965 resultados para assembléia de peixes
O experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a inclusão de amido em dietas para larvas de tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). Foram utilizadas 375 larvas com 8,02 ± 2,11 mg de peso inicial, distribuídas em 25 aquários com capacidade unitária de 30 L, em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos e cinco repetições. As rações foram formuladas para conter 0; 2,5; 5; 7,5 e 10% de amido, com 3.500 kcal ED/kg e 38,6% proteína digestível. Os peixes foram alimentados, à vontade, cinco vezes ao dia. O peso final, o ganho de peso, o fator de condição e a sobrevivência dos peixes alimentados com rações acrescidas de amido não diferiram em relação ao daqueles alimentados com a ração controle. O amido pode ser incluído como fonte energética em níveis de até 10% em rações para larvas de tilápia-do-nilo, pois não prejudica o desempenho dos peixes.
Este estudo examinou as respostas de estresse de juvenis de pirarucu transportados em sistema fechado. Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) é um peixe nativo da bacia Amazônica, da família Osteoglossidae que possui respiração aérea obrigatória. Foi realizado um transporte de curta duração (6 h) em sacos de polietileno inflados com ar atmosférico (grupo ar) ou com oxigênio puro (grupo oxi). O oxigênio dissolvido foi o único parâmetro de qualidade da água que apresentou diferença estatística entre os grupos, e como esperado, o oxigênio estava supersaturado para o grupo oxi. Não houve mortalidade após o transporte em ambos os grupos. Os peixes se alimentaram 36 h após o transporte e apresentaram um consumo de ração habitual após 72 h. As respostas fisiológicas foram semelhantes nos dois grupos. O cortisol não apresentou mudança significativa durante o período de amostragem. Ao contrário da maioria das espécies, os valores de cortisol se apresentaram inalterados nos dois grupos durante a amostragem, enquanto a glicose teve um aumento significativo até 12 h após o transporte. Os resultados mostram que o transporte de pirarucu em sacos de polietileno pode ser realizado com ar atmosférico ou oxigênio puro, uma vez que as respostas de estresse, a qualidade da água e o comportamento alimentar após 36 h foram similar entre os grupos.
Avaliou-se o efeito da inclusão de um complexo enzimático em dietas para tilápias-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) sobre o desempenho, a composição química da carcaça e a qualidade da água. Foram utilizados 200 alevinos revertidos (4,57 ± 1,24 g), distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em 20 tanques de 500 litros, com quatro tratamentos e cinco repetições, considerando a unidade experimental uma caixa com dez peixes. Os peixes foram alimentados com dietas contendo 0; 0,033; 0,066 ou 0,099% de complexo enzimático. As dietas foram processadas na forma peletizada e fornecidas quatro vezes ao dia, às 8, 11, 14 e 17 h. Os valores médios de pH, condutividade elétrica, oxigênio dissolvido, temperatura, fósforo total, amônia e nitrato da água de cultivo não foram influenciados pela dieta. A inclusão do complexo enzimático na dieta não afetou o ganho de peso, as taxas de sobrevivência e de crescimento específico, mas influenciou o consumo de ração e a conversão alimentar, cujos valores foram maiores nos peixes alimentados com a dieta com 0,066% de complexo enzimático. Não foram observadas diferenças nos teores de matéria seca, umidade, proteína bruta, matéria mineral, cálcio e fósforo na carcaça dos peixes, no entanto, o teor de extrato etéreo reduziu de forma linear com o aumento do nível de complexo enzimático. A utilização de complexo enzimático (amilase, protease, celulase, lipase, pectinase, xilanase, β-glucanase e fitase) no nível de 0,066% em dietas para juvenis de tilápia-do-nilo piora a conversão alimentar, mas não influencia o desempenho e a composição corporal dos peixes.