982 resultados para bowel care
The Conference took place on May 30th, 2002 in the Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoigaire. It attracted over 250 delegates from across the statutory, voluntary and private sectors and the interest that was expressed in the Conference was indicative of the growing recognition of the importance of establishing a more co-ordinated way of conducting health and social care assessments for older people. The Conference provided the opportunity to both discuss the necessity for a standardised approach to conducting assessments and to explore the merits of establishing a national framework for the multi-disciplinary assessment of older people’s health and social care needs and preferences. Â Download document here
As Chairperson of the National Council on Ageing and Older People, it gives me great pleasure to introduce this report, Meeting the Health, Social Care and Welfare Services Information Needs of Older People in Ireland. The Council has asserted, in previous reports in the past, the need to improve information provision for older people in order to enable them to make informed decisions in relation to their health, social care and welfare services needs and preferences so that they can become partners in their own care. This is consistent with current policy initiatives intended to re-orientate services more towards the older person and to place him/her at the heart of service planning, delivery and evaluation. Download document here
This document, which has been named Our Duty to Care, is aimed at community and voluntary organisations of any size or type that provide services for children. It offers guidance on the promotion of child welfare and the development of safe practices in work with children. It also gives information on how to recognise signs of child abuse and the correct steps to take within organisations if it is suspected, witnessed or disclosed. The process of reporting suspected or actual child abuse to the health board is described step by step, and guidance is given on how to handle sensitive areas. Download document here
Community Involvement For Women’s Health: Mechanisms Within Primary Care Services The Women.s Health Council is a statutory body established in 1997 to advise the Minister for Health and Children on all aspects of women.s health. Following a recommendation in the Report of the Second Commission on the Status of Women (1993), Developing a Policy for Women’s Health. A Discussion Document was published in 1995. One of the recommendations in the Plan was a proposal that a Women’s Health Council be set up as a centre of expertise on women.s health issues, to foster research into women.s health, evaluate the success of this Plan in improving women’s health and advise the Minister for Health on women’s issues generally. Click here to download PDF 644kb Â
National Standards for Foster Care The vast majority of children in the care of the state now live with foster carers. A substantial number of these children are cared for by their extended family in relative foster care. Fostering services depend on families and individuals in the community who are willing to share their homes and lives with children and young people whose parents are unable to care for them. Foster carers also share their lives with a range ofprofessionals with whom they work in partnership. Click her to download PDF 925bk Children’s Version PDF 1.65mb
AIM: We assessed how satisfied parents were when they received a copy of the letter sent to their primary care physician after their child attended a hospital outpatient clinic and compared their views with those of the primary care physician. METHODS: Anonymised questionnaires were sent to parents, and their primary care physician, after their child had visited a paediatric nephrology unit. RESULTS: We received responses from 112 parents (46%) and 69 primary care physicians (93%). Most parents (97%) were satisfied with the process, 94% thought that the letter was a true reflection of the outpatient consultation and easy to understand, and 55% read it to their child. However, 21% would have preferred a simpler letter. More than a third (37%) of the primary care physicians did not approve of the parents being sent the letter, and 30% felt that the letter was difficult for the parents to understand and should be replaced with a simpler letter. CONCLUSION: Most parents (97%) appreciated receiving a copy of the letter following their child's outpatient clinic visit, and 95% understood its contents. More than half (55%) read the letter to their child. However, 37% of primary care physicians did not approve of the practice.
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Click here to download PDF Â This is a publication of The Women’s Health Council
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This report has two main objectives. The first is to set out national and health board area population projections for Ireland in the period 1991-2011, with special reference to the elderly population. The second is to consider the implications of the predicted trends in the elderly population for health and social care services over the same period, taking account of official policy objectives and service norms for the health services. Download the Report here
The Department of Health’s strategy, Shaping a Healthier Future – A Strategy for Effective Healthcare in the 1990s stated that “to provide the firmest possible basis for the planning of services in the longer-term, the Department of Health will commission a study on the implications for the health services of the projected increase in the elderly population over the next ten years Download the Report here
The purpose of this Guide is to offer guidance on the Child Care (Pre- School Services) Regulations, 1996. It is written for persons charged with responsibility for implementing the legislation and for anyone affected by its provisions, in particular persons who are carrying on or proposing to carry on a pre-school service. The Regulations and the Explanatory Guide expand on the provisions of Part VII of the Child Care Act, 1991 Download the Report here
The Irish service was last reviewed in 1980. Much of the valuable recommendations made at that time have been given effect. The present Review Group examined that report and, to the extend that recommendations then made have not been acted upon, incorporated them in this report. The views and rights of mothers were of course paramount in the consideration of the members of the Group and issues of choice, privacy, consent and information were considered and appropriate recommendations made. Download the Report here
The National Council on Ageing and Older People has long been concerned about the quality of long-term residential care for older people in Ireland. In 1986, its predecessor, the National Council for the Aged published “It’s Our Home”. The Quality of Life in Private and Voluntary Nursing Homes. In 1999 the Council commissioned a postal survey of all long-term residential care facilities in the country to determine whether facilities had quality initiatives in operation; providers’ views and aspirations for future provision of long-term care; providers’ views on the introduction of a national quality monitoring policy Download the Report here