1000 resultados para condutividade eletrolítica
Metal/ceramic interfaces using zirconia have dominated the industrial applications in the last decade, due to the high mechanical strength and fracture toughness of zirconia, especially at temperatures below 300 ºC. Also noteworthy is the good ionic conductivity in high temperatures of this component. In this work joining between ZrO2 Y-TZP and ZrO2 Mg-PSZ with austenitic stainless steel was studied. These joints were brazed at high-vacuum after mechanical metallization with Ti using filler alloys composed by Ag-Cu and Ag-Cu-Ni. The influence of the metallization, and the affinity between the different groups (ceramic / filler alloys) was evaluated, in order to achieve strong metal/ceramic joints. Evaluation of joints and interfaces, also the characterization of base materials was implemented using various techniques, such as: x-ray diffraction, leak test, three-point flexural test and scanning electron microscopy with chemical analysis. The microstructural analysis revealed physical and chemical bonds in the metal/ceramic interfaces, providing superior leak proof joints and stress cracking, in order to a good joint in all brazed samples. Precipitation zones and reaction layers with eutetic characteristics were observed between the steel and the filler metal
The standardization of the bovine skin thickness in the leather industry generates a residue known as wet-blue . At the end of twentieth century, the brazilian industry discarded about 131 thousand tons of this residue in nature, provoking a great environmental liability. In this paper is presented the analyses of the termophysical properties, thermal and volumetric expansion performance of a composite of vegetable resin of castor oil plant (Ricinus communis) with load of industrial residue of leather "wet-blue", for application as thermal isolation material of warm surfaces. There were considered four percentile levels of residue load in the proportions in mass of 0%, 5%, 10% and 15%, added to the expansible resin of castor oil plant in two configurations: sawed leather and crushed leather in a smaller particle (powder) by grinding in a mill of balls. Twenty-one proof bodies were produced for termophysical properties analysis (three for each configuration) and four proof bodies for rehearsals of thermal acting. Analyses of thermal acting were done in test cameras. The results of the rehearsals were compared to those obtained considering the castor oil plant foam without residue addition. A small reduction of the thermal conductivity of the composite was observed in the proportion of 10% of leather residue in both configurations. Regarding thermal conductivity, calorific capacity and diffusivity, it was verified that the proposed composite showed very close values to the commercial insulating materials (glass wool, rock wool, EPS). It was still demonstrated the technical viability of the use of composite as insulating thermal for systems of low potency. The composite presented larger volumetric expansion with 15% of sawed residue of leather.
New materials made from industrial wastes have been studied as an alternative to traditional fabrication processes in building and civil engineering. These materials are produced considering some issues like: cost, efficiency and reduction of nvironmental damage. Specifically in cases of materials destined to dwellings in low latitude regions, like Brazilian Northeast, efficiency is related to mechanical and thermal resistance. Thus, when thermal insulation and energetic efficiency are aimed, it s important to increase thermal resistance without depletion of mechanical properties. This research was conducted on a construction element made of two plates of cement mortar, interspersed with a plate of recycled expanded polystyrene (EPS). This component, widely known as sandwich-panel, is commonly manufactured with commercial EPS whose substitution was proposed in this study. For this purpose it was applied a detailed methodology that defines parameters to a rational batching of the elements that constitute the nucleus. Samples of recycled EPS were made in two different values of apparent specific mass (ρ = 65 kg/m³; ρ = 130 kg/m³) and submitted to the Quick-Line 30TM that is a thermophysical properties analyzer. Based on the results of thermal conductivity, thermal capacity and thermal diffusivity obtained, it was possible to assure that recycled EPS has thermal insulation characteristics that qualify it to replace commercial EPS in building and civil engineering industry
This work proposes the development of an innovative material made from a vegetable polyurethane matrix and load of industrial waste, from retread tires, for thermal insulation and environmental comfort. Experimental procedures are presented, as well as the results of the thermal and acoustic performance of this composite material, made from an expansive foam derived from the castor seed oil and fiber of scrap tires. The residue was treated superficially with sodium hydroxide, to eliminate contaminants, and characterized macroscopically and microscopically. Samples were produced with addition of residues at levels of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by weight, for determination of thermal properties: conductivity, heat capacity and thermal diffusivity, sound absortion index and density. The results were compared to commercially available thermal insulation and sound absorbing products. According to the analysis of results, it was concluded that the developed composite presents characteristics that qualify it as a thermal insulation with superior performance, compared to commercial available insulation, and sound absorption capacity greater than the castor oil polyurethane s, without addition of the residue
Pearl millet is recommended to produce dry matter for no-tillage system, as forage or for grain yield. The sowing time affects the crop development; thus, it can affect seed quality and initial storage conditions. The present research had as objective to evaluate the effects of sowing time on pearl millet seeds quality during the storage. Pearl millet seeds from twelve monthly sowing times were stored in environmental conditions, with no temperature and relative humidity control, and evaluated by seed moisture content, germination and vigor (first count of the germination test and electrical conductivity) for 0, 27 and 42 months of storage. The completely random design was employed, as a factorial experiment 12 x 3 (sowing time x storage time), with four replications. Means were compared by Tukey test (p <= 0.05). Pearl millet seeds produced in September resulted in the production of seeds with high germination and vigor, evaluated by the electrical conductivity test. The capacity of quality conservation of pearl millet seeds, for different storage times, is related to crop sowing time.
