924 resultados para dryland rivers, gene flow, genetic diversity, hydrological variability, Neosilurus hyrtlii


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This thesis entitled Fish habitats and species assemblage in the selected rivers of kerala and investigation on life history traits of puntius carnaticus (JERDON,1849). Ecology is a new and exceedingly complex field of study, even though its concept was recognized by the Apostles in their use of the phrase ‘all flesh is grass.central role to play both in order to understand better the biodiversity phenomenon and to be able to draw up clear guidelines for careful resource management. In a review by WWF, IUCN and UNEP on the ways of conserving genetic diversity of freshwater fish it was recommended that the best way to conserve species diversity is to conserve habitat.The habitat studies in freshwater ecosystems are very essential for the proper understanding and management of human impact on fish diversity, to study the relationship between habitat variables and fish species assemblage structure, quantification of ecosystem degradation, habitat quality and biotic integrity of the ecosystems, development of habitat suitability index (I-ISI) models and classification of river reaches based on their physico-chemical properties. Therefore in the present study an attempt was made to assess the biodiversity potential and the relationship between habitat variables and fish species assemblage structure in six major river systems of Kerala which would be very useful in impressing upon the seriousness of habitat degradIn the present study, in Kabbini river system 15 locations encompassing between 721 946m above MSL were surveyed.ation and biotic devastation undergone in the major river systems of Kerala.During the present study the Habitat Quality Score (HQ) developed by the Ohio EPA was applied for the first time in India.The result of the present study revealed that, among various variables analysed, altitude has a very significant influence in deciding the fish diversity in six major river systems of Kerala. The fish diversity studied on the basis of Shanon-Weiner and Simpson diversity indices revealed that even though some minor variations occur with the suitability and complexity of habitats, the altitude showed inverse relationship with fish diversity.The present study revealed that the National Policy on the interlinking of rivers would permanently alter the HSI indices of the above mentioned fish species, which are now solely protected by the individuality of the rivers where their limited occurrence was notice.


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Loss of natural sandal populations due to illicit felling, forest encroachment and spike disease have an adverse effect on genetic diversity of the species. To initiate any genetic improvement programme in sandal, a precise understanding of the population genetic diversity structure is essential. The concern over the loss of genetic variability in sandal is particularly critical, as there is hardly any information regarding the diversity status of the natural populations. Identifying fast growing, disease resistant, oil rich sandal trees through breeding and their mass multiplication for afforestation are the best method for ensuring sustainable supply of superior sandalwood. The healthy sandal trees existing in heavily spike diseased area can be used as a promising starting point for any such breeding programme (Venkatesh, 1978). So far, no genetic information is available regarding the resistant nature of spike disease evaded trees left in heavily infected patches. The high rate of depletion of the superior trees in South Indian sandal reserves due to illegal felling and spike disease has necessitated an urgent need for conservation of the surviving trees.Widespread occurrence of spike disease in Marayoor forest reserve was reported in 1981 (Ghosh and Balasundaran, 1995). Because of the high density of trees and varying intensity of spike disease, Marayoor sandal population was found to be ideal for experimental studies in sandal (Ghosh et al., 1985). Fifteen trees of reserve 51 of Marayoor range had been selected as candidate plus trees for growth and spike disease evasion . These trees have been selected for mass multiplication through tissue culture technique.


