of large scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations: (a) the ACMD molecular-dynamics software, used on standard personal computers with graphical processing units (GPUs); and (b) the GPUGRID. net computing network, supported by users distributed worldwide that volunteer GPUs for biomedical research. We leveraged these resources and developed studies, protocols and open-source software to elucidate energetics and pathways of a number of biomolecular systems, with a special focus on flexible proteins with many degrees of freedom. First, we characterized ion permeation through the bactericidal model protein Gramicidin A conducting one of the largest studies to date with the steered MD biasing methodology. Next, we addressed an open problem in structural biology, the determination of drug-protein association kinetics; we reconstructed the binding free energy, association, and dissaciociation rates of a drug like model system through a spatial decomposition and a Makov-chain analysis. The work was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and become one of the few landmark papers elucidating a ligand-binding pathway. Furthermore, we investigated the unstructured Kinase Inducible Domain (KID), a 28-peptide central to signalling and transcriptional response; the kinetics of this challenging system was modelled with a Markovian approach in collaboration with Frank Noe’s group at the Freie University of Berlin. The impact of the funding includes three peer-reviewed publication on high-impact journals; three more papers under review; four MD analysis components, released as open-source software; MD protocols; didactic material, and code for the hosting group.


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Critical real-time ebedded (CRTE) Systems require safe and tight worst-case execution time (WCET) estimations to provide required safety levels and keep costs low. However, CRTE Systems require increasing performance to satisfy performance needs of existing and new features. Such performance can be only achieved by means of more agressive hardware architectures, which are much harder to analyze from a WCET perspective. The main features considered include cache memòries and multi-core processors.Thus, althoug such features provide higher performance, corrent WCET analysis methods are unable to provide tight WCET estimations. In fact, WCET estimations become worse than for simple rand less powerful hardware. The main reason is the fact that hardware behavior is deterministic but unknown and, therefore, the worst-case behavior must be assumed most of the time, leading to large WCET estimations. The purpose of this project is developing new hardware designs together with WCET analysis tools able to provide tight and safe WCET estimations. In order to do so, those pieces of hardware whose behavior is not easily analyzable due to lack of accurate information during WCET analysis will be enhanced to produce a probabilistically analyzable behavior. Thus, even if the worst-case behavior cannot be removed, its probabilty can be bounded, and hence, a safe and tight WCET can be provided for a particular safety level in line with the safety levels of the remaining components of the system. During the first year the project we have developed molt of the evaluation infraestructure as well as the techniques hardware techniques to analyze cache memories. During the second year those techniques have been evaluated, and new purely-softwar techniques have been developed.


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Cardiovascular diseases and in particular heart failure are major causes of morbidity and mortality in the Western world. Recently, the notion of promoting cardiac regeneration as a means to replace lost cardiomyocytes in the damaged heart has engendered considerable research interest. These studies envisage the utilization of both endogenous and exogenous cellular populations, which undergo highly specialized cell fate transitions to promote cardiomyocyte replenishment. Such transitions are under the control of regenerative gene regulatory networks, which are enacted by the integrated execution of specific transcriptional programs. In this context, it is emerging that the non-coding portion of the genome is dynamically transcribed generating thousands of regulatory small and long non-coding RNAs, which are central orchestrators of these networks. In this review, we discuss more particularly the biological roles of two classes of regulatory non-coding RNAs, i.e. microRNAs and long non-coding RNAs, with a particular emphasis on their known and putative roles in cardiac homeostasis and regeneration. Indeed, manipulating non-coding RNA-mediated regulatory networks could provide keys to unlock the dormant potential of the mammalian heart to regenerate. This should ultimately improve the effectiveness of current regenerative strategies and discover new avenues for repair. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Cardiomyocyte Biology: Cardiac Pathways of Differentiation, Metabolism and Contraction.