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Na aquicultura são utilizados análises da ativação e incremento da migração de macrófagos, com intuito de verificar a capacidade imunológica inespecífica dos peixes frente a um desafio. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o tempo de migração de monócitos/macrófagos para a cavidade peritoneal em matrinxã, Brycon amazonicus, por meio da técnica de inoculação de leveduras Saccharomyces cerevisiae, e verificar as possíveis alterações dos parâmetros hematológicos após o estímulo. Foram utilizados 30 matrinxãs com peso médio de 101,55 ± 24,50 g e comprimento médio de 19,75 ± 1,72 cm. Os tempos de inoculação utilizados foram 2, 4, 8 e 12 horas, sendo utilizados 6 animais por tempo. Após os períodos de incubação (2, 4, 8 e 12 horas), os exemplares foram anestesiados e alíquotas de sangue foram coletadas por punção do vaso caudal, para a análise: número total de células, contagem diferencial e total dos leucócitos e contagem total de trombócitos, hematócrito, taxa de hemoglobina e índices hematimétricos (VCM, HCM e CHCM). Os resultados mostram que a capacidade fagocítica do macrófago não apresentou diferenças significativas entre os tempos experimentais. Com relação ao índice fagocítico, o tempo de 2 horas representa o tempo em que os macrófagos fagocitaram maior número de leveduras com diferenças significativas em relação aos outros tempos experimentais, indicando que este tempo (2 horas) de incubação foi suficiente para a migração e ativação máxima dos macrófagos da cavidade peritoneal, da espécie estudada. Os valores do número de eritrócitos apresentaram diferenças entre os tempos de incubação. Entretanto, os valores dos outros parâmetros hematológicos não apresentaram diferenças significativas.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the production of Freshwater Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) in different stocking densities in cages polycultured with Amazon River Prawn (Macrobrachium amazonicum). Four treatments were evaluated (1; 2; 3 and 4 fish. 10 L(-1)) using two ponds and 24 experimental units. Water quality parameter reached adequate levels for the species. Production data were submitted to ANOVA. Fish produced in the lowest density showed higher values of final weight and standard length, and lower total biomass in comparison with the others treatments. Feed conversion rate, survival, batch uniformity and body factor were not significant different among treatments. The highest density tested produced more fish and gross yield than the others treatments. The density 20 fish. 10L(-1) is recommended to produce Freshwater Angelfish in cages polycultured with Amazon River Prawn.
Plantas aquáticas, especialmente macrófitas, tornam-se sério problema em hidrelétricas, afetando a múltipla utilização dos corpos d'água, incluindo produção de peixes e atividades de pesca, perdas d'água por evapotranspiração, esportes aquáticos, canoagem, irrigação e produção de energia nas usinas hidrelétricas. Com o objetivo de analisar o potencial de uso do carfentrazone-ethyl no controle das principais plantas daninhas aquáticas no Brasil, foi instalado um experimento em vasos com água. Utilizaram-se os seguintes tratamentos herbicidas (g i.a. ha-1): carfentrazone-ethyl a 15, 30 e 60; glyphosate a 4.536; 2,4-D a 4.690; imazapyr a 1.250; e uma testemunha sem herbicida. Esses tratamentos foram testados nas seguintes espécies: Eichhornia crassipes, Salvinia auriculata, Pistia stratiotes, Myriophyllum aquaticum, Brachiaria arrecta, Hydrocotyle umbellata, Typha sp. e Echinochloa polystachya. As avaliações foram efetuadas aos 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias após os tratamentos. Os resultados mostraram que o carfentrazone-ethyl foi eficiente no controle de E. crassipes (maior dose) e P. stratiotes (duas maiores doses), com efeito supressivo sobre S. auriculata. Foi observado que nas outras plantas daninhas estudadas não houve eficiência de controle.
Dos movimentos sociais às funções institucionais: a Consolidação de uma geração política em Sergipe.