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The resurgence of the enteric pathogen Vibrio cholerae, the causative organism of epidemic cholera, remains a major health problem in many developing countries like India. The southern Indian state of Kerala is endemic to cholera. The outbreaks of cholera follow a seasonal pattern in regions of endemicity. Marine aquaculture settings and mangrove environments of Kerala serve as reservoirs for V. cholerae. The non-O1/non-O139 environmental isolates of V. cholerae with incomplete ‘virulence casette’ are to be dealt with caution as they constitute a major reservoir of diverse virulence genes in the marine environment and play a crucial role in pathogenicity and horizontal gene transfer. The genes coding cholera toxin are borne on, and can be infectiously transmitted by CTXΦ, a filamentous lysogenic vibriophages. Temperate phages can provide crucial virulence and fitness factors affecting cell metabolism, bacterial adhesion, colonization, immunity, antibiotic resistance and serum resistance. The present study was an attempt to screen the marine environments like aquafarms and mangroves of coastal areas of Alappuzha and Cochin, Kerala for the presence of lysogenic V. cholerae, to study their pathogenicity and also gene transfer potential. Phenotypic and molecular methods were used for identification of isolates as V. cholerae. The thirty one isolates which were Gram negative, oxidase positive, fermentative, with or without gas production on MOF media and which showed yellow coloured colonies on TCBS (Thiosulfate Citrate Bile salt Sucrose) agar were segregated as vibrios. Twenty two environmental V. cholerae strains of both O1 and non- O1/non-O139 serogroups on induction with mitomycin C showed the presence of lysogenic phages. They produced characteristic turbid plaques in double agar overlay assay using the indicator strain V. cholerae El Tor MAK 757. PCR based molecular typing with primers targeting specific conserved sequences in the bacterial genome, demonstrated genetic diversity among these lysogen containing non-O1 V. cholerae . Polymerase chain reaction was also employed as a rapid screening method to verify the presence of 9 virulence genes namely, ctxA, ctxB, ace, hlyA, toxR, zot,tcpA, ninT and nanH, using gene specific primers. The presence of tcpA gene in ALPVC3 was alarming, as it indicates the possibility of an epidemic by accepting the cholera. Differential induction studies used ΦALPVC3, ΦALPVC11, ΦALPVC12 and ΦEKM14, underlining the possibility of prophage induction in natural ecosystems, due to abiotic factors like antibiotics, pollutants, temperature and UV. The efficiency of induction of prophages varied considerably in response to the different induction agents. The growth curve of lysogenic V. cholerae used in the study drastically varied in the presence of strong prophage inducers like antibiotics and UV. Bacterial cell lysis was directly proportional to increase in phage number due to induction. Morphological characterization of vibriophages by Transmission Electron Microscopy revealed hexagonal heads for all the four phages. Vibriophage ΦALPVC3 exhibited isometric and contractile tails characteristic of family Myoviridae, while phages ΦALPVC11 and ΦALPVC12 demonstrated the typical hexagonal head and non-contractile tail of family Siphoviridae. ΦEKM14, the podophage was distinguished by short non-contractile tail and icosahedral head. This work demonstrated that environmental parameters can influence the viability and cell adsorption rates of V. cholerae phages. Adsorption studies showed 100% adsorption of ΦALPVC3 ΦALPVC11, ΦALPVC12 and ΦEKM14 after 25, 30, 40 and 35 minutes respectively. Exposure to high temperatures ranging from 50ºC to 100ºC drastically reduced phage viability. The optimum concentration of NaCl required for survival of vibriophages except ΦEKM14 was 0.5 M and that for ΦEKM14 was 1M NaCl. Survival of phage particles was maximum at pH 7-8. V. cholerae is assumed to have existed long before their human host and so the pathogenic clones may have evolved from aquatic forms which later colonized the human intestine by progressive acquisition of genes. This is supported by the fact that the vast majority of V. cholerae strains are still part of the natural aquatic environment. CTXΦ has played a critical role in the evolution of the pathogenicity of V. cholerae as it can transmit the ctxAB gene. The unusual transformation of V. cholerae strains associated with epidemics and the emergence of V. cholera O139 demonstrates the evolutionary success of the organism in attaining greater fitness. Genetic changes in pathogenic V. cholerae constitute a natural process for developing immunity within an endemically