978 resultados para Transdural electrical stimulation


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Résumé grand public :Le cerveau se compose de cellules nerveuses appelées neurones et de cellules gliales dont font partie les astrocytes. Les neurones communiquent entre eux par signaux électriques et en libérant des molécules de signalisation comme le glutamate. Les astrocytes ont eux pour charge de capter le glucose depuis le sang circulant dans les vaisseaux sanguins, de le transformer et de le transmettre aux neurones pour qu'ils puissent l'utiliser comme source d'énergie. L'astrocyte peut ensuite utiliser ce glucose de deux façons différentes pour produire de l'énergie : la première s'opère dans des structures appelées mitochondries qui sont capables de produire plus de trente molécules riches en énergie (ATP) à partir d'une seule molécule de glucose ; la seconde possibilité appelée glycolyse peut produire deux molécules d'ATP et un dérivé du glucose appelé lactate. Une théorie couramment débattue propose que lorsque les astrocytes capturent le glutamate libéré par les neurones, ils libèrent en réponse du lactate qui servirait de base énergétique aux neurones. Cependant, ce mécanisme n'envisage pas une augmentation de l'activité des mitochondries des astrocytes, ce qui serait pourtant bien plus efficace pour produire de l'énergie.En utilisant la microscopie par fluorescence, nous avons pu mesurer les changements de concentrations ioniques dans les mitochondries d'astrocytes soumis à une stimulation glutamatergique. Nous avons démontré que les mitochondries des astrocytes manifestent des augmentations spontanées et transitoires de leur concentrations ioniques, dont la fréquence était diminuée au cours d'une stimulation avec du glutamate. Nous avons ensuite montré que la capture de glutamate augmentait la concentration en sodium et acidifiait les mitochondries des astrocytes. En approfondissant ces mécanismes, plusieurs éléments ont suggéré que l'acidification induite diminuerait le potentiel de synthèse d'énergie d'origine mitochondriale et la consommation d'oxygène dans les astrocytes. En résumé, l'ensemble de ces travaux suggère que la signalisation neuronale impliquant le glutamate dicte aux astrocytes de sacrifier temporairement l'efficacité de leur métabolisme énergétique, en diminuant l'activité de leurs mitochondries, afin d'augmenter la disponibilité des ressources énergétiques utiles aux neurones.Résumé :La remarquable efficacité du cerveau à compiler et propager des informations coûte au corps humain 20% de son budget énergétique total. Par conséquent, les mécanismes cellulaires responsables du métabolisme énergétique cérébral se sont adéquatement développés pour répondre aux besoins énergétiques du cerveau. Les dernières découvertes en neuroénergétique tendent à démontrer que le site principal de consommation d'énergie dans le cerveau est situé dans les processus astrocytaires qui entourent les synapses excitatrices. Un nombre croissant de preuves scientifiques a maintenant montré que le transport astrocytaire de glutamate est responsable d'un coût métabolique important qui est majoritairement pris en charge par une augmentation de l'activité glycolytique. Cependant, les astrocytes possèdent également un important métabolisme énergétique de type mitochondrial. Par conséquent, la localisation spatiale des mitochondries à proximité des transporteurs de glutamate suggère l'existence d'un mécanisme régulant le métabolisme énergétique astrocytaire, en particulier le métabolisme mitochondrial.Afin de fournir une explication à ce paradoxe énergétique, nous avons utilisé des techniques d'imagerie par fluorescence pour mesurer les modifications de concentrations ioniques spontanées et évoquées par une stimulation glutamatergique dans des astrocytes corticaux de souris. Nous avons montré que les mitochondries d'astrocytes au repos manifestaient des changements individuels, spontanés et sélectifs de leur potentiel électrique, de leur pH et de leur concentration en sodium. Nous avons trouvé que le glutamate diminuait la fréquence des augmentations spontanées de sodium en diminuant le niveau cellulaire d'ATP. Nous avons ensuite étudié la possibilité d'une régulation du métabolisme mitochondrial astrocytaire par le glutamate. Nous avons montré que le glutamate initie dans la population mitochondriale une augmentation rapide de la concentration en sodium due à l'augmentation cytosolique de