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The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether some positions in democratic theory should be adjusted or abandoned in view of internationalisation; and if adjusted, how. More specifically it pursues three different aims: to evaluate various attempts to explain levels of democracy as consequences of internationalisation; to investigate whether the taking into account of internationalisation reveals any reason to reconsider what democracy is or means; and to suggest normative interpretations that cohere with the adjustments of conceptual and explanatory democratic theory made in the course of meeting the other two aims. When empirical methods are used, the scope of the study is restricted to West European parliamentary democracies and their international affairs. More particularly, the focus is on the making of budget policy in Britain, France, and Sweden after the Second World War, and recent budget policy in the European Union. The aspects of democracy empirically analysed are political autonomy, participation, and deliberation. The material considered includes parliamentary debates, official statistics, economic forecasts, elections manifestos, shadow budgets, general election turnouts, regulations of budget decision-making, and staff numbers in government and parliament budgetary divisions. The study reaches the following conclusions among others. (i) The fact that internationalisation increases the divergence between those who make and those who are affected by decisions is not by itself a democratic problem that calls for political reform. (ii) That international organisations may have authorities delegated to them from democratic states is not sufficient to justify them democratically. Democratisation still needs to be undertaken. (iii) The fear that internationalisation dissolves a social trust necessary for political deliberation within nations seems to be unwarranted. If anything, views argued by others in domestic budgetary debate are taken increasingly serious during internationalisation. (iv) The major difficulty with deliberation seems to be its inability to transcend national boundaries. International deliberation at state level has not evolved in response to internationalisation and it is undeveloped in international institutions. (v) Democratic political autonomy diminishes during internationalisation with regard to income redistribution and policy areas taken over by international organisations, but it seems to increase in public spending. (vi) In the area of budget policy-making there are no signs that governments gain power at the expense of parliaments during internationalisation. (vii) To identify crucial democratic issues in a time of internationalisation and to make room for theoretical virtues like general applicability and normative fruitfulness, democracy may be defined as a kind of politics where as many as possible decide as much as possible.


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Das Hauptziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Entwicklung eines Experimentaufbaus für die elektrochemische Abscheidung von Transactiniden mit anschließender Detektion. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Experimente mit den Homologen dieser Elemente durchgeführt. Die Elektrodeposition von Tracermengen an Fremdelektroden führt zu einer Elektrodenbedeckung von weniger als einer Monolage. Die erforderlichen Abscheidepotentiale sind häufig positiver, als nach der Nernst’schen Gleichung zu erwarten ist. Dieses Phänomen nennt man Unterpotentialabscheidung. In zahlreichen Versuchen mit Radiotracern wurde die Abscheideausbeute als Funktion des Elektrodenpotentials bestimmt, wobei abzuscheidendes Ion, Elektrodenmaterial und Elektrolyt variiert wurden. Es wurden kritische Potentiale, bei denen eine nennenswerte Abscheidung gerade begann, ermittelt sowie Potentiale für die Abscheidung von 50 % der in der Lösung befindlichen Atome. Diese Werte wurden mit theoretisch vorhergesagten Potentialen und Werten aus der Literatur verglichen. Die Abscheidung von Pb als Homologem von Element 114 funktionierte sehr gut an Elektroden aus Palladium oder palladinierten Nickelelektroden unter Verwendung von 0,1 M HCl als Elektrolyt. Zur Charakterisierung der Unterpotentialabscheidung wurde neben der Radiotracer-Methode auch die Cyclovoltammetrie eingesetzt. Hier findet die