875 resultados para Visceral sensitivity
Human breast cancer cells (MCF-7, T-47-D and ZR-75-1) can adapt to circumvent any reduced growth rate during long-term oestrogen deprivation, and this provides three model systems to investigate mechanisms of endocrine resistance in breast cancer. In this paper we report consistent differences in the effects of three growth inhibitors following long-term oestrogen deprivation in all three cell models. Long-term oestrogen deprivation of MCF-7, T-47-D and ZR-75-1 cells resulted in reduced growth inhibition by PD98059 (2–10 µg/ml), implying a loss of dependence on mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways for growth. The growth inhibitor LY294002 (2–10 µM) inhibited growth of both oestrogen-maintained and oestrogen-deprived cells with similar dose–responses, implying continued similar dependence on phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways with no alteration after adaptation to oestrogen independent growth. However, by contrast, long-term oestrogen deprivation resulted in an increased sensitivity to growth inhibition by rapamycin, which was not reduced by readdition of oestradiol. The enhanced inhibition of long-term oestrogen-deprived MCF-7-ED, T-47-D-ED and ZR-75-1-ED cell growth by combining rapamycin with LY294002 at concentrations where each alone had little effect, offers preclinical support to the development of therapeutic combinations of rapamycin analogues with other PI3K inhibitors in endocrine-resistant breast cancer.
Bloom-forming and toxin-producing cyanobacteria remain a persistent nuisance across the world. Modelling cyanobacterial behaviour in freshwaters is an important tool for understanding their population dynamics and predicting the location and timing of the bloom events in lakes, reservoirs and rivers. A new deterministic–mathematical model was developed, which simulates the growth and movement of cyanobacterial blooms in river systems. The model focuses on the mathematical description of the bloom formation, vertical migration and lateral transport of colonies within river environments by taking into account the major factors that affect the cyanobacterial bloom formation in rivers including light, nutrients and temperature. A parameter sensitivity analysis using a one-at-a-time approach was carried out. There were two objectives of the sensitivity analysis presented in this paper: to identify the key parameters controlling the growth and movement patterns of cyanobacteria and to provide a means for model validation. The result of the analysis suggested that maximum growth rate and day length period were the most significant parameters in determining the population growth and colony depth, respectively.
Acute effects of meal fatty acid composition on insulin sensitivity in healthy post-menopausal women
Postprandial plasma insulin concentrations after a single high-fat meal may be modified by the presence of specific fatty acids although the effects of sequential meal ingestion are unknown. The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of altering the fatty acid composition in a single mixed fat-carbohydrate meal on glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity of a second meal eaten 5 h later. Insulin sensitivity was assessed using a minimal model approach. Ten healthy post-menopausal women underwent four two-meal studies in random order. A high-fat breakfast (40 g fat) where the fatty acid composition was predominantly saturated fatty acids (SFA), n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), long-chain n-3 PUFA or monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) was followed 5 h later by a low-fat, high-carbohydrate lunch (5.7 g fat), which was identical in all four studies. The plasma insulin response was significantly higher following the SFA meal than the other meals after both breakfast and lunch (P<0.006) although there was no effect of breakfast fatty acid composition on plasma glucose concentrations. Postprandial insulin sensitivity (SI(Oral)) was assessed for 180 min after each meal. SI(Oral) was significantly lower after lunch than after breakfast for all four test meals (P=0.019) following the same rank order (SFA < n-6 PUFA < n-3 PUFA < MUFA) for each meal. The present study demonstrates that a single meal rich in SFA reduces postprandial insulin sensitivity with 'carry-over' effects for the next meal.
A strong climatic warming is currently observed in the Caucasus mountains, which has profound impact on runoff generation in the glaciated Glavny (Main) Range and on water availability in the whole region. To assess future changes in the hydrological cycle, the output of a general circulation model was downscaled statistically. For the 21st century, a further warming by 4–7 °C and a slight precipitation increase is predicted. Measured and simulated meteorological variables were used as input into a runoff model to transfer climate signals into a hydrological response under both present and future climate forcings. Runoff scenarios for the mid and the end of the 21st century were generated for different steps of deglaciation. The results show a satisfactory model performance for periods with observed runoff. Future water availability strongly depends on the velocity of glacier retreat. In a first phase, a surplus of water will increase flood risk in hot years and after continuing glacier reduction, annual runoff will again approximate current values. However, the seasonal distribution of streamflow will change towards runoff increase in spring and lower flows in summer.
