898 resultados para damage alarming and localization
Allelic association between pairs of loci is derived in terms of the association probability ρ as a function of recombination θ, effective population size N, linear systematic pressure v, and time t, predicting both ρrt, the decrease of association from founders and ρct, the increase by genetic drift, with ρt = ρrt + ρct. These results conform to the Malecot equation, with time replaced by distance on the genetic map, or on the physical map if recombination in the region is uniform. Earlier evidence suggested that ρ is less sensitive to variations in marker allele frequencies than alternative metrics for which there is no probability theory. This robustness is confirmed for six alternatives in eight samples. In none of these 48 tests was the residual variance as small as for ρ. Overall, efficiency was less than 80% for all alternatives, and less than 30% for two of them. Efficiency of alternatives did not increase when information was estimated simultaneously. The swept radius within which substantial values of ρ are conserved lies between 385 and 893 kb, but deviation of parameters between measures is enormously significant. The large effort now being devoted to allelic association has little value unless the ρ metric with the strongest theoretical basis and least sensitivity to marker allele frequencies is used for mapping of marker association and localization of disease loci.
Cholinergic transmission at muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChR) has been implicated in higher brain functions such as learning and memory, and loss of synapses may contribute to the symptoms of Alzheimer disease. A heterogeneous family of five genetically distinct mAChR subtypes differentially modulate a variety of intracellular signaling systems as well as the processing of key molecules involved in the pathology of the disease. Although many muscarinic effects have been identified in memory circuits, including a diversity of pre- and post-synaptic actions in hippocampus, the identities of the molecular subtypes responsible for any given function remain elusive. All five mAChR genes are expressed in hippocampus, and subtype-specific antibodies have enabled identification, quantification, and localization of the encoded proteins. The m1, m2, and m4 mAChR proteins are most abundant in forebrain regions and they have distinct cellular and subcellular localizations suggestive of various pre- and postsynaptic functions in cholinergic circuits. The subtypes are also differentially altered in postmortem brain samples from Alzheimer disease cases. Further understanding of the molecular pharmacology of failing synapses in Alzheimer disease, together with the development of new subtype-selective drugs, may provide more specific and effective treatments for the disease.
Numerous human and animal studies indirectly implicate neurons in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in the encoding of the affective consequences of nociceptor stimulation. No causal evidence, however, has been put forth linking the ACC specifically to this function. Using a rodent pain assay that combines the hind-paw formalin model with the place-conditioning paradigm, we measured a learned behavior that directly reflects the affective component of pain in the rat (formalin-induced conditioned place avoidance) concomitantly with “acute” formalin-induced nociceptive behaviors (paw lifting, licking, and flinching) that reflect the intensity and localization of the nociceptive stimulus. Destruction of neurons originating from the rostral, but not caudal, ACC reduced formalin-induced conditioned place avoidance without reducing acute pain-related behaviors. These results provide evidence indicating that neurons in the ACC are necessary for the “aversiveness” of nociceptor stimulation.
Short- and long-term ethanol exposures have been shown to alter cellular levels of cAMP, but little is known about the effects of ethanol on cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). When cAMP levels increase, the catalytic subunit of PKA (C alpha) is released from the regulatory subunit, phosphorylates nearby proteins, and then translocates to the nucleus, where it regulates gene expression. Altered localization of C alpha would have profound effects on multiple cellular functions. Therefore, we investigated whether ethanol alters intracellular localization of C alpha. NG108-15 cells were incubated in the presence or absence of ethanol for as long as 48 h, and localization of PKA subunits was determined by immunocytochemistry. We found that ethanol exposure produced a significant translocation of C alpha from the Golgi area to the nucleus. C alpha remained in the nucleus as long as ethanol was present. There was no effect of ethanol on localization of the type I regulatory subunit of PKA. Ethanol also caused a 43% decrease in the amount of type I regulatory subunit but had no effect on the amount of C alpha as determined by Western blot. These data suggest that ethanol-induced translocation of C alpha to the nucleus may account, in part, for diverse changes in cellular function and gene expression produced by alcohol.