We present two models of blocks made of composite material obtained from the use of cement, plaster, EPS crushed, shredded tire, mud, sand and water, for the construction of popular housing. Were made metal molds for the manufacture of blocks to be used in the construction of a residence for low-income families. Performed tests of compressive strength of the composite for various formulations that met the specific standard for blocks used in construction. To study the thermal conductivity of the composite for further study of thermal comfort generated in a residence built with the proposed composite. We also determined the mass-specific and water absorption for each formulation studied. Using a home already built with another composite material, made up the closing of a window with the building blocks and found the thermal insulation, measuring external and internal temperatures of the blocks. The blocks had made good thermal insulation of the environment, resulting in differences of up to 12.6°C between the outer and inner faces. It will be shown the feasibility of using composite for the end proposed and chosen the most appropriate wording
Quarenta lotes de sementes de açaizeiro (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) colhidos na coleção de germoplasma de palmeiras do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (Ubatuba, Estado de São Paulo) foram submetidos aos seguintes testes para a avaliação de qualidade fisiológica das sementes: grau de umidade, germinação, primeira contagem de germinação (emissão do botão germinativo aos quatro dias da semeadura), índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG) e condutividade elétrica. O grau de umidade das sementes apresentou valores de 32,2 a 45,5%. A avaliação da qualidade das sementes de açaizeiro pode fundamentar-se nos testes de germinação, de primeira contagem de germinação, de IVG e de condutividade elétrica quando interpretados em conjunto.
With a view to revitalizing public environments through criteria that include economy, tourism, aesthetics and respect for the environment, this paper proposes a model of kiosk manufactured with composite material blocks, to be employed as a public instrument. . The model consists of a structure composed of planned blocks and manufactured in cement-based composite, gypsum, ground and water, having the styrofoam inside filled with pet bottles of 500 ml dose. The social and environmental issue is the critical point of the work when it can, through the reuse of environmentally harmful materials such as polyethylene terephthalate PET, using such modules for the construction of various areas of Commerce, promoting the protection of the environment combined with the improvement of the quality of life of the population. The tourism factor, which is significant in the economy of the North, is also considered as the modulated kiosk has a visual aspect innovative and differentiated. The environmental issue is addressed by encouraging the reuse of PET material and EPS (polystyrene)
The lanthanum strontium cobalt iron oxide (La1-xSrxCo1-yFeyO3 LSCF) is the most commonly used material for application as cathode in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs), mainly due to their high mixed ionic electronic conductivity between 600 and 800ºC. In this study, LSCF powders with different compositions were synthesized via a combination between citrate and hydrothermal methods. As-prepared powders were calcined from 700 to 900°C and then characterized by X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, thermal analyses, particle size analyses, nitrogen adsorption (BET) and scanning electronic microscopy. Films of composition La0,6Sr0,4Co0,2Fe0,8O3 (LSCF6428), powders calcined at 900°C, were screen-printed on gadolinium doped ceria (CGO) substrates and sintered between 1150 and 1200°C. The effects of level of sintering on the microstructure and electrochemical performance of electrodes were evaluated by scanning electronic microscopy and impedance spectroscopy. Area specific resistance (ASR) exhibited strong relation with the microstructure of the electrodes. The best electrochemical performance (0.18 ohm.cm2 at 800°C) was obtained for the cathode sintered at 1200°C for 2 h. The electrochemical activity can be further improved through surface activation by impregnation with PrOx, in this case the electrode area specific resistance decreases to values as low as 0.12 ohm.cm2 (800°C), 0.17 ohm.cm2 (750°C) and 0.31 ohm.cm2 (700°C). The results indicate that the citrate-hydrothermal method is suitable for the attainment of LSCF particulates with potential application as cathode component in intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