Long-term monitoring data from eastern North America and Europe indicate a link between increased dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in surface waters over the last two decades and decreased atmospheric pollutant and marine sulphur (S) deposition. The hypothesis is that decreased acidity and ionic strength associated with declining S deposition has increased the solubility of DOC. However, the sign and magnitude of DOC trends have varied between sites, and in some cases at sites where S deposition has declined, no significant increase in DOC has been observed, creating uncertainty about the causal mechanisms driving the observed trends. In this paper, we demonstrate chemical regulation of DOC release from organic soils in batch experiments caused by changes in acidity and conductivity (measured as a proxy for ionic strength) associated with controlled SO42− additions. DOC release from the top 10 cm of the O-horizon of organo-mineral soils and peats decreased by 21–60% in response to additions of 0–437 µeq SO42− l−1 sulphuric acid (H2SO4) and neutral sea-salt solutions (containing Na+, Mg2+, Cl−, SO42−) over a 20-hour extraction period. A significant decrease in the proportion of the acid-sensitive coloured aromatic humic acids (measured by specific ultra-violet absorbance (SUVA) at 254 nm) was also found with increasing acidity (P < 0.05) in most, but not all, soils, confirming that DOC quality, as well as quantity, changed with SO42− additions. DOC release appeared to be more sensitive to increased acidity than to increased conductivity. By comparing the change in DOC release with bulk soil properties, we found that DOC release from the O-horizon of organo-mineral soils and semi-confined peats, which contained greater exchangeable aluminium (Al) and had lower base saturation (BS), were more sensitive to SO42− additions than DOC release from blanket peats with low concentrations of exchangeable Al and greater BS. Therefore, variation in soil type and acid/base status between sites may partly explain the difference in the magnitude of DOC changes seen at different sites where declines in S deposition have been similar.
For a targeted observations case, the dependence of the size of the forecast impact on the targeted dropsonde observation error in the data assimilation is assessed. The targeted observations were made in the lee of Greenland; the dependence of the impact on the proximity of the observations to the Greenland coast is also investigated. Experiments were conducted using the Met Office Unified Model (MetUM), over a limited-area domain at 24-km grid spacing, with a four-dimensional variational data assimilation (4D-Var) scheme. Reducing the operational dropsonde observation errors by one-half increases the maximum forecast improvement from 5% to 7%–10%, measured in terms of total energy. However, the largest impact is seen by replacing two dropsondes on the Greenland coast with two farther from the steep orography; this increases the maximum forecast improvement from 5% to 18% for an 18-h forecast (using operational observation errors). Forecast degradation caused by two dropsonde observations on the Greenland coast is shown to arise from spreading of data by the background errors up the steep slope of Greenland. Removing boundary layer data from these dropsondes reduces the forecast degradation, but it is only a partial solution to this problem. Although only from one case study, these results suggest that observations positioned within a correlation length scale of steep orography may degrade the forecast through the anomalous upslope spreading of analysis increments along terrain-following model levels.
A leishmaniose visceral (LV) é uma doença grave que afeta a população de vários países, onde o Brasil apresenta a maior prevalência da infecção nas Américas. Com o estudo do gene codificante da proteína B de superfície (HASPB ou K26) de Leishmania infantum é possível identificar as variações polimórficas intraespecíficas e, assim, será possível consolidar a descrição de um perfil polimórfico presente no Estado de Pernambuco. O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar as regiões polimórficas do gene HASPB (K26) de Leishmania infantum em amostras clínicas positivas para leishmaniose visceral e coinfecção LV/HIV. O sistema K26 PCR foi otimizado utilizando concentrações variadas de DNA genômico de L. infantum. Foi realizado o screening de amostras clínicas de DNA através de dois sistemas de PCR simples, kDNA e ITS1/RFLP, para ensaios posteriores com a K26 PCR nas amostras positivas. A curva de dissociação de alta definição (qPCR-HRM) foi empregada na localização de temperaturas de melting específicas para L. infantum. Os amplicons do gene K26 foram sequenciados e alinhados as sequencias selecionadas em base de dados. A K26 PCR apresentou limiar de detecção de 1 pg para amplicon de 700 pb. A especificidade dos primers foi avaliada experimentalmente e in silico, apresentando anelamento inespecífico com DNA humano. Em paralelo, foram selecionadas 78 amostras de DNA através dos dois sistemas screening, sendo 17 caracterizadas como L. infantum. Os ensaios com DNA das amostras clínicas para o sistema K26 PCR revelaram bandas espúrias. A análise através qPCR-HRM em DNA genômico do parasita resultou em amplificação com Tm de 88,2 °C, já o ensaio com amostra clínica revelou duas amplificações com distintas temperaturas de melting, 84,6 e 88,2 °C. Três amplicons do gene K26 foram sequenciados e alinhados a cinco sequencias da base de dados, indicando 38,2 % de similaridade. Pode-se concluir que o sistema K26 PCR é recomendável para análise dos polimorfismos genéticos, contanto que o DNA seja extraído diretamente de espécies isoladas em meio de cultura.
