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In this paper, we present a numerical study on the thermocapillary migration of drops. The Navier-Stokes equations coupled with the energy conservation equation are solved by the finite-difference front-tracking scheme. The axisymmetric model is adopted in Our simulations, and the drops are assumed to be perfectly spherical and nondeformable. The benchmark simulation starts from the classical initial condition with a uniform temperature gradient. The detailed discussions and physical explanations of migration phenomena are presented for the different values of (1) the Marangoni numbers and Reynolds numbers of continuous phases and drops and (2) the ratios of drop densities and specific heats to those of continuous phases. It is found that fairly large Marangoni numbers may lead to fluctuations in drop velocities at the beginning part of simulations. Finally, we also discuss the influence of initial conditions on the thermocapillary migrations. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII : Actas de las X Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2011, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario del Cancionero General de Hernando del Castillo.
In this paper, some basic mechanical behaviors of bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) were discussed. It can be found from the discussions that the mechanical behaviors of BMGs are mainly due to the formation and operation of shear bands in BMGs. Furthermore, the relevant mechanics of shear banding were investigated in the paper. The theoretical analysis of deformation coupling thermal softening and free volume creation softening demonstrates that the free volume creation and thermal softening can jointly promote the formation of shear bands in BMGs, and the observed post mortem. shear band width looks more like that governed by free volume creation. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Resumen: La salud mental y el bienestar son fundamentales para nuestra capacidad colectiva y individual como seres humanos de pensar, de exteriorizar los sentimientos, de establecer y mantener relaciones, para estudiar, para perseguir las actividades de ocio, para tomar decisiones diarias y para disfrutar de una vida plena. Una adolescencia saludable es un prerrequisito para una vida adulta saludable. Sin embargo, la realidad actual presenta un panorama preocupante. La formación del capital mental individual y colectivo - especialmente en las primeras etapas de la vida - está siendo retenida por una serie de riesgos evitables para la salud mental (World Health Organization [WHO], 2013). Los adolescentes del sur de Europa (región que ha sido más severamente afectada por la crisis financiera; e.g., Portugal) son señalados como un grupo extremadamente vulnerable, ya que su salud mental fácilmente podría ser influenciada por las dificultades económicas de sus padres y la escasez de solidaridad social (European Parliament, 2012). La promoción de la salud mental de los adolescentes es considerada como una preocupación fundamental (WHO, 2005a, 2013). En este ámbito, las intervenciones centradas en la promoción de la literacía de la salud mental han revelado importantes ventajas en la prevención, reconocimiento, intervención precoz y la reducción del estigma (Pinfold, Stuart, Thornicroft & Arboleda-Florez, 2005; Pinfold, Toulmin, Thornicroft, Huxley, Farmer & Graham, 2003; Schulze, Richter-Werling, Matschinger & Angermeyer, 2003; Stuart, 2006). En consonancia con los marcos de promoción de la salud mentales propuestos por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (2005a), tenemos que involucrar a jóvenes en los ambientes donde interactúan (Burns, 2011). Las escuelas son implícitamente uno de los locales más importantes para la promoción de la salud mental de los adolescentes (Barry, Clarke, Jenkins & Patel, 2013; WHO, 2001). El proyecto “Abrir Espacio para la Salud Mental – Promoción de la salud mental en adolescentes (12-14 años)” tiene como objetivo incrementar literacía de la salud mental en los jóvenes. En el primer año se ha desarrollado un instrumento de evaluación - Mental Health Literacy questionnaire (MHLq) - y la intervención para la promoción de la salud mental. La intervención consiste en 2 sesiones, 90 minutos cada una, implementadas con intervalo de una semana. Siguen una metodología interactiva, utilizando dinámicas de grupo, videos, música y discusión. El estudio de la eficacia de la intervención se lleva a cabo mediante un análisis pre y pos-test con el MHLq, utilizando un grupo experimental y un grupo de control. Este artículo presenta los resultados preliminares de la eficacia de la intervención de promoción de la salud mental en una muestra de 100 adolescentes portugueses (12-14 años). El pos-test mostró un incremento de los niveles de conocimientos de salud mental y estrategias de autoayuda. Los resultados sugieren que la intervención desarrollada parece ser adecuada al objetivo propuesto y refuerzan la creencia de que intervenciones escolares, sistemáticas y sostenibles, para la promoción de la salud mental con jóvenes, es un enfoque prometedor para la promoción de la literacía de la salud mental (Schulze et al., 2003; Rickwood et al., 2005; Corrigan et al., 2007; WHO, 2010).