sodium. Nous avons également montré que le relâchement neuronal de glutamate induit une acidification mitochondriale dans les astrocytes. Nos résultats ont indiqué que l'acidification induite par le glutamate induit une diminution de la production de radicaux libres et de la consommation d'oxygène par les astrocytes. Ces études ont montré que les mitochondries des astrocytes sont régulées individuellement et adaptent leur activité selon l'environnement intracellulaire. L'adaptation dynamique du métabolisme énergétique mitochondrial opéré par le glutamate permet d'augmenter la quantité d'oxygène disponible et amène au relâchement de lactate, tous deux bénéfiques pour les neurones.Abstract :The remarkable efficiency of the brain to compute and communicate information costs the body 20% of its total energy budget. Therefore, the cellular mechanisms responsible for brain energy metabolism developed adequately to face the energy needs. Recent advances in neuroenergetics tend to indicate that the main site of energy consumption in the brain is the astroglial process ensheating activated excitatory synapses. A large body of evidence has now shown that glutamate uptake by astrocytes surrounding synapses is responsible for a significant metabolic cost, whose metabolic response is apparently mainly glycolytic. However, astrocytes have also a significant mitochondrial oxidative metabolism. Therefore, the location of mitochondria close to glutamate transporters raises the question of the existence of mechanisms for tuning their energy metabolism, in particular their mitochondrial metabolism.To tackle these issues, we used real time imaging techniques to study mitochondrial ionic alterations occurring at resting state and during glutamatergic stimulation of mouse cortical astrocytes. We showed that mitochondria of intact resting astrocytes exhibited individual spontaneous and selective alterations of their electrical potential, pH and Na+ concentration. We found that glutamate decreased the frequency of mitochondrial Na+ transient activity by decreasing the cellular level of ATP. We then investigated a possible link between glutamatergic transmission and mitochondrial metabolism in astrocytes. We showed that glutamate triggered a rapid Na+ concentration increase in the mitochondrial population as a result of plasma-membrane Na+-dependent uptake. We then demonstrated that neuronally released glutamate also induced a mitochondrial acidification in astrocytes. Glutamate induced a pH-mediated and cytoprotective decrease of mitochondrial metabolism that diminished oxygen consumption. Taken together, these studies showed that astrocytes contain mitochondria that are individually regulated and sense the intracellular environment to modulate their own activity. The dynamic regulation of astrocyte mitochondrial energy output operated by glutamate allows increasing oxygen availability and lactate production both being beneficial for neurons.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine whether the initial benefits of spinal cord stimulation (SCS) treatment for critical limb ischemia (CLI) persist over years. DESIGN: Analysis of data prospectively collected for every CLI patient receiving permanent SCS. Follow-up range 12 to 98 months (mean 46+/-23, median 50 months). POPULATION: 87 patients (28% stage III, 72%stage IV) with unreconstructable CLI due (83%) or not (17%) to atherosclerosis and with an initial sitting/supine transcutaneous pO2 gradient >15 mmHg. METHODS: Assessment of actuarial patient survival (PS), limb salvage (LS) and amputation-free patient survival (AFPS). Analysis of the impact of 15 risk factors on long-term outcomes using the Fischer's exact test for categorical variables and the t test for continuous variables. RESULTS: Follow-up was complete for patient and limb survival. A single non-atherosclerotic patient died during follow-up. Among atherosclerotic patients PS decreased from 88% at 1y, to 76% at 3y, 64% at 5y and 57% at 7y. LS reached 84% at 1y, 78% at 2y, 75% at 3y and remained stable thereafter. Diabetes was found to affect LS (p<0.05) and heart disease to reduce PS (p<0.01). AFPS was reduced in heart patients (p<0.01), diabetics (p<0.05) and in patients with previous stroke (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In CLI patients the beneficial effects of SCS persist far beyond the first year of treatment and major amputation becomes infrequent after the second year.


