968 resultados para Vocal cyst


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En el català de Mallorca, el procés de reducció vocàlica de les vocals mitjanes de la sèrie anterior a e neutra en posició àtona no opera (o subaplica) en determinades circumstàncies: (a) en formes derivades productives amb una vocal àtona situada a la síl·laba esquerra o inicial del radical i alternant amb e tancada o e oberta en el radical de la forma primitiva; (b) en formes verbals amb una vocal àtona situada a la síl·laba esquerra o inicial del radical i alternant amb e tancada en una altra forma verbal del mateix paradigma flexiu; (c) en manlleus i paraules apreses amb una vocal àtona e situada, també, a la síl·laba esquerra o inicial del radical i generalment precedida d"una consonant labial. En aquest treball, argumentem que hi ha dos factors que conspiren perquè això sigui d"aquesta manera: (a) tal com ja s"ha fet notar en treballs anteriors, la voluntat d"aquestes vocals d"assemblar-se a les vocals corresponents que apareixen en mots del mateix paradigma derivatiu o flexiu, i, en el cas de la derivació, sobretot quan la relació derivativa és productiva; (b) l"estatus privilegiat de la síl·laba situada a l"esquerra o a l"inici del radical. Per donar compte del primer factor, proposem una nova interpretació dels fets emmarcada en la Teoria de la Correspondència Transderivacional i el model dels Paradigmes Òptims. Per donar compte del segon factor, que ha passat desapercebut en aproximacions anteriors a les mateixes dades, partim de la Teoria de la Fidelitat Posicional i de la Teoria del Marcatge Posicional.


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PRINCIPLES: The literature has described opinion leaders not only as marketing tools of the pharmaceutical industry, but also as educators promoting good clinical practice. This qualitative study addresses the distinction between the opinion-leader-as-marketing-tool and the opinion-leader-as-educator, as it is revealed in the discourses of physicians and experts, focusing on the prescription of antidepressants. We explore the relational dynamic between physicians, opinion leaders and the pharmaceutical industry in an area of French-speaking Switzerland. METHODS: Qualitative content analysis of 24 semistructured interviews with physicians and local experts in psychopharmacology, complemented by direct observation of educational events led by the experts, which were all sponsored by various pharmaceutical companies. RESULTS: Both physicians and experts were critical of the pharmaceutical industry and its use of opinion leaders. Local experts, in contrast, were perceived by the physicians as critical of the industry and, therefore, as a legitimate source of information. Local experts did not consider themselves opinion leaders and argued that they remained intellectually independent from the industry. Field observations confirmed that local experts criticised the industry at continuing medical education events. CONCLUSIONS: Local experts were vocal critics of the industry, which nevertheless sponsor their continuing education. This critical attitude enhanced their credibility in the eyes of the prescribing physicians. We discuss how the experts, despite their critical attitude, might still be beneficial to the industry's interests.


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Nos últimos anos a ultra-sonografia tridimensional tem-se tornado um método de imagem de grande importância no diagnóstico em obstetrícia. Um de seus benefícios seria a maior sensibilidade, em relação ao ultra-som bidimensional, no diagnóstico de algumas malformações fetais. As potenciais aplicações desse novo método seriam uma maior acurácia na medida do volume de órgãos fetais, a possibilidade de rever volumes na ausência da paciente, a possibilidade de utilizar diferentes planos para avaliar determinada estrutura anatômica e a capacidade de transmissão de volumes para centros de referência. A avaliação ultra-sonográfica do cerebelo fetal é de extrema importância, pois, comprovadamente, alterações no seu desenvolvimento estão correlacionadas com alterações do crescimento fetal e anomalias congênitas. O objetivo desta atualização é demonstrar os métodos VOCAL™ e 3D XI™ na avaliação do cerebelo fetal, seus potenciais benefícios e o que há de mais atual na literatura a respeito deste assunto.


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Patient's first pregnancy was complicated by mild thrombocytopenia caused by a 13-cm splenic cyst, who delivered vaginally without complication. Risks and management of maternal splenic cysts in pregnancy and delivery are reviewed here.


