953 resultados para Transplantation, Homologous


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When designing human-machine interfaces it is important to consider not only the bare bones functionality but also the ease of use and accessibility it provides. When talking about voice-based inter- faces, it has been proven that imbuing expressiveness into the synthetic voices increases signi?cantly its perceived naturalness, which in the end is very helpful when building user friendly interfaces. This paper proposes an adaptation based expressiveness transplantation system capable of copying the emotions of a source speaker into any desired target speaker with just a few minutes of read speech and without requiring the record- ing of additional expressive data. This system was evaluated through a perceptual test for 3 speakers showing up to an average of 52% emotion recognition rates relative to the natural voice recognition rates, while at the same time keeping good scores in similarity and naturality.


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One of the biggest challenges in speech synthesis is the production of naturally sounding synthetic voices. This means that the resulting voice must be not only of high enough quality but also that it must be able to capture the natural expressiveness imbued in human speech. This paper focus on solving the expressiveness problem by proposing a set of different techniques that could be used for extrapolating the expressiveness of proven high quality speaking style models into neutral speakers in HMM-based synthesis. As an additional advantage, the proposed techniques are based on adaptation approaches, which means that they can be used with little training data (around 15 minutes of training data are used in each style for this paper). For the final implementation, a set of 4 speaking styles were considered: news broadcasts, live sports commentary, interviews and parliamentary speech. Finally, the implementation of the 5 techniques were tested through a perceptual evaluation that proves that the deviations between neutral and speaking style average models can be learned and used to imbue expressiveness into target neutral speakers as intended.


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One of the biggest challenges in speech synthesis is the production of contextually-appropriate naturally sounding synthetic voices. This means that a Text-To-Speech system must be able to analyze a text beyond the sentence limits in order to select, or even modulate, the speaking style according to a broader context. Our current architecture is based on a two-step approach: text genre identification and speaking style synthesis according to the detected discourse genre. For the final implementation, a set of four genres and their corresponding speaking styles were considered: broadcast news, live sport commentaries, interviews and political speeches. In the final TTS evaluation, the four speaking styles were transplanted to the neutral voices of other speakers not included in the training database. When the transplanted styles were compared to the neutral voices, transplantation was significantly preferred and the similarity to the target speaker was as high as 78%.


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This paper proposes an emotion transplantation method capable of modifying a synthetic speech model through the use of CSMAPLR adaptation in order to incorporate emotional information learned from a different speaker model while maintaining the identity of the original speaker as much as possible. The proposed method relies on learning both emotional and speaker identity information by means of their adaptation function from an average voice model, and combining them into a single cascade transform capable of imbuing the desired emotion into the target speaker. This method is then applied to the task of transplanting four emotions (anger, happiness, sadness and surprise) into 3 male speakers and 3 female speakers and evaluated in a number of perceptual tests. The results of the evaluations show how the perceived naturalness for emotional text significantly favors the use of the proposed transplanted emotional speech synthesis when compared to traditional neutral speech synthesis, evidenced by a big increase in the perceived emotional strength of the synthesized utterances at a slight cost in speech quality. A final evaluation with a robotic laboratory assistant application shows how by using emotional speech we can significantly increase the students’ satisfaction with the dialog system, proving how the proposed emotion transplantation system provides benefits in real applications.