A campanha dos refratários magnesianos aplicados como revestimento de trabalho de panelas de aciaria depende da soma de diversos fatores como resistência à corrosão, resistência à oxidação do carbono, estabilidade termomecânica, entre outros. A concepção microestrutural do refratário pode influenciar de forma benéfica ou deletéria no desempenho do refratário in situ. Nesta tese de doutorado os refratários magnesianos comerciais de panela de aciaria foram estudados sob três diferentes aspectos: redução da oxidação prematura do carbono, formação da fase espinélio de alumina e magnésio e resistência ao choque térmico e ao dano por choque térmico. Para reduzir a oxidação precoce do carbono foi desenvolvido um coating cerâmico que atua como uma eficiente barreira física, reduzindo o contato do oxigênio da atmosfera de aquecimento com o carbono presente no refratário. Como resultado reduz-se a oxidação prematura do carbono e eleva-se a vida útil do revestimento. A formação da fase espinélio de magnésia e alumina também influencia o desempenho termomecânico destes refratários, principalmente devido ao incremento volumétrico decorrente de sua formação. Nesta tese foram estudados os mecanismos de formação desta fase in situ, demonstrando experimentalmente o caminho preferencial que leva à formação desta fase mineralógica. O comportamento termomecânico dos refratários magnesianos foi determinado em função da resistência ao choque térmico (parâmetros R, R\'\'\') e quanto à resistência ao dano por choque térmico (parâmetro R\'\'\'\' e Rst). Estes parâmetros foram correlacionados com as respectivas características microestruturais destes refratários. Os resultados apresentados por esta tese de doutorado compõe uma importante ferramenta técnica para as indústrias produtoras de aço e de refratários por fornecer subsídio técnico e científico para fundamentar alterações em refratários já existentes e colaborar com o desenvolvimento de novos refratários de engenharia com elevado desempenho e maior vida útil.
Many translation quality standards have been implemented to regulate the provision and procurement of language services. However, in the absence of a standardized procedure to certify U.S. language service providers (LSPs), the industry lacks consensus with regard to requirements, procedures, and expectations. This project establishes the need for such a procedure and proposes an LSP Certification Procedure based on existing quality standards. Through a review and analysis of existing translation quality standards, an interview with a key stakeholder, and the presentation of an LSP Certification Procedure, this project concludes that the U.S. language services industry requires a procedure to certify LSPs and that such a procedure may be designed and implemented based on existing standards.
New low cost sensors and open free libraries for 3D image processing are making important advances in robot vision applications possible, such as three-dimensional object recognition, semantic mapping, navigation and localization of robots, human detection and/or gesture recognition for human-machine interaction. In this paper, a novel method for recognizing and tracking the fingers of a human hand is presented. This method is based on point clouds from range images captured by a RGBD sensor. It works in real time and it does not require visual marks, camera calibration or previous knowledge of the environment. Moreover, it works successfully even when multiple objects appear in the scene or when the ambient light is changed. Furthermore, this method was designed to develop a human interface to control domestic or industrial devices, remotely. In this paper, the method was tested by operating a robotic hand. Firstly, the human hand was recognized and the fingers were detected. Secondly, the movement of the fingers was analysed and mapped to be imitated by a robotic hand.
In this paper the model of an Innovative Monitoring Network involving properly connected nodes to develop an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solution for preventive maintenance of historical centres from early warnings is proposed. It is well known that the protection of historical centres generally goes from a large-scale monitoring to a local one and it could be supported by a unique ICT solution. More in detail, the models of a virtually organized monitoring system could enable the implementation of automated analyses by presenting various alert levels. An adequate ICT solution tool would allow to define a monitoring network for a shared processing of data and results. Thus, a possible retrofit solution could be planned for pilot cases shared among the nodes of the network on the basis of a suitable procedure utilizing a retrofit catalogue. The final objective would consist in providing a model of an innovative tool to identify hazards, damages and possible retrofit solutions for historical centres, assuring an easy early warning support for stakeholders. The action could proactively target the needs and requirements of users, such as decision makers responsible for damage mitigation and safeguarding of cultural heritage assets.
New low cost sensors and the new open free libraries for 3D image processing are permitting to achieve important advances for robot vision applications such as tridimensional object recognition, semantic mapping, navigation and localization of robots, human detection and/or gesture recognition for human-machine interaction. In this paper, a method to recognize the human hand and to track the fingers is proposed. This new method is based on point clouds from range images, RGBD. It does not require visual marks, camera calibration, environment knowledge and complex expensive acquisition systems. Furthermore, this method has been implemented to create a human interface in order to move a robot hand. The human hand is recognized and the movement of the fingers is analyzed. Afterwards, it is imitated from a Barret hand, using communication events programmed from ROS.