infected population. The alternative hosts and lysogenic environmental V. cholerae strains may potentially act as cofactors in promoting cholera phage ‘‘blooms’’ within aquatic environments, thereby influencing transmission of phage sensitive, pathogenic V. cholerae strains by aquatic vehicles. Differential induction of the phages is a clear indication of the impact of environmental pollution and global changes on phage induction. The development of molecular biology techniques offered an accessible gateway for investigating the molecular events leading to genetic diversity in the marine environment. Using nucleic acids as targets, the methods of fingerprinting like ERIC PCR and BOX PCR, revealed that the marine environment harbours potentially pathogenic group of bacteria with genetic diversity. The distribution of virulence associated genes in the environmental isolates of V. cholerae provides tangible material for further investigation. Nucleotide and protein sequence analysis alongwith protein structure prediction aids in better understanding of the variation inalleles of same gene in different ecological niche and its impact on the protein structure for attaining greater fitness of pathogens. The evidences of the co-evolution of virulence genes in toxigenic V. cholerae O1 from different lineages of environmental non-O1 strains is alarming. Transduction studies would indicate that the phenomenon of acquisition of these virulence genes by lateral gene transfer, although rare, is not quite uncommon amongst non-O1/non-O139 V. cholerae and it has a key role in diversification. All these considerations justify the need for an integrated approach towards the development of an effective surveillance system to monitor evolution of V. cholerae strains with epidemic potential. Results presented in this study, if considered together with the mechanism proposed as above, would strongly suggest that the bacteriophage also intervenes as a variable in shaping the cholera bacterium, which cannot be ignored and hinting at imminent future epidemics.


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L'estudi de la diversitat i la diferenciació genètiques de les poblacions de truita comuna (Salmo trutta L.) a la Península Ibèrica ha confirmat l'elevada diferenciació observada en treballs previs i la divergència, ja descrita, entre les poblacions de la vessant atlàntica i la mediterrània. El resultats obtinguts, però, ens permeten observar patrons d'estructura poblacional tant en les poblacions atlàntiques com les mediterrànies. A l'Atlàntic s'observa un marcat patró hidrogràfic en la distribució de la diferenciació genètica, que contrasta fortament amb la distribució d'aquesta diferenciació en les poblacions mediterrànies, caracteritzades pels contactes secundaris entre llinatges durant les expansions pleniglacials i una forta divergència local conseqüència de la seva marginalitat i aïllament en els períodes interglacials. El manteniment d'aquesta diferenciació i individualitat descrites en les poblacions de truita de la Península, es veu seriosament compromès per les contínues repoblacions dels rius amb exemplars exògens d'origen nord europeu. La substitució dels genomes autòctons per la introducció de gens al.lòctons provoca una erosió dels patrimonis genètics natius i una homogeneïtzació de les poblacions, destruint els patrons de diferenciació existents. Al mateix temps, els nostres resultats indiquen que les conseqüències de les repoblacions no són sempre les mateixes. Concretament, es constata un fracàs de les repoblacions en rius intensament repoblats i sotmesos a pesca intensiva, que contrasta amb una enorme erosió de les poblacions quan les repoblacions s'efectuen sobre àrees protegides i sense cap mena de pressió pesquera. Això suggereix que múltiples factors com la gestió dels rius posterior a les repoblacions, l'estat de les poblacions o les condicions de l'hàbitat són determinants de la introducció efectiva dels exemplars alliberats; fet que dificulta la predicció sobre actuacions particulars. Malgrat aquesta introgressió de gens exògens que es detecta en moltes de les poblacions analitzades, els gens natius predominen en gairebé tots els rius de la Península. La conservació d'aquesta elevada riquesa genètica que encara resta en les poblacions de truita de la Península Ibèrica ha de ser l'objectiu final de qualsevol programa de gestió. Per això, defensem una gestió basada en el propi riu mitjançant una pesca sostinguda per la reproducció natural de les poblacions salvatges, acompanyada d'una millora i recuperació d'hàbitats adequats per la truita, i evitant, per sobre de tot, la introducció en els rius d'exemplars exògens, degut als efectes nocius i incontrolables que comporta aquest procés.


