961 resultados para cell cycle phase
Galactosyltransferase (GalTase) is localized in the Golgi, where it functions in oligosaccharide synthesis, as well as on the cell surface where it serves as a cell adhesion molecule. GalTase-specific adhesions are functional in a number of important biological events, including F9 embryonal carcinoma (EC) cell adhesions. GalTase-based adhesions are formed by recognition and binding to terminal N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residues on its glycoprotein counterpart on adjacent cell surfaces. The object of this work has been to investigate the formation and function of GalTase-specific adhesions during F9 cell growth and differentiation. We initially investigated GalTase synthesis during differentiation and found that the increase in GalTase activity was specific for the Golgi compartment; surface GalTase levels remained constant during differentiation. These data indicated that the increase in cell adhesions expected with increased cell-matrix interaction in differentiated F9 cells is not the consequence of increased surface GalTase expression and, more interestingly, that the two pools of GalTase are under differential regulation. Synthesis and recognition of the consociate glycoprotein component was next investigated. Surface GalTase recognized several surface glycoproteins in a pattern that changes with differentiation. Uvomorulin, lysosome-associated membrane protein-1 (LAMP-1), and laminin were recognized by surface GalTase and are, therefore, potential components in GalTase-specific adhesions. Furthermore, these interactions were aberrant in an adhesion-defective F9 cell line that results, at least in part, from abnormal oligosaccharide synthesis. The function played by surface GalTase in growth and induction of differentiation was examined. Inhibition of surface GalTase function by a panel of reagents inhibited F9 cell growth. GalTase expression at both the transcription and protein levels were differentially regulated during the cell cycle, with surface expression greatest in the G1 phase. Disruption of GalTase adhesion by exposure to anti-GalTase antibodies during this period resulted in extension of the G2 phase, a result similar to that seen with agents known to inhibit growth and induce differentiation. Finally, other studies have suggested that a subset of cell adhesion molecules have the capability to induce differentiation in EC cells systems. We have determined in F9 cells that dissociating GalTase adhesion by galactosylation of and release of the consociate glycoproteins induces differentiation, as defined by increased laminin synthesis. The ability to induce differentiation by surface galactosylation was greatest in cells grown in cultures promoting cell-cell adhesions, relative to cultures with minimal cell-cell interactions. ^
An in vitro model using highly purified freshly isolated T cells demonstrated that immobilized ligands for the integrin $\alpha4\beta1$ could cooperate to enhance mitogen signals delivered by coimmobilized anti-CD3 specfic monoclonal antibody OKT3. Costimulation through $\alpha4\beta1$ integrin lead to enhanced proliferation which depended on expression of both IL-2 as well as IL-2 receptor. The transcription factors NF-AT, AP-1, and NF-$\kappa$B, which are involved in the regulation of IL-2 as well as other cytokine genes, were weakly induced by anti-CD3 stimulation alone in electromobility shift assays, but were augmented significantly with $\alpha4\beta1$ costimulation. These results suggested that $\alpha4\beta1$ ligands delivered a growth promoting signal which could synergize with signals induced by engagement of the TCR/CD3 complex, and also suggested a dual function for integrins in both localization and subsequent delivery of a growth promoting signal for T lymphocytes. Integrin involvement in lymphocyte trafficking has been employed as a model for understanding tumor cell metastasis. Therefore we have extended the duality of integrin function in both homing and subsequent delivery of a growth promoting signal to include a role for integrins in providing growth stimulation for tumor cells. Using a gastric derived tumor line, inhibition of adhesion to substrate leads to G0/G1 cell cycle arrest, reduced cyclin A expression, and reduced phospholipid synthesis. This effect could be reversed upon $\alpha2\beta1$ integrin mediated reattachment to collagen. These observations demonstrated a role for an integrin in the growth regulation of a tumor line. The small GTP-binding protein Rho, implicated in phospholipid synthesis, can be inactivated by the ADP-ribosylation exoenzyme C3 from C. botulinum. Addition of C3 to cell cultures inhibited the growth promoting effect due to integrin mediated adhesion. Taken together, these results are consistent with a model for cooperative interaction between integrins and Rho leading to enhanced phospholipid synthesis and mitogen signaling. This model may provide a basis for understanding the phenomena of integrin costimulation in T cell activation. ^