Le cannabis produit de nombreux effets psychologiques et physiologiques sur le corps humain. Les molécules contenues dans cette plante, désignées comme « phytocannabinoïdes », activent un système endogène qu’on appelle le système endocannabinoïde (eCB). Les effets de la consommation de cannabis sur la vision ont déjà été décrits sans cependant de formulation sur les mécanismes sous-jacents. Ces résultats comportementaux suggèrent, malgré tout, la présence de ce système eCB dans le système visuel, et particulièrement dans la rétine. Cette thèse vise donc à caractériser l’expression, la localisation et le rôle du système eCB dans la rétine du singe vervet, une espèce animale ayant un système visuel semblable à celui de l’humain. Nous avons mis au point un protocole expérimental d’immunohistochimie décrit dans l’article apparaissant dans l’Annexe I que nous avons utilisé pour répondre à notre objectif principal. Dans une première série de quatre articles, nous avons ainsi caractérisé l’expression et la localisation de deux récepteurs eCBs reconnus, les récepteurs cannabinoïdes de type 1 (CB1R) et de type 2 (CB2R), et d’un 3e présumé récepteur aux cannabinoïdes, le récepteur GPR55. Dans l’article 1, nous avons démontré que CB1R et une enzyme clé de ce système, la fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), sont exprimés dans les parties centrale et périphérique de la rétine, et abondamment présents dans la fovéa, une région où l’acuité visuelle est maximale. Dans l’article 2, nous avons localisé le CB2R dans des cellules gliales de la rétine : les cellules de Müller et nous avons proposé un modèle sur l’action de cette protéine dans la fonction rétinienne faisant appel à une cascade chimique impliquant les canaux potassiques. Dans l’article 3, nous avons observé le GPR55 exclusivement dans les bâtonnets qui sont responsables de la vision scotopique et nous avons soumis un deuxième modèle de fonctionnement de ce récepteur par le biais d'une modulation des canaux calciques et sodiques des bâtonnets. Vu que ces 3 récepteurs se retrouvent dans des cellules distinctes, nous avons suggéré leur rôle primordial dans l’analyse de l’information visuelle au niveau rétinien. Dans l’article 4, nous avons effectué une analyse comparative de l’expression du système eCB dans la rétine de souris, de toupayes (petits mammifères insectivores qui sont sont considérés comme l’étape intermédiaire entre les rongeurs et les primates) et de deux espèces de singe (le vervet et le rhésus). Ces résultats nous ont menés à présenter une hypothèse évolutionniste quant à l’apparition et à la fonction précise de ces récepteurs. Dans les articles subséquents, nous avons confirmé notre hypothèse sur le rôle spécifique de ces trois récepteurs par l’utilisation de l’électrorétinographie (ERG) après injection intravitréenne d’agonistes et d’antagonistes de ces récepteurs. Nous avons conclu sur leur influence indéniable dans le processus visuel rétinien chez le primate. Dans l’article 5, nous avons établi le protocole d’enregistrement ERG normalisé sur le singe vervet, et nous avons produit un atlas d’ondes ERG spécifique à cette espèce, selon les règles de l’International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV). Les patrons électrorétinographiques se sont avérés semblables à ceux de l’humain et ont confirmé la similarité entre ces deux espèces. Dans l’article 6, nous avons démontré que le blocage de CB1R ou CB2R entraine une modification de l’électrorétinogramme, tant au niveau photopique que scotopique, ce qui supporte l’implication de ces récepteurs dans la modulation des ondes de l’ERG. Finalement, dans l’article 7, nous avons confirmé le modèle neurochimique proposé dans l’article 3 pour expliquer le rôle fonctionnel de GPR55, en montrant que l’activation ou le blocage de ce récepteur, respectivement par un agoniste (lysophosphatidylglucoside, LPG) ou un antagoniste (CID16020046), entraine soit une augmentation ou une baisse significative de l’ERG scotopique seulement. Ces données, prises ensemble, démontrent que les récepteurs CB1R, CB2R et GPR55 sont exprimés dans des types cellulaires bien distincts de la rétine du singe et ont chacun un rôle spécifique. L’importance de notre travail se manifeste aussi par des applications cliniques en permettant le développement de cibles pharmacologiques potentielles dans le traitement des maladies de la rétine.
