846 resultados para Tuna-dolphin


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This work developed a methodology that uses the thermoeconomic functional diagram applied for allocating the cost of products produced by a biodiesel plant. The first part of this work discusses some definitions of exergy and thermoeconomy, with a detailed description of the biodiesel plant studied, identification of the system functions through Physical Diagram, calculation of the irreversibilities of the plant, construction of the Thermoeconomic Functional Diagram and determination of the expressions for the plant's exergetic functions. In order to calculate the exergetic increments and the physical exergy of certain flows in each step, the Chemical Engineering Simulation Software HYSYS 3.2 was used. The equipments that have the highest irreversibilities in the plant were identified after the exergy calculation. It was also found that the lowest irreversibility in the system refers to the process with a molar ratio of 6:1 and a reaction temperature of 60 °C in the transesterification process. In the second part of this work (Part II), it was calculated the thermoeconomic cost of producing biodiesel and related products, including the costs of carbon credits for the CO2 that is not released into the atmosphere, when a percentage of biodiesel is added to the petroleum diesel used by Brazil's internal diesel fleet (case study). © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work aims to study the thermodynamic, ecological and fluid-dynamic aspects of a circulating fluidized bed gasifier using sugar cane bagasse as biomass, in order to estimate a model of its normal operation. In the initial stage was analysed the composition of biomass selected (sugar cane bagasse) and its lower heating value (LHV) was calculated. The energy balance of the gasifier was done, being the volumetric flow of air, synthesis gas and biomass estimated. Also the power produced by this gasifier was theoretically estimated. Then the circulating fluidized bed gasifier was designed for operation with approximately 100 kg/h of processed biomass. Cross-sectional area of the reactor, feeder size, diameter of the exit zone of the gases and minimum height of the expanded bed were selected. Some bed gasifier hydrodynamic factors were also studied. The minimum fluidization velocity, fluidization terminal velocity, and average fluidizing velocity were calculated, in order to understand the fluid-dynamic behaviour of gasification of this fuel. It was obtained a theoretical model that can support a possible prototype of circulating fluidized bed gasifier biomass. Finally, there were studied the ecological aspects of the gasifier, through an overall methodology. Ecological efficiencies were estimated for two scenarios: first considering the carbon cycle and thereafter disregarding the carbon cycle. In both cases, it can be proved the ecological viability of the project. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We provide initial information regarding the population structure and genetic diversity of Stenella frontalis from the Caribbean and southeastern Brazil from analyses of mitochondrial control region sequences and sequences from the first intron of the α-lactalbumin gene. Comparisons with previously described S. frontalis sequences showed a high number of haplotypes shared between populations throughout their distribution range. High diversity was found for southeastern Brazil and Caribbean samples, and population structure analyses indicate significant differentiation among population units at the FST level, but not at the ΦST level. Significant differentiation at the FST level was found between the Caribbean population unit and all other populations units. These results suggest historical or present connectivity between the Azores and Madeira and the southeastern Brazil groups and population differentiation between the Caribbean and southeastern Brazil, supporting the notion of two separate stocks in the waters around the Atlantic coast of South America. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The purpose of this study was to compare-using cephalometric analysis (McNamara, and Legan and Burstone)-prediction tracings performed using three different methods, that is, manual and using the Dentofacial Planner Plus and Dolphin Image computer programs, with postoperative outcomes. Pre- and postoperative (6 months after surgery) lateral cephalometric radiographs were selected from 25 long-faced patients treated with combined surgery. Prediction tracings were made with each method and compared cephalometrically with the postoperative results. This protocol was repeated once more for method error evaluation. Statistical analysis was made by ANOVA and the Tukey test. The results showed superior predictability when the manual method was applied (50% similarity to postoperative results), followed by Dentofacial Planner Plus (31.2%) and Dolphin Image (18.8%). The experimental condition suggests that the manual method provides greater accuracy, although the predictability of the digital methods proved quite satisfactory. © 2013 World Federation of Orthodontists.


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Genetic disturbances during dental development influence variation of number and shape of the dentition. In this study, we tested if genetic variation in enamel formation genes is associated with molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH), also taking into consideration caries experience. DNA samples from 163 cases with MIH and 82 unaffected controls from Turkey, and 71 cases with MIH and 89 unaffected controls from Brazil were studied. Eleven markers in five genes [ameloblastin (AMBN), amelogenin (AMELX), enamelin (ENAM), tuftelin (TUFT1), and tuftelin-interacting protein 11 (TFIP11)] were genotyped by the TaqMan method. Chi-square was used to compare allele and genotype frequencies between cases with MIH and controls. In the Brazilian data, distinct caries experience within the MIH group was also tested for association with genetic variation in enamel formation genes. The ENAM rs3796704 marker was associated with MIH in both populations (Brazil: p = 0.03; OR = 0.28; 95% C.I. = 0.06-1.0; Turkey: p = 1.22e-012; OR = 17.36; 95% C.I. = 5.98-56.78). Associations between TFIP11 (p = 0.02), ENAM (p = 0.00001), and AMELX (p = 0.01) could be seen with caries independent of having MIH or genomic DNA copies of Streptococcus mutans detected by real time PCR in the Brazilian sample. Several genes involved in enamel formation appear to contribute to MIH. © 2013.


