998 resultados para Wheel Spin Rate.
Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) is a method to measure perfusion using magnetically labeled blood water as an endogenous tracer. Being fully non-invasive, this technique is attractive for longitudinal studies of cerebral blood flow in healthy and diseased individuals, or as a surrogate marker of metabolism. So far, ASL has been restricted mostly to specialist centers due to a generally low SNR of the method and potential issues with user-dependent analysis needed to obtain quantitative measurement of cerebral blood flow (CBF). Here, we evaluated a particular implementation of ASL (called Quantitative STAR labeling of Arterial Regions or QUASAR), a method providing user independent quantification of CBF in a large test-retest study across sites from around the world, dubbed "The QUASAR reproducibility study". Altogether, 28 sites located in Asia, Europe and North America participated and a total of 284 healthy volunteers were scanned. Minimal operator dependence was assured by using an automatic planning tool and its accuracy and potential usefulness in multi-center trials was evaluated as well. Accurate repositioning between sessions was achieved with the automatic planning tool showing mean displacements of 1.87+/-0.95 mm and rotations of 1.56+/-0.66 degrees . Mean gray matter CBF was 47.4+/-7.5 [ml/100 g/min] with a between-subject standard variation SD(b)=5.5 [ml/100 g/min] and a within-subject standard deviation SD(w)=4.7 [ml/100 g/min]. The corresponding repeatability was 13.0 [ml/100 g/min] and was found to be within the range of previous studies.
Lutetium zoning in garnet within eclogites from the Zermatt-Saas Fee zone, Western Alps, reveal sharp, exponentially decreasing central peaks. They can be used to constrain maximum Lu volume diffusion in garnets. A prograde garnet growth temperature interval of 450-600 A degrees C has been estimated based on pseudosection calculations and garnet-clinopyroxene thermometry. The maximum pre-exponential diffusion coefficient which fits the measured central peak is in the order of D-0= 5.7*10(-6) m(2)/s, taking an estimated activation energy of 270 kJ/mol based on diffusion experiments for other rare earth elements in garnet. This corresponds to a maximum diffusion rate of D (600 A degrees C) = 4.0*10(-22) m(2)/s. The diffusion estimate of Lu can be used to estimate the minimum closure temperature, T-c, for Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf age data that have been obtained in eclogites of the Western Alps, postulating, based on a literature review, that D (Hf) < D (Nd) < D (Sm) a parts per thousand currency sign D (Lu). T-c calculations, using the Dodson equation, yielded minimum closure temperatures of about 630 A degrees C, assuming a rapid initial exhumation rate of 50A degrees/m.y., and an average crystal size of garnets (r = 1 mm). This suggests that Sm/Nd and Lu/Hf isochron age differences in eclogites from the Western Alps, where peak temperatures did rarely exceed 600 A degrees C must be interpreted in terms of prograde metamorphism.
During puberty fat-free mass (FFM) and fat mass (FM) change quickly and these changes are influenced by sex and obesity. Since it is not completely known how these changes affect resting metabolic rate (RMR), the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of body composition, age, sex and pubertal development of postabsorptive RMR in 9.5- to 16.5- year-old obese and non-obese children. Postabsorptive RMR was measured in a sample of 371 pre- and postpubertal children comprising 193 males (116 non-obese and 77 obese) and 178 females (119 non-obese and 59 obese). RMR was assessed by indirect calorimetry using a ventilated hood system for 45 min after an overnight fast. Body composition (FFM and FM) was estimated from skinfold measurements. The mean (+/- SD) RMR was significantly (P < 0.001) lower in non-obese (males: 5600 +/- 972 kJ/24 h; females: 5112 +/- 632 kJ/24 h) than in obese (males: 7223 +/- 1220 kJ/24 h; females: 6665 +/- 1106 kJ/24 h) children. This difference became non-significant when RMR was adjusted for body composition (FFM+FM). However, the difference between the genders still remained significant (control male: 6118 +/- 507, control female: 5652 +/- 507, P < 0.001; obese male: 6256 +/- 507, obese female: 5818 +/- 507 kJ/24 h, P < 0.001). The main determinant of RMR was FFM. In the whole cohort. FFM explained 79.8% of the variation in RMR, followed by age, gender and FM adding further 3.8%, 1.1% and 0.8% to the predictability of RMR, respectively. No significant contribution for study group (obese, non-obese), pubertal stage, or fat distribution was found in the regression for RMR. The adjusted value of RMR (for FFM and FM) slightly, but significantly (P < 0.01) decreased between the age of 10-16 years, demonstrating the important effect of age on RMR. CONCLUSIONS: The resting metabolic rate of obese and control children is not different when adjusted for body composition. The main determinant of RMR is the fat-free mass, however, age, gender and fat mass are also significant factors. Pubertal development and fat distribution do not influence RMR independently from the changes in body composition.
