981 resultados para Temporomandibular joint disorders
The overall goal of the joint research project is to relate the chemical reactions involved in the formation of organo-aluminium complexes under acid conditions to their toxic effects on the physiology of aquatic organisms. Finally, this research is intended to predict toxic effects arising from acidity and aluminium under varying environmental conditions. This interim report examines the chemical modelling of ion-binding by humic substances where a computer model has been developed and is being tested using field data, and conditions required for the precipitation of aluminium in surface waters.
As one part of an on-going programme concerned with environmental protection as provided for under the terms of a UK/USSR Joint Environmental Protection Agreement signed in London, 21 May 1974, a seminar — ”The elaboration of the scientific basis for monitoring the quality of surface water by hydrobiological indices” was held at Valdai in Russia 12—14 July, 1976. As a continuation of this theme it was agreed that delegations of hydrobiologists from each side should carry out reciprocal visits to carry out comparative field tests on selected systems of biological surveillance in use in the respective countries. In May 1978 a team of British hydrobiologists visited the USSR, under the auspices of the Department of Environment, to carry out joint exercises on the River Dnieper and some tributaries. This paper reports the results of selected methods used by the British side when applied to the conditions found in the River Dnieper.
In accordance with the plan for joint Anglo-Soviet scientific and technical collaboration on environmental problems, the comparative evaluation of systems of hydrobiological analysis of the surface water quality started in 1977 at the Regional Laboratory of the Severn-Trent Water Authority in Nottingham were continued in the spring of 1978. The investigations were carried out under the auspices of the Institute of Hydrobiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. Hydrobiological and hydrochemical samples were collected by Soviet and British specialists from the Kiev reservoir and the rivers Dnieper, Sozh, Desna and Snov. The samples were processed on the expedition ships and in the Laboratory for the Hydrobiology of Small Water Bodies of the Institute of Hydrobiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. The possible approved methods to be adopted were evaluated from the samples using the phytoperiphyton, phytoplankton, zooplankton and zoobenthos against a background of hydrochemical characteristics. The study concludes that weather conditions complicated the work on testing the systems of biological indication of water quality and made it inadvisable to use those methods of comparison which were used when similar work was carried out in Nottingham.
236 p.
Only a few studies have examined the efficacy and safety of smoking cessation programmes in patients with mental disorders. The aim of this paper is to describe in detail the methodology used in the study as well as the Multi-component Smoking Cessation Support Programme in terms of pharmacological treatments and psychological interventions. An open-label 9-month follow-up study was conducted in Spain. A total of 82 clinically stable outpatients with schizophrenia, schizoaffective or bipolar disorder were enrolled. Treatment consisted of a programme specifically developed by the research team for individuals with severe mental disorders. The programme consisted of two phases: (1) weekly individual motivational therapy for 4-12 weeks, and (2) a 12-week active treatment phase. During this phase, at each study visit patients received a one- or two-week supply of medication (transdermal nicotine patches, varenicline or bupropion) with instructions on how to take it, in addition to group psychotherapy for smoking cessation. Evaluations were performed: (1) at the time of enrolment in the study, (2) during the 12-week active treatment phase of the study (weekly for the first 4 weeks and then biweekly), and (3) after the end of this phase (two follow-up assessments at weeks 12 and 24). Evaluations included: (1) smoking history, (2) substance use, (3) psychopathology, (4) adverse events, and (5) laboratory tests. The importance of this study lies in addressing a topical issue often ignored by psychiatrists: the unacceptably high rates of tobacco use in patients with severe mental disorders.
In the present work, the nematic glassy state of the non-symmetric LC dimer -(4-cyanobiphenyl-4-yloxy)--(1-pyrenimine-benzylidene-4-oxy) undecane is studied by means of calorimetric and dielectric measurements. The most striking result of the work is the presence of two different glass transition temperatures: one due to the freezing of the flip-flop motions of the bulkier unit of the dimer and the other, at a lower temperature, related to the freezing of the flip-flop and precessional motions of the cyanobiphenyl unit. This result shows the fact that glass transition is the consequence of the freezing of one or more coupled dynamic disorders and not of the disordered phase itself. In order to avoid crystallization when the bulk sample is cooled down, the LC dimer has been confined via the dispersion of -alumina nanoparticles, in several concentrations.
[ES] Este trabajo explora el rol de los sistemas de la contabilidad de gestión en el desempeño de Joint Ventures (JV) del tipo 50/50 en la industria autopartista. Se investiga el impacto que la experiencia previa de los directivos tiene sobre la intensidad y propósito de uso de los sistemas de la contabilidad de gestión y como ellos afectan el desempeño de JVs. El estudio de este fenómeno surge a partir de los resultados reportados en tres estudios de campo exploratorios en JVs (Groot y Merchant 2000) y de otros tres casos de JVs internacionales en la industria autopartista (Porporato 2013) en donde se sugieren que el efecto de los sistemas de control de gestión en el desempeño organizacional es secundario. Los resultados aquí reportados se basan en una encuesta efectuada a 35 JV internacionales y ofrece resultados alineados con la literatura existente. Los resultados muestran que el desempeño organizacional mejora cuando se reduce la incertidumbre de factores percibidos como controlables por los directivos; un factor se percibe como controlable cuando mayor es la experiencia que el directivo tiene con el mismo. La incertidumbre, según la define Galbraith (1973), se reduce vía un uso intensivo de los sistemas de contabilidad de gestión, lo que su vez impacta positivamente en el desempeño organizacional.
A atividade empresarial requer dos agentes econômicos soluções práticas para a transposição dos riscos inerentes ao exercício da empresa. A engenhosidade dos homens de negócio tem visualizado nos denominados contratos associativos um importante mecanismo para o sucesso do empreendimento. Na indústria do petróleo, especificamente no setor do upstream, as parcerias empresariais mostram-se como importante meio para compartilhamento dos riscos geológico, financeiro e político inerentes a esta atividade. Neste sentido o trabalho desenvolvido busca efetuar uma análise das associações empresariais, especialmente aquelas consagradas na prática como joint ventures, especificando suas peculiaridades, para posteriormente analisar a situação destas dentro do novo marco regulatório que se firma para exploração de petróleo, gás natural e outros hidrocarbonetos na região denominada de pré-sal e outras áreas estratégicas. Nesse sentido, foram analisadas as mudanças instituídas pela Lei n. 12.351/2010, a qual instituiu o modelo de partilha de produção, no qual se observou uma mudança do Estado que deixa de ser mero regulador para atuar mais diretamente, de modo a influenciar a atuação empresarial, limitando a autonomia privada no referido setor.