917 resultados para Wavelet Packet Decomposition


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A dynamical model is proposed to describe the coupled decomposition and profile evolution of a free surfacefilm of a binary mixture. An example is a thin film of a polymer blend on a solid substrate undergoing simultaneous phase separation and dewetting. The model is based on model-H describing the coupled transport of the mass of one component (convective Cahn-Hilliard equation) and momentum (Navier-Stokes-Korteweg equations) supplemented by appropriate boundary conditions at the solid substrate and the free surface. General transport equations are derived using phenomenological nonequilibrium thermodynamics for a general nonisothermal setting taking into account Soret and Dufour effects and interfacial viscosity for the internal diffuse interface between the two components. Focusing on an isothermal setting the resulting model is compared to literature results and its base states corresponding to homogeneous or vertically stratified flat layers are analyzed.


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Algebraic topology (homology) is used to analyze the state of spiral defect chaos in both laboratory experiments and numerical simulations of Rayleigh-Bénard convection. The analysis reveals topological asymmetries that arise when non-Boussinesq effects are present. The asymmetries are found in different flow fields in the simulations and are robust to substantial alterations to flow visualization conditions in the experiment. However, the asymmetries are not observable using conventional statistical measures. These results suggest homology may provide a new and general approach for connecting spatiotemporal observations of chaotic or turbulent patterns to theoretical models.


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An asymptotic analysîs of the Eberstein-Glassman kinetic mechanlsm for the thermal décomposition of hydrazine is carried out. It is shown that at températures near 800°K and near 1000°K,and for hydrazine molar fractions of the order of unity, 10-2 the entire kinetics reduces to a single, overall reaction. Characteristic times for the chemical relaxation of ail active, intermediate species produced in the décomposition, and for the overall reaction, are obtained. Explicit expressions for the overall reaction rate and stoichiometry are given as functions of température, total molar concentration (or pressure)and hydrazine molar fraction. Approximate, patched expressions can then be obtained for values of température and hydrazine molar fraction between 750 and 1000°K, and 1 and 10-3 respectively.


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This paper presents a multi-stage algorithm for the dynamic condition monitoring of a gear. The algorithm provides information referred to the gear status (fault or normal condition) and estimates the mesh stiffness per shaft revolution in case that any abnormality is detected. In the first stage, the analysis of coefficients generated through discrete wavelet transformation (DWT) is proposed as a fault detection and localization tool. The second stage consists in establishing the mesh stiffness reduction associated with local failures by applying a supervised learning mode and coupled with analytical models. To do this, a multi-layer perceptron neural network has been configured using as input features statistical parameters sensitive to torsional stiffness decrease and derived from wavelet transforms of the response signal. The proposed method is applied to the gear condition monitoring and results show that it can update the mesh dynamic properties of the gear on line.


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A wavelet-based approach for large wind power ramp characterisation


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Considering a scalable video quality monitoring architecture to detect transmission errors at households, we propose a technique to detect packet losses in IPTV and Side-by-Side 3DTV and evaluate their impact on the perceived quality.


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In this paper we present a FEC scheme based on simple LDGM codes to protect packetized multimedia streams. We demonstrate that simple LDGM codes working with a limited number of packets (small values of k) obtain recovery capabilities, against bursty packet losses, that are similar to those of other more complex FEC-based schemes designed for this type of channels.


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The Glottal Source correlates reconstructed from the phonated parts of voice may render interesting information with applicability in different fields. One of them is defective closure (gap) detection. Through the paper the background to explain the physical foundations of defective gap are reviewed. A possible method to estimate defective gap is also presented based on a Wavelet Description of the Glottal Source. The method is validated using results from the analysis of a gender-balanced speakers database. Normative values for the different parameters estimated are given. A set of study cases with deficient glottal closure is presented and discussed.


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Optical communications receivers using wavelet signals processing is proposed in this paper for dense wavelength-division multiplexed (DWDM) systems and modal-division multiplexed (MDM) transmissions. The optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) required to demodulate polarization-division multiplexed quadrature phase shift keying (PDM-QPSK) modulation format is alleviated with the wavelet denoising process. This procedure improves the bit error rate (BER) performance and increasing the transmission distance in DWDM systems. Additionally, the wavelet-based design relies on signal decomposition using time-limited basis functions allowing to reduce the computational cost in Digital-Signal-Processing (DSP) module. Attending to MDM systems, a new scheme of encoding data bits based on wavelets is presented to minimize the mode coupling in few-mode (FWF) and multimode fibers (MMF). The Shifted Prolate Wave Spheroidal (SPWS) functions are proposed to reduce the modal interference.