Abscheidung der ersten Monolage auf der Elektrode ebenfalls häufig bei positiveren Potentialen statt, als die der Hauptmenge. Die mit beiden Methoden ermittelten Werte wurden einander gegenübergestellt. Die Elektrodeposition von kurzlebigen Isotopen muss sehr schnell erfolgen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine hohe Temperatur und damit verbunden eine niedrige Viskosität des Elektrolyten die Abscheidung beschleunigt. Ebenfalls wichtig ist ein gutes Rühren der Lösung, um eine kleine Nernst’sche Diffusionsschichtdicke zu erzielen. Das Verhältnis von Elektrodenfläche zu Elektrolytvolumen muss möglichst groß sein. Auf der Grundlage dieser Ergebnisse wurde eine für schnelle Elektrolysen optimierte Elektrolysezelle entwickelt. Unter Einsatz dieser Zelle wurden die Abscheidegeschwindigkeiten für verschiedene Ionen- und Elektrodenkombinationen gemessen. Es wurden Experimente zur Kopplung von Gasjet und Elektrolysezelle durchgeführt, dabei wurde sowohl mit am Reaktor erzeugten Spaltprodukten, mit Pb-Isotopen aus einer emanierenden Quelle und mit am Beschleuniger erzeugten Isotopen gearbeitet. Mit den dort gewonnenen Erkenntnissen wurde ein Experimentaufbau für die kontinuierliche Abscheidung und Detektion von kurzlebigen Isotopen realisiert. Am Beschleuniger wurden u. a. kurzlebige Hg- und Pb-Isotope erzeugt und mit einem Gasjet aus der Targetkammer zum ALOHA-System transportiert. Dort wurden sie in einem quasi-kontinuierlichen Prozess in die wässrige Phase überführt und zu einer Elektrolyszelle transportiert. In dieser erfolgte die Elektrodeposition auf eine bandförmige Elektrode aus Nickel oder palladiniertem Nickel. Nach der Abscheidung wurde das Band zu einer Detektorphalanx gezogen, wo der -Zerfall der neutronenarmen Isotope registriert wurde. Es wurden charakteristische Größen wie die Abscheidegeschwindigkeit und die Gesamtausbeute der Elektrolyse ermittelt. Das System wurde im Dauerbetrieb getestet. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass der gewählte Aufbau prinzipiell für die Abscheidung von kurzlebigen, am Beschleuniger erzeugten Isotopen geeignet ist. Damit ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung für den zukünftigen Einsatz der Methode zum Studium der chemischen Eigenschaften der superschweren Elemente geschaffen.


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Riconoscendo l’importanza delle traduzioni all’interno della cosiddetta repubblica democratica dell’infanzia, il lavoro analizza le prime traduzioni tedesche e italiane del classico della letteratura per l’infanzia I ragazzi della Via Pál di Ferenc Molnár, al fine di metterne in luce i processi non solo prettamente traduttivi, ma anche più ampiamente culturali, che hanno influenzato la prima ricezione del romanzo in due contesti linguistici spesso legati per tradizione storico-letteraria alla letteratura ungherese. Rispettando la descrizione ormai comunemente accettata della letteratura per ragazzi come luogo di interazione tra più sistemi – principalmente quello letterario, quello pedagogico e quello sociale –, il lavoro ricostruisce innanzitutto le dinamiche proprie dei periodi storici di interesse, focalizzando l’attenzione sulla discussione circa l’educazione patriottica e militare del bambino. In relazione a questa tematica si approfondisce l’aspetto della “leggerezza” nell’opera di Molnár, ricostruendo attraverso le recensioni del tempo la prima ricezione del romanzo in Ungheria e presentando i temi del patriottismo e del gioco alla guerra in dialogo con le caratteristiche linguistico-formali del romanzo. I risultati raggiunti – una relativizzazione dell’intento prettamente pedagogico a vantaggio di una visione critica della società e del militarismo a tutti i costi – vengono messi alla prova delle traduzioni. L’analisi critica si basa su un esame degli elementi paratestuali, sull’individuazione di processi di neutralizzazione dell’alterità culturale e infine sull’esame delle isotopie del “gioco alla guerra” e dei “simboli della patria”. Si mostra come, pur senza un intervento censorio o manipolazioni sensibili al testo, molte traduzioni italiane accentuano l’aspetto patriottico e militaresco in chiave pedagogica. Soprattutto in Italia, il romanzo viene uniformato così al contesto letterario ed educativo dell’epoca, mentre in area tedesca la ricezione nell’ambito della letteratura per ragazzi sembra aprire al genere del romanzo delle bande.