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Purpose: To evaluate the suitability of an improved version of an automatic segmentation method based on geodesic active regions (GAR) for segmenting cerebral vasculature with aneurysms from 3D X-ray reconstruc-tion angiography (3DRA) and time of °ight magnetic resonance angiography (TOF-MRA) images available in the clinical routine.Methods: Three aspects of the GAR method have been improved: execution time, robustness to variability in imaging protocols and robustness to variability in image spatial resolutions. The improved GAR was retrospectively evaluated on images from patients containing intracranial aneurysms in the area of the Circle of Willis and imaged with two modalities: 3DRA and TOF-MRA. Images were obtained from two clinical centers, each using di®erent imaging equipment. Evaluation included qualitative and quantitative analyses ofthe segmentation results on 20 images from 10 patients. The gold standard was built from 660 cross-sections (33 per image) of vessels and aneurysms, manually measured by interventional neuroradiologists. GAR has also been compared to an interactive segmentation method: iso-intensity surface extraction (ISE). In addition, since patients had been imaged with the two modalities, we performed an inter-modality agreement analysis with respect to both the manual measurements and each of the two segmentation methods. Results: Both GAR and ISE di®ered from the gold standard within acceptable limits compared to the imaging resolution. GAR (ISE, respectively) had an average accuracy of 0.20 (0.24) mm for 3DRA and 0.27 (0.30) mm for TOF-MRA, and had a repeatability of 0.05 (0.20) mm. Compared to ISE, GAR had a lower qualitative error in the vessel region and a lower quantitative error in the aneurysm region. The repeatabilityof GAR was superior to manual measurements and ISE. The inter-modality agreement was similar between GAR and the manual measurements. Conclusions: The improved GAR method outperformed ISE qualitatively as well as quantitatively and is suitable for segmenting 3DRA and TOF-MRA images from clinical routine.


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Tämä insinöörityö tehtiin ABB Oy, Drivesin Product AC -tulosyksikön tuotekehitysosastolle Helsingissä. Työssä kehitettiin taajuusmuuttajien suorituskyvyn automaattinen testausympäristö. ABB:n taajuusmuuttajien suorituskykytestejä ei ole aikaisemmin automatisoitu. Testit on tehty käsin ja niiden suorittamiseen ja tulosten käsittelyyn on kulunut paljon aikaa. Automaattisella testauksella pyrittiin testien suorittamiseen ja tulosten käsittelyyn kuluvan ajan huomattavaan pienentymiseen. Työssä ei ollut tarkoituksena tehdä suorituskykytestejä vaan kehittää automaattinen testausympäristö eli suorituskykytestipenkki, jossa suorituskykytestit on mahdollista suorittaa. Työssä keskityttiin taajuusmuuttajan nopeus- ja momenttisäätäjien suorituskykyyn. Työ toteutettiin suunnittelu- ja ohjelmointityönä. Testausympäristön laitteisto perustuu ABB:n tuotekehityslaboratorioiden olemassaoleviin testipaikkoihin. Testausympäristössä käytetään taajuusmuuttajien lisäksi pääasiassa kolmivaiheisia oikosulkumoottoreita. Lisäksi laitteistoon kuuluu ACS800-sarjan taajuusmuuttaja kuormakäyttönä, momenttianturi ja takometri eli kierrosnopeusmittari. Ohjelmointi tehtiin National Instrumentsin LabVIEW-ohjelmointiympäristön versiolla 8.0. Testausympäristön käyttöliittymänä toimii saman yrityksen TestStand-testausohjelmiston versio 3.5. Testattavien taajuusmuuttajien ohjausta ja momenttianturin lukemista varten ohjelmoitiin virtuaali-instrumentteja. Virtuaali-instrumentteja kutsutaan TestStand-testisekvensseistä. Testisekvenssit luodaan TestStandin sekvenssieditorilla ja suoritetaan sekvenssieditorissa tai operaattorin käyttöliittymässä. Työn tuloksena syntyi taajuusmuuttajien suorituskyvyn automaattinen testausympäristö. Testausympäristöä voidaan hyödyntää sekä nykyisen että seuraavan sukupolven taajuusmuuttajien testauksessa. Sillä on mahdollista suorittaa yleisimmät taajuusmuuttajien suorituskykytestit, kuten nopeus- ja momenttisäätöjen staattinen ja dynaaminen tarkkuus, hyvin kattavasti. Testit voidaan automaattisesti suorittaa koko testikäytön sallimalla pyörimisnopeus- ja kuormitusalueella. Näytteenottotaajuus voi olla enintään 1 kHz luettaessa pyörimisnopeutta ACS800-sarjan taajuusmuuttajan kautta ja momenttianturia samanaikaisesti. Virtuaali-instrumenteista koostuvia testisekvenssejä voidaan vapaasti muokata ja kehittää testejä edelleen tai luoda kokonaan uusia testejä. Testausympäristö perustuu teollisuudessa yleisesti käytettyihin ohjelmistoihin ja tarjoaa hyvät mahdollisuudet jatkokehitykselle.