The objective of this work was to determine the effects of rainfall, temperature, predators, parasitoids, plant age, leaf chemical composition, levels of leaf nitrogen and potassium, besides density of leaf trichomes, on attack intensity of Bemisia tabaci biotype B on the Cucumis sativus. An increase in the number of whitefly adults and nymphs per leaf was observed with plant aging. A higher number of whitefly adults per leaf and eggs cm-2 was verified in the apical part than in the middle and bottom part of the plants canopy. However, the higher number of whitefly nymphs was observed in the mid-part than in the apical and bottom part of the plant canopy. The incidence of whitefly nymphs was negatively affected with foliar nitrogen. Pentacosane and octacosane positively affected whitefly adults and the first compound also affected the nymphs of this pest species.
Oxidation of amorphous silicon (a-Si) nanoparticles grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition were investigated. Their hydrogen content has a great influence on the oxidation rate at low temperature. When the mass gain is recorded during a heating ramp in dry air, an oxidation process at low temperature is identified with an onset around 250°C. This temperature onset is similar to that of hydrogen desorption. It is shown that the oxygen uptake during this process almost equals the number of hydrogen atoms present in the nanoparticles. To explain this correlation, we propose that oxidation at low temperature is triggered by the process of hydrogen desorption
Knowledge about spatial biodiversity patterns is a basic criterion for reserve network design. Although herbarium collections hold large quantities of information, the data are often scattered and cannot supply complete spatial coverage. Alternatively, herbarium data can be used to fit species distribution models and their predictions can be used to provide complete spatial coverage and derive species richness maps. Here, we build on previous effort to propose an improved compositionalist framework for using species distribution models to better inform conservation management. We illustrate the approach with models fitted with six different methods and combined using an ensemble approach for 408 plant species in a tropical and megadiverse country (Ecuador). As a complementary view to the traditional richness hotspots methodology, consisting of a simple stacking of species distribution maps, the compositionalist modelling approach used here combines separate predictions for different pools of species to identify areas of alternative suitability for conservation. Our results show that the compositionalist approach better captures the established protected areas than the traditional richness hotspots strategies and allows the identification of areas in Ecuador that would optimally complement the current protection network. Further studies should aim at refining the approach with more groups and additional species information.
A two-stage mixing process for concrete involves mixing a slurry of cementitious materials and water, then adding the slurry to coarse and fine aggregate to form concrete. Some research has indicated that this process might facilitate dispersion of cementitious materials and improve cement hydration, the characteristics of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between aggregate and paste, and concrete homogeneity. The goal of the study was to find optimal mixing procedures for production of a homogeneous and workable mixture and quality concrete using a two-stage mixing operation. The specific objectives of the study are as follows: (1) To achieve optimal mixing energy and time for a homogeneous cementitious material, (2) To characterize the homogeneity and flow property of the pastes, (3) To investigate effective methods for coating aggregate particles with cement slurry, (4) To study the effect of the two-stage mixing procedure on concrete properties, (5) To obtain the improved production rates. Parameters measured for Phase I included: heat of hydration, maturity, and rheology tests were performed on the fresh paste samples, and compressive strength, degree of hydration, and scanning electron microscope (SEM) imaging tests were conducted on the cured specimens. For Phases II and III tests included slump and air content on fresh concrete and compressive and tensile strengths, rapid air void analysis, and rapid chloride permeability on hardened concrete.