Analisa o debate político relativo à implantação da TV digital no Brasil, tendo como referência a audiência pública da Comissão de Ciência, Tecnologia, Comunicação e Informática da Câmara dos Deputados, realizada em 31 de janeiro de 2006, com a participação do ministro das Comunicações, Hélio Costa. Parte-se do pressuposto de que o Congresso Nacional exerceu relevante papel no debate relativo ao tema, mas não exerceu nenhuma influência na escolha do modelo de TV digital, rendendo-se à proposta do Executivo que, por sua vez, acatou o projeto de interesse dos empresários do setor. Constata-se que existem pelo menos três fantasmas que perseguem as empresas brasileiras de televisão: 1) a possibilidade de um novo marco regulatório para o setor de radiodifusão; 2) o aumento da concorrência; e 3) e a ameaça do fim do broadcast, o sistema de difusão de informações utilizado pelo rádio e pela televisão, em que há apenas um emissor e diversos receptores simultaneamente.
Com o objetivo de contribuir para a compreensão da reforma política como um fenômeno complexo, estudou-se a construção, tramitação e rejeição política do Projeto de Lei (PL) nº 1.210, de 2007, da Câmara dos Deputados, por meio do método de estudo de caso e de process tracing. Os resultados levaram a discussões sobre as principais variáveis que interferiram na trajetória do PL supramencionado, e à apresentação do conceito de rejeição política, fenômeno de descarte de uma matéria sem o enfrentamento da votação plenária, como recurso útil para a compreensão do processo legislativo.
The onset of oscillation in the floating zone convection driven by the gradient of surface tension was experimentally studied, and discussions were concentrated on the influence of liquid bridge volume on the onset of oscillation. Distributions of critical applied temperature difference and frequency depending on the volume of the liquid bridge were obtained, and there was a gap range of liquid volume which separated the curve of marginal stability into two parts for fixed rod diameter and aspect ratio. The results imply that the volume of the liquid bridge is a sensitive critical parameter for the onset of oscillation. The implication on the instability is also discussed in the present paper.
This paper was presented at the 11th Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET).
Apresenta e discute os dados obtidos em uma pesquisa sobre a participação da mulher na política brasileira a partir da Lei de Cotas. Estuda a questão das cotas como ação afirmativa e a sua votação no legislativo brasileiro como resultado de discussões e embates nacionais e internacionais que constataram a falta ou a pouca participação da mulher na política. Aborda a conquista da cidadania feminina, a dívida da sociedade para com elas e a conquista do voto feminino no Brasil. Apresenta a trajetória do feminismo brasileiro na ditadura militar, destacando-o como um movimento de caráter mais político, que lutava contra o regime ditatorial.
Faz reflexões sobre as várias formas de relação entre sujeitos e objetos-técnicos, com ênfase para a utilização dos computadores digitais e, particularmente, os softwares chamados agentes inteligentes. Analisa o espaço e suas mudanças qualitativas na atualidade, a partir do conceito do espaço como produção humana, analisando como as transformações em curso no ambiente afetam nossas subjetividades e, reciprocamente, como afetamos nossos ambientes. Discutidas as possibilidades de sobrevivência do homem nu nesses novos espaços, sem que esteja devidamente atualizado com as últimas novidades tecnológicas - próteses sensoriais e motoras. Perpassa a discussão sobre o pensamento que se utiliza do espaço como elemento constituinte do próprio pensamento e reflete sobre o espaço abstrato por excelência, os mundos virtuais. Discute o padrão de apropriação de artefatos pelo homem e seus efeitos na subjetividade, a manutenção do padrão de apropriação dos objetos-técnicos materiais em relação às formas de apropriação dos objetos-técnicos intangíveis (softwares). Traz reflexões sobre a possibilidade de autonomização completa dos agentes inteligentes e a sua instituição, ipso facto, como agentes - a chamada Inteligência Artificial.