This study was presented to the Post-Graduation Program in Social Sciences at UFRN as part of the requisites for obtaining the title of Master in Social Sciences. It describes the results of the research From social movements to the institutional functions: the consolidation of a generation . Its main objective is to describe the history of a political generation that emerged from the social movements, in the 80 s, in Sergipe, and that nowadays occupies the main governmental positions in the State s political scenario. As its specific objectives, the research described the emerging of social movements in the 80s in Sergipe; it found in the social movements in Sergipe, in the 80s, the beginning of the history of a new political generation, and described the consolidation of this new political generation in institutional positions as the expression of a new group of power in Sergipe s politics. Among the social movements that gained visibility in that period and that projected their leadership into the political scenario of Sergipe, this study highlights: the students movement, teacher s movement, bank clercks movement, miners movement, and rural workers movement. It utilized as methodology the research in sites, magazines, and the use of testimonies from semi-structured interviews. The main leadership of the five movements that were analyzed is, nowadays, governing the state, administering the capital s city hall, and performing legislative work at the Legislative Assembly of Sergipe, and at the Chamber of City Councilmen of Aracaju. This study described the political history of the main leadership of that generation of militants and organizers of social movements, and of left party groups in Sergipe, highlighting that their consolidation in the political scenario of the State meant the consolidation of a new group of power in Sergipe s politics.
Three methods of sexual identification were evaluated in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) at ages of 30, 60 and 90 days that were submitted to sexual reversion under administration of androgen hormone 17 alpha-methyltestosterone added to crumble diets with different granules sizes (0.25, 0.35 and 0.50 mm) in dosage of 60mg/kg. The techniques of sexual identification employed were: a) Macroscopic examination of urogenital papilla; b) Microscopic examination of gonads through stain with carmine-acetate and c) Microscopic examination of gonads through histological routine. In the presence of three methods of sexual identification evaluated, histology of gonads has shown the most confident diagnosis. The grain diameters of rations did not interfere in morphological characteristics of gonads, neither in secondary sexual characters of fish.
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo o estudo da helmintofauna da corvina de água doce Plagioscion squamosissimus, do reservatório de Volta Grande, MG, Brasil. Foram colhidos 68 peixes com comprimento médio de 25,2 cm e peso médio de 180,9 g, com rede de espera, bimestralmente no período de dezembro de 1995 a dezembro de 1996. Os parasitos foram cuidadosamente retirados de seus cistos que estavam aderidos ao mesentério intestinal. Os espécimes foram fixados em AFA a 65°C e conservados em álcool 70°GL contendo 5% de glicerina. Após diafanização com ácido acético ou lactofenol de Amann, 21 nematóides foram desenhados em câmara clara. As larvas foram identificadas como Thynnascaris sp. (Nematoda: Anisakidae). Das 68 corvinas examinadas, 30 estavam infectadas por esses parasitos com uma prevalência de 44,1%. O número médio de parasitos por hospedeiro foi de 0 a 13,8 e a intensidade média, de 0 a 16. A análise estatística, de acordo com o Teste Exato de Fisher, mostrou que a sazonalidade foi dependente da pluviosidade e temperatura do ar.
