977 resultados para coastal erosion


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With the stimulus of the very high international market value of penaeid shrimp, new pond areas for shrimp farming are rapidly being added in Bangladesh. Unfortunately, this expansion is occurring with the loss of some natural mangrove forests and with soils and sediments that are far from ideal for aquaculture. In this study, two representative shrimp farming areas were surveyed and pH, in profile depth, was recorded. It was found that the shrimp farming areas of the Chakaria Sundarban are more acidic than those of the Khulna-Satkhira region due to the acid sulfate soils.


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This investigation was carried out from June ‘89 to May ‘90 and focuses on the occurrence and abundance of Acetes shrimps in the Kutubdia channel. The shrimps of the genus Acetes occurred throughout the year in the area of investigation. Acetes showed a bimodal peak in occurrence, one in late monsoon season (August - September) and other in pre-monsoon season (February - March). But the maximum number of Acetes shrimps was recorded in March (462 individuals/haul). The Acetes population of this channel was dominated by four species, Acetes erythraeus (38.50%), A. indicus (32.98%), A. chinensis (4.48%) and A. japonicus (3.32%).


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As part of the ongoing marine pollution monitoring programme the coastal stretch between Porbandar and Ratnagiri was considered to assess the fishery potential. Regular experimental trawling was done off Porbandar, Veraval, Diu, Hazira, Daman, Bassein, Bombay, Murud and Ratnagiri at a depth range of 5-25 m during 1988 to 1992. The catch rate varied from 1.2 to 225 kg/h (av.20.3 kg/h). Zonewise maximum catch (av.56.8 kg/h) was observed off Ratnagiri followed by off Porbandar (av.30.1 kg/h), off Bombay (av.23.9 kg/h) and off Murud (av.19.8 kg/h). The area between Hazira and Daman was poor in fish catch. In general, the catch rate showed a fluctuating trend during the period of observation. Among the hundred species identified from the collections the most common species were Coilia dussumieri, Johnius glaucus, Scoliodon laticaudus, Lepturacanthus savala, Harpadon nehereus, Sardinella longiceps, Pampus sp. and Congresox sp. The community structure and species assemblage at different zones are discussed in detail.


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Deterioration of water quality clearly indicated a moderate to severe coastal pollution around Mahim whereas a relatively healthy marine environment towards offshore was noticed. Foraminifera, polychaetes, crustaceans and pelecypods were the dominant macro faunal groups encountered in the area. The occasional inhabitants like pennatularians, nemertines, sipunculids, ophiuroids and fish larvae were mostly restricted to offshore regions. Biomass and population density of macro fauna were moderate and showed fluctuating trend. Similarity coefficients of foraminifera (0.89) and polychaetes (0.81) were high for offshore unpolluted stations (3 and 4) as compared to near shore coastal stations (1 and 2). Faunal diversity was relatively more in unpolluted zone. The diversity index (H) was more at station 3 for polychaetes (1.39) and at station 4 for foraminifers (0.54). In general, biomass was high during post monsoon excepting station 1 which was invariably under severe pollution stress throughout the study period. Foraminifera were abundant at sandy bottom while polychaetes preferred muddy (clayey silt) bottom. A noticeable ecological modification associated with faunal abundance and diversity were related to deteriorating marine water quality due to anthropogenic waste disposals. The prevailing water quality around Mahim is unsuitable for any kind of culture practices and also for harvesting economically important marine species.


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The experiment indicated feasibility of culturing Indian major carps seed with Lates calcarifer, if the size of Indian major carps is larger. In the present investigation the average growths of Catla catla, Labeo rohita and Cirrhinus mrigala are recorded as 1193, 1120 and 821 g, respectively, during the year 1997-98, 1998-99 and 1999-2000 in 7.5 months. Complete harvesting of L. calcarifer is essential before stocking of new seed. The average growth of L. calcarifer was recorded as about 670 g during the above period. About 5000 numbers of Indian major carps fry per hectare can be stocked under the present culture system


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The mechanisms of material removal were studied during the erosion of two unfilled elastomers (natural rubber and epoxidised natural rubber). The effects of impact velocity and of lubrication by silicone oil were investigated. The development of surface features due to single impacts and during the early stages of erosion was followed by scanning electron microscopy. The basic material removal mechanism at impact angles of both 30° and 90° involves the formation and growth of fine fatigue cracks under the tensile surface stresses caused by impact. No damage was observed after single impacts; it was found that many successive impacts are necessary for material removal. It was found that the erosion rate has a very strong dependance on impact velocity above about 50 ms-1.


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Boronizing is a thermochemical diffusion-based process for producing iron boride layers in the surface of steel components. The boride layer is wear resistant and is very hard. Large residual stresses are found to exist in the surface layers, which are a function of substrate steel composition and heat treatment. By slow cooling from the boronizing temperature (900°C), a large compressive stress is developed in the boride layer. Hardening the steel by rapid cooling, either directly from the boronizing treatment or after subsequent austenitizing, develops tension in the coating which causes it to fracture. Tempering of the martensite produces compression in the coating, closing but not welding the cracks. The results of solid particle erosion experiments using silicon carbide, quartz, and glass bead erodents on boronized steels are presented.