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Adjuvants have been shown since many years to have an important role in enhancing the immune responses against the co-administered antigens used as vaccines. The continuous study of the mechanism of action of adjuvants is necessary to develop further safe and efficacious vaccines. Complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) is currently in use as adjuvant to induce some autoimmune diseases in murine models, therefore the study of the mechanisms involved in the generation of the related immune responses could be instrumental for the understanding of the induction of inflammatory Thl7 responses. In the present work, we showed in C57B1/6 mice that CFA peripheral administration induces very early, at 6 h, a potent influx of CDllb+ cells, mainly neutrophils (CD11b+Ly6GhighLy6Cint) and monocytes (CD11b+Ly6GlowLy6Chigh), in the draining lymph node. By investigating the route by which neutrophils reach the lymph node we observed that, around 20% of them arrive from the afferent lymph and the majority stains positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We also observed a correlation between the influx of neutrophils and an increase in IL-23 and IL-Ιβ, together with several inflammatory chemokines, in the draining lymph node. Concomitantly, we detected the expression of the IL-23 receptor on CDllc+ DCs. Moreover, we confirmed the ability of murine neutrophils to express IL-23 both, in vitro by stimulating bone-marrow extracted PMNs with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and on total cells from draining lymph node by immunohistochemistry. We also observed by in vivo priming a reduction in the percentage of IFN-γ and CXCR3 expressing Τ cells upon depletion of neutrophils. Altogether, we show that upon stimulation from the periphery, the draining lymph node undergo changes in cytokine/chemokine production leading to the recruitment of different leukocytes subpopulations. Here we show that CFA induces a rapid influx of neutrophils which are responsible for the production of IL-23 that in turn influences the generation of Τ helper cells.


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Glucose homoeostasis necessitates the presence in the liver of the high Km glucose transporter GLUT2. In hepatocytes, we and others have demonstrated that glucose stimulates GLUT2 gene expression in vivo and in vitro. This effect is transcriptionally regulated and requires glucose metabolism within the hepatocytes. In this report, we further characterized the cis-elements of the murine GLUT2 promoter, which confers glucose responsiveness on a reporter gene coding the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) gene. 5'-Deletions of the murine GLUT2 promoter linked to the CAT reporter gene were transfected into a GLUT2 expressing hepatoma cell line (mhAT3F) and into primary cultured rat hepatocytes, and subsequently incubated at low and high glucose concentrations. Glucose stimulates gene transcription in a manner similar to that observed for the endogenous GLUT2 mRNA in both cell types; the -1308 to -212 bp region of the promoter contains the glucose-responsive elements. Furthermore, the -1308 to -338 bp region of the promoter contains repressor elements when tested in an heterologous thymidine kinase promoter. The glucose-induced GLUT2 mRNA accumulation was decreased by dibutyryl-cAMP both in mhAT3F cells and in primary hepatocytes. A putative cAMP-responsive element (CRE) is localized at the -1074/-1068 bp region of the promoter. The inhibitory effect of cAMP on GLUT2 gene expression was observed in hepatocytes transfected with constructs containing this CRE (-1308/+49 bp fragment), as well as with constructs not containing the consensus CRE (-312/+49 bp fragment). This suggests that the inhibitory effect of cAMP is not mediated by the putative binding site located in the repressor fragment of the GLUT2 promoter. Taken together, these data demonstrate that the elements conferring glucose and cAMP responsiveness on the GLUT2 gene are located within the -312/+49 region of the promoter.