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La teledetección o percepción remota (remote sensing) es la ciencia que abarca la obtención de información (espectral, espacial, temporal) sobre un objeto, área o fenómeno a través del análisis de datos adquiridos por un dispositivo que no está en contacto con el elemento estudiado. Los datos obtenidos a partir de la teledetección para la observación de la superficie terrestre comúnmente son imágenes, que se caracterizan por contar con un sinnúmero de aplicaciones que están en continua evolución, por lo cual para solventar los constantes requerimientos de nuevas aplicaciones a menudo se proponen nuevos algoritmos que mejoran o facilitan algún proceso en particular. Para el desarrollo de dichos algoritmos, es preciso hacer uso de métodos matemáticos que permitan la manipulación de la información con algún fin específico. Dentro de estos métodos, el análisis multi-resolución se caracteriza por permitir analizar una señal en diferentes escalas, lo que facilita trabajar con datos que puedan tener resoluciones diferentes, tal es el caso de las imágenes obtenidas mediante teledetección. Una de las alternativas para la implementación de análisis multi-resolución es la Transformada Wavelet Compleja de Doble Árbol (DT-CWT). Esta transformada se implementa a partir de dos filtros reales y se caracteriza por presentar invariancia a traslaciones, precio a pagar por su característica de no ser críticamente muestreada. A partir de las características de la DT-CWT se propone su uso en el diseño de algoritmos de procesamiento de imagen, particularmente imágenes de teledetección. Estos nuevos algoritmos de procesamiento digital de imágenes de teledetección corresponden particularmente a fusión y detección de cambios. En este contexto esta tesis presenta tres algoritmos principales aplicados a fusión, evaluación de fusión y detección de cambios en imágenes. Para el caso de fusión de imágenes, se presenta un esquema general que puede ser utilizado con cualquier algoritmo de análisis multi-resolución; este algoritmo parte de la implementación mediante DT-CWT para luego extenderlo a un método alternativo, el filtro bilateral. En cualquiera de los dos casos la metodología implica que la inyección de componentes pueda realizarse mediante diferentes alternativas. En el caso del algoritmo de evaluación de fusión se presenta un nuevo esquema que hace uso de procesos de clasificación, lo que permite evaluar los resultados del proceso de fusión de forma individual para cada tipo de cobertura de uso de suelo que se defina en el proceso de evaluación. Esta metodología permite complementar los procesos de evaluación tradicionales y puede facilitar el análisis del impacto de la fusión sobre determinadas clases de suelo. Finalmente, los algoritmos de detección de cambios propuestos abarcan dos enfoques. El primero está orientado a la obtención de mapas de sequía en datos multi-temporales a partir de índices espectrales. El segundo enfoque propone la utilización de un índice global de calidad espectral como filtro espacial. La utilización de dicho filtro facilita la comparación espectral global entre dos imágenes, esto unido a la utilización de umbrales, conlleva a la obtención de imágenes diferencia que contienen la información de cambio. ABSTRACT Remote sensing is a science relates to information gathering (spectral, spatial, temporal) about an object, area or phenomenon, through the analysis of data acquired by a device that is not in contact with the studied item. In general, data obtained from remote sensing to observe the earth’s surface are images, which are characterized by having a number of applications that are constantly evolving. Therefore, to solve the constant requirements of applications, new algorithms are proposed to improve or facilitate a particular process. With the purpose of developing these algorithms, each application needs mathematical methods, such as the multiresolution analysis which allows to analyze a signal at different scales. One of the options is the Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DT-CWT) which is implemented from two real filters and is characterized by invariance to translations. Among the advantages of this transform is its successful application in image fusion and change detection areas. In this regard, this thesis presents three algorithms applied to image fusion, assessment for image fusion and change detection in multitemporal images. For image fusion, it is presented a general outline that can be used with any multiresolution analysis technique; this algorithm is proposed at first with DT-CWT and then extends to an alternative method, the bilateral filter. In either case the method involves injection of components by various means. For fusion assessment, the proposal is focused on a scheme that uses classification processes, which allows evaluating merger results individually for each type of land use coverage that is defined in evaluation process. This methodology allows complementing traditional assessment processes and can facilitate impact analysis of the merger on certain kinds of soil. Finally, two approaches of change detection algorithms are included. The first is aimed at obtaining drought maps in multitemporal data from spectral indices. The second one takes a global index of spectral quality as a spatial filter. The use of this filter facilitates global spectral comparison between two images and by means of thresholding, allows imaging containing change information.