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This study focused on three-dimensional (3D) airway space changes and stability following simultaneous maxillomandibular counterclockwise rotation, mandibular advancement, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) reconstruction with custom-made total joint prostheses (TMJ Concepts®). Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans of 30 consecutive female patients with irreversibly compromised TMJs were obtained at the following intervals: T1, presurgery; T2, immediately after surgery; and T3, at least 6 months after surgery. The CBCT volumetric datasets were analysed with Dolphin Imaging ® software to evaluate surgical and postsurgical changes to oropharyngeal airway parameters. The average changes in airway surface area (SA), volume (VOL), and minimum axial area (MAA) were, 179.50 mm2, 6302.60 mm3, and 92.23 mm2, respectively, at the longest follow-up (T3 - T1) (P ≤ 0.001). Significant correlations between the amount of mandibular advancement and counterclockwise rotation of the occlusal plane and 3D airway changes were also found (P ≤ 0.01). The results of this investigation showed a significant immediate 3D airway space increase after maxillomandibular counterclockwise rotation and mandibular advancement with TMJ Concepts total joint prostheses, which remained stable over the follow-up period. © 2013 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.


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Fuel cells are electrochemical energy conversion devices that convert fuel and oxidant electrochemically into electrical energy, water and heat. Compared to traditional electricity generation technologies that use combustion processes to convert fuel into heat, and then into mechanical energy, fuel cells convert the hydrogen and oxygen chemical energy into electrical energy, without intermediate conversion processes, and with higher efficiency. In order to make the fuel cells an achievable and useful technology, it is firstly necessary to develop an economic and efficient way for hydrogen production. Molecular hydrogen is always found combined with other chemical compounds in nature, so it must be isolated. In this paper, the technical, economical and ecological aspects of hydrogen production by biogas steam reforming are presented. The economic feasibility calculation was performed to evaluate how interesting the process is by analyzing the investment, operation and maintenance costs of the biogas steam reformer and the hydrogen production cost achieved the value of 0.27 US$/kWh with a payback period of 8 years. An ecological efficiency of 94.95%, which is a good ecological value, was obtained. The results obtained by these analyses showed that this type of hydrogen production is an environmentally attractive route. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The factors that have influence on the energy consumption of a small air conditioning system that are worth mentioning are the efficiencies of the compressor, evaporator and condenser, the form that the refrigerant flow is controlled, the fan model used, and climatic conditions. Within the climate issue, an interesting factor is that the relative humidity when it comes to the effect that it causes, especially in the performance of the air condenser, which generally is not considered in the projects. This study aims to evaluate the influence of humidity on the coefficient of system performance (COP), seeking to quantify their influence when it happens. The tests were performed on a testing bench, mounted at the Laboratory for Energy Efficiency (LAMOTRIZ) UNESP-Campus Guaratinguetá. In the study, the wet bulb temperature was ranged, keeping the rotation of the scroll compressor with application of a frequency inverter in its best performance. The test bench is provided with a supervisory system of data collection that is also able to control all functions of the bench. In the results, there was a significant influence, particularly when comparing high humidity conditions with low humidity, noting that only over 65% relative humidity is that significant changes are observed in the COP of the system. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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The purpose of this study is to carry on a thermoeconomic analysis at a biodiesel production plant considering the irreversibilities in each step (part I: biodiesel plant under study and functional thermoeconomic diagram [1]), making it possible to calculate the thermoeconomic cost in US$/kWh and US$/l of the biodiesel production, and the main byproduct generated, glycerin, incorporating the credits for the CO2 that is not emitted into the atmosphere (carbon credits). Assuming a sale price for both the biodiesel and the byproduct (glycerin), the annual revenue of the total investment in a plant with a capacity of 8000 t/year of biodiesel operating at 8000 h/year was calculated. The variables that directly or indirectly influence the final thermoeconomic cost include total annual biodiesel production, hours of operation, manufacturing exergy cost, molar ratio in the transesterification reaction, reaction temperature and pressure in the process. Depending on the increase or decrease in sale prices for both biodiesel and glycerin, the payback is going to significantly increase or decrease. It is evident that, in exergy terms, the sale of glycerin is of vital importance in order to reduce the biodiesel price, getting a shorter payback period for the plant under study. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)