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This paper estimates the effect of judicial institutions on governance at the local level in Brazil. Our estimation strategy exploits a unique institutional feature of state judiciary branches which assigns prosecutors and judges to the most populous among contiguous counties forming a judiciary district. As a result of this assignment mechanism there are counties with nearly identical populations, some with and some without local judicial presence, which we exploit to impute counterfactual outcomes. Conditional on observable county characteristics, offenses per civil servant are about 35% lower in counties that have a local seat of the state judiciary. The lower incidence of infractions stems mostly from fewer violations of financial management regulations by local administrators, fewer instances of problems in project execution and project managment, fewer cases of non-existent or ineffective civil society oversight and fewer cases of improper handling of remittances to local residents.


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This study aimed to verify the association between self-care ability and sociodemographic factors of people with spinal cord injury (SCI). It was a cross-sectional study, conducted in 2012, in all 58 Basic Health Units of Natal/RN, Brazil. Seventy-three subjects completed a sociodemographic form andSelf-Care Agency Scale. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS,including Cronbach’s Alpha, Chi-square, Fisher’s and contingency coefficient tests. The Cronbach's alpha was 0.788. The result verified that sex (p = 0.028), religion (p <0.001), education (p = 0.046), current age (p = 0.027), SCI time (p = 0.020) and the SCI type (p = 0.012) were variables associated with self-care ability of the subjects. It was concluded that sociodemographic factors may interfere with the self-care ability of persons with SCI, and nurses should consider this aspect during the execution of the nursing process.


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Main developmental programs are highly conserved among species of the animal kingdom. Improper execution of these programs often leads to progression of various diseases and disorders. Here we focused on Drosophila wing tissue morphogenesis, a fairly complex developmental program, one of the steps of which - apposition of the dorsal and ventral wing sheets during metamorphosis - is mediated by integrins. Disruption of this apposition leads to wing blistering which serves as an easily screenable phenotype for components regulating this process. By means of RNAi-silencing technique and the blister phenotype as readout, we identify numerous novel proteins potentially involved in wing sheet adhesion. Remarkably, our results reveal not only participants of the integrin-mediated machinery, but also components of other cellular processes, e.g. cell cycle, RNA splicing, and vesicular trafficking. With the use of bioinformatics tools, these data are assembled into a large blisterome network. Analysis of human orthologues of the Drosophila blisterome components shows that many disease-related genes may contribute to cell adhesion implementation, providing hints on possible mechanisms of these human pathologies.


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BACKGROUND: RalA and RalB are multifuntional GTPases involved in a variety of cellular processes including proliferation, oncogenic transformation and membrane trafficking. Here we investigated the mechanisms leading to activation of Ral proteins in pancreatic beta-cells and analyzed the impact on different steps of the insulin-secretory process. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found that RalA is the predominant isoform expressed in pancreatic islets and insulin-secreting cell lines. Silencing of this GTPase in INS-1E cells by RNA interference led to a decrease in secretagogue-induced insulin release. Real-time measurements by fluorescence resonance energy transfer revealed that RalA activation in response to secretagogues occurs within 3-5 min and reaches a plateau after 10-15 min. The activation of the GTPase is triggered by increases in intracellular Ca2+ and cAMP and is prevented by the L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channel blocker Nifedipine and by the protein kinase A inhibitor H89. Defective insulin release in cells lacking RalA is associated with a decrease in the secretory granules docked at the plasma membrane detected by Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence microscopy and with a strong impairment in Phospholipase D1 activation in response to secretagogues. RalA was found to be activated by RalGDS and to be severely hampered upon silencing of this GDP/GTP exchange factor. Accordingly, INS-1E cells lacking RalGDS displayed a reduction in hormone secretion induced by secretagogues and in the number of insulin-containing granules docked at the plasma membrane. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Taken together, our data indicate that RalA activation elicited by the exchange factor RalGDS in response to a rise in intracellular Ca2+ and cAMP controls hormone release from pancreatic beta-cell by coordinating the execution of different events in the secretory pathway.


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Objective: To evaluate the safety of the performance of the traditional and protected collection techniques of tracheal aspirate and to identify qualitative and quantitative agreement of the results of microbiological cultures between the techniques. Method: Clinical, prospective, comparative, single-blind research. The sample was composed of 54 patients of >18 years of age, undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation for a period of ≥48 hours and with suspected Ventilator Associated Pneumonia. The two techniques were implemented in the same patient, one immediately after the other, with an order of random execution, according to randomization by specialized software. Results: No significant events occurred oxygen desaturation, hemodynamic instability or tracheobronchial hemorrhage (p<0.05) and, although there were differences in some strains, there was qualitative and quantitative agreement between the techniques (p<0.001). Conclusion: Utilization of the protected technique provided no advantage over the traditional and execution of both techniques was safe for the patient.