Resumo A presente dissertação visou avaliar o efeito da utilização do pato de Pequim no controlo de infestantes em milho biológico em comparação com o método clássico da sacha e da sacha/amontoa, avaliando a percentagem de cobertura das infestantes no solo e a produtividade do milho. Para além disso, pretendeu-se, ainda, perceber em que estádio vegetativo do milho os patos já não provocavam danos consideráveis na cultura. A investigação decorreu entre maio e outubro de 2015, em Coimbra, na superfície agrícola da ESAC, em 0,2 ha da área certificada em Agricultura Biológica, utilizando milho da variedade regional Pigarro. Os patos foram adquiridos com 4 semanas e abatidos às 12 semanas, tendo-se avaliado o seu crescimento nesse período. O pastoreio com patos, em diferentes estados vegetativos da cultura (Ve, V3 e V5 - germinação e emergência, três e cinco folhas completamente desenvolvidas, respetivamente), não permitiu afirmar com rigor qual o estádio vegetativo em que os animais já não provocavam danos. Analisando e comparando o pastoreio com patos após a 1ª sacha, após a sacha/amontoa e o método clássico, concluiu-se que tanto a cobertura do solo pelas infestantes quanto a produção de milho Pigarro (kg/ha) não variaram significativamente, para α = 0,05, após realização de análise de variância de fator único. Os resultados obtidos, embora preliminares e carecendo de continuidade de estudos, permitem, no entanto, indiciar que as opções ensaiadas podem vir a substituir o método clássico e serem alternativas válidas no combate às infestantes em milho biológico. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Pato de Pequim; Milho biológico; Infestantes; Cobertura; Pastoreio. iii Abstract This dissertation aimed to evaluate the effect of using the Peking duck for weed control in organic corn compared to the classical method of hoeing and weeding / earthing up, assessing the percentage of coverage of weeds in soil and corn yield. Furthermore, it was also intended to realize in what corn's vegetative stage, ducks no longer caused considerable damage to the crop. The research took place between May and October 2015, in Coimbra, in the ESAC's agricultural area of 0.2 ha certified in organic farming, using corn's regional variety, Throat clearing. The ducks were purchased at 4 weeks old and slaughtered at the 12th week, while their growth in this period was estimated. The grazing with ducks in different vegetative states of culture (Ve, V3 and V5 - germination and emergence, three and five fully developed leaves, respectively), didn't allow us to say with accuracy in what vegetative stage the animals no longer caused damage. Analyzing and comparing grazing with ducks after 1st weeding, after weeding / ridging and the classical method, it was concluded that both the soil cover by weeds as the Throat clearing corn production (kg / ha) did not vary significantly, for α = 0.05, after performing single- factor analysis of variance. The results, although preliminary and lacking continuity studies allow, however, to indicate that the tested options may come to replace the traditional method and be valid alternatives to combat weeds in biological maize. KEY-WORDS: Peking Duck; organic corn; weeds; Roof; Pasturing.
Description based on: FY 1992; title from cover.
Ataxia-oculomotor apraxia (AOA1) is a neurological disorder with symptoms that overlap those of ataxia-telangiectasia, a syndrome characterized by abnormal responses to double-strand DNA breaks and genome instability. The gene mutated in AOA1, APTX, is predicted to code for a protein called aprataxin that contains domains of homology with proteins involved in DNA damage signalling and repair. We demonstrate that aprataxin is a nuclear protein, present in both the nucleoplasm and the nucleolus. Mutations in the APTX gene destabilize the aprataxin protein, and fusion constructs of enhanced green fluorescent protein and aprataxin, representing deletions of putative functional domains, generate highly unstable products. Cells from AOA1 patients are characterized by enhanced sensitivity to agents that cause single-strand breaks in DNA but there is no evidence for a gross defect in single-strand break repair. Sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide and the resulting genome instability are corrected by transfection with full-length aprataxin cDNA. We also demonstrate that aprataxin interacts with the repair proteins XRCC1, PARP-1 and p53 and that it co-localizes with XRCC1 along charged particle tracks on chromatin. These results demonstrate that aprataxin influences the cellular response to genotoxic stress very likely by its capacity to interact with a number of proteins involved in DNA repair.
South Asia's pursuit of economic development has entailed considerable damage to and exposed the fragility of the physical environment of the region. This paper provides an analytical overview of the of the environmental problem that manifest themselves in South Asia in a comparative perspective with East and Southeast Asian countries as well as selected developed market economics. To date, South Asian development process has been environment-intensive and environment-depleting. It is argued that environmental problems are likely to set serious constraints to sustain growth in production to support a growing population. By exploring the relationship between indices of human welfare and bio-diversity conservation. the paper exposes the dichotomy of the development process. Finally, the study underscores the need for a range of policy options that rely both based and non-market based instruments in an integrated setting to enviromnentalize South Asian economic development. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
The zebrafish golden mutation is characterized by the production of small and irregular-shaped melanin granules, resulting in a lightening of the pigmented lateral stripes of the animal. The recent positional cloning and localization of the golden gene, combined with genotype-phenotype correlations of alleles of its human orthologue (SLC24A5) in African-American and African-Caribbean populations, provide insights into the genetic and molecular basis of human skin colour. SLC24A5 promotes melanin deposition through maturation of the melanosome, highlighting the importance of ion-exchange in the function of this organelle.