989 resultados para Vaccinia-like virus
The tat gene is required by HIV-1 for efficient reverse transcription and this function of Tat can be distinguished from its role in transcription by RNA polymerase II using tat point mutations that abrogate each function independently The mechanism of Tat's role in reverse transcription, however, is not known, nor is it known whether this role is conserved among trans-activating factors in other retroviruses. Here we examine the abilities of heterologous viral trans-activating proteins from jembrana disease virus (jTat), HIV-2 (Tat2), and equine infectious anemia virus (eTat) to substitute for HIV-1 Tat (Tat1) and restore reverse transcription in HIV-1 carrying an inactivated tat gene. Natural endogenous reverse transcription assays showed that trans-activators from some retroviruses (Tat2 and jTat, but not eTat) could substitute for Tat1 in complementation of HIV-1 reverse transcription. Finally, we show that Y47 is critical for Tat1 to function in reverse transcription, but not HIV-1 gene expression. We mutated the homologous position in jTat to H62Y and found it did not improve its ability to stimulate reverse transcription, but an H62A mutation did inhibit jTat complementation. These data highlight the finding that the role of Tat in reverse transcription is not related to trans-activation and demonstrate that other tat genes conserve this function. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
Lichen planus is a disorder characterized by lesions of the skin and oral mucous membranes. Although many patients have involvement of both skin and oral mucosa at some stage during the progress of the disease, a larger group has oral involvement alone. It has been reported that oral lichen planus (OLP) affects one to two percent of the general population and has the potential for malignant transformation in some cases (1, 2). Like many chronic inflammatory skin diseases, it often persists for many years. Numerous disorders may be associated with OLP such as graft-vs.-host disease and Hepatitis C virus infection (3), however, it is unclear how such diverse influences elicit the disease and indeed whether they are identical to idiopathic OLP Available evidence supports the view that OLP is a cell-mediated immunological response to an induced antigenic change in the mucosa (4-6). Studies of the immunopathogenesis of OLP aim to provide specific novel treatments as well as contributing to our understanding of other cell-mediated inflammatory diseases. In this paper, the interactions between mast cells and T cells are explored from the standpoint of immune regulation. From these data, a unifying hypothesis for the immunopathogenesis of OLP is then developed and presented.
Immune deviation of cytolytic T cell function, induced by type 2 cytokines like IL-4, is an attractive concept to explain failure of the immune system in some diseases. However, this concept is challenged by previous conflicting results on whether type 2 cytokine-producing CD8(+) T cells are cytolytic. Therefore, we have analyzed the relationship between cytolytic activity and cytokine production among large numbers of primary CD8(+) T cell clones. Single murine CD8(+) T cells of naive phenotype were activated at high efficiency with immobilized Abs to CD3, CD8, and CD11a in the presence of IL-2 (neutral conditions) or IL-2, IL-4, and anti-IFN-gamma Ab (type 2-polarizing conditions) for 8-9 days. Under neutral conditions, most clones produced IFN-gamma without IL-4 and were cytolytic. Under type 2-polarizing conditions, most clones produced IFN-gamma and IL-4 but displayed variable cytolytic activity and CD8 expression. Separation on the basis of surface CD8 levels revealed that, compared with CD8(high) cells from the same cultures, CD8(low) cells were poorly cytolytic and expressed low levels of perforin mRNA and protein and granzyme A, B, and C mRNA. A similar, smaller population of noncytolytic CD8(low) cells was identified among CD8(low) T cells activated in mixed lymphocyte reaction with IL-4. Variable efficiency of generation of the noncytolytic cells may account for the differing results of earlier studies. We conclude that IL-4 promotes the development of a noncytolytic CD8(low) T cell phenotype that might be important in tumor- or pathogen-induced immune deviation.
Murray Valley encephalitis (MVE) virus is a mosquito-borne flavivirus causing severe encephalitis with a resultant high morbidity and mortality. In the period 1989-1993. we undertook a cross-sectional and longitudinal studs by annually screening members of a small remote Aboriginal community in northwestern Australia for MVE virus antibodies. Of the estimated 250-300 people in the community. 249 were tested, and 52.6% had positive serology to MVE. The proportion testing positive increased with increasing age group. and males were slightly more likely to be positive than females. During the study period. a high proportion of the population seroconverted to MVE: the clinical/subclinical ratio seems to be lower than previously reported. Although MVE is mostly asymptomatic, the devastating consequences of clinical illness indicate that advice should be provided regarding the avoidance of mosquito bites. Our longitudinal study showed that the risk of seroconversion was similar for each age group. not just the young.