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Paralisia das pregas vocais é causa frequente de rouquidão, podendo ser secundária a várias lesões ao longo do trajeto do X par craniano e seus ramos, particularmente os nervos laríngeos recorrentes. Apesar de grande parte dos casos ser idiopática, os métodos de imagem são muito importantes na pesquisa de fatores etiológicos, tais como lesões neoplásicas da tireoide e esôfago com invasão secundária dos nervos laríngeos recorrentes. Além destas, outras anormalidades como aneurismas do arco aórtico e da artéria subclávia direita podem ser encontradas. É fundamental que o radiologista conheça a anatomia pertinente a esta região e as principais afecções que podem ocorrer, para que o estudo seja corretamente planejado, auxiliando o diagnóstico e o planejamento terapêutico. Além disso, como até 35% dos casos de paralisia da prega vocal são assintomáticos, o conhecimento dos sinais radiológicos que indicam esta condição é indispensável, cabendo ao radiologista alertar o médico assistente sobre os achados do exame. Neste trabalho realizamos uma revisão da anatomia e das principais doenças responsáveis pela paralisia de cordas vocais, demonstrando-as por meio de estudos de tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética de casos típicos. Mostramos, também, as alterações radiológicas próprias da laringe que indicam a presença de paralisia das pregas vocais.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a reprodutibilidade interobservador dos índices de vascularização do Doppler de amplitude tridimensional (Doppler de amplitude 3D) no primeiro trimestre de gestação. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Realizou-se estudo de reprodutibilidade com 32 gestantes normais entre 7 e 10 semanas e 6 dias. Para o cálculo do volume tridimensional dos embriões utilizou-se o método VOCAL (Virtual Organ Computer-aided AnaLysis) com ângulo de rotação de 12°. Em seguida obtiveram-se, automaticamente, os três índices vasculares do Doppler de amplitude 3D: índice de vascularização (VI), índice de fluxo (FI) e índice de vascularização e fluxo (VFI). Para o cálculo da variabilidade interobservador, um examinador realizou uma segunda medida dos 32 embriões e um segundo examinador realizou uma terceira medida dos mesmos volumes, ambos desconhecendo os resultados do outro. Utilizaram-se, para análise estatística, o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI) e gráficos de Bland-Altman. RESULTADOS: Observou-se boa reprodutibilidade interobservador dos três índices vasculares. O VI apresentou CCI = 0,9 e média da diferença = -1,1; o FI apresentou CCI = 0,9 e média da diferença = -0,5; e o VFI apresentou CCI = 0,9 e média da diferença = -1,1. CONCLUSÃO: Os índices vasculares do Doppler de amplitude 3D do embrião no primeiro trimestre de gestação foram altamente reprodutíveis, em especial o FI.


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OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate five discal cysts with detailed magnetic resonance imaging findings in nonsurgical and following postoperative microdiscectomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Five discal cysts in four patients who underwent magnetic resonance imaging were found through a search in our database and referral from a single orthopedic spine surgeon. Computed tomography in two cases and computed tomography discography in one case were also performed. RESULTS: Five discal cysts were present in four patients. Three patients had no history of previous lumbar surgery and the other patient presented with two discal cysts and recurrent symptoms after partial laminectomy and microdiscectomy. All were oval shaped and seated in the anterior epidural space. Four were ventrolateral, and the other one was centrally positioned in the anterior spinal canal. One showed continuity with the central disc following discography. Three were surgically removed. CONCLUSION: Magnetic resonance imaging can easily depict an epidural cyst and the diagnosis of a discal cyst should be raised when an homogeneous ventrolateral epidural cyst contiguous to a mild degenerated disc is identified.


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Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome is a genetic syndrome characterized by macroglossia, omphalocele, fetal gigantism and neonatal hypoglycemia. The authors report a case of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome diagnosed in a 32-year-old primigravida in whom two-dimensional ultrasonography revealed the presence of abdominal wall cyst, macroglossia and polycystic kidneys. Three-dimensional ultrasonography in rendering mode was of great importance to confirm the previous two-dimensional ultrasonography findings.


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Carpal boss is an uncommon condition whose incidence is underestimated and that is frequently confused with other causes of development of tumor-like lesions on the dorsum of the wrist. From the clinical point of view, the main obstacle to its recognition is the nonspecificity of symptoms, frequently attributed to dorsal ganglion cysts, since both conditions share a similar location on the dorsum of the wrist. The assessment by ultrasonography allows for a correct diagnosis and appropriate management, with better chances of resolution of the clinical complaint and lower probability of iatrogenic worsening of the lesion. The present review is aimed at describing the different sonographic findings of carpal boss.