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The current study investigates a new model of barrel cortex activation using stimulation of the infraorbital branch of the trigeminal nerve. A robust and reproducible activation of the rat barrel cortex was obtained following trigeminal nerve stimulation. Blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) effects were obtained in the primary somatosensory barrel cortex (S1BF), the secondary somatosensory cortex (S2) and the motor cortex. These cortical areas were reached from afferent pathways from the trigeminal ganglion, the trigeminal nuclei and thalamic nuclei from which neurons project their axons upon whisker stimulation. The maximum BOLD responses were obtained for a stimulus frequency of 1 Hz, a stimulus pulse width of 100 μs and for current intensities between 1.5 and 3 mA. The BOLD response was nonlinear as a function of frequency and current intensity. Additionally, modeling BOLD responses in the rat barrel cortex from separate cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO(2)) measurements showed good agreement with the shape and amplitude of measured BOLD responses as a function of stimulus frequency and will potentially allow to identify the sources of BOLD nonlinearities. Activation of the rat barrel cortex using trigeminal nerve stimulation will contribute to the interpretation of the BOLD signals from functional magnetic resonance imaging studies.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate astrocytic oxidative metabolism using 1-(11)C-acetate. 1-(11)C-acetate kinetics were evaluated in the rat somatosensory cortex using a beta-scintillator during different manipulations (test-retest, infraorbital nerve stimulation, and administration of acetazolamide or dichloroacetate). In humans a visual activation paradigm was used and kinetics were measured with positron emission tomography. Data were analyzed using a one-tissue compartment model. The following features supported the hypothesis that washout of radiolabel (k(2)) is because of (11)C-CO(2) and therefore related to oxygen consumption (CMRO(2)): (1) the onset of (11)C washout was delayed; (2)k(2) was not affected by acetazolamide-induced blood flow increase; (3)k(2) demonstrated a significant increase during stimulation in rats (from 0.014+/-0.007 to 0.027+/-0.006 per minute) and humans (from 0.016+/-0.010 to 0.026+/-0.006 per minute); and (4) dichloroacetate led to a substantial decrease of k(2). In the test-retest experiments K(1) and k(2) were very stable. In summary, 1-(11)C-acetate seems a promising tracer to investigate astrocytic oxidative metabolism in vivo. If the washout rate indeed represents the production of (11)C-CO(2), then its increase during stimulation would point to a substantially higher astrocytic oxidative metabolism during brain activation. However, the quantitative relationship between k(2) and CMRO(2) needs to be determined in future experiments.


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La maladie de Parkinson (MP) est une maladie neurodégénérative atteignant 1-2% des¦personnes de plus de 60 ans (1). Ses signes cliniques ont été décrits par James Parkinson¦en 1817 dans : « An essay on the Shaking palsy» (2). Les signes cardinaux sont le¦tremblement de repos, la rigidité et la bradykinésie. Certaines définitions y ajoutent l'instabilité¦posturale. D'autres manifestations, non motrices, telles qu'une dysfonction autonome et¦sensitive, des troubles de l'humeur, des troubles du sommeil et des démences peuvent¦apparaître en cours d'évolution. Le traitement actuel de la MP est principalement¦pharmacologique. Il consiste en l'administration du précurseur de la dopamine, la levodopa¦(L-dopa). Pourtant, l'utilisation à long terme de la L-dopa induit des fluctuations motrices telles¦que dyskinésies et dystonies. Au cours du siècle dernier, de nombreux traitements¦chirurgicaux ont été tentés, en particulier des procédures ablatives (thalamotomie,¦pallidotomie, subthalamotomie). Elles ont le désavantage d'induire des séquelles non¦négligeables telles que des parésies et des troubles neurocognitifs. La chirurgie ablative a¦été abandonnée avec l'arrivée de la L-dopa dans les années 1960. Les limitations de la¦thérapie par la L-dopa associées aux améliorations de la neuro-imagerie, de la sécurité des¦procédures neurochirurgicales ainsi que des techniques d'implantation ont permis le¦développement de procédures stimulatrices dans les années 1990. La stimulation cérébrale¦profonde des noyaux sous-thalamiques est devenue une stratégie thérapeutique bien établie¦chez les patients atteints d'une MP avancée. Malgré une excellente réponse motrice des¦membres, l'impact de la stimulation cérébrale profonde sur la parole est controversé (2).¦Le but de cette étude est de déterminer l'influence aigüe des stimulateurs sous-thalamiques¦sur des paramètres objectifs et quantitatifs, ainsi que sur un paramètre subjectif de la¦dysarthrie parkinsonienne. Nous allons comparer dans notre groupe de patients deux¦conditions successives: patient avec stimulateurs éteints et sans médication (OFF/nm)¦versus avec stimulateurs allumés et sans médication (ON/nm). Nous allons ensuite effectuer¦des analyses statistiques afin de déterminer si les stimulateurs sous-thalamiques ont un effet¦aigu bénéfique ou non sur certains paramètres vocaux, puis sur l'intelligibilité globale de la¦parole. En effet, l'intelligibilité nous informe sur la capacité de communication du patient avec¦son entourage.