BACKGROUND: Decreased vitamin D levels have been described in various forms of chronic liver disease and associated with advanced fibrosis. Whether this association is a cause or consequence of advanced fibrosis remains unclear to date. AIMS: To analyse combined effects of 25-OH vitamin D plasma levels and vitamin D receptor gene (VDR; NR1I1) polymorphisms on fibrosis progression rate in HCV patients. METHODS: 251 HCV patients underwent VDR genotyping (bat-haplotype: BsmI rs1544410 C, ApaI rs7975232 A and TaqI rs731236 A). Plasma 25-OH vitamin D levels were quantified in a subgroup of 97 patients without advanced fibrosis. The VDR haplotype and genotypes as well as plasma 25-OH vitamin D levels were associated with fibrosis progression. RESULTS: The bAt[CCA]-haplotype was significantly associated with fibrosis progression >0.101 U/year (P = 0.007; OR = 2.02) and with cirrhosis (P = 0.022; OR = 1.84). Forty-five percent of bAt[CCA]-haplotype patients were rapid fibrosers, 21.1% were cirrhotic. Likewise, ApaI rs7975232 CC genotype was significantly associated with fibrosis progression and cirrhosis. Lower plasma 25-OH vitamin D levels were significantly associated with fibrosis progression >0.101 U/year in F0-2 patients (P = 0.013). Combined analysis of both variables revealed a highly significant additive effect on fibrosis progression with 45.5% rapid fibrosers for bAt[CCA]-haplotype and 25-OH vitamin D < 20 μg/L compared with only 9.1% for the most favourable combination (P = 0.006). In multivariate analysis, the bAt-haplotype was an independent risk factor for fibrosis progression (P = 0.001; OR = 2.83). CONCLUSION: Low 25-OH vitamin D plasma levels and the unfavourable VDR bAt[CCA]-haplotype are associated with rapid fibrosis progression in chronic HCV patients. In combination, both variables exert significant additive effects on fibrosis progression.
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether an increase in the rate of undesirable events occurs after care provided by trainees at the beginning of the academic year. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study using administrative and patient record data. SETTING: University affiliated hospital in Melbourne, Australia. PARTICIPANTS: 19,560 patients having an anaesthetic procedure carried out by first to fifth year trainees starting work for the first time at the hospital over a period of five years (1995-2000). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Absolute event rates, absolute rate reduction, and rate ratios of undesirable events. RESULTS: The rate of undesirable events was higher at the beginning of the academic year compared with the rest of the year (absolute event rate 137 v 107 per 1000 patient hours, relative rate reduction 28%, P<0.001). The overall adjusted rate ratio for undesirable events was 1.40, 95% confidence interval 1.24 to 1.58. This excess risk was seen for all residents, regardless of their level of seniority. The excess risk decreased progressively after the first month, and the trend disappeared fully after the fourth month of the year (rate ratio for fourth month 1.21, 0.93 to 1.57). The most important decreases were for central and peripheral nerve injuries (relative difference 82%), inadequate oxygenation of the patient (66%), vomiting/aspiration in theatre (53%), and technical failures of tracheal tube placement (49%). CONCLUSIONS: The rate of undesirable events was greater among trainees at the beginning of the academic year regardless of their level of clinical experience. This suggests that several additional factors, such as knowledge of the working environment, teamwork, and communication, may contribute to the increase.
OBJECTIVES: To investigate the effect of a change in second-hand smoke (SHS) exposure on heart rate variability (HRV) and pulse wave velocity (PWV), this study utilized a quasi-experimental setting when a smoking ban was introduced. METHODS: HRV, a quantitative marker of autonomic activity of the nervous system, and PWV, a marker of arterial stiffness, were measured in 55 non-smoking hospitality workers before and 3-12 months after a smoking ban and compared to a control group that did not experience an exposure change. SHS exposure was determined with a nicotine-specific badge and expressed as inhaled cigarette equivalents per day (CE/d). RESULTS: PWV and HRV parameters significantly changed in a dose-dependent manner in the intervention group as compared to the control group. A one CE/d decrease was associated with a 2.3 % (95 % CI 0.2-4.4; p = 0.031) higher root mean square of successive differences (RMSSD), a 5.7 % (95 % CI 0.9-10.2; p = 0.02) higher high-frequency component and a 0.72 % (95 % CI 0.40-1.05; p < 0.001) lower PWV. CONCLUSIONS: PWV and HRV significantly improved after introducing smoke-free workplaces indicating a decreased cardiovascular risk.
