999 resultados para black hole physics
C2-C8 hydrocarbon concentrations (about 35 compounds identified, including saturated, aromatic, and olefinic compounds) from 27 shipboard-sealed, deep-frozen core samples of DSDP Hole 603B off the east coast of North America were determined by a gas-stripping/thermovaporization method. Total yields representing the hydrocarbons dissolved in the pore water and adsorbed on the mineral surfaces of the sediments vary from 22 to 2400 ng/g of dryweight sediment. Highest yields are measured in the two black shale samples of Core 603B-34 (hydrogen index of 360 and 320 mg/g Corg, respectively). In organic-carbon-normalized units these samples have hydrocarbon contents of 12,700 and 21,500 ng/g Corg, respectively, indicating the immaturity of their kerogens. Unusually high organic-carbonnormalized yields are associated with samples that are extremely lean in organic carbon. It is most likely that they are enriched by small amounts of migrated light hydrocarbons. This applies even to those samples with high organic-carbon contents (1.3-2.2%) of Sections 603B-28-4, 603B-29-1, 603B-49-2, and 603B-49-3, because they have an extremely low hydrocarbon potential (hydrogen index between 40 and 60 mg/g Corg). Nearly all samples were found to be contaminated by varying amounts of acetone that is used routinely in large quantities on board ship during core-cutting procedures. Therefore, 48 samples from the original set of 75 collected had to be excluded from the present study.
C2-C8 hydrocarbons (36 compounds identified) from 56 shipboard sealed, deep-frozen core samples of DSDP Leg 71, Site 511, Falkland Plateau, South Atlantic, were analyzed by a combined hydrogen stripping-thermovaporization method. Concentrations, which represent hydrocarbons dissolved in the pore water and adsorbed to the mineral surfaces of the sediment, vary from 24 ng/g of dry weight sediment in Lithologic Unit 4 to 17,400 ng/g in Lithologic Unit 6 ("black shale" unit). Likewise, the organic carbon normalized C2-C8 hydrocarbon concentrations range from 104 to 3.5 x 105 ng/g Corg. The latter value is more than one order of magnitude lower than expected for petroleum source beds in the main phase of oil generation. The low maturity at 600 meters depth is further supported by light hydrocarbon concentration ratios. The change of the kerogen type from Lithologic Unit 5 (Type III) to 6 (Type II) is evidenced by changes in the C6 and C7 hydrocarbon composition. Redistribution phenomena are observed close to the Tertiary-Cretaceous unconformity and at the contact between the "black shale" unit and the overlying Cretaceous chalks and claystones. Otherwise, the low molecular weight hydrocarbons in Hole 511 are formed in situ and remain at their place of formation. The core samples turned out to be contaminated by large quantities of acetone, which is routinely used as a solvent during sampling procedures onboard Glomar Challenger.
Organic-rich sediments (sapropels) deposited in the Mediterranean are presumed to have formed during periods of increased productivity, and/or deep water oxygen depletion, possibly including the development of sulfidic conditions (euxinia). Geochemical redox proxies (Re, Mo, Mo isotopes, V, Fe/Al, and multiple S isotopes) in 8 sapropels from the Pleistocene confirm water column euxinic conditions of varying intensity during sapropel deposition. These same proxies indicate an oxic origin for hemipelagic sediments deposited between sapropel-forming episodes. In one intensively sampled sapropel, deposited between 1.450 and 1.458 Ma, changing concentrations of organic carbon, Ba, Re, Mo, V, and Fe/Al track one another closely, reflecting coupling between water column euxinia and biological productivity. Multiple S isotope data from this sapropel suggest that the redox interface where oxidative sulfur cycling occurred was present in the sediments during hemipelagic sedimentation, but moved into the water column during sapropel deposition. Molybdenum isotopes of these 8 sapropels encompass a range of values (d98Mo = +0.2 to +1.7), but are all 98Mo-depleted relative to seawater (d98Mo = +2.3 per mil), suggesting that quantitative removal of Mo did not occur. This finding contrasts with modern Black Sea sediments. In general, Re/Mo ratios in sapropels are greater than in modern seawater, implying that the water column was not sufficiently sulfidic during sapropel-forming episodes to induce complete removal of both these elements. Surprisingly, the heaviest d98Mo values are found within hemipelagic sediments. Very few of the hemipelagic samples preserve the negative d98Mo values commonly associated with modern oxic marine sediments. Many of the hemipelagic samples also contained higher concentrations of Re and Mo than are common in oxic sediments. These features may be attributable to diffusion from the sapropels of a 98Mo-enriched component into the hemipelagic sediments.
Stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of benthic and planktonic foraminifera of ODP Hole 171-1049C
Ocean anoxic events were periods of high carbon burial that led to drawdown of atmospheric carbon dioxide, lowering of bottom-water oxygen concentrations and, in many cases, significant biological extinction (Arthur et al., 1990; Erbacher et al., 1996, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1996)024<0499:EPORAO>2.3.CO;2; Kuypers et al., 1999, doi:10.1038/20659; Jenkyns, 1997; Hochuli et al., 1999, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1999)027<0657:EOHPAC>2.3.CO;2). Most ocean anoxic events are thought to be caused by high productivity and export of carbon from surface waters which is then preserved in organic-rich sediments, known as black shales. But the factors that triggered some of these events remain uncertain. Here we present stable isotope data from a mid-Cretaceous ocean anoxic event that occurred 112 Myr ago, and that point to increased thermohaline stratification as the probable cause. Ocean anoxic event 1b is associated with an increase in surface-water temperatures and runoff that led to decreased bottom-water formation and elevated carbon burial in the restricted basins of the western Tethys and North Atlantic. This event is in many ways similar to that which led to the more recent Plio-Pleistocene Mediterranean sapropels, but the greater geographical extent and longer duration (~46 kyr) of ocean anoxic event 1b suggest that processes leading to such ocean anoxic events in the North Atlantic and western Tethys were able to act over a much larger region, and sequester far more carbon, than any of the Quaternary sapropels.
My thesis thinks through the ways Newtonian logics require linear mobility in order to produce narratives of progress. I argue that this linear mobility, and the resulting logics, potentially erases the chaotic and non-linear motions that are required to navigate a colonial landscape. I suggest that these non-linear movements produce important critiques of the seeming stasis of colonial constructs and highlight the ways these logics must appear neutral and scientific in an attempt to conceal the constant and complex adjustments these frameworks require. In order to make room for these complex motions, I develop a quantum intervention. Specifically, I use quantum physics as a metaphor to think through the significance of black life, the double-consciousness ofland, and the intricate motions of sound. In order to put forth this intervention, I look at news coverage of Hurricane Katrina, Du Bois’s characterization of land in Souls of Black Folks, and the aural mobilities of blackness articulated in an academic discussion and interview about post- humanism.
Similarly to the case of LIF (Laser-Induced Fluorescence), an equally revolutionary impact to science is expected from resonant X-ray photo-pumping. It will particularly contribute to a progress in high energy density science: pumped core hole states create X-ray transitions that can escape dense matter on a 10 fs-time scale without essential photoabsorption, thus providing a unique possibility to study matter under extreme conditions. In the first proof of principle experiment at the X-ray Free Electron Laser LCLS at SCLAC [Seely, J., Rosmej, F.B., Shepherd, R., Riley, D., Lee, R.W. Proposal to Perform the 1st High Energy Density Plasma Spectroscopic Pump/Probe Experiment", approved LCLS proposal L332 (2010)] we have successfully pumped inner-shell X-ray transitions in dense plasmas. The plasma was generated with a YAG laser irradiating solid Al and Mg targets attached to a rotating cylinder. In parallel to the optical laser beam, the XFEL was focused into the plasma plume at different delay times and pump energies. Pumped X-ray transitions have been observed with a spherically bent crystal spectrometer coupled to a Princeton CCD. By using this experimental configuration, we have simultaneously achieved extremely high spectral (λ/δλ ≈ 5000) and spatial resolution (δx≈70 μm) while maintaining high luminosity and a large spectral range covered (6.90 - 8.35 Å). By precisely measuring the variations in spectra emitted from plasma under action of XFEL radiation, we have successfully demonstrated transient X- ray pumping in a dense plasma.