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The operating theatres are the engine of the hospitals; proper management of the operating rooms and its staff represents a great challenge for managers and its results impact directly in the budget of the hospital. This work presents a MILP model for the efficient schedule of multiple surgeries in Operating Rooms (ORs) during a working day. This model considers multiple surgeons and ORs and different types of surgeries. Stochastic strategies are also implemented for taking into account the uncertain in surgery durations (pre-incision, incision, post-incision times). In addition, a heuristic-based methods and a MILP decomposition approach is proposed for solving large-scale ORs scheduling problems in computational efficient way. All these computer-aided strategies has been implemented in AIMMS, as an advanced modeling and optimization software, developing a user friendly solution tool for the operating room management under uncertainty.


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In this paper we address the new reduction method called Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD) which is a discretization technique based on the use of separated representation of the unknown fields, specially well suited for solving multidimensional parametric equations. In this case, it is applied to the solution of dynamics problems. We will focus on the dynamic analysis of an one-dimensional rod with a unit harmonic load of frequency (ω) applied at a point of interest. In what follows, we will present the application of the methodology PGD to the problem in order to approximate the displacement field as the sum of the separated functions. We will consider as new variables of the problem, parameters models associated with the characteristic of the materials, in addition to the frequency. Finally, the quality of the results will be assessed based on an example.


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In this paper we define the notion of an axiom dependency hypergraph, which explicitly represents how axioms are included into a module by the algorithm for computing locality-based modules. A locality-based module of an ontology corresponds to a set of connected nodes in the hypergraph, and atoms of an ontology to strongly connected components. Collapsing the strongly connected components into single nodes yields a condensed hypergraph that comprises a representation of the atomic decomposition of the ontology. To speed up the condensation of the hypergraph, we first reduce its size by collapsing the strongly connected components of its graph fragment employing a linear time graph algorithm. This approach helps to significantly reduce the time needed for computing the atomic decomposition of an ontology. We provide an experimental evaluation for computing the atomic decomposition of large biomedical ontologies. We also demonstrate a significant improvement in the time needed to extract locality-based modules from an axiom dependency hypergraph and its condensed version.