Growing cells are continuously processing signals of all varieties and responding to these signals by changes in cellular gene expression. One signal that cells in close proximity relay to each other is cell-cell contact. Non-transformed cells respond to cell-cell contact by arrest of growth and entry into G$\sb0,$ a process known as contact inhibition. Transformed cells do not respond to contact inhibition and continue to grow to high cell density, forming foci when in cell culture and tumors in the living organism. The events surrounding the generation, transduction, and response to cellular contact are poorly understood. In the present study, a novel gene product, drp, is shown to be expressed at high levels in cultured cells at high cell density. This density regulated protein, drp, has an apparent molecular weight of 70 kDa. Northern analysis shows drp to be highly expressed in cardiac and skeletal muscle and least abundant in lung and kidney tissues. By homology to two independently derived sequence tagged sites (STSs) used in the human genome project, drp or a closely related sequence maps to human chromosome 12. Density-dependent increases in drp expression have been demonstrated in six different cell lines including NIH 3T3, Hela and a human teratocarcinoma cell line, PA-1. Cells exhibit increased drp expression both when they are plated at increasing concentrations per unit area, or plated at low density and allowed to grow naturally to higher cell density. Cells at high density can exhibit several phenotypes including growth arrest, accumulation of soluble factors in the media, and increased numbers of cell contacts. Growth arrest by serum starvation or TGF-$\beta$ treatment fails to produce an increase in drp expression. Similarly, treatment of low density cells with conditioned media from high density cells fails to elicit drp expression. These results argue that neither soluble factors accumulated or expressed at high density nor simple exit from the cell cycle is sufficient to produce an increase in drp expression. The expression of drp appears to be uniquely regulated by cell density alone. ^
The carcinogenic activity of water-insoluble crystalline nickel sulfide requires phagocytosis and lysosome-mediated intracellular dissolution of the particles to yield Ni('2+). This study investigated the extent and nature of the DNA damage in Chinese hamster ovary cells treated with various nickel compounds using the technique of alkaline elution. Crystalline NiS and water-soluble NiCl(,2) induced single strand breaks that were repaired quickly and DNA-protein crosslinks that persisted up to 24 hr after exposure to nickel. The induction of single strand breaks was concentration dependent at both noncytotoxic and lethal amounts of nickel. The induction of DNA-protein crosslinks was concentration dependent but was absent at lethal amounts of nickel. The cytoplasmic and nuclear uptake of nickel was concentration dependent even at the toxic level of nickel. However, the induction of DNA-protein crosslinks by nickel required active cell cycling and occurred predominantly in mid-late S phase of the cell cycle, suggesting that the lethal amounts of nickel inhibited DNA-protein crosslinking by inhibiting active cell cycling. Since the DNA-protein crosslinking induced by nickel was resistant to DNA repair, the nature of this lesion was investigated using various methods of DNA isolation and chromatin fractionation in combination with SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. High molecular weight, non-histone chromosomal proteins and possibly histone 1 were preferentially crosslinked to DNA by nickel. The crosslinked proteins were concentrated in a magnesium-insoluble fraction of sonicated chromatin (5% of the total) that was similar to heterochromatin in solubility and protein composition. Alterations in DNA structure and function, brought about by the effect of nickel on protein-DNA interactions, may be related to the carcinogenicity of nickel compounds. ^
Epstein-Barr virus is a herpes virus distinguished by its remarkable specificity for the B lymphocyte of humans and certain other primates. Although the transformation process is very efficient, is has become clear that only a fraction of B lymphocytes is susceptible. Therefore the question may be raised if transformation is related to B cell stage of activation. B cells were purified from peripheral blood mononuclear cells by the removal of monocytes using elutriation and sheep red blood cell rosetting to remove T cells. Retesting B cells were purified using discontinuous Percoll gradients. Activation of resting cells for 24 hours with anti-mu or Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I (SAC) resulted in transition of susceptible cells into the G(,1) phase of the cell