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Proteases as well as alterations in intracellular calcium have important roles in hepatic preservation-reperfusion injury, and increased calpain activity recently has been demonstrated in liver allografts. Experiments were designed to evaluate (i) hepatic cytosolic calpain activity during different periods of cold ischemia (CI), rewarming, or reperfusion, and (ii) effects of inhibition of calpain on liver graft function using the isolated perfused rat liver and arterialized orthotopic liver transplantation models. Calpain activity was assayed using the fluorogenic substrate Suc-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-7-amino-4-methyl coumarin (AMC) and expressed as mean ± SD pmol AMC released/min per mg of cytosolic protein. Calpain activity rose significantly after 24 hr of CI in University of Wisconsin solution and further increased with longer preservation. Activity also increased within 30 min of rewarming, peaking at 120 min. Increased durations of CI preceding rewarming resulted in significantly higher activity (P < 0.01). Calpain activity increased rapidly upon reperfusion and was significantly enhanced by previous CI (P < 0.01). Calpain inhibition with Cbz-Val-Phe methyl ester significantly decreased aspartate aminotransferase released in the isolated perfused rat liver perfusate (P < 0.05). Duration of survival after orthotopic liver transplantation using livers cold-preserved for 40 hr was also significantly increased (P < 0.05) with calpain inhibitor. In conclusion, calpain proteases are activated during each phase of transplantation and are likely to play an important role in the mechanisms of preservation-reperfusion injury.


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The Drosophila retinal degeneration C (rdgC) gene encodes an unusual protein serine/threonine phosphatase in that it contains at least two EF-hand motifs at its carboxy terminus. By a combination of large-scale sequencing of human retina cDNA clones and searches of expressed sequence tag and genomic DNA databases, we have identified two sequences in mammals [Protein Phosphatase with EF-hands-1 and 2 (PPEF-1 and PPEF-2)] and one in Caenorhabditis elegans (PPEF) that closely resemble rdgC. In the adult, PPEF-2 is expressed specifically in retinal rod photoreceptors and the pineal. In the retina, several isoforms of PPEF-2 are predicted to arise from differential splicing. The isoform that most closely resembles rdgC is localized to rod inner segments. Together with the recently described localization of PPEF-1 transcripts to primary somatosensory neurons and inner ear cells in the developing mouse, these data suggest that the PPEF family of protein serine/threonine phosphatases plays a specific and conserved role in diverse sensory neurons.


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Homologous recombination contributes both to the generation of allelic diversity and to the preservation of genetic information. In plants, a lack of suitable experimental material has prevented studies of the regulatory and enzymatic aspects of recombination in somatic and meiotic cells. We have isolated nine Arabidopsis thaliana mutants hypersensitive to x-ray irradiation (xrs) and examined their recombination properties. For the three xrs loci described here, single recessive mutations were found to confer simultaneous hypersensitivities to the DNA-damaging chemicals mitomycin C (MMCs) and/or methyl methanesulfonate (MMSs) and alterations in homologous recombination. Mutant xrs9 (Xrays, MMSs) is reduced in both somatic and meiotic recombination and resembles yeast mutants of the rad52 epistatic group. xrs11 (Xrays, MMCs) is deficient in the x-ray-mediated stimulation of homologous recombination in somatic cells in a manner suggesting a specific signaling defect. xrs4 (Xrays, MMSs, MMCs) has a significant deficiency in somatic recombination, but this is accompanied by meiotic hyper-recombination. A corresponding phenotype has not been reported in other systems and thus this indicates a novel, plant-specific regulatory circuit linking mitotic and meiotic recombination.


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Transplantations of fully allogeneic, autoimmune-resistant T-cell-depleted marrow (TCDM) plus syngeneic, autoimmune-prone TCDM into lethally irradiated BXSB mice were carried out to investigate the ability of the mixed bone marrow transplantation (BMT) to prevent development of autoimmune disease and, at the same time, to reconstitute fully the immunity functions of heavily irradiated BXSB recipients. Male BXSB mice were engrafted with mixed TCDM from both allogeneic, autoimmune-resistant BALB/c mice and syngeneic, autoimmune-prone BXSB mice. BMT with mixed TCDM from both resistant and susceptible strains of mice (mixed BMT) prolonged the median life span and inhibited development of glomerulonephritis in BXSB mice. BMT with mixed TCDM also prevented the formation of anti-DNA antibodies that is typically observed in male mice of this strain. Moreover, mixed BMT reconstituted primary antibody production in BXSB recipients, so that no annoying immunodeficiencies that are regularly observed in fully allogeneic chimeras were present in the recipient of the mixed TCDM. These findings indicate that transplanting allogeneic, autoimmune-resistant TCDM plus syngeneic, autoimmune-prone TCDM into lethally irradiated BXSB mice prevents development of autoimmune disease in this strain of mice. In addition, this dual BMT reconstitutes the immunity functions and avoids the immunodeficiencies that occur regularly in fully allogeneic chimeras after total-body irradiation.