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The 1916 Easter Rising, an unsuccessful insurrection which resulted in the Irish War of Independence, generated a deep change in the political landscape in Ireland. The purpose of this work is to describe this crucial period in the history of Ireland through the voices of Irish writers who expressed their ideas and feelings about the way Ireland was close to gaining its independence. Thanks to songs, poems and literature, I analysed the events of that period through the eyes of the Irish people. Authors like Roddy Doyle and William Butler Yeats were fundamental in examining this topic very thoroughly. Through their works, they were able to convey their knowledge about the events of those years and, at the same time, to give their own opinion, as Irish people, on the topic.


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I investigated the systematics, phylogeny and biogeographical history of Juncaginaceae, a small family of the early-diverging monocot order Alismatales which comprises about 30 species of annual and perennial herbs. A wide range of methods from classical taxonomy to molecular systematic and biogeographic approaches was used. rnrnIn Chapter 1, a phylogenetic analysis of the family and members of Alismatales was conducted to clarify the circumscription of Juncaginaceae and intrafamilial relationships. For the first time, all accepted genera and those associated with the family in the past were analysed together. Phylogenetic analysis of three molecular markers (rbcL, matK, and atpA) showed that Juncaginaceae are not monophyletic. As a consequence the family is re-circumscribed to exclude Maundia which is pro-posed to belong to a separate family Maundiaceae, reducing Juncaginaceae to include Tetroncium, Cycnogeton and Triglochin. Tetroncium is weakly supported as sister to the rest of the family. The reinstated Cycnogeton (formerly included in Triglochin) is highly supported as sister to Triglochin s.str. Lilaea is nested within Triglochin s. str. and highly supported as sister to the T. bulbosa complex. The results of the molecular analysis are discussed in combination with morphological characters, a key to the genera of the family is given, and several new combinations are made.rnrnIn Chapter 2, phylogenetic relationships in Triglochin were investigated. A species-level phylogeny was constructed based on molecular data obtained from nuclear (ITS, internal transcribed spacer) and chloroplast sequence data (psbA-trnH, matK). Based on the phylogeny of the group, divergence times were estimated and ancestral distribution areas reconstructed. The monophyly of Triglochin is confirmed and relationships between the major lineages of the genus were resolved. A clade comprising the Mediterranean/African T. bulbosa complex and the American T. scilloides (= Lilaea s.) is sister to the rest of the genus which contains two main clades. In the first, the widespread T. striata is sister to a clade comprising annual Triglochin species from Australia. The second clade comprises T. palustris as sister to the T. maritima complex, of which the latter is further divided into a Eurasian and an American subclade. Diversification in Triglochin began in the Miocene or Oligocene, and most disjunctions in Triglochin were dated to the Miocene. Taxonomic diversity in some clades is strongly linked to habitat shifts and can not be observed in old but ecologically invariable lineages such as the non-monophyletic T. maritima.rnrnChapter 3 is a collaborative revision of the Triglochin bulbosa complex, a monophyletic group from the Mediterranean region and Africa. One new species, Triglochin buchenaui, and two new subspecies, T. bulbosa subsp. calcicola and subsp. quarcicola, from South Africa were described. Furthermore, two taxa were elevated to species rank and two reinstated. Altogether, seven species and four subspecies are recognised. An identification key, detailed descriptions and accounts of the ecology and distribution of the taxa are provided. An IUCN conservation status is proposed for each taxon.rnrnChapter 4 deals with the monotypic Tetroncium from southern South America. Tetroncium magellanicum is the only dioecious species in the family. The taxonomic history of the species is described, type material is traced, and a lectotype for the name is designated. Based on an extensive study of herbarium specimens and literature, a detailed description of the species and notes on its ecology and conservation status are provided. A detailed map showing the known distribution area of T. magellanicum is presented. rnrnIn Chapter 5, the flower structure of the rare Australian endemic Maundia triglochinoides (Maundiaceae, see Chapter 1) was studied in a collaborative project. As the morphology of Maundia is poorly known and some characters were described differently in the literature, inflorescences, flowers and fruits were studied using serial mictrotome sections and scanning electron microscopy. The phylogenetic placement, affinities to other taxa, and the evolution of certain characters are discussed. As Maundia exhibits a mosaic of characters of other families of tepaloid core Alismatales, its segregation as a separate family seems plausible.