About two decades ago Brazil has been suffered some important political changes on its government and supporter systems. In these changes the Partido dos Trabalhadores (Workers support) has been researched significant results as much legislation as executive ways. These conquests propitiate a structure for it to get an alternative motion in order to manage public goods by petista government way. Trying to examinate this we can study the Partido dos Trabalhadores government experience in Acre (1999-2002) to know about why the PT government characteristics are different from the others. To do this we assumed to conjecture a popular participation with priorities inversion and ethics in public resources administration. These are the elements of PT government way. This way we started our work making an evaluation of its bibliography. Them we do a field inquiry to analyses documents of the government projects (budget rules law, papers, approved laws, IBGE, PNUD, TSE) and semi-structured interviews with some characters of recent political Acres life. The scheme and the analysis about these givens disclose that weren t confirmed our hypothesis in part, since PT remained old local politics habitus. In other side the executive administration on PT government has got to inflect the Governance . Further on an efficient management as World Bank dispossess but PT absolve many requests of progressive sectors as well it expanded the society participation to resolutions process. By a cabinets enlargement. So it rescues a total administrative course which is printed in the called petista government way. Personally we think so it means important advancements in this Acre government way
The right against self-incrimination is a fundamental right that works in the criminal prosecution, and therefore deserves a study supported by the general theory of criminal procedure. The right has a vague origin, and despite the various historical accounts only arises when there is a criminal procedure structured that aims to limit the State´s duty-power to punish. The only system of criminal procedure experienced that reconciles with seal self-incrimination is the accusatory model. The inquisitorial model is based on the construction of a truth and obtaining the confession at any cost, and is therefore incompatible with the right in study. The consecration of the right arises with the importance that fundamental rights have come to occupy in the Democratic Constitutional States. In the Brazilian experience before 1988 was only possible to recognize that self-incrimination represented a procedural burden for accused persons. Despite thorough debate in the Constituent Assembly, the right remains consecrated in a textual formula that´s closer to the implementation made by the Supreme Court of the United States, known as "Miranda warnings", than the text of the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that established originally the right against self-incrimination with a constitutional status. However, the imprecise text does not prevent the consecration of the principle as a fundamental right in Brazilian law. The right against self-incrimination is a right that should be observed in the Criminal Procedure and relates to several of his canons, such as the the presumption of not guilty, the accusatory model, the distribution of the burden of proof, and especially the right of defense. Because it a fundamental right, the prohibition of self-incrimination deserves a proper study to her constitutional nature. For the definition of protected persons is important to build a material concept of accused, which is different of the formal concept over who is denounced on the prosecution. In the objective area of protection, there are two objects of protection of the norm: the instinct of self-preservation of the subject and the ability to self-determination. Configuring essentially a evidence rule in criminal procedure, the analysis of the case should be based on standards set previously to indicate respect for the right. These standard include the right to information of the accused, the right to counsel and respect the voluntary participation. The study of violations cases, concentrated on the element of voluntariness, starting from the definition of what is or is not a coercion violative of self-determination. The right faces new challenges that deserve attention, especially the fight against terrorism and organized crime that force the development of tools, resources and technologies about proves, methods increasingly invasive and hidden, and allow the use of information not only for criminal prosecution, but also for the establishment of an intelligence strategy in the development of national and public security