We report magnetic and magneto-optical measurements of two Mn12 single-molecule magnet derivatives isolated in organic glasses. Field-dependent magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) intensity curves (hysteresis cycles) are found to be essentially identical to superconducting quantum interference device magnetization results and provide experimental evidence for the potential of the optical technique for magnetic characterization. Optical observation of magnetic tunneling has been achieved by studying the decay of the MCD signal at weak applied magnetic field
Résumé : Le condylome acuminé anal (CAA), transmis par contact sexuel, résulte d'une infection par Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Son traitement chirurgical est grevé d'un taux de récidive de 4-29%. Le but de cette étude était d'identifier une éventuelle corrélation entre type d'HPV présent dans les CAA excisés chirurgicalement et taux de récidive de la maladie, Cette étude rétrospective porte sur 140 patients opérés au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois de CAA, entre 1990 et 2005. Le diagnostic lésionnel a été confirmé par un examen histomorphologique. Le(s) type(s) d'HPV présent(s) dans ces lésions a été déterminé par Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Les patients ont donné leur accord à cette analyse et complété un questionnaire. Une éventuelle corrélation entre récidive de CAA, type d'HPV et status HIV a été recherchée. HPV 6 et 11 sont les virus les plus fréquemment découverts (51% et 28%, respectivement) chez les 140 patients (123H/17F). Trente-cinq (25%) d'entre eux ont présenté une récidive. HPV 11 était present chez 19 (41%) sujets. Ceci est statistiquement significatif (P<0.05), en comparaison aux autres HPVs. Il n'y a par contre pas de différence significative entre la fréquence de récidive des 33 (24%) patients HIV-positifs et le reste du collectif. HPV 11 est donc associé à un taux de récidive de CAA significativement élevé. Un suivi strict des patients atteints est nécessaire pour identifier une récidive et la traiter sans délai, notamment lorsque HPV 11 est present. Ces résultats innovateurs soulèvent la question de la nécessité de pratiquer une typisation virale systématique sur les lésions excisées. La justification d'une telle attitude demande toutefois encore d'être confirmée.
Local re-inversion coronary MR angiography: arterial spin-labeling without the need for subtraction.
PURPOSE: To implement a double-inversion bright-blood coronary MR angiography sequence using a cylindrical re-inversion prepulse for selective visualization of the coronary arteries. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Local re-inversion bright-blood magnetization preparation was implemented using a nonselective inversion followed by a cylindrical aortic re-inversion prepulse. After an inversion delay that allows for in-flow of the labeled blood-pool into the coronary arteries, three-dimensional radial steady-state free-precession (SSFP) imaging (repetition/echo time, 7.2/3.6 ms; flip angle, 120 degrees, 16 profiles per RR interval; field of view, 360 mm; matrix, 512, twelve 3-mm slices) is performed. Coronary MR angiography was performed in three healthy volunteers and in one patient on a commercial 1.5 Tesla whole-body MR System. RESULTS: In all subjects, coronary arteries were selectively visualized with positive contrast. In addition, a middle-grade stenosis of the proximal right coronary artery was seen in one patient. CONCLUSION: A novel T1 contrast-enhancement strategy is presented for selective visualization of the coronary arteries without extrinsic contrast medium application. In comparison to former arterial spin-labeling schemes, the proposed magnetization preparation obviates the need for a second data set and subtraction.
This letter has been prepared as a consultation to evaluate human health impacts from manganese emissions from the Amsted Rail Company, Inc. (Griffin Wheel) facility located in Keokuk, Iowa. We understand your concern and the concern of the Keokuk community, and want you to know that the Iowa Department of Public Health’s priority is to ensure that you have the best information possible to safeguard the health of the citizens of Keokuk. That information is included in the following discussion.