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Die Dissertation Gender und Genre in melodramatischen Literaturverfilmungen der Gegenwart untersucht das Medium Film anhand von Todd Haynes’ Far from Heaven (2002), Stephen Daldrys The Hours (2002) und Tom Fords A Single Man (2009) als Quelle des Wissens über gesellschaftlich-normierte Geschlechterrollen und sozialkonstruierte Genderkonzepte. Die Arbeit versteht sich als eine nachhaltige Schnittstellenforschung zwischen Gender-, Literatur-, Film- und Medienwissenschaften und zeigt die Öffnung der Germanistik für den medial geprägten Kulturwandel, welcher den deutschen bzw. den deutschsprachigen Kulturraum betrifft. Gender und Geschlecht destabilisieren die Gesellschaft und die „heterosexuelle Matrix“ durch das individuelle Suchen, Finden, Konstruieren und Anerkennen einer eigenen, individuellen Genderidentität. Dieser Prozess kann unter Zuhilfenahme des Erzählens von Geschlecht im Film verdeutlicht werden, denn die audiovisuelle Fiktion modelliert Wirklichkeitsvorstellungen und das Wirklichkeitsverständnis der Rezipienten. Wobei offen bleibt, ob die Fiktion die Realität oder die Realität die Fiktion imitiert. Denn es gibt nicht nur eine Wahrheit, sondern mehrere, vielleicht unzählige Bedeutungszuschreibungen. Die drei paradigmatischen Literaturverfilmungen wurden jeweils in Bezug zu ihren Literaturvorlagen von Virginia Woolf, Michael Cunningham und Christopher Isherwood gesetzt. Sie können als Beispiele für ein wissendes, postmodernes Pastiche des Themen-Clusters Diskriminierung/Homophobie/Homosexualität/„Rasse“ gelten. Alle drei Filme verhandeln durch gemeinsame, melodramatische Motive (Spiegel, Telefon, Krieg, Familie) die Darstellbarkeit von Emotionen, Begehren, Sehnsüchten, Einsamkeit und dem Verlust der Liebe. Durch Verbindungslinien zu den Melodramen von Douglas Sirk und mittels den Theorien von u.a. Judith Butler, Stanley Cavell, Carolin Emcke, Thomas Elsaesser, Sigmund Freud, Hermann Kappelhoff und Laura Mulvey wurde das Begriffspaar Genre und Gender her-ausgestellt und im zeitgenössischen Geschlechter-Diskurs verortet. Das im Verlauf der Arbeit erarbeitete Wissen zu Gender, Sexualität, Körper und Geschlecht wurde als ein Gender-Genre-Hybrid verstanden und im Genre des queeren bzw. homosexuellen Melodrams (gay melodrama) neu verortet. Die drei Filme sind als ein Wiederbelebungsversuch bzw. ein Erweiterungsversuch des melodramatischen Genres unter dem Genderaspekt anzusehen. Die Analyse und Dekonstruktion feststehender Begriffe im Kontext der Gender- und Gay Studies und dem Queer Cinema lösen produktive Krisen und damit emanzipierte Verfahren aus. Diese müssen immer wieder neu beschrieben werden, damit sie wahrgenommen und verstanden werden. Daher sind die drei melodramatischen Literaturverfilmungen ein fiktionales Dokumentationsmodell gesellschaftlicher Konflikte, welches anhand individueller Schicksale verdeutlicht wird.