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Los hipergrafos dirigidos se han empleado en problemas relacionados con lógica proposicional, bases de datos relacionales, linguística computacional y aprendizaje automático. Los hipergrafos dirigidos han sido también utilizados como alternativa a los grafos (bipartitos) dirigidos para facilitar el estudio de las interacciones entre componentes de sistemas complejos que no pueden ser fácilmente modelados usando exclusivamente relaciones binarias. En este contexto, este tipo de representación es conocida como hiper-redes. Un hipergrafo dirigido es una generalización de un grafo dirigido especialmente adecuado para la representación de relaciones de muchos a muchos. Mientras que una arista en un grafo dirigido define una relación entre dos de sus nodos, una hiperarista en un hipergrafo dirigido define una relación entre dos conjuntos de sus nodos. La conexión fuerte es una relación de equivalencia que divide el conjunto de nodos de un hipergrafo dirigido en particiones y cada partición define una clase de equivalencia conocida como componente fuertemente conexo. El estudio de los componentes fuertemente conexos de un hipergrafo dirigido puede ayudar a conseguir una mejor comprensión de la estructura de este tipo de hipergrafos cuando su tamaño es considerable. En el caso de grafo dirigidos, existen algoritmos muy eficientes para el cálculo de los componentes fuertemente conexos en grafos de gran tamaño. Gracias a estos algoritmos, se ha podido averiguar que la estructura de la WWW tiene forma de “pajarita”, donde más del 70% del los nodos están distribuidos en tres grandes conjuntos y uno de ellos es un componente fuertemente conexo. Este tipo de estructura ha sido también observada en redes complejas en otras áreas como la biología. Estudios de naturaleza similar no han podido ser realizados en hipergrafos dirigidos porque no existe algoritmos capaces de calcular los componentes fuertemente conexos de este tipo de hipergrafos. En esta tesis doctoral, hemos investigado como calcular los componentes fuertemente conexos de un hipergrafo dirigido. En concreto, hemos desarrollado dos algoritmos para este problema y hemos determinado que son correctos y cuál es su complejidad computacional. Ambos algoritmos han sido evaluados empíricamente para comparar sus tiempos de ejecución. Para la evaluación, hemos producido una selección de hipergrafos dirigidos generados de forma aleatoria inspirados en modelos muy conocidos de grafos aleatorios como Erdos-Renyi, Newman-Watts-Strogatz and Barabasi-Albert. Varias optimizaciones para ambos algoritmos han sido implementadas y analizadas en la tesis. En concreto, colapsar los componentes fuertemente conexos del grafo dirigido que se puede construir eliminando ciertas hiperaristas complejas del hipergrafo dirigido original, mejora notablemente los tiempos de ejecucion de los algoritmos para varios de los hipergrafos utilizados en la evaluación. Aparte de los ejemplos de aplicación mencionados anteriormente, los hipergrafos dirigidos han sido también empleados en el área de representación de conocimiento. En concreto, este tipo de hipergrafos se han usado para el cálculo de módulos de ontologías. Una ontología puede ser definida como un conjunto de axiomas que especifican formalmente un conjunto de símbolos y sus relaciones, mientras que un modulo puede ser entendido como un subconjunto de axiomas de la ontología que recoge todo el conocimiento que almacena la ontología sobre un conjunto especifico de símbolos y sus relaciones. En la tesis nos hemos centrado solamente en módulos que han sido calculados usando la técnica de localidad sintáctica. Debido a que las ontologías pueden ser muy grandes, el cálculo de módulos puede facilitar las tareas de re-utilización y mantenimiento de dichas ontologías. Sin embargo, analizar todos los posibles módulos de una ontología es, en general, muy costoso porque el numero de módulos crece de forma exponencial con respecto al número de símbolos y de axiomas de la ontología. Afortunadamente, los axiomas de una ontología pueden ser divididos en particiones conocidas como átomos. Cada átomo representa un conjunto máximo de axiomas que siempre aparecen juntos en un modulo. La decomposición atómica de una ontología es definida como un grafo dirigido de tal forma que cada nodo del grafo corresponde con un átomo y cada arista define una dependencia entre una pareja de átomos. En esta tesis introducimos el concepto de“axiom dependency hypergraph” que generaliza el concepto de descomposición atómica de una ontología. Un modulo en una ontología correspondería con un componente conexo en este tipo de hipergrafos y un átomo de una ontología con un componente fuertemente conexo. Hemos adaptado la implementación de nuestros algoritmos para que funcionen también con axiom dependency hypergraphs y poder de esa forma calcular los átomos de una ontología. Para demostrar la viabilidad de esta idea, hemos incorporado nuestros algoritmos en una aplicación que hemos desarrollado para la extracción de módulos y la descomposición atómica de ontologías. A la aplicación la hemos llamado HyS y hemos estudiado sus tiempos de ejecución usando una selección de ontologías muy conocidas del área biomédica, la mayoría disponibles en el portal de Internet NCBO. Los resultados de la evaluación muestran que los tiempos de ejecución de HyS son mucho mejores que las aplicaciones más rápidas conocidas. ABSTRACT Directed hypergraphs are an intuitive modelling formalism that have been used in problems related to propositional logic, relational databases, computational linguistic and machine learning. Directed hypergraphs are also presented as an alternative to directed (bipartite) graphs to facilitate the study of the interactions between components of complex systems that cannot naturally be modelled as binary relations. In this context, they are known as hyper-networks. A directed hypergraph is a generalization of a directed graph suitable for representing many-to-many relationships. While an edge in a directed graph defines a relation between two nodes of the graph, a hyperedge in a directed hypergraph defines a relation between two sets of nodes. Strong-connectivity is an equivalence relation that induces a partition of the set of nodes of a directed hypergraph into strongly-connected components. These components can be collapsed into single nodes. As result, the size of the original hypergraph can significantly be reduced if the strongly-connected components have many nodes. This approach might contribute to better understand how the nodes of a hypergraph are connected, in particular when the hypergraphs are large. In the case of directed graphs, there are efficient algorithms that can be used to compute the strongly-connected components of large graphs. For instance, it has been shown that the macroscopic structure of the World Wide Web can be represented as a “bow-tie” diagram where more than 70% of the nodes are distributed into three large sets and one of these sets is a large strongly-connected component. This particular structure has been also observed in complex networks in other fields such as, e.g., biology. Similar studies cannot be conducted in a directed hypergraph because there does not exist any algorithm for computing the strongly-connected components of the hypergraph. In this thesis, we investigate ways to compute the strongly-connected components of directed hypergraphs. We present two new algorithms and we show their correctness and computational complexity. One of these algorithms is inspired by Tarjan’s algorithm for directed graphs. The second algorithm follows a simple approach to compute the stronglyconnected components. This approach is based on the fact that two nodes of a graph that are strongly-connected can also reach the same nodes. In other words, the connected component of each node is the same. Both algorithms are empirically evaluated to compare their performances. To this end, we have produced a selection of random directed hypergraphs inspired by existent and well-known random graphs models like Erd˝os-Renyi and Newman-Watts-Strogatz. Besides the application examples that we mentioned earlier, directed hypergraphs have also been employed in the field of knowledge representation. In particular, they have been used to compute the modules of an ontology. An ontology is defined as a collection of axioms that provides a formal specification of a set of terms and their relationships; and a module is a subset of an ontology that completely captures the meaning of certain terms as defined in the ontology. In particular, we focus on the modules computed using the notion of syntactic locality. As ontologies can be very large, the computation of modules facilitates the reuse and maintenance of these ontologies. Analysing all modules of an ontology, however, is in general not feasible as the number of modules grows exponentially in the number of terms and axioms of the ontology. Nevertheless, the modules can succinctly be represented using the Atomic Decomposition of an ontology. Using this representation, an ontology can be partitioned into atoms, which are maximal sets of axioms that co-occur in every module. The Atomic Decomposition is then defined as a directed graph such that each node correspond to an atom and each edge represents a dependency relation between two atoms. In this thesis, we introduce the notion of an axiom dependency hypergraph which is a generalization of the atomic decomposition of an ontology. A module in the ontology corresponds to a connected component in the hypergraph, and the atoms of the ontology to the strongly-connected components. We apply our algorithms for directed hypergraphs to axiom dependency hypergraphs and in this manner, we compute the atoms of an ontology. To demonstrate the viability of this approach, we have implemented the algorithms in the application HyS which computes the modules of ontologies and calculate their atomic decomposition. In the thesis, we provide an experimental evaluation of HyS with a selection of large and prominent biomedical ontologies, most of which are available in the NCBO Bioportal. HyS outperforms state-of-the-art implementations in the tasks of extracting modules and computing the atomic decomposition of these ontologies.