In 2006 the UK-based charity, Global Ocean, with local support from the Third Millennium Foundation, convened a Conversation among specialists about the problems facing the conservation of whales. Called "A consultation on whaling", this gathering was held in the ancient village of Paciano, in Umbria near the border with Tuscany, 15 – 17 October 2006. There were 15 participants from 11 countries. Dr Kees Lankester served as moderator. The outcome was an Aide Memoire which served to guide the participants in the run-up to the 2007 meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC), held in Anchorage, Alaska, in June. One point of agreement was that a second consultation should be held in the months following the Anchorage meeting, involving some but not necessarily all of the participants in the first, but concentrating this time on scientific issues – especially those encountered in the Scientific Committee of the IWC –with particular attention to informing a wider public about those scientific activities in relation to the problems confronting the IWC and the views of scientists about them. This document is the report of that Conversation, referred to as Paciano II. The moderator was Dr Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara and the Report was written by Kieran Mulvaney in consultation with all participants, and with reference to an Aide Memoire prepared by the Rapporteur, Dr Russell Leaper. The sponsor and organisers have agreed with the general sentiment expressed by participants in Paciano II that further such conversations should be held at roughly yearly intervals and they will try to satisfy that desire. Although these future gatherings would be concerned with the living ocean they would not necessarily be restricted in future to consideration of whales and whaling. Discussions are on-going for selection of a theme which is of both scientific interest and practical concern for conservation of marine life and management of the uses of ocean space. (Document has 18 pages)
In 2006 the UK-based charity, Global Ocean, with local support from the Third Millennium Foundation, convened a Conversation among specialists about the problems facing the conservation of whales. Called "A consultation on whaling", this gathering was held in the ancient village of Paciano, in Umbria near the border with Tuscany, 15 – 17 October 2006. There were 15 participants from 11 countries. Dr Kees Lankester served as moderator. The outcome was an Aide Memoire which served to guide the participants in the run-up to the 2007 meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC), held in Anchorage, Alaska, in June. One point of agreement was that a second consultation should be held in the months following the Anchorage meeting, involving some but not necessarily all of the participants in the first, but concentrating this time on scientific issues – especially those encountered in the Scientific Committee of the IWC –with particular attention to informing a wider public about those scientific activities in relation to the problems confronting the IWC and the views of scientists about them. This document is the report of that Conversation, referred to as Paciano II. The moderator was Dr Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara and the Report was written by Kieran Mulvaney in consultation with all participants, and with reference to an Aide Memoire prepared by the Rapporteur, Dr Russell Leaper. The sponsor and organisers have agreed with the general sentiment expressed by participants in Paciano II that further such conversations should be held at roughly yearly intervals and they will try to satisfy that desire. Although these future gatherings would be concerned with the living ocean they would not necessarily be restricted in future to consideration of whales and whaling. Discussions are on-going for selection of a theme which is of both scientific interest and practical concern for conservation of marine life and management of the uses of ocean space. (19 page document)
Table of Contents [pdf, 0.09 Mb] Section I - Presentations and Discussions at Plenary Sessions Introduction and Overview of Workshop Objectives [pdf, 0.07 Mb] Plenary Session Presentations [pdf, 2.23 Mb] Reports of the Breakout Group Discussions [pdf, 0.43 Mb] Closing Plenary Discussion and Recommendations [pdf, 0.11 Mb] Section II - Extended Abstracts of Individual Presentations at Breakout Group Sessions Breakout Group 1: Physical/Chemical Oceanography and Climate [pdf, 6.14 Mb] Breakout Group 2: Phytoplankton, Zooplankton, Micronekton and Benthos [pdf, 28.14 Mb] Breakout Group 3: Fish, Squid, Crabs and Shrimps [pdf, 4.30 Mb] Breakout Group 4: Highly Migratory Fishes, Seabirds and Marine Mammals [pdf, 6.27 Mb] Appendix 1. Workshop agenda [pdf, 0.15 Mb] Appendix 2. List of participants [pdf, 0.13 Mb] (Document pdf contains 216 pages)
