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Lutzomyia chotensis sp. nov. (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) from Cajamarca Department, Peru, is described and its taxonomic position discussed.
A new species of phlebotomine, Lutzomyia (Helcocyrtomyia) herreri sp. nov., belonging to the series osornoi, from the Department of Puno, Peru, is described. Identification keys for both sexes of the species of this series are presented.
Cylloepus dorvillei sp. nov. is described and illustrated from a first order stream at the Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Taxonomic and habitat notes on the new species are presented.
The female of Thyrsopelma itaunense (d'Andretta & González, 1964) is described and illustrated for the first time. T. itaunense and T. orbitale are morphologically compared. New records on geographical distribution are aslo presented.
Larvae, pupae and adults of the piazurine weevil Pseudopiazurus papayanus (Marshall, 1922) are associated with Carica papaya Linnaeus,1753 (Caricaceae). The larval and pupal stages are described and illustrated. The sexual differences in the last abdominal segments of the pupae are also illustrated.
Hybotinae is being recorded for the first time to Dominican Republic where the subfamily becomes represented by the genera Euhybus Coquillett, 1895, Neohybos Ale-Rocha & Carvalho, 2003 and Syneches Walker, 1852. Euhybus and Neohybos occur exclusively in the Americas, and Syneches is cosmopolitan. Six new species are described and illustrated: Euhybus martiniensis sp. nov., Neohybos cinereus sp. nov., N. longicornis sp. nov., N. pruinosus sp. nov., N. setosus sp. nov. and Syneches dominicanus sp. nov.. Identification keys are provided for the species of the three hybotine genera registered in West Indies. The following species are recorded for the first time from the Dominican Republic: Syneches inversus Curran, 1928, S. pallidus Wilder, 1974 and S. vineus Wilder, 1974. The previously unknown female of S. inversus is described.
Holymenia clavigera (Herbst, 1784) and Anisoscelis foliacea marginella (Dallas, 1852) (Hemiptera, Coreidae) present a remarkable similarity regarding egg and nymphal morphology. On the contrary, their adult stages are remarkably different. This study describes and compares the immature stages of these two coreid species. Excepting for the last instar and the shape of the hind tibia from third to last instar, nymphs of both species were identical in their gross morphologies and ultrastructures. However, H. clavigera was significantly larger than A. foliacea marginella in all stages. Thus, we suggest that these species may have evolved through evolutionary convergence, parsimony between the immature stages after speciation, Müllerian mimicry or genetic drift.
Background: We have recently shown that the median diagnostic delay to establish Crohn's disease (CD) diagnosis (i.e. the period from first symptom onset to diagnosis) in the Swiss IBD Cohort (SIBDC) was 9 months. Seventy five percent of all CD patients were diagnosed within 24 months. The clinical impact of a long diagnostic delay on the natural history of CD is unknown. Aim: To compare the frequency and type of CD-related complications in the patient groups with long diagnostic delay (>24 months) vs. the ones diagnosed within 24 months. Methods: Retrospective analysis of data from the SIBDCS, comprising a large sample of CD patients followed in hospitals and private practices across Switzerland. The proportions of the following outcomes were compared between groups of patients diagnosed 1, 2-5, 6-10, 11-15, and ≥ 16 years ago and stratified according to the length of diagnostic delay: bowel stenoses, internal fistulas, perianal fistulas, CD-related surgical interventions, and extraintestinal manifestations. Results: Two hundred CD patients (121 female, mean age 44.9 ± 15.0 years, 38% smokers, 71% ever treated with immunomodulators and 35% with anti-TNF) with long diagnostic delay were compared to 697 CD patients (358 female, mean age 39.1 ± 14.9 years, 33% smokers, 74% ever treated with immunomodulators and 33% with anti-TNF) diagnosed within 24 months. No differences in the outcomes were observed between the two patient groups within year one after CD diagnosis. Among those diagnosed 2-5 years ago, CD patients with long diagnostic delay (n = 45) presented more frequently with internal fistulas (11.1% vs. 3.1%, p = 0.03) and bowel stenoses (28.9% vs. 15.7%, p = 0.05), and they more frequently underwent CD-related operations (15.6% vs. 5.0%, p = 0.02) compared to the patients diagnosed within 24 months (n = 159). Among those diagnosed 6-10 years ago, CD patients with long diagnostic delay (n = 48) presented more frequently with extraintestinal manifestations (60.4% vs. 34.6%, p = 0.001) than those diagnosed within 24 months (n = 182). For the patients diagnosed 11-15 years ago, no differences in outcomes were found between the long diagnostic delay group (n = 106) and the one diagnosed within 24 months (n = 32). Among those diagnosed ≥ 16 years ago, the group with long diagnostic delay (n = 71) more frequently underwent CD-related operations (63.4% vs. 46.5%, p = 0.01) compared to the group diagnosed with CD within 24 months (n = 241). Conclusions: A long diagnostic delay in CD patients is associated with a more complicated disease course and higher number of CD-related operations in the years following the diagnosis. Our results indicate that efforts should be undertaken to shorten the diagnostic delay in CD patients in order to reduce the risk for progression towards a complicated disease phenotype.
The sexes of Pseudometocha melanocephala (Perty, 1833) and of a new species of Anomophotopsis are associated based on mating pairs found in the field and also in laboratory mating trials. The previously unknown male of Pseudomethoca melanocephala (Perty, 1833) and both sexes of Anomophotopsis quinteroi Cambra, sp. nov., are described. We present the first distribution record of P. melanocephala from Argentina. Anecdotal data on their mating behavior are also discussed.
Larvae and pupae of the cryptic firefly Photuris fulvipes (Blanchard,1837) are described. They were reared to adult stage from eggs laid by a female collected in São Luiz do Paraitinga, São Paulo, Brazil. Additionally, adult diagnosis and some bionomic data observed in the laboratory are presented. The bionomical and morphological characteristics of P. fulvipes were compared to other unidentified species of the genus and to Bycellonycha sp. from literature. At moment, the data are insufficient to propose a diagnosis for the species, but some characteristics appear to define species group or, at least, they may have generic value.
The related genera Chane and Guajirolus are reported for the first time from Brazil. Guajirolus rondoni, sp. n. is described based on nymphs from Rondônia State and can be differentiated from the other species of the genus by the following combination of characteristics: 1) mandibles with minute spicules on outer margin; 2) maxillary palp three-segmented; 3) hypopharynx lingua with three rounded processes; 4) projection of second segment of labial palp with apex narrower than base; 5) abdominal color pattern; and 6) paraprocts with 13 to 15 organized spines. An updated key to the species of both genera is presented.
Oropezella abdominalis Collin, 1933 (Diptera, Hybotidae) is redescribed and the male is described for the first time. An identification key to the Neotropical genera of Ocydromiinae is also provided.