A mucuna-preta, leguminosa empregada como adubação verde e forrageira, produz sementes com dormência causada pela impermeabilidade do tegumento à água (dureza). O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar as relações entre a secagem das sementes no interior das vagens e a ocorrência desse fenômeno. Para tanto, nas colheitas realizadas semanalmente entre 40 e 89 dias após o florescimento, foram obtidas sementes de vagens submetidas ou não à secagem. Foram realizadas determinações de teor de água das sementes na colheita, coloração nas vagens e nas sementes no momento da colheita, condutividade elétrica, germinação e presença de sementes duras. A secagem das sementes nas vagens, separadas da planta-mãe, favorece o surgimento da dureza; essa ocorrência, contudo, é atenuada com o retardamento da referida separação.
O gradiente térmico da superfície para o interior do sólido depende da taxa de colisões das partículas e da condutividade térmica do material utilizado. Quando um sólido é imerso em plasma, a transferência de energia ocorre por radiação e colisões das partículas sobre a superfície do material. Dependendo da taxa de colisões das particulas e da condutividade térmica do sólido existirão gradientes térmicos da superfície para o interior das amostras, ocorrendo picos térmicos na superficie, ou seja, o aquecimento pontual nas regiões de colisões. A fim de estudar esse efeito, amostras de aço rápido AISI M35 cujos valores de dureza são fortemente sensíveis à temperatura de revenimento, foram utilizadas como micro sensores térmicos. Amostras foram temperadas em forno resistivo e, em seguida, parte das mesmas foram revenidas em forno resistivo e a outra parte em plasma. A partir do gráfico da dureza (Hv) em função da temperatura (T) das amostras revenidas em forno resistivo foi possível obter uma função Hv(T) para determinação indireta do perfil térmico das amostras tratadas em plasma. As amostras foram revenidas em plasma utilizando temperatura de referência igual a 550 oC. Em seguida foi obtido o perfil de dureza dessas amostras ao longo da seção transversal e, subsequentemente, o perfil de temperatura. Verificou-se que amostras tratadas em plasma, ao contrário daquelas tratadas em forno resistivo, apresentaram gradiente de temperatura da superfície para o núcleo. Além disso, verificou-se que as amostras tratadas em configuração planar apresentaram gradientes térmicos inferiores àquelas tratadas em configuração cátodo oco, variando de 20 a 120 °C, respectivamente
Lubricant is responsible for reducing the wear on the friction protect the metal against oxidation, corrosion and dissipates excess heat, making it essential for the balance of a mechanical system, consequently prolonging the useful life of such a system. The origin of lubricating oils is usually mineral being extracted from the petroleum. But the search for a new source of production of lubricants and fuels it is necessary to meet future demands and reduce the possible environmental damage. For this reason, looking alternative means to produce certain products derived from petroleum, such as biodiesel, for example. Returning to the realm of lubricants, also one realizes this need for new raw materials for their production. Vegetable oil is a renewable resource and biodegradable, and its use entails advantages in environmental, social and economic. The development of this project aims to characterize the carnauba oil as a lubricant plant, or biolubricant. To analyze the oil carnauba tests as checking density, flash point, fire point, viscosity, viscosity, acid number, pH, copper corrosion, thermal conductivity and thermal resistivity were developed. In addition, for conducting the wear on the friction and the gradient of the system temperature, the analysis equipment is designed for wear on the friction. Based on these results, it is observed that the oil carnauba show good correlation to its application as biolubricant