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In the early decades of the twentieth century, as Japanese society became engulfed in war and increasing nationalism, the majority of Buddhist leaders and institutions capitulated to the status quo. One notable exception to this trend, however, was the Shinkō Bukkyō Seinen Dōmei (Youth League for Revitalizing Buddhism), founded on 5 April 1931. Led by Nichiren Buddhist layman Seno’o Girō and made up of young social activists who were critical of capitalism, internationalist in outlook, and committed to a pan-sectarian and humanist form of Buddhism that would work for social justice and world peace, the league’s motto was “carry the Buddha on your backs and go out into the streets and villages.” This article analyzes the views of the Youth League for Revitalizing Buddhism as found in the religious writings of Seno’o Girō to situate the movement in its social and philosophical context, and to raise the question of the prospects of “radical Buddhism” in twenty-first century Japan and elsewhere.


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More than twelve years ago, during the car rides to school, my paternal grandmother, or Obasan as she is known in our family, first began telling me her stories about living in the Philippines during the Japanese Occupation. At the time, I did not know much about World War II, but her stories about being captured by the Japanese soldiersfascinated me. Years have passed, and only recently did I really begin to grasp not only the poignancy of these accounts, but also their importance in a larger context. The absence of first-hand narratives about World War II and the Japanese Occupation of the Philippines from the point of view of a Filipino woman is problematic, and I hope that my grandmother’s story can fill this hole in war literature. There are two main parts to the narrative. The first eight chapters of my thesis are about the early years of the Japanese Occupation. During this time, Obasan and her familylived a relatively peaceful life, with the exception of a few troubling encounters with the Japanese. The last seven chapters recount the Liberation of the Philippines and the days when Obasan and her family were held captive by the Japanese. The primary sources for this thesis are the interviews I have conducted with my grandmother over the course of this year and her own handwritten memoir that she composed in the last two decades. I focus specifically on the three chapters that she wrote about the war. I have also included poems written by women and historical background on the Philippines and World War II. Spinning Song is what I call a hybrid-memoir, as it retells Obasan’s stories about the war and explores the ways in which our experiences as grandmother and granddaughter intersect. More importantly, it is my way of preserving the legacy of my grandmother and paying tribute to the woman who has shaped much of who I am today.


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This thesis is an analysis of Spain’s development from dictatorship to democracy in light of the trauma that it endured during the Spanish Civil War of 1936 – 1939 and the dictatorship of Francisco Franco, which lasted until 1975. Drawing from the work of Maurice Halbwachs and Pierre Nora, this thesis seeks to use the concepts of collective memory and lieux de mémoire to analyze what role memory has played in Spanish society from 1939 to the present day. Theanalysis begins with an overview of the Spanish Civil War and Franco’s ensuing dictatorship in order to establish an understanding of the trauma endured by Spain and its people. Of importance will be the manner in which the presentation of history became manipulated anddistorted under Franco as the dictator sought to control the country’s collective memory. With this background in mind, the thesis then turns to analyze how the memory of Spain’s past has affected the country’s development in two eras: during its transition to democracy in the 1970s and in the present day. Of central importance is the pact of silence that was established during the transition to democracy, which was a tacit agreement among the Spanish people to notdiscuss the past. This pact of silence still clouds Spain’s memory today and affects modern discourse concerning the past. Yet it is clear that Spain has not been reconciled to its past, as the provocation of history inevitably results in tension and controversy. The central contention of this thesis is that the pact of silence that surrounds Spain’s past has not eliminated the trauma of the Civil War and dictatorship, as demonstrated by the controversy stirred up by people, groups and places in the present day. This contention has repercussions for the study of history as a whole, as it indicates that the past cannot be muted in order to achievereconciliation; rather, it suggests that we must engage the past in order to be reconciled to it.