929 resultados para dripping irrigation


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Soil water availability is the main cause of reduced productivity, and the early development period most sensitive to water deficit. This study aimed to evaluate the drought resistance of the varieties of sugar-cane RB867515 and SP81-3250 during the early development using different levels of water deficit on four soil depths. The experiment was conducted at the Department of Biosystems at Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" (ESALQ/USP) in a greenhouse in soil classified as Oxisol, sandy loam texture (Series "Sertãozinho"). Once exhausted the level of available water in the soil, the dry strength of the studied strains are relatively low. Water balance with values less than -13 mm cause a significant decrease in the final population of plants, regardless of the variety, and values below -35 mm, leads to the death of all plants.


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In areas where there is irrigated agriculture, the recuperation of water reserves in alluvial aquifers may occur preferentially due to precipitation. Recharging can be evaluated from variation information of water depth measured in piezometers or observation wells. Thus, the aim of this research is to study the recharge in the alluvial aquifer formed by the Mimoso temporary stream in the semiarid region of Pernambuco (PE), Brazil, using the method of the fluctuation of the water level. This system is typical on the Brazilian Northeast semiarid region, using groundwater for domestic supply and for irrigation on small scale agriculture. Monthly potentiometric levels and rainfall data were used. The selected period for the study, from January 2002 to October 2009, involved extreme events of flooding and droughts as well as regular years, providing a better understanding of the behavior of the alluvial recharge. It was found that the system responds significantly to precipitation events. It was also observed that even with different soil textures in the study area, recharge factors were not significantly different. The study provided a better understanding of the behavior of aquifer recharge and its relationship with the soil and the rainfall events in the region.


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It was to aimed it to investigate effects of various saline water use strategies on melon production and quality of two cultivars (Cucumis melo L., Sancho - C1 and Medellín - C2. The plants were irrigated with water of low (S1 = 0.61 dS m-1) and high (S2 = 4.78 dS m-1) salinity levels, during each crop stage: S1S1S2S2 - T1; S2S1S2S2 - T2; S2S2S1S2 - T3. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th terms of these sequences correspond to initial growth, flowering, fruit ripening and harvest phenological stages, respectively. Additionally, there was irrigation rotation during all cycle, with water S1 during two days followed by S2 for one day (S1 2 dias + S2 1 dia - T4) and irrigation with non-salt water S2 during all cycle - T5. Moreover, we used as control, the irrigation water at 3.2 dS m-1 resulting from water mixture of S1 and S2 - T6 (farm used irrigation management). The experiment was carried out in Pedra Preta Farm, in Mossoró, RN, using an entire randomized block statistical design in a 6x2 subdivided plot scheme with four replications. Saline water irrigation at initial growth stage reduces leaf area and shoot dry phytomass of Sancho and Medellín melon cultivars. The irrigation by T4 provided the highest phytomass production of fruits at 48 DAS, reducing in 33% of good quality water in irrigation.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate production of Sweet Grape mini tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) using culture substrates and nutrient solution sewage effluent, applied by drip irrigation (fertigation). The experiment was conducted at the University of Goiás State (UEG-UnUCET), from June to November 2011 in Anápolis-GO, Brazil. The experimental design was a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement in a randomized complete block design with four repetitions. The plots were made by combining two nutrient solutions, effluent supplemented with mineral fertilizers (EcS); conventional nutrient solution (SnC); in addition three cultivation substrates: 60% of fine sand washed + 40% substrate composed by 20% coconut fiber plus 80% pine bark (S1); 20% coconut fiber and 80% pine bark (S2) and natural coconut fiber (S3). Sewage effluent were determined nitrate, calcium, potassium, manganese, total phosphate, total iron, magnesium, chloride, sulphate, boron, zinc and molybdenum. We evaluated average mass and average number of fruits per bunch, total fruit and total yield per plant. Statistical difference absence among tested solutions indicates sewage effluent can be used as an alternative source of nutrients in growing mini tomatoes in hydroponics.


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The siltation is a natural process, but can be accelerated by human actions and results in major problems for the reservoirs, reducing its useful volume for irrigation. An example of this problem was the reduction of the area of mirror water of Fernandópolis municipal dam in 48.3% during 20 years. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the production of sediments and siltation of Fernandópolis municipal dam from a methodology that can be applied to small earth dams for agricultural purposes. For this, it was monitored, monthly throughout the year, the volume of sediment deposited in the reservoir. The percentage of retention sediment in Fernandópolis municipal dam ranged from 53.9 to 94.5%, that associated with a high specific sediment yield, will cause its full silting in at most 57 years. It is recommended to minimize this process the restoration of permanent preservation areas and the removal of 17,500 m³ of sediment from the riverbed of the dam.