Thermal insulation is used to protect the heated or cooled surfaces by the low thermal conductivity materials. The rigid ricin polyurethane foams (PURM) are used for thermal insulation and depend on the type and concentration of blowing agent. Obtaining PURM occurs by the use of polyol, silicone, catalyst and blowing agent are pre -mixed, reacting with the isocyanate. The glass is reusable, returnable and recyclable heat insulating material, whose time of heat dissipation determines the degree of relaxation of its structure; and viscosity determines the conditions for fusion, operating temperatures, annealing, etc. The production of PURM composites with waste glass powder (PV) represents economical and renewable actions of manufacturing of thermal insulating materials. Based on these aspects, the study aimed to produce and characterize the PURM composites with PV, whose the mass percentages were 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 wt%. PURM was obtained commercially, while the PV was recycled from the tailings of the stoning process of a glassmaking; when the refining process was applied to obtain micrometer particles. The PURM + PV composites were studied taking into account the standard sample of pure PURM and the influence of the percentage of PV in this PURM matrix. The results of the chemical, physical and morphological characterization were discussed taking into account the difference in the microstructural morphology of the PURM+PV composites and the pure PURM, as well the results of the physicochemical, mechanical e thermophysical tests by values obtained of density, hardness, compressive strength, specific heat, thermal conductivity and diffusivity. In general, the structure of pure PURM showed large, elongated and regular pores, while PURM+PV composites showed irregular, small and rounded pores with shapeless cells. This may have contributed to reducing their mechanical strength, especially for PURM - PV50. The hardness and density were found to have a proportional relationship with the PV content on PURM matrix. The specific heat, thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity showed proportional relationship to each other. So, this has been realized that the increasing the PV content on PURM matrix resulted in the rise of diffusivity and thermal conductivity and the decrease of the specific heat. However, the values obtained by the PURM composites were similar the values of pure PURM, mainly the PURM-PV5 and PURM-PV10. Therefore, these composites can be applied like thermal insulator; furthermore, their use could reduce the production costs and to preserve the environment
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a quantidade de calda de pulverização depositada nas folhas de Brachiaria plantaginea, em aplicações de pós-emergência precoce, em que se variou o volume de calda de pulverização, a densidade de plantas m-2 e o ângulo de posicionamento da ponta de pulverização na barra de aplicação. Para isso, foram conduzidos três experimentos em condições de laboratório. Nestes estudos, o volume de calda de pulverização foi obtido por meio da variação da velocidade de deslocamento de um veículo composto por plataforma e quatro rolamentos tracionados por um motor elétrico. Foi utilizada a ponta de pulverização XR Teejet 8001 EVS, na pressão de 241,4 kPa. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições. No primeiro experimento, os volumes utilizados foram de 1147,57; 860,68; 573,78; 459,02; 344,27; 229,51; 114,75; e 57,37 L ha-1 de calda de pulverização, com densidade de 600 plantas m-2. No segundo experimento foram estudadas as densidades de 300, 600, 900 e 1.200 plantas m-2; neste caso, utilizou-se o volume de 229,51 L ha-1 de calda de pulverização. No terceiro experimento avaliou-se o posicionamento do ângulo da ponta de pulverização na barra de aplicação e utilizou-se a densidade de 600 plantas m-2. Estudaram-se os ângulos de -30º, -15º, 90º, +15º e +30º e os volumes de calda de pulverização de 198,76; 221,69; 229,51; 221,69; e 198,76 L ha-1, respectivamente. Foram adotados sinais negativos para o sentido de deslocamento do veículo e sinais positivos para o sentido contrário ao deslocamento. As avaliações do depósito de calda de pulverização, na planta e no solo, foram feitas utilizando-se condutividade elétrica. A porcentagem de depósito de calda de pulverização nas plantas de B. plantaginea foi incrementada com a redução do volume de calda pulverizada por hectare. O depósito de calda por planta foi maior nas densidades maiores de plantas. O ângulo de posicionamento da ponta de pulverização na barra de aplicação incrementou o depósito de calda nas plantas de B. plantaginea, quando comparado com o ângulo de 90º.