951 resultados para Woods-Gerry Gallery
We report on an experimental and theoretical study of the transient flows which develop as a naturally ventilated room adjusts from one temperature to another. We focus on a room heated from below by a uniform heat source, with both high- and low-level ventilation openings. Depending on the initial temperature of the room relative to (i) the final equilibrium temperature and (ii) the exterior temperature, three different modes of ventilation may develop. First, if the room temperature lies between the exterior and the equilibrium temperature, the interior remains well-mixed and gradually heats up to the equilibrium temperature. Secondly, if the room is initially warmer than the equilibrium temperature, then a thermal stratification develops in which the upper layer of originally hot air is displaced upwards by a lower layer of relatively cool inflowing air. At the interface, some mixing occurs owing to the effects of penetrative convection. Thirdly, if the room is initially cooler than the exterior, then on opening the vents, the original air is displaced downwards and a layer of ambient air deepens from above. As this lower layer drains, it is eventually heated to the ambient temperature, and is then able to mix into the overlying layer of external air, and the room becomes well-mixed. For each case, we present new laboratory experiments and compare these with some new quantitative models of the transient flows. We conclude by considering the implications of our work for natural ventilation of large auditoria.
The article provides information on a study on the potential of mixing ventilation in reducing energy costs in buildings such as theaters and schools. The study found that neither Manchester’s Contact Theatre and the Garrick Theatre in Lichfield in England is operating according to the displacement-ventilation principle upon which they were designed. Hybrid mixing ventilation has an important impact on both the ventilation rate and the thermal comfort of the theatres.
We investigate the steady state natural ventilation of a room heated at the base and consisting of two vents at different levels. We explore how the air flow rate and internal temperature relative to the exterior vary as a function of the vent areas, position of the vents and heat load in order to establish appropriate ventilation strategies for a room. When the room is heated by a distributed source, the room becomes well mixed and the steady state ventilation rate depends on the heating rate, the area of the vents and the distance between the lower and upper level vents. However, when the room is heated by a localised source the room becomes stratified. If the effective ventilation area is sufficiently large, then the interface separating the two layers lies above the inlet vent and the lower layer is comprised of ambient fluid. In this case the upper layer is warmer than in the well mixed case and the ventilation rate is smaller. However, if the effective area for ventilation is sufficiently small, then the interface separating the two layers lies below the inlet vent and the lower layer is comprised of warm fluid which originates as the cold incoming fluid mixes during descent from the vent through the upper layer. In this case both the ventilation rate and the upper layer temperature are the same as in the case of a distributed heat load. As the vertical separation between lower and upper level vents decreases, then the temperature difference between the layers falls to zero and the room becomes approximately well mixed. These findings suggest how the appropriate ventilation strategy for a room can be varied depending on the exterior temperature, with mixing ventilation more suitable for winter conditions and displacement ventilation for warmer external temperatures.
Application of laboratory analogue modelling of air flow in a naturally ventilated shopping mall is reviewed in this paper. A detailed study of the ventilation was undertaken to establish the principles and to explore how natural ventilation might interact with a localised mechanical ventilation system designed to enhance the cooling of a high density food court area. The case study is used to show how the combination of laboratory modelling and simplified mathematical modelling enables one to rapidly identify the various flow regimes which can occur, to quantify the resultant flows and mean temperatures and to thereby develop appropriate ventilation strategies for the different external conditions which occur through the year.
In this paper we consider the propagation of acoustic waves along a curved hollow or annular duct with lined walls. The curvature of the duct centreline and the wall radii vary slowly along the duct, allowing application of an asymptotic multiple scales analysis. This generalises Rienstra's analysis of a straight duct of varying cross-sectional radius. The result of the analysis is that the modal wavenumbers and mode shapes are determined locally as modes of a torus with the same local curvature, while the amplitude of the modes evolves as the mode propagates along the duct. The duct modes are found numerically at each axial location using a pseudo-spectral method. Unlike the case of a straight duct, there is a fundamental asymmetry between upstream and downstream propagating modes, with some mode shapes tending to be concentrated on either the inside or outside of the bend depending on the direction of propagation. The interaction between the presence of wall lining and curvature is investigated in particular; for instance, in a representative case it is found that the curvature causes the first few acoustic modes to be more heavily damped by the duct boundary than would be expected for a straight duct. Analytical progress can be made in the limit of very high mode order, in which case well-known 'whispering gallery' modes, localised close to the wall, can be identified.
Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII: Actas de las IX Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2008, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario de Amadis de Gaula
本文对高速流动激光器,将文献[1]在几何光学近似下的一维一级近似处理改进为几何光学近似所容许的最精确处理,并进行了二、三维处理,导出了二、三维情况下的稳定振荡条件、输出功率公式以及几何光学近似下的模式表示式(用增益函数表示)。按本文理论对Gerry的典型实验进行了一维和二维计算,结果均与实验吻合很好。 本文还将文献[1]对Lee的稳定振荡条件的适用范围所加的限制进行了拓广;文中还给出了光腔中模式结构的几何光学近似的适用条件,指出这一条件与自由空间中几何光学适用条件的差异。
本文给出在流动激光腔(GDL)中饱和增益系数随场分布沿流动方向变化的基本规律。联系到各振型振动能和振动温度的变化,用激活介质弛豫过程的物理机制对这些规律作了诠释,因而指出例如 Gerry 的单模输出30千瓦的器件还有相当多的可被利用的振动能。
For high-speed-flow lasers, the one-dimensional and first-order approximate treatment in[1] under approximation of geometrical optics is improved still within the scope of approx-imation of geometrical optics. The strict accurate results are obtained, and what is more,two- and three-dimensional treatments are done. Thus for two- and three-dimensional cases, thestable oscillation condition, the formulae of power output and analytical expression of modesunder approximation of geometrical optics (in terms of gain function) are derived. Accord-ing to the present theory, one-and two-dimensional calculations for the typical case of Gerry'sexperiment are presented. All the results coincide well with the experiment and are better thanthe results obtained in [1].In addition, the applicable scope of Lee's stable oscillation condition given by [1] is ex-panded; the condition for the approximation of gcometrical optics to be applied to mode con-structure in optical cavity is obtained for the first time and the difference between thiscondition and that for free space is also pointed out in the present work.