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This study aims to evaluate the leaf concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus correlated to the production of photoassimilates in beans plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under high [CO2] and drought stress. The experiment was conducted in Viçosa (Brazil), during the period from April to July 2009, by using open-top chambers equipped with CO2 injection system. The drought stress was applied, through the irrigation suspension, during the period from flowering to maturation. The experimental design was randomized blocks in split-plot scheme with four replication, where the plots with plants grown in [CO2] of 700 mg L-1 and [CO2] environment of 380 mg L-1 and the subplots with plants with and without drought stress. The results were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey test (p < 0.05). In the plants under high [CO2] with and without drought stress, the photosynthetic rate increased by 59%, while the dry matter presented an increment of 20% in the plants under high [CO2] without drought stress. Reductions in [N] and [P] occurred in plants grown under high [CO2], resulting in greater efficiency in nitrogen use for photosynthesis. The high [CO2] increase only the total dry matter and not the total mass of grains. The drought stress reduces the dry matter and mass of grain, even at high [CO2].


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The current study intended to determine the optimum water depth, yield and evapotranspiration (ETc) for bean cultivars. The experiment was conducted in the Campus of Unit I of the Triângulo Mineiro Federal Education and Technology Institute in Uberaba, MG, in a completely randomized design with three replications. The treatments consisted of four water-replacing levels in the soil (70, 100, 130 and 160% of the crop evapotranspiration) and four bean cultivars (Pérola, BRSMG Madrepérola, BRSMG Majestoso and IAC Alvorada). The average values of ETc obtained for soil water balance for the cultivars Pérola, BRSMG Madrepérola, BRSMG Majestoso and IAC Alvorada were, respectively, of 5.25 mm day-1, 4.59 mm day-1, 4.54 mm day-1 and 4.77 mm day-1. The water depths which provided the highest yields were for the cultivars Pérola, BRSMG Madrepérola, BRSMG Majestoso and IAC Alvorada of 451.61 mm, 454.41 mm, 504.71 mm and 344.30 mm, respectively. The maximum yields found were 4597.87 kg ha-1 (Pérola), 4546.27 kg ha-1 (BRSMG Madrepérola), 4253.39 kg ha-1 (BRSMG Majestoso) and 3958.50kg ha-1 (IAC Alvorada).


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The Fertigation is the combined application of water and nutrients to a crop. It can be adapted to all types of agricultural crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of urea concentration in irrigation water on electrical conductivity of the soil solution and saturation extract along the first cycle of banana cv. Terra Maranhão. The experiment followed a completely randomized design with six treatments and ten replications. Treatments regarded for using three urea concentrations (1.0; 2.5 and 4.0 g L-1) in irrigation water applied by two micro irrigation systems (microsprinkler and drip). Results showed that there was a linear elevation of electrical conductivity of saturation extract and soil solution with the increase on concentration of urea in the injection solution. Urea should be used under concentrations up to 2.5 g L-1 in irrigation water without causing increase on electric conductivity of soil solution and saturation extract, considering 1.1 dS m-1 as the tolerated value for the crop. Nitrate in the soil solution increased significantly with the increase of urea concentration in the injection solution. The maximum concentration of nitrate in the soil occurred for 4,0 g L-1 concentration of the injection solution.


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The search for the use of water with high levels of efficiency has motivated the use of drip irrigation in several agricultural systems. However, for the efficiency be ensured, it is necessary that the water distribution in the soil profile must to be known in more details. As it is a highly variable process, function of the local characteristics, is essential the study of each case. The objective of this research was evaluating the water distribution in the soil profile, from drippers installed in surface and 0.15 m below the soil surface. The experiment was realized in the Technical Center of Irrigation (TCI) of the State University of Maringá - PR. The water monitoring in the soil profile was done with TDR probes installed in a box containing sandy soil, at the depths from 0.05 to 0.80 m; and 0.05 to 0.35 m of lateral spacing, at intervals of 0.05 m, totalizing 30 probes. The treatments were differentiated in relation of the installation depth of the emitters (0.0 and 0.15 m) and flow (1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 L h-1). The irrigation time was 8 hours continuous with reading of the TDR probes each 30 minutes. The results allowed concluding that the wet area with the emitter positioned on the soil surface was directly proportional to the flow increase. For the underground dripper, this area was substantially smaller and the water losses by percolation were higher, mainly to the flows higher than 4 L h-1, which provided to unacceptable water losses that should be avoided.


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Local head losses must be considered in estimating properly the maximum length of drip irrigation laterals. The aim of this work was to develop a model based on dimensional analysis for calculating head loss along laterals accounting for in-line drippers. Several measurements were performed with 12 models of emitters to obtain the experimental data required for developing and assessing the model. Based on the Camargo & Sentelhas coefficient, the model presented an excellent result in terms of precision and accuracy on estimating head loss. The deviation between estimated and observed values of head loss increased according to the head loss and the maximum deviation reached 0.17 m. The maximum relative error was 33.75% and only 15% of the data set presented relative errors higher than 20%. Neglecting local head losses incurred a higher than estimated maximum lateral length of 19.48% for pressure-compensating drippers and 16.48% for non pressure-compensating drippers.