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The ability to identify, isolate, and transplant progenitor cells from solid tissues would greatly facilitate the treatment of diseases currently requiring whole organ transplantation. In this study, cell fractions enriched in candidate epithelial progenitor cells from the rat pancreas were isolated and transplanted into the liver of an inbred strain of Fischer rats. Using a dipeptidyl dipeptidase IV genetic marker system to follow the fate of transplanted cells in conjunction with albumin gene expression, we provide conclusive evidence that, after transplantation to the liver, epithelial progenitor cells from the pancreas differentiate into hepatocytes, express liver-specific proteins, and become fully integrated into the liver parenchymal structure. These studies demonstrate the presence of multipotent progenitor cells in the adult pancreas and establish a role for the liver microenvironment in the terminal differentiation of epithelial cells of foregut origin. They further suggest that such progenitor cells might be useful in studies of organ repopulation following acute or chronic liver injury.


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With only two different cell types, the haploid green alga Volvox represents the simplest multicellular model system. To facilitate genetic investigations in this organism, the occurrence of homologous recombination events was investigated with the intent of developing methods for gene replacement and gene disruption. First, homologous recombination between two plasmids was demonstrated by using overlapping nonfunctional fragments of a recombinant arylsulfatase gene (tubulin promoter/arylsulfatase gene). After bombardment of Volvox reproductive cells with DNA-coated gold microprojectiles, transformants expressing arylsulfatase constitutively were recovered, indicating the presence of the machinery for homologous recombination in Volvox. Second, a well characterized loss-of-function mutation in the nuclear nitrate reductase gene (nitA) with a single G → A nucleotide exchange in a 5′-splice site was chosen as a target for gene replacement. Gene replacement by homologous recombination was observed with a reasonably high frequency only if the replacement vector containing parts of the functional nitrate reductase gene contained only a few nucleotide exchanges. The ratio of homologous to random integration events ranged between 1:10 and 1:50, i.e., homologous recombination occurs frequently enough in Volvox to apply the powerful tool of gene disruption for functional studies of novel genes.


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Axonal guidance is key to the formation of neuronal circuitry. Semaphorin 3A (Sema 3A; previously known as semaphorin III, semaphorin D, and collapsin-1), a secreted subtype of the semaphorin family, is an important axonal guidance molecule in vitro and in vivo. The molecular mechanisms of the repellent activity of semaphorins are, however, poorly understood. We have now found that the secreted semaphorins contain a short sequence of high homology to hanatoxin, a tarantula K+ and Ca2+ ion channel blocker. Point mutations in the hanatoxin-like sequence of Sema 3A reduce its capacity to repel embryonic dorsal root ganglion axons. Sema 3A growth cone collapse activity is inhibited by hanatoxin, general Ca2+ channel blockers, a reduction in extracellular or intracellular Ca2+, and a calmodulin inhibitor, but not by K+ channel blockers. Our data support an important role for Ca2+ in mediating the Sema 3A response and suggest that Sema 3A may produce its effects by causing the opening of Ca2+ channels.