cycle as shown by an increase in cell size, an increase in uridine incorporation and an increase in sensitivity to B cell growth factor (BCGF). Entry into S phase was achieved by extending the period of activation to 48-96 hr as shown by an increase in thymidine incorporation. By this criterion, SAC activated cells entered S phase on day 2 and anti-mu treated cells on day 3. Control (G(,0)) cells and cells activated for varying lengths of time (G(,1), G(,1) plus S) were exposed to EBV and plated in a limiting dilution assay to determine the frequency of EBV-transformable cells. Control cells and cells activated for 24 hr had a precursor frequency of 1% to 2%. With continued activation, however, precursor frequency decreased as a function of the duration of activation. The decrease in frequency of transformable cells correlated with the entry of the population into S phase. The transformation frequency in the SAC-treated population was reduced twenty-fold on day 4, whereas in the anti-mu treated population it was reduced ten-fold. Treating cells with BCGF in conjunction with low concentrations of anti-mu decreased the transformation frequency to levels lower than anti-mu alone, further suggesting that entry into S phase is accompanied by a reduction in transformability. These results indicate that resting B cells are highly susceptible to transformation and that with in vitro activation into the cell cycle B cells become progressively insensitive to EBV. ^
Double minutes (dm) are small chromatin particles of 0.3 microns diameter found only in the metaphase cells of human and murine tumors. Dm are unique cytogenetic structures since their numbers per cell show wide variation. At cell division, dm are retained despite the lack of centromeres. In squash preparations, dm show clustering often in association with chromosomes. Human carcinoma cell line SW613-S18 was found to have large numbers of dm and biological characteristics favorable for mitotic synchronization and chromosome isolation experiments.^ S18 cells were synchronized to mitosis with metabolic and mitotic blocking compounds. Mitotic cells were lysed to release chromosomes and dm from the mitotic spindle and the resulting suspensions were fractionated to enrich for dm. The DNA in enriched fractions was characterized. The reassociation kinetics of dm-DNA driven with placental human DNA was similar to the reassociation curve of labeled placental DNA under similar conditions. In situ hybridization of dm-DNA to tumor and normal metaphase cells showed grain localization over the entire karyotype. Dm-DNA was shown by pulse chase DNA replication experiments to replicate during early and mid S-phase of the cell cycle, but not in late S-phase. In addition, BrdUrd incorporation studies showed that dm-DNA replicates only once during the S-phase. Premature chromosome condensation studies suggest the basis of numerical heterogeneity of dm is nondisjunction, not anomalous or unscheduled DNA replication.^ These data and previous cytochemical banding studies of dm in SW613-S18 indicate that dm-DNA is chromosomal in origin. No evidence of gene amplification was found in the DNA reassociation data. It is likely that dm-DNA represents the pale-staining G-band regions of the human karyotype in this cell line. ^
Plant infections by the soil bacterium Agrobacterium rhizogenes result in neoplastic disease with the formation of hairy roots at the site of infection. Expression of a set of oncogenes residing on the stably integrated T-DNA is responsible for the disease symptoms. Besides the rol (root locus) genes, which are essential for the formation of hairy roots, the open reading frame orf13 mediates cytokinin-like effects, suggesting an interaction with hormone signaling pathways. Here we show that ORF13 induced ectopic expression of KNOX (KNOTTED1-like homeobox) class transcription factors, as well as of several genes involved in cell cycle control in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). ORF13 has a retinoblastoma (RB)-binding motif and interacted with maize (Zea mays) RB in vitro, whereas ORF13, bearing a point mutation in the RB-binding motif (ORF13*), did not. Increased cell divisions in the vegetative shoot apical meristem and accelerated formation of leaf primordia were observed in plants expressing orf13, whereas the expression of orf13* had no influence on cell division rates in the shoot apical meristem, suggesting a role of RB in the regulation of the cell cycle in meristematic tissues. On the other hand, ectopic expression of LeT6 was not dependent on a functional RB-binding motif. Hormone homeostasis was only altered in explants of leaves, whereas in the root no effects were observed. We suggest that ORF13 confers meristematic competence to cells infected by A. rhizogenes by inducing the expression of KNOX genes and promotes the transition of infected cells from the G1 to the S phase by binding to RB.