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ABSTRACT An experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the Federal University of Lavras cultivated with American lettuce, cv. Raider-Plus. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of irrigation water depths applied by drip pulses and of soil coverage on crop yields and efficiency of water use. The experimental design used was randomized blocks with eight treatments and three replications, totaling twenty-four plots. The treatments consisted of soil with and without coverage (double-sided white and black plastic) associated with four irrigation management levels. Irrigation management consisted in reposition of irrigation depths based on crop evapotranspiration (ETc) with D1-100% of ETc, applied continuously (control), and D2 - 100% of ETc, D3 - 75% of ETc, and D4-50% of ETc, applied by pulses. Irrigation by pulses consisted in splitting the depths into six irrigation pulses with intervals of fifty minutes of rest. It was observed that pulse irrigation saved 25% of water in treatment without mulching and 50% when plastic mulching was used, contributing substantially to improve irrigation water efficiency.


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ABSTRACT Microsprinkler non-pressure compensating nozzles usually show water flow variation along the lateral line. This study aimed at adapting microtubes into non-compensating system of microsprinklers previous installed in the field, as a self-compensated nozzle, to improve the flow uniformity along the lateral line. Microtubes were adapted to three types of commercial microsprinklers. Tests were conducted, both in the laboratory and in field, to evaluate the microsprinkler performance at four different flows (40, 50, 60 and 70 L h-1) under pressure head range from 75 to 245 kPa. Nozzles presented coefficient of flow-rate variation (CVq) lower than 5.5% and distribution uniformity (DU) greater than 95%, which are classified as excellent. The original spatial water distribution of the microsprinkler did not change by using microtube as a nozzle. This device adapted to non-pressure compensating microsprinklers are functional and operate effectively with flows ranging up to 70 L h-1. Small variations at microsprinkler flows along the lateral line can occur, however, at random manner, which is common for pressure-compensating nozzles. Therefore, the microtube technique is able to control pressure variation in microsprinklers.


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ABSTRACT Proper irrigation management is important both to enable adequate water supply and to minimize problems with diseases, nutrient leaching and unnecessary water and power wastes. Thus, this study aimed at improving irrigation management in greenhouses. For that reason, we assessed the effect of various water tensions on yield performance of crisphead lettuce, Raider-Plus cv. , grown with mulching. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse at the Federal University of Lavras. Treatments constituted five different soil water tensions, namely 12, 25, 35, 45, and 70 kPa. The results showed that irrigation must be carried out at water soil tension of around 12 kPa to reach satisfying commercial values for both total and commercial yield, 66 and 50 t ha-1, as well as keeping good vegetable quality. At this tension, total water consumption was of 167.25 mm. The water use efficiency demonstrated quadratic response to treatments, with high water consumption efficiency found in intermediate treatments (35 and 45 kPa), achieving values of 579.87 and 471.71 kg ha -1mm-1, respectively.


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ABSTRACT For drip irrigation design and management, it is necessary to know the relation between flow and pressure acting on emitters. In the case of subsurface drip irrigation, the backpressure phenomenon may change the hydraulic characteristics of emitters. Thus, this study aimed at determining such relationship between flow and pressure of different driplines in surface and subsurface conditions; aiming to find possible differences in hydraulic behavior. We tested four emitter types; two pressure compensating (D5000 and Hydro PCND) and two non-pressure compensating (TalDrip and Jardiline). Emitter flow rates were attained in atmospheric conditions and submerged in water, in which submergence levels represented backpressure. Assays were performed using inlet pressures of 80, 100, 120, and 150 kPa for the Hydro PCND dripline and 25, 50, 100, and 150 kPa for the other ones; the backpressures were of 0.49, 1.47, 2.45, 4.41 and 6.37 kPa with four replications. The emitters had their proportionality constants and discharge exponents changed in submerged applications, representing backpressure effect. Non-pressure compensating emitters had their discharge exponent decreased, while in pressure compensating ones, it was increased. Backpressure reduced emitter flow rates at all evaluated pressures.


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A case of torsion of the gallbladder is presented. This is a rare condition that occurs when it is associated with anatomical variants related to abnormal fixation of the gallbladder to the liver bed. The blood irrigation is insufficient and the gallbladder develops necrosis. The abnormal implantation occurs in 4% of the population. If the gallbladder losses its fixations to the inferior margin of the liver with the presence of a 1011.g mesocyst a torsion can occur when this gallbladder twists axially with subsequent occlusion of the blood flow. The signs and symptoms are similar to those of severe acute cholecystitis: abrupt onset of the pain and large palpable mass below the right costal margin. The ultrasound can show a very large and anteriorly floating gallbladder: In this case, the ultrasound did not show any abnormal signs, so it is usually diagnosed at laparotomy and the treatement consists of cholecystectomy. This condition should be suspected in acute abdominal pain of unknown origin.