This study aims, to characterize the diversity of cephalopods by analyzing the stomach contents of fishes caught in the islands of St. Peter and St. Paul (ASPSP) and Fernando de Noronha (AFN). Also, verify the participation of cephalopods in the diet of their main predators. A total of 723 stomachs were collected, from 8 species of fish, caught by the fishery, 471 stomachs were from ASPSP and 252 were from the AFN. It was recorded the occurrence of food items (fish, cephalopods and crustaceans) and the cephalopods were identified to the lowest taxa possible, according to specialized literature. The Ommastrephidae family represented 84.46% of occurrence in the ASPSP and 63.48% in the AFN, confirming the importance of this family in the area studied and also in the diet of their predators. Among the species with greatest occurrence Ornitoteuthis antillarum was the most representative in both regions. This species had an average mantle length of 54.25 mm, thus demonstrating that the majority of this population is in the juvenile stage of development. The smallest species found was Argonauta nodosa with a mantle length of 4.06 mm and the largest was Ommastrephes bartrami, with 223.33 mm. In the AFN, the species richness (d) was 2.318, the diversity index (H ') was 1.454 and the measure of evenness (J) was 0.585. In the ASPSP, the species richness (d) was 2.66, the Shannon diversity index (H ') was 1.013 and the measure of evenness (J) was 0.373. AFN has a greater cephalopod diversity than ASPSP, confirming the pattern suggested by the Theory of Island Biogeography. Among the occurrence of prey items for all predators, the cephalopods are secondary preys. The most important cephalopod species in the diet of Thunnus albacares and Acantocybium solandri was Ornithoteuthis antillarum. These predators have different niche width the diet of Thunnus albacares is more specialized, but they have an overlap of 84.684% in the trophic niche, suggesting that in the ASPSP these two species may use similar niches
Processos carioevolutivos na ordem tetraodontiformes: uma visão através de suas diferentes linhagens
Given the great diversity of fishes, the Order Tetraodontiformes stands to show genetic and morphological characteristics enough singular. The fishes of this order have a compact DNA which favors molecular studies, as well as comparisons with more basal species. Model of genome evolution, there are still many gaps in knowledge about their chromosomal patterns and how evolutionary rearrangements influence the marked variation in DNA content of this order. In view of this, we present cytogenetic analyzes of the species Acanthostracion quadricornis (Ostraciidae), A. polygonius (Ostraciidae) Melichthys niger (Balistidae) Cantherhines macrocerus (Monacanthidae) and C. pullus (Monacanthidae), Lagocephalus laevigatus, Colomesus psittacus and Canthigaster figueiredoi (Tetraodontidae), to contribute with cytogenetic data for this group. The analysis was performed by C-banding, Ag-RONs, coloring with base-specific fluorochromes DAPI-CMA3, restriction enzymes AluI, EcoRI, TaqI, PstI and HinfI and in situ hybridization with probes for ribosomal DNA 18S and 5S. The heterochromatic ultrastructure of A. quadricornis and A. polygonius revealed a outstanding heterochromatin content, which may indicate that the accumulation or loss of extensive heterochromatin content could be responsible for large variations in genomic content displayed in different Tetraodontiformes families. The species Cantherhines macrocerus, C. pullus (Monacanthidae) and Melichthys niger (Balistidae) shows a huge karyotypic similarity both numerically and structural. L. laevigatus showed similar cytogenetic features (2n = 44 and single RONs) to the species of the genus Takifugu, which reinforces the idea of their phylogenetic relationships. C. psittacus presented the highest diploid number described for the family (2n = 56) and large amount of HC, features that related with its sister family Diodontidae. Cytogenetic analysis in C. figueiredoi revealed heterochromatic polymorphisms, RONs multiple and Bs chromosomes. These events are rare in marine fishes, and are possibly associated with the strong restructuring and genomic reduction that this family has been suffered. These features, plus the morphological and molecular data suggests that these species share the same ancestral branch, with a possible monophyletic origin. In this study, new contributions to the knowledge of evolutionary patterns facing by Tetraodontiformes are provided and discussed under cytotaxonomyc, genomic and evolutionary perspectives.
The omnivorous filter-feeding fish, Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), can have negative effects on water quality enhancing the eutrophication process. These effects depend on the nutrient enrichment level in the water. We carried out a mesocosm experiment for five weeks in a tropical man-made lake in Brazil to test ifthe effects of tilapias depend on of the level of nutrient enrichment. The experiment lasted for 5 weeks and a factorial 2x5 experimental design was used where the presence and absence of tilapias were manipulated in combination to 5 different levels of nutrient load in a total of 10 treatments. A two way repeated measure ANOVA was performed to evaluate the effects of time (t), tilapia (F), nutrients (NP) and the interactions among these factors on: chlorophyll a, water transparency, total phosphorous, total nitrogen, N:P ratio, zooplankton biomass and phytoplankton biovolume. The tilapia effect was evident, but nutrient enrichment didn t have any effect on the variables analyzed. Tilapia decreased the water transparency, total zooplankton biomass, calanoid copepod biomass, nauplii copepod biomass and cladocerans biomass. On the other hand, tilapia had no effect on phytoplankton biovolume. This lack of effect on phytoplankton is probably due to tilapia grazing that may counteract the positive effect of tilapia on phytoplankton via trophic cascades and nutrient recycling. Hence, a reduction in tilapia stock would not be an effective way to reduce phytoplankton biomass and improve water quality