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With the purpose of approximating two issues, oral narrative and constructive memory, we assume that children, as well as adults, have a constructive memory. Accordingly, researchers of the constructive memory share with piagetians the vision that memory is an applied cognition. Under this perspective, understanding and coding into memory constitute a process which is considered similar to the piagetian assimilation of building an internal conceptual representation of the information (hence the term constructive memory. The objective of this study is to examine and illustrate, through examples drawn from a research about oral narrative with 5, 8 and 10 years old children, the extent to which the constructive memory is stimulated by the acquisition of the structures of knowledge or ""mental models"" (schemes of stories and scenes, scripts), and if they automatically employ them to process constructively the information in storage and rebuild them in the recovery. A sequence of five pictures from a book without text was transformed into computerized program, and the pictures were thus presented to the children. The story focuses on a misunderstanding of two characters on a different assessment about a key event. In data collection, the demands of memory were preserved, since children narrate their stories when the images were no longer viewed on the computer screen. Each narrative was produced as a monologue. The results show that this story can be told either in a descriptive level or in a more elaborated level, where intentions and beliefs are attributed to the characters. Although this study allows an assessment of the development of children`s capabilities (both cognitive and linguistic) to narrate a story, there are for sure other issues that could be exploited.
Since language is multifaceted and heterogeneous, interdisciplinarity is natural to linguistic studies. In this article, after demonstrating that, I present two basic ways of doing science. One is ruled by the principle of exclusion, whereas the other is ruled by the principle of participation. The former leads to specialization, whereas the latter leads to the surpassing of specialization. From that, I discuss the advantages and problems of disciplinarity, and present the reasons why nowadays interdisciplinarity is a positive universal in scientific and pedagogical discourses. Also, based on etymology, I discuss the concepts of interdisciplinarity, multidisciplinarity, pluridisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity. Finally, I examine the bonds between linguistics and other sciences, by drawing a brief history of the relations between linguistics and literature in Brazil.
Based on a comprehensive study in research centers and libraries, a panorama of the critical response to Argentine rock in academic circles has been traced in various fields of knowledge. Research works including books, trade magazines, and academic papers on this musical movement spanning four decades have been consulted. The results show that the criticism has generated a ""developing tradition"" around the movement, mainly in the Social and Communication Sciences, and it has presented the following predominant traits: approaching rock essentially as a determinant of ""social identities""; periodization in the genre according to political regime: and analysis of the lyrics based solely on content. These traits contribute to a delimitation of rock as an exclusive phenomenon of the mass media, which relegates to secondary importance its aesthetic function and its relationship with other artistic series. Furthermore, we have observed a scarcity of approaches to rock lyrics as a linguistic-discursive surface.
This article reviews the literature to provide the current state of the genetic critic in Brazil. It lists the currently available books and periodicals, annals of congresses or symposia published by members of the Association of Researchers in Genetic Critic (APCG), showing the tendencies that guide the research in the endless universe of human creation. It also highlights the object of study of the genetic critic, which is not necessarily the one that precedes the word but the processes of creation. Finally, it shows the essential role of genetic critic even in the computer era, since the hard disk maintains all the changes made in the text by obliterations and substitutions if the adequate software is installed.
Little attention has been given to the contextual politics of service delivery reforms. By focusing on cases of reform in the healthcare sector and, to a lesser extent, in the main policies in the social service sector in India, Mexico and Brazil, this article explores two dimensions of analysis which have enormous relevance in understanding the reach and effectiveness of service delivery reforms: (1) the historical timing of reforms and sectorial baselines, and (2) the degree and institutional locus of local discretion in policy. Findings show that depending on both dimensions, there is an extraordinary variation as to the degree, interests involved and meaning of changes which, in theory, correspond to these countries` commitment to the service delivery reforms, However, consideration of the contextual politics is relevant not for the sake of diversity but for the similarities that this diversity reveals, pointing to underlying analytic dimensions that receive attention in this article.
This article presents the results of a comparative study on socio-spatial structures in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo in 2000. We drew on data from the national Demographic Census by weighted areas to construct the Erikson, Goldthorpe, and Portocarrero (EGP) classification and the International Socio-Economic Index (ISEI), both widely used in social stratification studies. This information was then submitted to group analyses for the two cities, allowing comparison of the presence of social groups in each city. Next, using spatial statistics, we assessed the spatial distribution of the socio-economic classes and the presence of social segregation in the two metropolitan areas. The results suggest the presence of strong similarity between the social structures in the two cities, also marked by similarly intense patterns of social segregation at the metropolitan level.
This paper discusses the change in the enunciative strategy in Algaravias (1996), written by the Brazilian poet Waly Salomao (1943-2003). This change is specially treated in relation to his previous production which, in my point of view, is re-writed according to the new historical and cultural context.
When an elementary proposition is instituted, the pictorial relations establish a contact between the proposition and the fact. This seems to commit the Tractarian project with a psychological view, but this is not the case because the point of view of the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus is concerned with the conditions of possibility of the representation. In this paper my objective is twofold. First, I show that the thought plays a basic function in the institution of a picture. Second, I show that the fact that the thought plays an important role in the institution of a picture does not commit the Tractarian project with an inquiry of psychological nature.
Through the study of the action of the inquisition commissioners, this article seeks to reveal the relations between the Portuguese Inquisition and the ecclesiastical structure of the Minas Gerais State Captaincy in the colonial period. The focus of the analysis will be the making and the action of the network of Holy Inquisition commissioners in the gold Captaincy. What was the profile of these commissioners? How were they recruited from the local ecclesiastical hierarchy? What was the role assigned to them in the inquisitional action that took place in Minas Gerais? How did they act? What was the relationship between the introduction of the commissioners into the local ecclesiastical structures and the commissioners` inquisitorial activities?
This article examines the relation between President Janio Quadros and the National Congress during the early 1960`s. Based on the analysis of the discourse of these figures, it proposes that Quadros maneuvered to diminish the legitimacy of the Congress in the public opinion, thus disrespecting its constitutional competencies. Consequently, it shows that not only did the Congress structure political mechanisms in an attempt to recover its credibility with society, but also that this dispute and its results had important effects on President Joao Goulart`s administration and even on the 1964 military coup.
Does race influence political behavior in Brazil? Using data from Belo Horizonte, Brazil, we explore whether an individual`s propensity to take part in a political association is affected by race, independent of socioeconomic position and of the availability of resources derived from this position. We found that white individuals participate more in political associations than do black individuals; however, after taking into account the differences in all types of resources, we found no difference in participation by racial groups. Nevertheless, by interacting race, skills, and income, it turns out that different racial groups use the same resources differently. A white individual`s propensity to participate politically is significantly more affected by income than a similar black individual`s propensity. Therefore, we argue that race mediates the effect of resources on political participation, which means that either different groups may use different resources or different groups can differ in how intensively they use resources.