The U7 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (U7 snRNP) is an essential factor mediating the unique 3’end processing of non-polyadenylated, replication-dependent histone mRNAs in metazoans. These histone genes expression and processing of their transcripts are cell cycle-regulated mechanisms that recruit a number of specific proteins as well as common factors required for expression and maturation of polyadenylated mRNAs. However, despite all the knowledge we have so far, there are still gaps in understanding of core histone RNA 3’ end processing, its coupling to transcription and regulation during cell cycle. To further elucidate this phenomena we used affinity chromatography based on tagged version of U7 snRNA molecule to identify proteins associated with U7 snRNP/U7 snRNA that could be potentially involved in core histone genes expression in human cells. Mass spectrometric analysis of affinity-purified fraction revealed, among others, multifunctional RNA/DNAbinding protein FUS/TLS (fused in sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma) as a new factor interacting with U7 snRNA/RNP. Co-immunoprecipitation and RIP experiments confirmed the binding between FUS and the U7 RNA/snRNP. Interestingly, FUS:U7 snRNA interaction seems to be activated in S phase where the core histone genes are expressed. Moreover, FUS co-fractionates in 10-50% continuous glycerol gradient with other factors involved in histone premRNAs 3’end processing. However, this unique 3’end maturation was not disturbed upon FUS knockdown. Instead, we found that FUS depletion leads to a de-regulation of expression from selected histone promoters, suggesting that FUS is rather involved in regulation of core histone genes transcription. Thus, FUS bound to U7 snRNP can play a role in coupling between transcription and 3’end processing of replication dependant histone mRNAs.
In continuation of the long tradition of mass spectrometric research at the University of Bern, our group focuses on the characterization of nucleic acids as therapeutic agents and as drug targets. This article provides a short overview of our recent work on platinated single-stranded and higher-order nucleic acids. Nearly three decades ago the development of soft ionization techniques opened a whole new chapter in the mass spectrometric analysis of not only nucleic acids themselves, but also their interactions with potential drug candidates. In contrast to modern next generation sequencing approaches, though, the goal of the tandem mass spectrometric investigation of nucleic acids is by no means the complete sequencing of genetic DNA, but rather the characterization of short therapeutic and regulatory oligonucleotides and the elucidation of nucleic acid–drug interactions. The influence of cisplatin binding on the gas-phase dissociation of nucleic acids was studied by the means of electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Experiments on native and modified DNA and RNA oligomers confirmed guanine base pairs as the preferred platination site and laid the basis for the formulation of a gas-phase fragmentation mechanism of platinated oligonucleotides. The study was extended to double stranded DNA and DNA quadruplexes. While duplexes are believed to be the main target of cisplatin in vivo, the recently discovered DNA quadruplexes constitute another promising target for anti-tumor drugs owing to their regulatory functions in the cell cycle.