A semi-nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was evaluated for detection of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus in infected mosquitoes stored under simulated northern Australian summer conditions. The effect of silica gel, thymol, and a combination of the two on RNA stability and virus viability in dead mosquitoes were also examined. While JE virus RNA was relatively stable in mosquitoes held for up to 14 days after death, viable virus was not detected after day 1. Thymol vapor inhibited fungal contamination. Detection of single mosquitoes infected with JE virus in large pools of mosquitoes was also investigated. Single laboratory-infected mosquitoes were detected in pools of less than or equal to200 mosquitoes and in pools diluted to 0.2/100 and 0.1/100 mosquitoes, using the semi-nested PCR. However, the ability to detect live virus decreased as pool size increased. The semi-nested PCR proved more expensive than virus isolation for pools of 100 mosquitoes. However, the semi-nested PCR was faster and more economical using larger pools. Results indicate that surveillance of JE virus in mosquitoes using the semi-nested PCR is an alternative to monitoring seroconversions in sentinel pigs.
Infection with any 1 of 4 dengue viruses produces a spectrum of clinical illness ranging from a mild undifferentiated febrile illness to dengue fever (DF) to dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), a potentially life-threatening disease. The morbidity and mortality of DHF can be reduced by early hospitalization and careful supportive care. To determine its usefulness as a predictor of DHF, plasma levels of the secreted dengue virus nonstructural protein NS1 (sNS1) were measured daily in 32 children with dengue-2 virus infections participating in a prospective, hospital-based study. Free sNS1 levels in plasma correlated with viremia levels and were higher in patients with DHF than in those with DF. An elevated free sNS1 level (greater than or equal to600 ng/mL) within 72 h of illness onset identified patients at risk for developing DHF.
New cultured strains of the planctomycete division (order Planctomycetales) of the domain Bacteria related to species in the genera Gemmata and Isosphaera were isolated from soil, freshwater, and a laboratory ampicillin solution. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene from eight representative isolates showed that all the isolates were members of the planctomycete division. Six isolates clustered with Gemmata obscuriglobus and related strains, while two isolates clustered with Isosphaera pallida. A double-membrane-bounded nucleoid was observed in Gemmata-related isolates but not in Isosphaera-related isolates, consistent with the ultrastructures of existing species of each genus. Two isolates from this study represent the first planctomycetes successfully cultivated from soil.
An antigen capture immunoassay to detect West Nile (WN) virus antigen in infected mosquitoes and avian tissues has been developed. With this assay purified WN virus was detected at a concentration of 32 pg/0.1 ml, and antigen in infected suckling mouse brain and laboratory-infected mosquito pools could be detected when the WN virus titer was 10(2.1) to 10(3.7) PFU/0.1 ml. In a blindly coded set of field-collected mosquito pools (n = 100), this assay detected WN virus antigen in 12 of 18 (66.7%) TaqMan-positive pools, whereas traditional reverse transcriptase PCR detected 10 of 18 (55.5%) positive pools. A sample set of 73 organ homogenates from naturally infected American crows was also examined by WN virus antigen capture immunoassay and TaqMan for the presence of WN virus. The antigen capture assay detected antigen in 30 of 34 (88.2%) TaqMan-positive tissues. Based upon a TaqMan-generated standard curve of infectious WN virus, the limit of detection in the antigen capture assay for avian tissue homogenates was approximately 10(3) PFU/0.1 ml. The recommended WN virus antigen capture protocol, which includes a capture assay followed by a confirmatory inhibition assay used to retest presumptive positive samples, could distinguish between the closely related WN and St. Louis encephalitis viruses in virus-infected mosquito pools and avian tissues. Therefore, this immunoassay demonstrates adequate sensitivity and specificity for surveillance of WN virus activity in mosquito vectors and avian hosts, and, in addition, it is easy to perform and relatively inexpensive compared with the TaqMan assay.
