984 resultados para Vannozzi, Bonifazio, 1551-1627.
Image-based modeling is a popular approach to perform patient-specific biomechanical simulations. Accurate modeling is critical for orthopedic application to evaluate implant design and surgical planning. It has been shown that bone strength can be estimated from the bone mineral density (BMD) and trabecular bone architecture. However, these findings cannot be directly and fully transferred to patient-specific modeling since only BMD can be derived from clinical CT. Therefore, the objective of this study was to propose a method to predict the trabecular bone structure using a µCT atlas and an image registration technique. The approach has been evaluated on femurs and patellae under physiological loading. The displacement and ultimate force for femurs loaded in stance position were predicted with an error of 2.5% and 3.7%, respectively, while predictions obtained with an isotropic material resulted in errors of 7.3% and 6.9%. Similar results were obtained for the patella, where the strain predicted using the registration approach resulted in an improved mean squared error compared to the isotropic model. We conclude that the registration of anisotropic information from of a single template bone enables more accurate patient-specific simulations from clinical image datasets than isotropic model.
Sepsis is a major cause for death worldwide. Numerous interventional trials with agents neutralizing single pro-inflammatory mediators have failed to improve survival in sepsis and aseptic systemic inflammatory response syndromes. This failure could well be explained by the widespread gene expression dysregulation known as "genomic storm" in these patients. A multifunctional polyspecific therapeutic agent might be needed to thwart the effects of this "storm". Licensed pooled intravenous immunoglobulin preparations seemed to be a promising candidate but they have also failed in their present form to prevent sepsis-related death. We report here the protective effect of a single dose of intravenous immunoglobulin preparations with additionally enhanced polyspecificity in three models of sepsis and aseptic systemic inflammation. The modification of the pooled immunoglobulin G molecules by exposure to ferrous ions resulted in their newly acquired ability to bind some pro-inflammatory molecules, complement components and endogenous "danger" signals. The improved survival in endotoxemia was associated with serum levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, diminished complement consumption and normalization of the coagulation time. We suggest that intravenous immunoglobulin preparations with additionally enhanced polyspecificity have a clinical potential in sepsis and related systemic inflammatory syndromes.
In order to constrain the salinity of subduction zone fluids, piston-cylinder experiments have been conducted to investigate the partitioning behaviour of Cl and F in subducted sediments. These experiments were performed at H2O-undersaturated conditions with a synthetic pelite starting composition containing 800 ppm Cl, over a pressure and temperature range of 2.5–4.5 GPa and 630–900 °C. Repetitive experiments were conducted with 1900 ppm Cl + 1000 ppm F, and 2100 ppm Cl. Apatite represents the most Cl-abundant mineral phase, with Cl concentration varying in the range 0.1–2.82 wt%. Affinity for Cl decreases over the following sequence: aqueous fluid > apatite ⩾ melt > other hydrous minerals (phengite, biotite and amphibole). It was found that addition of F to the Cl-bearing starting composition significantly lowers the Cl partition coefficients between apatite and melt (DClAp–melt) and apatite and aqueous fluid (DClAp–aq). Cl–OH exchange coefficients between apatite and melt (KdCl–OHAp–melt) and apatite and aqueous fluid (KdCl–OHAp–aq) were subsequently calculated. KdCl–OHAp–melt was found to vary from 1 to 58, showing an increase with temperature and a decrease with pressure and displaying a regular decrease with increasing H2O content in melt. Mole fractions of Cl and OH in melt were calculated based on an ideal mixing model for H2O, OH, O, Cl and F. The Cl contents of other hydrous minerals (phengite, biotite and amphibole) fall between 200 and 800 ppm, with resultant Cl partition coefficients from 0.02 to 0.49, appearing independent of the bulk Cl and F content. Preliminary data from this study show that the partitioning behaviour of F is strongly in favour of apatite relative to melt and phengite, with DFAp–melt = 15–51. Apatites from representative eclogite facies metasediments were examined and found to have low Cl contents close to ∼100 ppm. Calculations using our experimentally determined KdCl–OHAp–aq of 0.004 at 2.5 GPa, 630 °C indicate a low salinity character (0.5–2 wt% NaCleq) for the fluid formed during dehydration of subducted oceanic sediment at ∼80 km depth.
Abgedruckt sind Dokumente über die Beziehungen zwischen den böhmischen Ständen und ihren verschiedenen Landesherren (die 'Verneuerte Landes-Ordnung' Kaiser Ferdinands II. von 1627, die einer faktischen Abschaffung der alten ständischen Verfassung gleichkam, Deklaratorien und Neubestimmungen Kaiser Ferdinands III. zur Landesordnung (1640) sowie die Wiedereinsetzung der ständischen Verfassung durch Kaiser Leopold II. im Jahre 1791)
recitata à Vito Winshemio Iuniore
Cum praefatione Philippi Melanthonis
1615 - 1620 ohne Titel
auß eigen angeborner Lateinischer spraach auffs trewlichst transferiert durch Valentinum Boltz von Rufach
Vorbesitzer: Heinrich Kellner; Johann Maximilian Zum Jungen
Para determinar la influencia del manejo del suelo sobre el microclima de la canopia se estableció un experimento en un viñedo de Cabernet Sauvignon conducido en doble cordón de pitones en espladero alto. Se aplicaron tres tratamientos: Testigo (TR)-suelo sin maleza; (CVP)-cobertura de suelo espontánea y control del desarrollo vegetativo por desbrozado y (CA)-cobertura de flora espontánea y control del desarrollo vegetativo con aplicación de herbicida de contacto desecante. Se midió la radiación fotosintéticamente activa (PAR), la composición espectral de la radiación directa y reflejada, y la temperatura a nivel de racimos en el interior de la canopia. El TR reflejó más radiación en la zona del UV y del visible. El CVP reflejó entre un 8 y 9%, el CA entre el 16 y 18% y el TR entre 18 y 19%. En la radiación reflejada, la relación rojo/rojo lejano fue mayor en CA y TR, mientras que la relación azul/rojo fue mayor en CVP. La temperatura en el interior de la canopia fue mayor en TR (30,8°C) que en CVP (26,7°C). La utilización de coberturas vegetales de raíces superficiales y permanentemente desbrozadas sería de utilidad para reducir la radiación reflejada y la temperatura de la canopia sin competir con el viñedo por agua y nutrimentos.