910 resultados para disjunctive logic programming
We present a method using an extended logical system for obtaining programs from specifications written in a sublanguage of CASL. These programs are “correct” in the sense that they satisfy their specifications. The technique we use is to extract programs from proofs in formal logic by techniques due to Curry and Howard. The logical calculus, however, is novel because it adds structural rules corresponding to the standard ways of modifying specifications: translating (renaming), taking unions, and hiding signatures. Although programs extracted by the Curry-Howard process can be very cumbersome, we use a number of simplifications that ensure that the programs extracted are in a language close to a standard high-level programming language. We use this to produce an executable refinement of a given specification and we then provide a method for producing a program module that maximally respects the original structure of the specification. Throughout the paper we demonstrate the technique with a simple example.
We prove the completeness of the regular strategy of derivations for superposition-based calculi. The regular strategy was pioneered by Kanger in [Kan63], who proposed that all equality inferences take place before all other steps in the proof. We show that the strategy is complete with the elimination of tautologies. The implication of our result is the completeness of non-standard selection functions by which in non-relational clauses only equality literals (and all of them) are selected.
First-order temporal logic is a concise and powerful notation, with many potential applications in both Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. While the full logic is highly complex, recent work on monodic first-order temporal logics has identified important enumerable and even decidable fragments including the guarded fragment with equality. In this paper, we specialise the monodic resolution method to the guarded monodic fragment with equality and first-order temporal logic over expanding domains. We introduce novel resolution calculi that can be applied to formulae in the normal form associated with the clausal resolution method, and state correctness and completeness results.
In this paper, we show how the clausal temporal resolution technique developed for temporal logic provides an effective method for searching for invariants, and so is suitable for mechanising a wide class of temporal problems. We demonstrate that this scheme of searching for invariants can be also applied to a class of multi-predicate induction problems represented by mutually recursive definitions. Completeness of the approach, examples of the application of the scheme, and overview of the implementation are described.
The clausal resolution method for propositional linear-time temporal logic is well known and provides the basis for a number of temporal provers. The method is based on an intuitive clausal form, called SNF, comprising three main clause types and a small number of resolution rules. In this paper, we show how the normal form can be radically simplified, and consequently, how a simplified clausal resolutioin method can be defined for this impoprtant variety of logics.
It has been shown recently that monodic first-order temporal logic without functional symbols but with equality is incomplete, i.e., the set of the valid formulae of this logic is not recursively enumerable. In this paper we show that an even simpler fragment consisting of monodic monadic two-variable formulae is not recursively enumerable.