An active form of the Dengue virus protease NS3 (CF40.Gly.NS3pro) was expressed in Escherichia coli. This construct consists of a critical 40 amino acid cofactor domain from NS2B fused to the N-terminal 184 amino acid protease domain of NS3 via a flexible, covalent linker (Gly(4)SerGly(4)). The recombinantly produced protein is soluble and has a hexa-histidine tag engineered at the N-terminus for ease of purification using metal affinity chromatography. However, the presence of lower molecular weight impurities after affinity chromatography indicated the need for additional purification steps. The consistent appearance of these impurities suggested that they may be the products of proteolysis and/or auto-proteolysis. The latter possibility was subsequently excluded by the observation of the same impurities in a purified, catalytically inactive form of the recombinant protease (CF40.Gly.NS3pro.SA). Further analysis indicated that these impurities may represent premature translation termination products. Regardless of their origin, they were shown to form various sized aggregates with full-length CF40.Gly.NS3pro that can be separated by size exclusion chromatography, yielding fractions of active protease of sufficient purity for crystallisation trials. The ultimate goal of these studies is to obtain a crystal structure of a catalytically active form of the Dengue virus NS3 protease for structure-based drug design. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
We described the effects of haemogregarine-like parasites on the blood chemistry and health of brown tree snakes (Boiga irregularis) and slatey-grey snakes (Stegonotus cucullatus) to evaluate the potential for these parasites to be used as a form of biological wildlife control for introduced brown tree snakes on Guam. We quantified the level of parasitic infection and found no significant correlation between parasitic infection and blood chemistry (P-values ranged from 0.94 to 0.13) or snake condition (P = 0.65 and 0.40 in brown tree snakes and slatey-grey snakes, respectively). These findings indicate that haemogregarines may not be a good candidate to control brown tree snakes. However, parasitic infection in our specimens was low ( < 10%) and higher infection rates may yield significant effect on the health of these snakes. Further research should be conducted on the effects of haemogregarines to host species, the life histories of these parasites, and the potential negative effects to other fauna before blood parasites are employed as a viable biological control technique. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
A perennial problem in recombinant protein expression is low yield of the product of interest. A strategy which has been shown to increase the production of baculovirus-expressed proteins is to utilise fed-batch cultures. One disadvantage of this approach is the time-consuming task of optimising the feeding strategy. Previously, a statistical optimisation routine was applied to develop a feeding strategy that increased the yield of beta-Galactosidase (beta-Gal) by 2.4-fold (Biotechnol. Bioeng, 59 (1998) 178). This involves the single addition of nutrient concentrates (amino acids, lipids. glucose and yeastolate ultrafiltrate) into Sf9 cell cultures grown in SF900II medium. In this study, it is demonstrated that this optimised fed-batch strategy developed for a high-yielding intracellular product beta-Gal could be applied successfully to a relatively low-yielding glycosylated and secreted product such as the dengue virus glycoprotein NS1. Optimised batch infections yielded 4 mug/ml of NS1 at a peak cell density of 4.2 x 10(6) cells/ml. In contrast. optimised fed-batch infections exhibited a 3-fold improvement in yield, with 12 mug ml of NS1 produced at a peak cell density of 11.3 x 10(6) cells/ml. No further improvements in yield were recorded when the feed volumes were doubled and the peak cell density was increased to 23 x 10(6) cells/ml, unless the cultures were stimulated by the addition of 4 mug/ml of 20-Hydroxyecdysone (an insect moulting hormone). In this case, the NS1 yield was increased to 20 mug/ml. which was nearly 5-fold higher than optimised batch cultures. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Anew thermodynamic approach has been developed in this paper to analyze adsorption in slitlike pores. The equilibrium is described by two thermodynamic conditions: the Helmholtz free energy must be minimal, and the grand potential functional at that minimum must be negative. This approach has led to local isotherms that describe adsorption in the form of a single layer or two layers near the pore walls. In narrow pores local isotherms have one step that could be either very sharp but continuous or discontinuous benchlike for a definite range of pore width. The latter reflects a so-called 0 --> 1 monolayer transition. In relatively wide pores, local isotherms have two steps, of which the first step corresponds to the appearance of two layers near the pore walls, while the second step corresponds to the filling of the space between these layers. All features of local isotherms are in agreement with the results obtained from the density functional theory and Monte Carlo simulations. The approach is used for determining pore size distributions of carbon materials. We illustrate this with the benzene adsorption data on activated carbon at 20, 50, and 80 degreesC, argon adsorption on activated carbon Norit ROX at 87.3 K, and nitrogen adsorption on activated carbon Norit R1 at 77.3 K.