Vancouver Lake, located adjacent to the Columbia River and just north of the Vancouver-Portland metropolitan area, is a "dying" lake. Although all lakes die naturally in geologic time through the process of eutrophication,* Vancouver Lake is dying more rapidly due to man's activities and due to the resultant increased accumulation of sediment, chemicals, and wastes. Natural eutrophication takes thousands of years, whereas man-made modifications can cause the death of a lake in decades. Vancouver Lake does, however, have the potential of becoming a valuable water resource asset for the area, due particularly to its location near the Columbia River which can be used as a source of "flushing" water to improve the quality of Vancouver Lake. (Document pdf contains 59 pages) Community interest in Vancouver Lake has waxed and waned. Prior to World War II, there were relatively few plans for discussions about the Lake and its surrounding land area. A plan to drain the Lake for farming was prohibited by the city council and county commissioners. Interest increased in 1945 when the federal government considered developing the Lake as a berthing harbor for deactivated ships at which time a preliminary proposal was prepared by the City. The only surface water connection between Vancouver Lake and the Columbia River, except during floods, is Lake River. The Lake now serves as a receiving body of water for Lake River tidal flow and surface flow from creeks and nearby land areas. Seasonally, these flows are heavily laden with sediment, septic tank drainage, fertilizers and drainage from cattle yards. Construction and gravel pit operations increase the sediment loads entering the Lake from Burnt Bridge Creek and Salmon Creek (via Lake River by tidal action). The tidal flats at the north end of Vancouver Lake are evidence of this accumulation. Since 1945, the buildup of sediment and nutrients created by man's activities has accelerated the growth of the large water plants and algae which contribute to the degeneration of the Lake. Flooding from the Columbia River, as in 1968, has added to the deposition in Vancouver Lake. The combined effect of these human and natural activities has changed Vancouver Lake into a relatively useless body of shallow water supporting some wildlife, rough fish, and shallow draft boats. It is still pleasant to view from the hills to the east. Because precipitation and streamflow are the lowest during the summer and early fall, water quantity and quality conditions are at their worst when the potential of the Lake for water-based recreation is the highest. Increased pollution of the Lake has caused a larger segment of the community to become concerned. Land use and planning studies were undertaken on the Columbia River lowlands and a wide variety of ideas were proposed for improving the quality of the water-land environment in order to enhance the usefulness of the area. In 1966, the College of Engineering Research Division at Washington State University (WSU0 in Pullman, Washington, was contacted by the Port of Vancouver to determine possible alternatives for restoring Vancouver Lake. Various proposals were prepared between 1966 and 1969. During the summer and fall of 1967, a study was made by WSU on the existing water quality in the Lake. In 1969, the current studies were funded to establish a data base for considering a broad range of alternative solutions for improving the quantity and quality of Vancouver Lake. Until these studies were undertaken, practically no data on a continuous nature were available on Vancouver Lake, Lake River, or their tributaries. (Document pdf contains 59 pages)
Aborda o problema do papel dos portais legislativos e o uso de suas ferramentas como indutoras de participação do cidadão nos processos da democracia brasileira. A pesquisa se conduziu, em linhas gerais, para chegar a uma análise das condições de mediação entre a Câmara dos Deputados e o cidadão por meio do uso do Portal. A fundamentação teórica se constituiu de discussões sobre a tecnologia como mediadora da informação; sobre as bases da democracia e a formação do Parlamento Brasileiro; e sobre o uso dos Portais Legislativos, dos canais de mediação e dos serviços de atendimento.