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A Pb-mine site situated on acidic soil, but comprising of Ca-enriched islands around derelict buildings was used to study the spatial pattern of genetic diversity in Lumbricus rubellus. Two distinct genetic lineages ('A' and 'B'), differentiated at both the mitochondrial (mtDNA COII) and nuclear level (AFLPs) were revealed with a mean inter-lineage mtDNA sequence divergence of approximately 13%, indicative of a cryptic species complex. AFLP analysis indicates that lineage A individuals within one central 'ecological island' site are uniquely clustered, with little genetic overlap with lineage A individuals at the two peripheral sites. FTIR microspectroscopy of Pb-sequestering chloragocytes revealed different phosphate profiles in residents of adjacent acidic and calcareous islands. Bioinformatics found over-representation of Ca pathway genes in ESTPb libraries. Subsequent sequencing of a Ca-transport gene, SERCA, revealed mutations in the protein's cytosolic domain. We recommend the mandatory genotyping of all individuals prior to field-based ecotoxicological assays, particularly those using discriminating genomic technologies.


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Nested clade phylogeographic analysis (NCPA) is a popular method for reconstructing the demographic history of spatially distributed populations from genetic data. Although some parts of the analysis are automated, there is no unique and widely followed algorithm for doing this in its entirety, beginning with the data, and ending with the inferences drawn from the data. This article describes a method that automates NCPA, thereby providing a framework for replicating analyses in an objective way. To do so, a number of decisions need to be made so that the automated implementation is representative of previous analyses. We review how the NCPA procedure has evolved since its inception and conclude that there is scope for some variability in the manual application of NCPA. We apply the automated software to three published datasets previously analyzed manually and replicate many details of the manual analyses, suggesting that the current algorithm is representative of how a typical user will perform NCPA. We simulate a large number of replicate datasets for geographically distributed, but entirely random-mating, populations. These are then analyzed using the automated NCPA algorithm. Results indicate that NCPA tends to give a high frequency of false positives. In our simulations we observe that 14% of the clades give a conclusive inference that a demographic event has occurred, and that 75% of the datasets have at least one clade that gives such an inference. This is mainly due to the generation of multiple statistics per clade, of which only one is required to be significant to apply the inference key. We survey the inferences that have been made in recent publications and show that the most commonly inferred processes (restricted gene flow with isolation by distance and contiguous range expansion) are those that are commonly inferred in our simulations. However, published datasets typically yield a richer set of inferences with NCPA than obtained in our random-mating simulations, and further testing of NCPA with models of structured populations is necessary to examine its accuracy.


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The importance of dispersal for the maintenance of biodiversity, while long-recognized, has remained unresolved. We used molecular markers to measure effective dispersal in a natural population of the vertebrate-dispersed Neotropical tree, Simarouba amara (Simaroubaceae) by comparing the distances between maternal parents and their offspring and comparing gene movement via seed and pollen in the 50 ha plot of the Barro Colorado Island forest, Central Panama. In all cases (parent-pair, mother-offspring, father-offspring, sib-sib) distances between related pairs were significantly greater than distances to nearest possible neighbours within each category. Long-distance seedling establishment was frequent: 74% of assigned seedlings established > 100 m from the maternal parent [mean = 392 +/- 234.6 m (SD), range = 9.3-1000.5 m] and pollen-mediated gene flow was comparable to that of seed [mean = 345.0 +/- 157.7 m (SD), range 57.6-739.7 m]. For S. amara we found approximately a 10-fold difference between distances estimated by inverse modelling and mean seedling recruitment distances (39 m vs. 392 m). Our findings have important implications for future studies in forest demography and regeneration, with most seedlings establishing at distances far exceeding those demonstrated by negative density-dependent effects.