Background/Aims: Ceramide kinase (CerK) catalyzes the generation of the sphingolipid ceramide-1-phosphate (C1P) which regulates various cellular functions including cell growth and death, and inflammation. Here, we used a novel catalytic inhibitor of CerK, NVP-231, and CerK knockout cells to investigate the contribution of CerK to proliferation and inflammation in renal mesangial cells and fibroblasts. Methods: Cells were treated with NVP-231 and [3H]-thymidine incorporation into DNA, [3H]-arachidonic acid release, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) synthesis, cell cycle distribution, and apoptosis were determined. Results: Treatment of rat mesangial cells and mouse renal fibroblasts with NVP-231 decreased DNA synthesis, but not of agonist-stimulated arachidonic acid release or PGE2 synthesis. Similarly, proliferation but not arachidonic acid release or PGE2 synthesis was reduced in CERK knockout renal fibroblasts. The anti-proliferative effect of NVP-231 on mesangial cells was due to M phase arrest as determined using the mitosis markers phospho-histone H3, cdc2 and polo-like kinase-1, and induction of apoptosis. Moreover, loss of CerK sensitized cells towards stress-induced apoptosis. Conclusions: Our data demonstrate that CerK induces proliferation but not PGE2 formation of renal mesangial cells and fibroblasts, and suggest that targeted CerK inhibition has potential for treating mesangioproliferative kidney diseases.
MicroRNA miR-199a-5p impairs tight junction formation leading to increased urothelial permeability in bladder pain syndrome. Now using transcriptome analysis in urothelial TEU-2 cells we implicate it in the regulation of cell cycle, cytoskeleton remodeling, TGF and Wnt signaling pathways. MiR-199a-5p is highly expressed in the smooth muscle layer of the bladder and we altered its levels in bladder smooth muscle cells (SMC) to validate the pathway analysis. Inhibition of miR-199a-5p with antimiR increased SMC proliferation, reduced cell size and up-regulated miR-199a-5p targets, including Wnt2. Overexpression of Wnt2 protein or treating SMCs with recombinant Wnt2 closely mimicked the miR-199a-5p inhibition, whereas down-regulation of Wnt2 in antimiR-expressing SMCs with shRNA restored cell phenotype and proliferation rates. Overexpression of miR-199a-5p in the bladder SMCs significantly increased cell size and up-regulated SM22, SM alpha-actin and SM myosin heavy chain mRNA and protein levels. These changes, as well as increased expression of ACTG2, TGFB1I1, and CDKN1A were mediated by up-regulation of smooth muscle-specific transcriptional activator myocardin at mRNA and protein levels. Myocardin-related transcription factor (MRTF-A) downstream targets Id3 and MYL9 were also induced. Up-regulation of myocardin was accompanied by down-regulation of Wnt-dependent inhibitory Kruppel-like transcription factor 4 (KLF4) in miR-199a-5p overexpressing cells. In contrast, KLF4 was induced in antimiR-expressing cells following the activation of Wnt2 signaling, leading to repression of myocardin-dependent genes. MiR-199a-5p plays a critical role in the Wnt2-mediated regulation of proliferative and differentiation processes in the smooth muscle and may behave as a key modulator of smooth muscle hypertrophy, relevant for organ remodeling.
Prostaglandins such as prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) play a pivotal role in physiological and pathophysiological pathways in gastric mucosa. Little is known about the interrelation of the prostaglandin E (EP) receptors with the prostaglandin transporter OATP2A1 in the gastric mucosa and gastric carcinoma. Therefore, we first investigated the expression of OATP2A1 and EP4 in normal and carcinoma gastric mucosa. Different PGE2-mediated cellular pathways and mechanisms were investigated using human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293) and the human gastric carcinoma cell line AGS stably transfected with OATP2A1. Colocalization and expression of OATP2A1 and EP4 were detected in mucosa of normal gastric tissue and of gastric carcinomas. OATP2A1 reduced the PGE2-mediated cAMP production in HEK293 and AGS cells overexpressing EP4 and OATP2A1. The expression of OATP2A1 in AGS cells resulted in a reduction of [(3)H]-thymidine incorporation which was in line with a higher accumulation of AGS-OATP2A1 cells in S-phase of the cell cycle compared to control cells. In contrast, the expression of OATP2A1 in HEK293 cells had no influence on the distribution in the S-phase compared to control cells. OATP2A1 also diminished the PGE2-mediated expression of interleukin-8 mRNA (IL-8) and hypoxia-inducible-factor 1α (HIF1α) protein in AGS-OATP2A1 cells. The expression of OATP2A1 increased the sensitivity of AGS cells against irinotecan which led to reduced cell viability. Taken together, these data show that OATP2A1 influences PGE2-mediated cellular pathways. Therefore, OATP2A1 needs to be considered as a key determinant for the understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of prostaglandins in healthy and tumorous gastric mucosa.