We present a new quantum description for the Oppenheimer-Snyder model of gravitational collapse of a ball of dust. Starting from the geodesic equation for dust in spherical symmetry, we introduce a time-independent Schrödinger equation for the radius of the ball. The resulting spectrum is similar to that of the Hydrogen atom and Newtonian gravity. However, the non-linearity of General Relativity implies that the ground state is characterised by a principal quantum number proportional to the square of the ADM mass of the dust. For a ball with ADM mass much larger than the Planck scale, the collapse is therefore expected to end in a macroscopically large core and the singularity predicted by General Relativity is avoided. Mathematical properties of the spectrum are investigated and the ground state is found to have support essentially inside the gravitational radius, which makes it a quantum model for the matter core of Black Holes. In fact, the scaling of the ADM mass with the principal quantum number agrees with the Bekenstein area law and the corpuscular model of Black Holes. Finally, the uncertainty on the size of the ground state is interpreted within the framework of an Uncertainty Principle.
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to compare skeletal, dentoalveolar and soft tissue characteristics in white and black Brazilian subjects presenting normal occlusions. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The sample comprised the lateral cephalograms of 106 untreated Brazilian subjects with normal occlusion, divided into two groups: Group 1- 50 white subjects (25 of each gender), at a mean age of 13.17 years (standard deviation 1.07); and Group 2- 56 black subjects (28 of each gender), at a mean age of 13.24 years (standard deviation 0.56). Variables studied were obtained from several cephalometric analyses. Independent t tests were used for intergroup comparison and to determine sexual dimorphism. RESULTS: black subjects presented a more protruded maxilla and mandible, a smaller chin prominence and a greater maxillomandibular discrepancy than white subjects. Blacks presented a more horizontal craniofacial growth pattern than whites. Maxillary and mandibular incisors presented more protruded and proclined in black subjects. The nasolabial angle was larger in whites. Upper and lower lips were more protruded in blacks than in whites. CONCLUSIONS: The present study found a bimaxillary skeletal, dentoalveolar and soft tissue protrusion in black Brazilian subjects compared to white Brazilian subjects, both groups with normal occlusion. Upper and lower lips showed to be more protruded in blacks, but lip thickness was similar in both groups.
The oil obtained from Brazilian roasted coffee by supercritical CO2 extraction shows considerable aromatic properties, mainly composed by five aromatic compounds, 2-methylpyrazine; 2-furfurylalcohol, 2,5-dimethylpyrazine; γ-butyrolactone and 2-furfurylacetate. Sensory analyses were used to verify the influence of a mixture of these important classes of aromatic coffee compounds (pyrazines, furans and lactones) and of the roasted coffee aromatic oil on the coffee aroma and flavour of black instant freeze and spray-dried coffee beverages. In the acceptance evaluation of the aroma, the samples prepared with freeze-dried instant coffee without the mixture of volatile compounds (sample 4) were not significantly different from the freeze-dried instant coffee in which the aromatic coffee oil was added (sample 5) and from the sample prepared with freeze-dried coffee in which the mixture of the five volatile was added (sample 3), coincidentally from the same drying process. Therefore, sample (3) did not differ from samples prepared with spray dried instant coffee without (sample 1) and to which (sample 2) the mixture of volatile was added. Therefore, with respect to this attribute, the addition of this mixture did not interfere in this drink acceptance. Taking into consideration the flavor, samples prepared with freeze-dried instant coffee in which the aromatic coffee oil was added (5) and the samples with (3) and without (4) the mixture of the five volatile was added did not differ significantly, however sample (4) did not differ from samples (1) and (2). Regarding this attribute, the addition of the aromatic oil of roasted coffee or a mixture of volatile in samples of freeze-dried instant coffee had a better acceptance than those dried by spray dryer (1) and (2). Thus, the enrichment of drinks with the aromatic oil of roasted coffee, or even with the mixture of the five components did not influence the consumer acceptance with respect to the aroma, but exerts influence with respect to flavour.