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Extensive population structuring is known to occur in Anopheles darlingi, the primary malaria vector of the Neotropics. We analysed the phylogeographic structure of the species using the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I marker. Diversity is divided into six main population groups in South America: Colombia, central Amazonia, southern Brazil, south-eastern Brazil, and two groups in north-east Brazil. The ancestral distribution of the taxon is hypothesized to be central Amazonia, and there is evidence of expansion from this region during the late Pleistocene. The expansion was not a homogeneous front, however, with at least four subgroups being formed due to geographic barriers. As the species spread, populations became isolated from each other by the Amazon River and the coastal mountain ranges of south-eastern Brazil and the Andes. Analyses incorporating distances around these barriers suggest that the entire South American range of An. darlingi is at mutation-dispersal-drift equilibrium. Because the species is distributed throughout such a broad area, the limited dispersal across some landscape types promotes differentiation between otherwise proximate populations. Moreover, samples from the An. darlingi holotype location in Rio de Janeiro State are substantially derived from all other populations, implying that there may be additional genetic differences of epidemiological relevance. The results obtained contribute to our understanding of gene flow in this species and allow the formulation of human mosquito health protocols in light of the potential population differences in vector capacity or tolerance to control strategies. (C) 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 97, 854-866.


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Euglossa fimbriata is a euglossine species widely distributed in Brazil and occurring primarily in Atlantic Forest remnants. In this study, the genetic mitochondrial structure of E. fimbriata from six Atlantic Forest fragments was studied by RFLP analysis of three PCR-amplified mtDNA gene segments (16S, COI-COII, and cyt b). Ten composite haplotypes were identified, six of which were exclusive and represented singleton mitotypes. Low haplotype diversity (0.085-0.289) and nucleotide diversity (0.000-0.002) were detected within samples. AMOVA partitioned 91.13% of the overall genetic variation within samples and 8.87% (I center dot(st) = 0.089; P < 0.05) among samples. Pairwise comparisons indicated high levels of differentiation among some pairs of samples (I center dot(st) = 0.161-0.218; P < 0.05). These high levels indicate that these populations of E. fimbriata, despite their highly fragmented landscape, apparently have not suffered loss of genetic variation, suggesting that this particular population is not currently endangered.


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Parvimonas micra are gram positive anaerobic cocci isolated from the oral cavity and frequently related to polymicrobial infections in humans. Despite reports about phenotypic differences, the genotypic variation of P. micra and its role in virulence are still not elucidated. The aim of this study was to determine the genotypic diversity of P. micra isolates obtained from the subgingival biofilm of subjects with different periodontal conditions and to correlate these findings with phenotypic traits. Three reference strains and 35 isolates of P. micro were genotyped by 16S rRNA PCR-RFLP and phenotypic traits such as collagenase production, elastolytic and hemolytic activities were evaluated. 16S rRNA PCR-RFLP showed that P. micra could be grouped into two main clusters: C1 and C2; cluster C1 harbored three genotypes (HG1259-like, HG1467-like and ICBM0583-like) while cluster C2 harbored two genotypes (ATC03270-like and ICBM036). A wide variability in collagenolytic activity intensities was observed among all isolates, while elastolytic activity was detected in only two isolates. There was an association between hemolytic activity in rabbit erythrocytes and cluster C2. There was an association between hemolytic activity in rabbit erythrocytes and cluster C1. Although these data suggest a possible association between P. micra genetic diversity and their pathogenic potential, further investigations are needed to confirm this hypothesis. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The population structure of Plasmodium vivax remains elusive. The markers of choice for large-scale population genetic studies of eukaryotes, short tandem repeats known as microsatellites, have been recently reported to be less polymorphic in R vivax. Here we investigate the microsatellite diversity and geographic structure in P vivax, at both local and global levels, using 14 new markers consisting of tri- or tetranucleotide repeats. The local-level analysis, which involved 50 field isolates from Sri Lanka, revealed unexpectedly high diversity (average virtual heterozygosity [H-E], 0.807) and significant multilocus linkage disequilibrium in this region of low malaria endemicity. Multiple-clone infections occurred in 60% of isolates sampled in 2005. The global-level analysis of field isolates or monkey-adapted strains identified 150 unique haplotypes among 164 parasites from four continents. Individual P. vivax isolates could not be unambiguously assigned to geographic populations. For example, we found relatively low divergence among parasites from Central America, Africa, Southeast Asia and Oceania, but substantial differentiation between parasites from the same continent (South Asia and Southeast Asia) or even from the same country (Brazil). Parasite relapses, which may extend the duration of P. vivax carriage in humans, are suggested to facilitate the spread of strains across continents, breaking down any pre-existing geographic structure. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Components of the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) pathway are major players in processes known to generate genetic diversity, such as mutagenesis and DNA recombination. Trypanosoma cruzi, the protozoan parasite that causes Chagas disease has a highly heterogeneous population, composed of a pool of strains with distinct characteristics. Studies with a number of molecular markers identified up to six groups in the T. cruzi population, which showed distinct levels of genetic variability. To investigate the molecular basis for such differences, we analyzed the T. cruzi MSH2 gene, which encodes a key component of MMR, and showed the existence of distinct isoforms of this protein. Here we compared cell survival rates after exposure to genotoxic agents and levels of oxidative stress-induced DNA in different parasite strains. Analyses of msh2 mutants in both T. cruzi and T. brucei were also used to investigate the role of Tcmsh2 in the response to various DNA damaging agents. The results suggest that the distinct MSH2 isoforms have differences in their activity. More importantly, they also indicate that, in addition to its role in MMR, TcMSH2 acts in the parasite response to oxidative stress through a novel mitochondrial function that may be conserved in T. brucei. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dibromotyrosine-derived metabolites are of common occurrence within marine sponges belonging to the order Verongida. However, previous chemical analysis of crude extracts obtained from samples of the verongid sponge Aplysina fulva collected in Brazil did not provide any dibromotyrosine-derived compounds. In this investigation, five samples of A. fulva from five different locations along the Brazilian coastline and one sample from a temperate reef in the South Atlantic Bight (SAB) (Georgia, USA) were investigated for the presence of bromotyrosine-derived compounds. All six samples collected yielded dibromotyrosine-derived compounds, including a new derivative, named aplysinafulvin, which has been identified by. analysis of spectroscopic data. These results confirm previous assumptions that dibromotyrosine-derived metabolites can be considered as chemotaxonomic markers of verongid sponges. The isolation of aplysinafulvin provides additional support for a biogenetic pathway involving an arene oxide intermediate in the biosynthesis of Verongida metabolites. It cannot yet be established if the chemical variability observed among the six samples of A.fulva collected in Brazil and the SAB is the result of different environmental factors, distinct chemical extraction and isolation protocols, or a consequence of hidden genetic diversity within the postulated morphological plasticity of this species. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pollinator visitation rates over the life of a flower are determined by pollinator abundance and floral longevity. If flowers are not visited frequently enough, pollen limitation may occur, favoring the evolution of self-compatibility (SC). In plant species with varying SC levels, central populations often are self-incompatible (SI) and peripheral populations are SC. Witheringia solanacea (Solanaceae) is a species that follows this trend with the exception of one population in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, which is peripheral yet SI. I investigated this population using multiple techniques including floral bagging, pollinator observations, microsatellite analysis, and floral longevity manipulations. My results confirmed the self-incompatibility of the Monteverde population and indicated low but perhaps adequate rates of pollinator visitation per flower per hour. I found reduced genetic diversity at Monteverde and gene flow occurring unidirectionally from San Luis (a central population) to Monteverde. In the greenhouse, there was more of an effect of male than female function on floral longevity, but the largest differences were environmental. Flowers stayed open substantially longer when cool, cloudy weather was simulated and shorter when conditions were hot and sunny. The results indicate that the Monteverde population of W. solanacea is SI because 1) it is unable to maximize its fitness due to gene flow from San Luis and its relatively recent colonization of the area and 2) pollen limitation may not be severe because of supplemental pollinator availability from other Witheringia species in the area and increased floral longevities due to cool and cloudy conditions.