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Sensory information is an important factor in shaping neuronal circuits during development and adulthood. In the barrel cortex of adult rodents, cells from layer IV are able to adapt their functional state to an increased flow of sensory information from the mystacial whisker follicles. Previous studies in our group have shown that whisker stimulation induces the formation of inhibitory synapses in the corresponding barrel (Knott et al., 2002) and decreases neuronal responses toward the deflection of the stimulated whisker (Quairiaux et al., 2007). Together these observations have turned the barrel cortex into a model to study homeostatic plasticity. At the cellular level, neuronal activity triggers intracellular signaling cascades leading to a transcriptional response. To further characterize the molecular pathways involved in the synaptic changes after whisker stimulation in the adult mouse, a previous doctoral student in our group performed a microarray analysis on laser-dissected barrels in sections through layer IV. This study identified the regulation (up and down) of a series of genes in the stimulated barrels (thesis of Johnston-Wenger, 2010). We here focused on ten genes that presented the highest fold change according to the microarray analysis. Out of these genes, 7 are known as neuronal activity-dependent genes (Tnncl, Nptx2, Sorcs3, Ptgs2, Nr4a2, Npas4 and Adcyapl) whereas three have so far not been related to neuronal plasticity (Scn7a, Pcdhl5 and Cede3). The study aimed at confirming the results of the microarray analysis and localizing molecular modifications in the stimulated barrel column at the cellular level. In situ hybridization for Pcdhl5 after different periods of whisker stimulation (3, 6, 9, 15, 24 hrs) allowed us to confirm that the 1.25 fold change used for the microarray analysis is an appropriate threshold for considering a regulation significant after sensory-stimulation. Moreover, we confirmed with in situ hybridization a significant upregulation of the genes of interest in the stimulated barrels. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry allowed us to observe the distribution of the genes of interest and the corresponding protein products at the cellular level. Three observations were made: 1) alterations of the expression was restricted to the stimulated barrels for all genes tested; 2) within a barrel column not all cells responded to whisker stimulation with an altered gene expression; 3) in the stimulated barrels, two different patterns of mRNA and protein expression can be distinguished. We hypothesize that this segregation of the activity-induced gene expression reflects the segregation of the two principal thalamocortical pathways conveying the sensory information to the barrel cortex. Moreover, only neurons reaching the critical threshold will modify their gene expression program resulting in structural as well as physiological modifications that prevent the subsequent propagation of the excess of excitation to the postsynaptic targets. The activity-induced gene expression is therefore adapted in a cell-type-specific manner to induce a homeostatic response to the entire neuronal network involved in the integration of the sensory information. This to our knowledge the first study showing the distinct, but complementary contribution of the two thalamocortical pathways in experience-dependent plasticity in the adult mouse barrel cortex. -- L'information sensorielle nous permet de continuellement façonner nos circuits neuronaux autant durant le développement qu'à l'âge adulte. Chez le rongeur l'information sensorielle perçue par les vibrisses est intégrée au niveau du cortex somatosensoriel primaire (appelé en anglais « barrel cortex ») dont les cellules de la couche IV sont capables d'adapter leur état fonctionnel en réponse à une augmentation d'activité neuronale. Ce modèle expérimental a permis à notre groupe de recherche d'observer des changements rapides du circuit neuronal en fonction de l'activité sensorielle. En effet, la stimulation continue d'une vibrisse d'une souris adulte pendant 24 heures induit non seulement un remaniement synaptique (Knott et al., 2002), mais également des changements physiologiques au niveau des neurones du tonneau correspondant (Quairiaux et al., 2007). Ces observations nous permettent d'affirmer que le « barrel cortex » est un modèle approprié pour y étudier la plasticité synaptique. Au niveau cellulaire, l'activité neuronale déclenche des cascades de signalisation intracellulaire résultant en une réponse transcriptionnelle. Afin de caractériser les voies moléculaires impliquées dans la plasticité synaptique, une puce à ARN nous a permis de comparer l'expression de gènes entre un tonneau correspondant à une vibrisse stimulée et un tonneau d'une vibrisse non-stimulée (Nathalie). Cette analyse a révélé un certain nombre de gènes régulés de manière positive ou négative par l'augmentation de l'activité neuronale. Nous nous sommes concentrés sur 10 gènes dont l'expression est fortement régulée. L'expression de sept d'entre eux a déjà été démontrée comme dépendante de l'activité neuronale (Tnncl, Nptx2, Sorcs3, Ptgs2, Nr4a2, Npas4 otAdcyapl) alors que l'expression des trois autres (Scn7a, Pcdhl5 et Cedei) n'a pour le moment pas encore été liée à la plasticité neuronale. Le but de cette thèse est de confirmer les résultats de la puce à ARN et de déterminer dans quel type cellulaire ces gènes sont exprimés. L'hybridation