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The response of three commercial weld-hardfacing alloys to erosive wear has been studied. These were high chromium white cast irons, deposited by an open-arc welding process, widely used in the mineral processing and steelmaking industries for wear protection. Erosion tests were carried out with quartz sand, silicon carbide grit and blast furnace sinter of two different sizes, at a velocity of 40 m s-1 and at impact angles in the range 20° to 90°. A monolithic white cast iron and mild steel were also tested for comparison. Little differences were found in the wear rates when silica sand or silicon carbide grit was used as the erodent. Significant differences were found, however, in the rankings of the materials. Susceptibility to fracture of the carbide particles in the white cast irons played an important role in the behaviour of the white cast irons. Sinter particles were unable to cause gross fracture of the carbides and so those materials with a high volume fraction of carbides showed the greatest resistance to erosive wear. Silica and silicon carbide were capable of causing fracture of the primary carbides. Concentration of plastic strain in the matrix then led to a high wear rate for the matrix. At normal impact with silica or silicon carbide erodents mild steel showed a greater resistance to erosive wear than these alloys. © 1995.


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The coastal zone of Sri Lanka is the most important area of fish production at present. This coastal zone is limited seawards to the edge of our relatively narrow continental shelf. The fishing methods employed are such that only a fraction of the shelf area is exploited. The extent to which the coastal zone is exploited depends on the craft and gear used in the fishing operations. The non-mechanized traditional crafts such as the teppams and orus generally operate within about five miles from shore. The mechanized traditional crafts and the small mechanized boats introduced around 1957 carry out fishing operations up to the continental shelf or beyond. The gear used by these fishing crafts is determined by the habits of the type of fish to be caught, the nature of the sea bed and other related conditions. For the pelagic fishes they use trolling lines or float long lines or drift nets. For the demersal fishes hand lines, bottom long lines, bottom set nets or drag nets are used. However, the net is the preferred fishing gear. The beach seines or madels, the traditional crafts such as orus, teppams and vallams and the small mechanized boats are the important contributors in the coastal fishery. Of these the madels are considered the most important since a high percentage (25-35%) of the Island's landings are produced by the operation of these nets.


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Ceylon’s fishery for the tunas is presently limited to the coastal waters which in the present context have an off-shore limit of 15 miles and our contribution to the world tuna production is a little over 1%. Four varieties of tuna are largely exploited in the coastal waters. Of these, Baleya or the skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis Linn. 1758) is the predominant variety followed by attavalla or mackerel tuna (Euthynnus ajfinis, Cantor, 1850), kelawalla or yellowfin (Thunnus albacares, Bonnaterre, 1788) and alagoduwa or frigate mackerel (Auxis thazard Lacepede, 1802). Other varieties like the thora-baleya or bonito (Sarda orientalis) and asgedi kelawalla or big eye tuna (Thunnus obesus) are also landed frequently but in extremely small quantities. Figure 1 illustrates the relative composition of the tuna varieties in the catch and their percentage composition further sub-divided according to the type of effort applied. It is evident that Ceylon's coastal fishery for tunas is greatly influenced by the production of smaller varieties of the tunas.


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The Crown-of-Thorns starfish Acanthaster planci is a predator of coral and has been responsible for the widespread destruction of coral reefs. In Sri Lanka this starfish was first reported by Clarke in 1915. Recently skin-divers reported that Acanthaster planci was present in very large numbers in the coastal waters off Trincomalee, especially on the coral formations around Pigeon Island. It is well known that the multiplication of the starfish to plague proportions is a serious threat to the coral reef formations round the Island. If it were allowed to continue its depredations the entire coral reef belt round the Island might be destroyed in a short time. The monsoon waves would then convert the dead coral to rubble. In the absence of a barrier against the advancing waves during the monsoon it would also lead to serious erosion of the shoreline. The coral reef fish would also disappear with the destruction of the coral formations. On account of these considerations it was decided to conduct a survey of the Crown-of-Thorns starfish in eastern coastal waters in order to estimate the magnitude of the population of the starfish in these waters.


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A method was developed for the estimation of the erosive wear of fiber-insulating materials. The wear increases with increasing impact velocity of the particles, increasing impact angle, particle size and the thermal ageing of the fibre elements. Through CFD simulation of the particle-containing gas flow, the erosion depth can be predicted.


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Longliner and purse-seiner catch/effort statistics for tuna fisheries in the western Indian Ocean collected by Mozambique, Seychelles and Somalia are summarized. Although the data are not considered sufficient to indicate trends for the western Indian Ocean as a whole, an examination of data from the Seychelles EEZ shows that catch rates for yellowfin tuna declined consistently from 1982 to 1985, to about half their former levels. The data were processed by the FAO/Indo Pacific Tuna Development and Management Programme, Colombo, Sri Lanka.


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In preparation for the Workshop and Symposium on “Asserting Rights, Defining Responsibilities: Perspectives from Small-scale Fishing Communities on Coastal and Fisheries Management in Asia”, held in Siem Reap Cambodia, from 3 to 8 May 2007, case studies were undertaken in six countries in Asia—Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand. Among other things, the studies aimed to document and explore the understanding that fishing communities have about their rights to fisheries and coastal resources, as well as the obligations and responsibilities associated with these rights, and to document and discuss their initiatives to assert these rights and fulfill their responsibilities. The studies formed the basis for discussions at the Workshop and Symposium. This case study from Cambodia will be found useful by NGOs, regional and national organizations of artisanal fishworkers, and anyone interested in fisheries and fishing communities in Cambodia.