Captures with black and white Shannon traps were undertaken to identify aspects of the behavior of the two cryptic and sympatric species implicated as vectors of cutaneous leishmaniasis, Nyssomyia intermedia (Lutz & Neiva, 1912) and Nyssomyia neivai (Pinto, 1926). The traps were installed side by side, monthly, from July 2001 to June 2002, from 18 to 07 hours, in a peridomicile of Iporanga municipality, state of São Paulo, Brazil. A total of 2,142 specimens were captured, Ny. intermedia (47.4%) and Ny. neivai (50.5%). The white trap was more attractive to both sexes of both species. Males of Ny. neivai predominated (70%) over those of Ny. intermedia on the two traps; on the black trap, the females of Ny. intermedia predominated (63.3%) over those of Ny. neivai (36.7%). Seventy percent of the specimens of both species were captured between 18 and 24 h. Females of Ny. intermedia presented the highest peak at 19-20 h, and those of Ny. neivai at 20-21 h. The highest hourly average for females of Ny. intermedia on the black trap occurred in the winter and that for males in the summer. For Ny. neivai, both sexes predominated in the summer. The two species probably transmit the cutaneous leishmaniasis in the area due to their great predominance.
Cardiovascular disease is a serious public health problem; it is the first cause of death in Brazil and in developed countries. Thus, it is essential to search for alternative sources such as some functional foods to prevent and control the risks of this disease. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the lipidemic parameters in hypercholesterolemic rats fed diets containing black rice variety IAC 600 or unrefined rice. Adult male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus var. albinos) were used, weighing about 200-220 g. The animals were divided into four groups: the first received a control casein diet, the second received hypercholesterolemic diet, and the other two groups, after induction of hypercholesterolemia, received the test diets, the first containing 20% black rice and the second 20% unrefined, for 30 days. It was observed that diet containing black rice reduced the level of plasma cholesterol, triglycerides, and low-density lipoprotein. For high-density lipoprotein values, the diet that provided an increase in the levels was the black rice. The diet containing black rice was more effective in controlling the lipidemia in rats compared with the whole rice diet.
The present study focuses on potential agents of chromoblastomycosis and other endemic diseases in the state of Parana, Southern Brazil. Using a highly selective protocol for chaetothyrialean black yeasts and relatives, environmental samples from the living area of symptomatic patients were analysed. Additional strains were isolated from creosote-treated wood and hydrocarbon-polluted environments, as such polluted sites have been supposed to enhance black yeast prevalence. Isolates showed morphologies compatible with the traditional etiological agents of chromoblastomycosis, e.g. Fonsecaea pedrosoi and Phialophora verrucosa, and of agents of subcutaneous or systemic infections like Cladophialophora bantiana and Exophiala jeanselmei. Some agents of mild disease were indeed encountered. However, molecular analysis proved that most environmental strains differed from known etiologic agents of pronounced disease syndromes: they belonged to the same order, but mostly were undescribed species. Agents of chromoblastomycosis and systemic disease thus far are prevalent on the human host. The hydrocarbon-polluted environments yielded yet another spectrum of chaetothyrialean fungi. These observations are of great relevance because they allow us to distinguish between categories of opportunists, indicating possible differences in pathogenicity and virulence.
Interference by autofluorescence is one of the major concerns of immunofluorescence analysis of in situ hybridization-based diagnostic assays. We present a useful technique that reduces autofluorescent background without affecting the tissue integrity or direct immunofluorescence signals in brain sections. Using six different protocols, such as ammonia/ethanol, Sudan Black B (SBB) in 70% ethanol, photobleaching with UV light and different combinations of them in both formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded and frozen human brain tissue sections, we have found that tissue treatment of SBB in a concentration of 0.1% in 70% ethanol is the best approach to reduce/eliminate tissue autofluorescence and background, while preserving the specific fluorescence hybridization signals. This strategy is a feasible, non-time consuming method that provides a reasonable compromise between total reduction of the tissue autofluorescence and maintenance of specific fluorescent labels.
In this work an iterative strategy is developed to tackle the problem of coupling dimensionally-heterogeneous models in the context of fluid mechanics. The procedure proposed here makes use of a reinterpretation of the original problem as a nonlinear interface problem for which classical nonlinear solvers can be applied. Strong coupling of the partitions is achieved while dealing with different codes for each partition, each code in black-box mode. The main application for which this procedure is envisaged arises when modeling hydraulic networks in which complex and simple subsystems are treated using detailed and simplified models, correspondingly. The potentialities and the performance of the strategy are assessed through several examples involving transient flows and complex network configurations.