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AbstractThe authors report the case of a 55-year-old female, hypertensive, smoker patient presenting with dysphonia, dysphagia and persistent dry cough. Laryngoscopy diagnosed left vocal cord paralysis. Computed tomography demonstrated saccular aneurysm of the inferior wall of the aortic arch, stretching the left recurrent laryngeal nerve, a finding compatible with Ortner’s syndrome.


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Objectives: To determine the relative incidence of odontogenic cysts and to identify the main clinicopathological features among patients treated in the Oral Surgery Department of the Dental Clinic of the University of Barcelona (Spain). Study design: A retrospective observational study was made of 418 odontogenic cysts diagnosed in 380 patients included in the database of 1235 histopathological diagnoses. The subjects were treated in the Master degree program of Oral Surgery and Implantology of the University of Barcelona in the period 1997-2006. The following variables were recorded: gender, age, clinical characteristics of the lesions (size and location), radiological features, duration, treatment, complications and relapses. A descriptive analysis was made of the study variables, using the SPSS version 15.0. Results: The incidence of odontogenic cysts was 33.8%. The mean patient age at appearance of the lesion was 42 years (range 7-83). The cysts were slightly more prevalent in males (58.4%). The lesion size ranged from 2-60 mm, with a mean size of 18.4 mm. The most frequent diagnosis was radicular cyst (50.2%). The most common location of the odontogenic cysts was in the mandible (61.5%), particularly the lower third molar region (36.8%). Conclusions: The most frequently diagnosed lesion was the radicular cyst. Odontogenic cysts were seen to be slightly more prevalent in males, and showed a high mandibular incidence. Knowledge of the biological and histological behavior of odontogenic cysts and their frequency are key aspects for ensuring early detection and adequate treatment.


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El propòsit d'aquest treball és donar a conèixer la lyra viol i la seva música. Entre d'altres maneres de tocar aquest instrument, mostrar com aquest servia per acompanyar la veu, així com arranjar peces polifòniques tal i com trobem en publicacions de l'època. I serà a partir d'aquests exemples, que he fet els meus propis arranjaments per a viola de gamba i que incloc en aquest treball.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar las características básicas de la entonación de los eslóganes publicitarios tanto de radio como de televisión. Con este propósito se analizan los valores de la Fº de las vocales que aparecen en el fragmento que corresponde al eslogan. Para evitar en la medida de lo posible las diferencias que pueden venir determinadas por el soporte físico en el que aparecen los eslóganes publicitarios, se escogió el mismo producto, diferentes marcas de vehículos, y se seleccionaron aquellos enunciados óptimos para un posterior análisis de la señal. Para la segmentación de los eslóganes dentro de los enunciados publicitarios y el análisis de las curvas melódicas se utilizó el programa PRAAT. Para cada enunciado se han ido anotando los valores de la F0 de cada vocal, teniendo en cuenta las tres partes de cada unidad melódica: el anacrusis, el cuerpo y la inflexión final. Para minimizar las variaciones debidas al tono de voz característico de cada locutor, se ha procedido a una estandarización de los valores frecuenciales. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que todos los eslóganes analizados presentan énfasis, que a veces afecta a una parte del contorno (anacrusis, cuerpo e inflexión final), a veces a más de una y otras, incluso a todo el contorno. Aunque en radio y televisión se suelen presentar características prosódicas similares, existen características propias del medio de comunicación que se utiliza.


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Mimicry is a central plank of the emotional contagion theory; however, it was only tested with facial and postural emotional stimuli. This study explores the existence of mimicry in voice-to-voice communication by analyzing 8,747 sequences of emotional displays between customers and employees in a call-center context. We listened live to 967 telephone inter-actions, registered the sequences of emotional displays, and analyzed them with a Markov chain. We also explored other propositions of emotional contagion theory that were yet to be tested in vocal contexts. Results supported that mimicry is significantly present at all levels. Our findings fill an important gap in the emotional contagion theory; have practical implications regarding voice-to-voice interactions; and open doors for future vocal mimicry research.