in situ pour le gène Pcdhl5, après différentes périodes de stimulation des vibrisses (3, 6, 9, 15 et 24 heures), nous a permis de confirmer que le seuil de 1.25x utilisé dans l'analyse de la puce à ARN est approprié pour considérer qu'un gène est régulé de manière significative par la stimulation sensorielle. Nous avons également pu confirmer à l'aide de cette technique que la stimulation sensorielle augmente significativement l'expression de ces dix gènes. L'expression de ces gènes au niveau cellulaire a été observée à l'aide des techniques d'hybridation in situ et d'immunohistochimie. Trois observations ont été faites : 1) la régulation de ces gènes est restreinte aux tonneaux correspondants aux vibrisses stimulées ; 2) au niveau d'une colonne corticale correspondant aux vibrisses stimulées, seules certaines cellules présentent une altération de leur expression génique ; 3) au niveau des tonneaux stimulés, deux profils d'expression d'ARNm et de protéines sont observés. Notre hypothèse est que cette distribution pourrait correspondre à la terminaison ségrégée des deux voies thalamocortical qui amènent l'information sensorielle dans le cortex cérébral. De plus, seul les neurones atteignant le seuil critique d'activation modifient leur expression génique en réponse à la stimulation sensorielle. Ces changements d'expression géniques vont permettre à la cellule de modifier ses propriétés structurales et physiologiques de manière a prevenir la propagation d'un excès d'activité neuronale au niveau de ses cibles postsynaptics. L'activité neuronale agit donc spécifiquement sur certains types cellulaires de maniere a induire une réponse homéostatique au niveau du réseau neuronal impliqué dans l'integration de l'information sensorielle. Nos travaux démontrent pour une première fois que les deux voies sensorielles contribuent d'une manière distincte et complémentaire à la plasticité corticale induite par un changement de l'activité sensorielle chez la souris adulte.


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Biomphalaria glabrata can react through different pathways to Schistosoma mansoni miracidium penetration, according to the degree of resistance/susceptibility presented by different snail strains, which is a genetically determined character, resistance being the dominant feature. However, it has been observed that previous susceptible snail strain may change its reactive behavior along the course of infection, exhibiting later a pattern of cercarial shedding and histopatopathological picture compatible with high resistance. Such observation suggests the possibility of B. glabrata to develop a sort of adaptative immunity face a schistosome infection. To explore on this aspect, the present investigation looked for the behavior of S. mansoni infection in B. glabrata previously subjected to different means of artificial stimulation of its internal defense system. Snails previously inoculated with irradiated miracídia (Group I); treated with S. mansoni antigens (Group II) or with a non-related parasite antigen (Group III) were challenged with 20 viable S. mansoni miracidia, and later looked for cercarial shedding and histopathologic changes at different times from exposition. Nodules of hemocyte accumulations were found at the site of antigen injection. These nodules resembled solid granulomas, and were larger and more frequent in snails injected with S. mansoni products as compared to those injected with Capillaria hepatica. However, the presence of such granulomas did not avoid the S. mansoni challenge infection from developing in a similar way as that seen in controls. The data are indicative that hemocytes are able to proliferate locally when stimulated, such capacity also remaining localized, not being shared by the population of hemocytes located elsewhere within the snail body.


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A group of European experts was commissioned to establish guidelines on the therapeutic use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) from evidence published up until March 2014, regarding pain, movement disorders, stroke, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, consciousness disorders, tinnitus, depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, craving/addiction, and conversion. Despite unavoidable inhomogeneities, there is a sufficient body of evidence to accept with level A (definite efficacy) the analgesic effect of high-frequency (HF) rTMS of the primary motor cortex (M1) contralateral to the pain and the antidepressant effect of HF-rTMS of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). A Level B recommendation (probable efficacy) is proposed for the antidepressant effect of low-frequency (LF) rTMS of the right DLPFC, HF-rTMS of the left DLPFC for the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, and LF-rTMS of contralesional M1 in chronic motor stroke. The effects of rTMS in a number of indications reach level C (possible efficacy), including LF-rTMS of the left temporoparietal cortex in tinnitus and auditory hallucinations. It remains to determine how to optimize rTMS protocols and techniques to give them relevance in routine clinical practice. In addition, professionals carrying out rTMS protocols should undergo rigorous training to ensure the quality of the technical realization, guarantee the proper care of patients, and maximize the chances of success. Under these conditions, the therapeutic use of rTMS should be able to develop in the coming years.