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Interpretación versus Ejecución es un proyecto que pretende sentar las bases para el planteamiento de una versión propia e informada de obras de diferentes estilos musicales. Se presta especial atención a las prácticas propias de cada estilo – barroco, clásico, romántico y contemporáneo - y su posible aplicación con la flauta moderna en cuatro obras concretas. La metodología empleada ha consistido en la búsqueda de información en tratados, libros, artículos, así como entrevistas y clases con músicos expertos en cada uno de los temas. El proyecto pretende impulsar el interés del joven músico por una búsqueda personal e informada de las prácticas interpretativas que redunde en una interpretación propia de las obras que desee tocar.


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OBJECTIVE: The effectiveness of CLP (Consultation and liaison psychiatry) interventions in a general hospital is difficult to evaluate; parameters potentially determinant as to effectiveness are numerous. Effectiveness evaluations are almost exclusively restricted to the duration of hospitalization. Since CLP may and often should be manifest beyond discharge, we intended to determine the agreement between our proposition and its execution as a measure of effectiveness. METHOD: We based our analyses principally on the general practitioner's appreciation of the CLP impact, a measure of effectiveness at distance from the consultation by a judge not directly involved in the consulting process. This qualitative assessment is based on a population of 50 patients. RESULTS: Our results suggest that agreement between our proposal and its complete execution is good concerning medication (90%) and referral rate after the hospitalization (85%), average as to liaison suggestions (65%) and clearly weak as to propositions regarding further investigations (< 30%). CONCLUSION: CLP proposals must be as close as possible to the in-patient physician's preoccupations to enhance the probability that they be executed. The concordance as to the proposal and its execution as well as the CLP impact estimation need be evaluated at distance. This evaluation must imply the general practitioner's assessment.


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O presente trabalho propõe estudar a importância dos papéis de trabalho numa auditoria financeira, neste propósito escolheu-se uma firma especializada de auditoria da qual oaluno integrou-se à equipa de trabalho com o intuito de estudar um caso, visandocompreender melhor a relevância que este tem em termos práticos. Os papéis de trabalho, são um conjunto de documentos utilizados na execução dostrabalhos de auditoria que evidencia os exames do auditor. Essas documentações são normalmente preparadas pelo próprio auditor no decorrer do seu trabalho e também porterceiros. Por meio dos papéis de trabalho, o auditor deve obter a prova de auditoria apropriada esuficiente, através de inspeções, observações, indagações, confirmações, cálculos eprocedimentos analíticos, cujas conclusões devem ser adequadamente documentadas deforma a suportar a sua opinião. O auditor deve documentar através dos papéis de trabalho todas as questões que foramconsideradas importantes para proporcionar evidência, com o propósito de fundamentara sua opinião e comprovar que a auditoria foi executada de acordo com as normas deauditoria internacionais aplicáveis.This paper proposes to disclose the importance of Working Papers in financial audit, this purpose we have chosen a firm specialized audit which the student has joined the a team working with the aim of a case study, to better understand the relevance this has in practice. Working Papers are a set of documents used in the execution of audit work that reflects the auditor's examination, These documents are usually prepared by the auditor in the course of their work and also by third parties. Through the Working Papers, the auditor should obtain audit evidence enoughly appropriate, through inspections, observations, questions, confirmations, calculations and analytical procedures, whose findings should be properly documented in order to support your opinion. The auditor should document through Working Papers all issues that were considered important to provide evidence in order to substantiate its view and confirm that the audit was performed in agreement with the international applicable auditing standards.


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The current context of a strong competition and the ongoing search for competitive advantages requires more than processes modernization, technological and financial resources. It requires a competent workforce, strongly committed and engaged with Organization’s challenges. Under this scenario, it seems crucial to synchronize their performance with Organization’s strategy, aimed at pursuing its effective achievement. If well used, the Performance Evaluation as a strategy for Human Resource Management presents itself as an instrument to foster high levels of performance. A more recent approach of this policy refers to Performance Management representing a dynamic and participative evaluation system, which combines the development of consensual goals, support and follow-up for further execution of respective assessment. This research was based on the ENAPOR, S.A (Porto da Praia) case, with the intention of checking the alignment of its Performance Evaluation System with the Company's strategic goals and what the process features.