A leishmaniose visceral (LV) é uma doença infecto-parasitária causada por protozoários do gênero Leishmania. O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar estratégias para o aprimoramento do diagnóstico molecular na LV, que compreenderam a avaliação da eficiência de diferentes métodos de extração de DNA em amostras de urina; a análise do uso da Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase quantitativa em tempo real (qPCR) como ferramenta para a detecção do DNA de Leishmania infantum na referida amostra; e a padronização de uma reação duplex qPCR para a detecção simultânea do DNA de L. infantum e do gene G3PD (controle endógeno). Depois da escolha do protocolo de extração de DNA mais apropriado, e após a otimização e a análise de reprodutibilidade, uma qPCR em urina foi padronizada. Em paralelo, após o desenho e a síntese de sondas TaqMan® compatíveis com os sistemas LINF 1B e G3PD1, após otimização e análise de reprodutibilidade, uma duplex qPCR em sangue também foi padronizada. Para avaliação dos protocolos desenvolvidos foram utilizadas técnicas de estatística descritiva. Para análise comparativa com técnicas clássicas de diagnóstico da LV utilizou-se Teste Qui Quadrado de independência ou Teste Exato de Fisher (p<0,05 e p<0,01, respectivamente). Como resultados, após otimização, o limite de detecção alcançado pela qPCR em urina utilizando o protocolo de extração selecionado (kit comercial) foi de 5 fg/microlitros de amostra 0,034 parasitos) A duplex qPCR em sangue alcançou um limite de detecção de 2x102 fg/microlitros de amostra 1,4 (ou ~ 1,4 parasito), após a otimização. A partir dos dados estatísticos obtidos, pôde-se analisar alta concordância percentual entre a qPCR e urina e o conjunto de critérios diagnósticos (sorologia rK39 + qPCR em sangue), bem como entre a duplex qPCR em sangue e a qPCR em sangue, para os Grupos 01 (pacientes com suspeita de LV) e 02 (pacientes HIV positivos co-infectados ou não). Como um conjunto de critérios, os dois novos ensaios obtiveram excelentes concordâncias com o conjunto de técnicas clássicas: 88,89 por cento e 94,74 por cento para os Grupos 01 e 02, respectivamente. Não houve diferenças estatísticas significativas entre os testes. Pôde-se concluir que ambos os ensaios mostraram bom potencial para a incorporação, após validação, ao diagnóstico da LV; em conjunto ou individualmente (quando necessário), trazendo mais conforto, praticidade, confiabilidade e rapidez ao diagnóstico definitivo da patologia
Os métodos de diagnóstico sorológico são ainda as ferramentas mais realistas e aplicáveis para identificação de cães com leishmaniose visceral. A pesquisa por métodos sorológicos mais eficientes e de produção simplificada é importante para a identificação do reservatório canino, ação primordial para o controle da doença. Este estudo teve por objetivo o desenvolvimento e a avaliação do desempenho de um ELISA para leishmaniose visceral canina, utilizando como conjugado enzimático uma IgY anti-IgG canina. Para isto, galinhas poedeiras foram imunizadas com IgG canina purificada e a IgY anti-IgG foi isolada das gemas dos ovos por precipitação com polietilenoglicol e purificada por meio de adsorção tiofílica. A especificidade frente ao antígeno imunizante foi verificada por imunodifusão radial dupla, ELISA e western-blot. O ELISA foi desenvolvido utilizando IgY conjugada a enzima peroxidase, tendo seus parâmetros de acurácia avaliados e comparados com o ELISA utilizando IgG de mamíferos conjugada a peroxidase. A concentração total de IgY isolada nas gemas foi constante, sem diferença significativa nos meses analisados (...), com média de 97,55 mg de IgY/ gema. A IgY produzida reconheceu a IgG canina, demonstrando uma forte sensibilidade e especificidade no ELISA, porém na imunodifusão não foi detectada ligação da IgY produzida a IgG canina. Após a imunização, houve um aumento significante da produção de IgY específica do primeiro para o segundo mês (...) onde ocorreu um pico estável sem queda de produção até o final do período analisado (...). A IgY demonstrou ainda, forte reatividade no western-Blot frente a IgG canina purificada e a presente no soro de cão clinicamente saudável, não sendo capaz de reconhecer IgG de outras espécies animais.
BACKGROUND: Bruchid beetles, Callosobruchus species, are serious pests of economically important grain legumes; their activity in stores is often controlled by use of synthetic insecticides. Esterases are known to be involved in insecticide resistance in insects. However, there is dearth of information on esterase activity in the genus Callosobruchus. In this study we investigated the effect of species, geographical strain and food type on the variation of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity and its inhibition by malaoxon (malathion metabolite) using an in vitro spectrophotometric method. RESULT: AChE activity varied significantly among species and strains and also among legume type used for rearing them. Generally irrespective of species, strain or food type, the higher the AChE activity of a population, the higher its inhibition by malaoxon. C. chinensis had the highest AChE activity of the species studied and in the presence of malaoxon it had the lowest remaining AChE activity, while C. rhodesianus retained the highest activity. CONCLUSION: A firsthand knowledge of AChE activity in regional Callosobruchus in line with the prevailing food types should be of utmost importance to grain legume breeders, researchers on plant materials for bruchid control and pesticide manufacturer/applicators for a robust integrated management of these bruchids.