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Esta Tesis se centra en el desarrollo de un método para la reconstrucción de bases de datos experimentales incompletas de más de dos dimensiones. Como idea general, consiste en la aplicación iterativa de la descomposición en valores singulares de alto orden sobre la base de datos incompleta. Este nuevo método se inspira en el que ha servido de base para la reconstrucción de huecos en bases de datos bidimensionales inventado por Everson y Sirovich (1995) que a su vez, ha sido mejorado por Beckers y Rixen (2003) y simultáneamente por Venturi y Karniadakis (2004). Además, se ha previsto la adaptación de este nuevo método para tratar el posible ruido característico de bases de datos experimentales y a su vez, bases de datos estructuradas cuya información no forma un hiperrectángulo perfecto. Se usará una base de datos tridimensional de muestra como modelo, obtenida a través de una función transcendental, para calibrar e ilustrar el método. A continuación se detalla un exhaustivo estudio del funcionamiento del método y sus variantes para distintas bases de datos aerodinámicas. En concreto, se usarán tres bases de datos tridimensionales que contienen la distribución de presiones sobre un ala. Una se ha generado a través de un método semi-analítico con la intención de estudiar distintos tipos de discretizaciones espaciales. El resto resultan de dos modelos numéricos calculados en C F D . Por último, el método se aplica a una base de datos experimental de más de tres dimensiones que contiene la medida de fuerzas de una configuración ala de Prandtl obtenida de una campaña de ensayos en túnel de viento, donde se estudiaba un amplio espacio de parámetros geométricos de la configuración que como resultado ha generado una base de datos donde la información está dispersa. ABSTRACT A method based on an iterative application of high order singular value decomposition is derived for the reconstruction of missing data in multidimensional databases. The method is inspired by a seminal gappy reconstruction method for two-dimensional databases invented by Everson and Sirovich (1995) and improved by Beckers and Rixen (2003) and Venturi and Karniadakis (2004). In addition, the method is adapted to treat both noisy and structured-but-nonrectangular databases. The method is calibrated and illustrated using a three-dimensional toy model database that is obtained by discretizing a transcendental function. The performance of the method is tested on three aerodynamic databases for the flow past a wing, one obtained by a semi-analytical method, and two resulting from computational fluid dynamics. The method is finally applied to an experimental database consisting in a non-exhaustive parameter space measurement of forces for a box-wing configuration.