Replication-dependent histone genes are up-regulated during the G1/S phase transition to meet the requirement for histones to package the newly synthesized DNA. In mammalian cells, this increment is achieved by enhanced transcription and 3' end processing. The non-polyadenylated histone mRNA 3' ends are generated by a unique mechanism involving the U7 small ribonucleoprotein (U7 snRNP). By using affinity purification methods to enrich U7 snRNA, we identified FUS/TLS as a novel U7 snRNP interacting protein. Both U7 snRNA and histone transcripts can be precipitated by FUS antibodies predominantly in the S phase of the cell cycle. Moreover, FUS depletion leads to decreased levels of correctly processed histone mRNAs and increased levels of extended transcripts. Interestingly, FUS antibodies also co-immunoprecipitate histone transcriptional activator NPAT and transcriptional repressor hnRNP UL1 in different phases of the cell cycle. We further show that FUS binds to histone genes in S phase, promotes the recruitment of RNA polymerase II and is important for the activity of histone gene promoters. Thus, FUS may serve as a linking factor that positively regulates histone gene transcription and 3' end processing by interacting with the U7 snRNP and other factors involved in replication-dependent histone gene expression.
Endometriosis is a gynecologic disease that is characterized by nonspecific symptoms and invasive diagnostics. To date, there is no adequate noninvasive method for the diagnosis of endometriosis. Although more than 100 potential biomarkers have been investigated in blood and/or peritoneal fluid, none of these has proven useful in clinical practice. The aim to find a suitable panel of biomarkers that would allow noninvasive diagnosis thus remains of interest. We evaluated the concentrations of 16 cytokines and other secretory proteins in serum and peritoneal fluid of 58 women with ovarian endometriosis (cases) and 40 healthy women undergoing sterilization or patients with benign ovarian cysts (controls) using multiplexed double fluorescence-based immunometric assay platform and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Significantly higher concentrations of glycodelin-A were shown in serum, and significantly higher levels of glycodelin-A, IL-6, and IL-8, and lower levels of leptin were measured in the peritoneal fluid of cases versus controls. In serum, the best performance was shown by models that included the ratio of leptin/glycodelin-A and the ratio of ficolin 2/glycodelin-A, whereas in the peritoneal fluid the best models included the ratio of biglycan/leptin, regulated on activation normal T-cell expressed and secreted/IL-6 and ficolin-2/glycodelin-A, and IL-8 per milligram of total protein, all in combination with age. The models using serum and peritoneal fluid distinguished between ovarian endometriosis patients and controls regardless of the menstrual cycle phase with relatively high sensitivity (72.5% to 84.2%), specificity (78.4% to 91.2%), and area under the curve (0.85 to 0.90).
The histones which pack new DNA during the S phase of animal cells are made from mRNAs that are cleaved at their 3' end but not polyadenylated. Some of the factors used in this reaction are unique to it while others are shared with the polyadenylation process that generates all other mRNAs. Recent work has begun to shed light on how the cell manages the assignment of these common components to the two 3' processing systems, and how it achieves their cell cycle-regulation and recruitment to the histone pre-mRNA. Moreover, recent and older findings reveal multiple connections between the nuclear organization of histone genes, their transcription and 3' end processing as well as the control of cell proliferation.