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In view of the well-established role of neurohypophysial hormones in osmoregulation of terrestrial vertebrates, lungfishes are a key group for study of the molecular and functional evolution of the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system. Here we report on the primary structure of the precursors encoding vasotocin (VT) and [Phe2]mesotocin ([Phe2]MT) of the Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri. Genomic sequence analysis and Northern blot analysis confirmed that [Phe2]MT is a native oxytocin family peptide in the Australian lungfish, although it has been reported that the lungfish neurohypophysis contains MT. The VT precursor consists of a signal peptide, VT, that is connected to a neurophysin by a Gly-Lys-Arg sequence, and a copeptin moiety that includes a Leu-rich core segment and a glycosylation site. In contrast, the [Phe2]MT precursor does not contain a copeptin moiety. These structural features of the lungfish precursors are consistent with those in tetrapods, but different from those in teleosts where both VT and isotocin precursors contain a copeptin-like moiety without a glycosylation site at the carboxyl terminals of their neurophysins. Comparison of the exon/intron organization also supports homology of the lungfish [Phe2]MT gene with tetrapod oxytocin/MT genes, rather than with teleost isotocin genes. Moreover, molecular phylogenetic analysis shows that neurohypophysial hormone genes of the lungfish are closely related to those of the toad. The present results along with previous morphological findings indicate that the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system of the lungfish has evolved along the tetrapod lineage, whereas the teleosts form a separate lineage, both within the class Osteichthyes.


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We report herein the successful long term engraftment of highly purified hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) without any facilitating cells in fully allogeneic recipient mice across the entire major histocompatibility complex (MHC) transplantation barrier. This finding challenges the assumption that highly purified marrow HSCs alone cannot produce long-lived allogeneic bone marrow chimeras across the MHC barrier. In the present experiments, 1 × 105 HSCs from 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-treated donors, without any facilitating cells, have been found to repopulate lethally irradiated fully allogeneic recipients. Low density, lineage-negative (CD4−, CD8−, B220−, Mac-1−, Gr-1−), CD71-negative, class I highly positive, FACS-sorted cells from 5-FU-treated C57BL/6 (B6) donor mice were transplanted into lethally irradiated BALB/c recipients. (BALB/c → BALB/c) → BALB/c T cell-depleted marrow cells used as compromised cells were also transplanted into the recipients to permit experiments to be pursued over a long period of time. Cells of donor origin in all recognized lineages of hematopoietic cells developed in these allogeneic chimeras. One thousand HSCs were sufficient to repopulate hemiallogeneic recipients, but 1 × 104 HSCs alone from 5-FU-treated donors failed to repopulate the fully allogeneic recipients. Transplantation of primary marrow stromal cells or bones of the donor strain into recipient, together with 1 × 104 HSCs, also failed to reconstitute fully allogeneic recipients. Suppression of resistance of recipients by thymectomy or injections of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor before stem cell transplantation enhanced the engraftment of allogeneic HSCs. Our experiments show that reconstitution of all lymphohematopoietic lineages across the entire MHC transplantation barriers may be achieved by transplanting allogeneic HSCs alone, without any facilitating cells, as long as a sufficient number of HSCs is transplanted.


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cDNA clones encoding a novel protein (VAMP5) homologous to synaptobrevins/VAMPs are detected during database searches. The predicted 102–amino acid VAMP5 harbors a 23-residue hydrophobic region near the carboxyl terminus and exhibits an overall amino acid identity of 33% with synaptobrevin/VAMP1 and 2 and cellubrevin. Northern blot analysis reveals that the mRNA for VAMP5 is preferentially expressed in the skeletal muscle and heart, whereas significantly lower levels are detected in several other tissues but not in the brain. During in vitro differentiation (myogenesis) of C2C12 myoblasts into myotubes, the mRNA level for VAMP5 is increased ∼8- to 10-fold. Immunoblot analysis using antibodies specific for VAMP5 shows that the protein levels are also elevated ∼6-fold during in vitro myogenesis of C2C12 cells. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy reveal that VAMP5 is associated with the plasma membrane as well as intracellular perinuclear and peripheral vesicular structures of myotubes. Epitope-tagged versions of VAMP5 are similarly targeted to the plasma membrane.