952 resultados para Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 1856-1915.


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A Landmark Case is one which stands out from other less remarkable cases. Landmark status is generally accorded because the case marks the beginning or the end of a course of legal development. Taylor v Caldwell is regarded as a landmark case because it marks the beginning of a legal development: the introduction of the doctrine of frustration into English contract law. This chapter explores the legal and historical background to the case to ascertain if it is a genuine landmark. A closer scrutiny reveals that while the legal significance of the case is exaggerated, the historical significance of the cases reveals an unknown irony: the case is a suitable landmark to the frustration of human endeavours. While the existence of the Surrey Music Hall was brief, it brought insanity, imprisonment, bankruptcy and death to its creators.


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This paper examines the determinacy implications of forecast-based monetary policy rules that set the interest rate in response to expected future inflation in a Neo-Wicksellian model that incorporates real balance effects. We show that the presence of such effects in closed economies restricts the ability of the Taylor principle to prevent indeterminacy of the rational expectations equilibrium. The problem is exacerbated in open economies, particularly if the policy rule reacts to consumer-price, rather than domestic-price, inflation. However, determinacy can be restored in both closed and open economies with the addition of monetary policy inertia.


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This article examines a little known decision of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council: Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada v Robinson (1915). The examination is historical and it provides a different insight into the understanding of privity of contract, a doctrine central to contract law. The examination reveals a process of trans-Atlantic legal migration in which English law was applied to resolve an Ontario case. The nature of the resolution is surprising because it appears to conflict with the better known decision of the House of Lords, Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Company, Limited v Selfridge and Company, Limited, which a similarly constituted panel delivered in the same week. This article argues that there was a greater malleability in the resolution of cases concerned with privity than was thought to have existed. It is also argued that the power of Canadian railway capitalism is a significant factor in understanding the legal resolution of the case. Finally, it the article considers the use of English and American precedents relevant to the case. The application of English precedents to the case led to a resolution not entirely befitting Canadian conditions.


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We establish an uniform factorial decay estimate for the Taylor approximation of solutions to controlled differential equations. Its proof requires a factorial decay estimate for controlled paths which is interesting in its own right.


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Hur farligt var gruvarbete i början av 1900-talet? I denna uppsats undersöks de olycksfall som inträffade i Falu koppargruva mellan åren 1906-1915. Uppsatsen behandlar totalt 387 st arbetsrelaterade olyckor i och kring gruvan. I uppsatsen framkommer att gruvarbetarna var de som löpte störst risk att råka ut för skador. Sjukskrivningarnas längd varierade kraftigt, men de flesta olyckor medförde en sjukskrivningstid på mindre än 20 dagar. Krosskador, kontusioner, sårskador och ögonskador var de vanligaste följderna av olyckorna. Händer och fötter var de mest utsatta kroppsdelarna, och de flesta olyckorna var följden av fallande stenar eller olyckor i samband med användandet av maskiner och verktyg. Under den undersökta perioden inträffade fyra dödsfall, där tre var direkt arbetsrelaterade medan ett skedde under eftervården av en olycka. De vanligast förekommande skyddsåtgärderna var att installera någon form av skydd kring maskiner eller att mana till försiktighet vid riskabla arbetsmoment.


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Syftet med detta arbete är att utforska hur Svenska Turistföreningen, i sina årsböcker mellan 1915-1919, förhåller sig i sina utsagor om människorna och landskapen till det regionala och det nationella. De frågeställningar som använts har varit: Vilka rumsligt anknutna utsagor finns om befolkningen i de olika landskapen och om landskapen som sådana? I vilken ut-sträckning bär dessa utsagor en regional eller nationell prägel? Sätts det regionala i kontrast till det nationella, eller ses det regionala som en del av det nationella? Hur talrika är dessa utsagor? Finns det en tendens att vissa landskapsskildringar innehåller fler eller färre av dessa utsagor? Finns det en förändring i dessa utsagor under den tid som undersökts? Källmaterialet har utgjorts av Svenska Turistföreningens årsskrifter mellan 1915-1919. Dessa behandlar Uppland, Småland, Bohuslän, Västmanland samt Skåne i den ordningen. För att uppnå syftet har en kvalitativ textanalys använts. Resultatet pekar på att det finns rumsligt anknutna utsa-gor i alla böcker men mängden och arten varierar kraftigt. Det finns alltså landskap som ges en starkare regionalitet, men i dessa fall knyter man detta landskap till nationen genom att t.ex. hävda att det regionala i landskapet är något utmärkande för hela landet.


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The Winthrop yearbook was published from 1898 to 2002. It has been known as the Tatler since its inception except for 1904 (Lang Syne) and 1918 (Tatler a la Guerre). No yearbook was published in 1900, 1902, 1903, 1905,1906.


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Esta dissertação tem o propósito de testar a hipótese de que o Banco Central do Brasil não considera os preços de ativos financeiros em sua função de reação da política monetária. A primeira parte é dedicada ao estudo da literatura atual sobre a relação entre política monetária e preços de ativos financeiros, na qual foram identificadas três correntes de pensamento distintas sobre o tema. Numa segunda etapa, são avaliados alguns modelos com base na estimativa proposta por Soares e Barbosa (2006), porém com a inserção de uma variável de preços de ações. Assim como em Dupor e Conley (2004), os resultados empíricos mostram que a inclusão dessa variável torna o hiato do produto não significativo.


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The goal of this paper is to evaluate the validity of the Taylor principle for inflation control in 12 developing countries that use inflation targeting regimes: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Hungary, Israel, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Poland, South Africa, Thailand and Turkey. The test is based on a state-space model to determine when each country has followed the principle; then a threshold unit root test is used to verify if the stationarity of the deviation of the expected inflation from its target depends on compliance with the Taylor principle. The results show that such compliance leads to the stationarity of the deviation of the expected inflation from its target in all cases. Furthermore, in most cases, non-compliance with the Taylor principle leads to nonstationary deviation of the expected inflation.