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The production of object and action words can be dissociated in aphasics, yet their anatomical correlates have been difficult to distinguish in functional imaging studies. To investigate the extent to which the cortical neural networks underlying object- and action-naming processing overlap, we performed electrostimulation mapping (ESM), which is a neurosurgical mapping technique routinely used to examine language function during brain-tumor resections. Forty-one right-handed patients who had surgery for a brain tumor were asked to perform overt naming of object and action pictures under stimulation. Overall, 73 out of the 633 stimulated cortical sites (11.5%) were associated with stimulation-induced language interferences. These interference sites were very much localized (<1 cm(2) ), and showed substantial variability across individuals in their exact localization. Stimulation interfered with both object and action naming over 44 sites, whereas it specifically interfered with object naming over 19 sites and with action naming over 10 sites. Specific object-naming sites were mainly identified in Broca's area (Brodmann area 44/45) and the temporal cortex, whereas action-naming specific sites were mainly identified in the posterior midfrontal gyrus (Brodmann area 6/9) and Broca's area (P = 0.003 by the Fisher's exact test). The anatomical loci we emphasized are in line with a cortical distinction between objects and actions based on conceptual/semantic features, so the prefrontal/premotor cortex would preferentially support sensorimotor contingencies associated with actions, whereas the temporal cortex would preferentially underpin (functional) properties of objects. Hum Brain Mapp 35:429-443, 2014. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Human electrophysiological studies support a model whereby sensitivity to so-called illusory contour stimuli is first seen within the lateral occipital complex. A challenge to this model posits that the lateral occipital complex is a general site for crude region-based segmentation, based on findings of equivalent hemodynamic activations in the lateral occipital complex to illusory contour and so-called salient region stimuli, a stimulus class that lacks the classic bounding contours of illusory contours. Using high-density electrical mapping of visual evoked potentials, we show that early lateral occipital cortex activity is substantially stronger to illusory contour than to salient region stimuli, whereas later lateral occipital complex activity is stronger to salient region than to illusory contour stimuli. Our results suggest that equivalent hemodynamic activity to illusory contour and salient region stimuli probably reflects temporally integrated responses, a result of the poor temporal resolution of hemodynamic imaging. The temporal precision of visual evoked potentials is critical for establishing viable models of completion processes and visual scene analysis. We propose that crude spatial segmentation analyses, which are insensitive to illusory contours, occur first within dorsal visual regions, not the lateral occipital complex, and that initial illusory contour sensitivity is a function of the lateral occipital complex.


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Understanding how nanoparticles may affect immune responses is an essential prerequisite to developing novel clinical applications. To investigate nanoparticle-dependent outcomes on immune responses, dendritic cells (DCs) were treated with model biomedical poly(vinylalcohol)-coated super-paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (PVA-SPIONs). PVA-SPIONs uptake by human monocyte-derived DCs (MDDCs) was analyzed by flow cytometry (FACS) and advanced imaging techniques. Viability, activation, function, and stimulatory capacity of MDDCs were assessed by FACS and an in vitro CD4(+) T cell assay. PVA-SPION uptake was dose-dependent, decreased by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced MDDC maturation at higher particle concentrations, and was inhibited by cytochalasin D pre-treatment. PVA-SPIONs did not alter surface marker expression (CD80, CD83, CD86, myeloid/plasmacytoid DC markers) or antigen-uptake, but decreased the capacity of MDDCs to process antigen, stimulate CD4(+) T cells, and induce cytokines. The decreased antigen processing and CD4(+) T cell stimulation capability of MDDCs following PVA-SPION treatment suggests that MDDCs may revert to a more functionally immature state following particle exposure.


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Comment on N Engl J Med. 2010 Jun 3;362(22):2077-91 author reply 988.