997 resultados para TV Marti (U.S.)
Nie ulega wątpliwości, iż w efekcie kryzysu finansów publicznych, z którym borykają się wszystkie państwa strefy euro jak i niektóre z pozostałych państw członkowskich, instytucje Unii Europejskiej kolejny raz stają do walki o swoją wiarygodność zarówno na arenie europejskiej jak i międzynarodowej . Formalne podstawy do zmierzających w tym kierunku zmian daje implementowany traktat lizboński przewidujący w swych zapisach m. in. ustanowienie obywatelskiej inicjatywy legislacyjnej; zmianę zasad wyborczych do PE czy też zwiększające uprawnienia parlamentów krajowych w unijnym procesie decyzyjnym. Przedmiotem szczególnej troski powinno być dołożenie wszelkich starań celem pokazania obywatelom UE, że forum Unii Europejskiej może być realną i efektywną formułą wspólnego poszukiwania dróg wyjścia z kryzysu . Stawka, o którą toczy się gra jest stosunkowo wysoka, gdyż de facto sięga do kwestii przyszłości integracji europejskiej jako Unii wzmocnionej współpracy politycznej wokół rynku wewnętrznego i strefy euro, czy też Unii osłabionej nacjonalizmem zachowawczym skupiającym się na już słyszalnych w poszczególnych państwach głosach o konieczności poszukiwania alternatywnych do UE dróg walki z kryzysem . Zapowiedziany przez Komisję Europejską na 2013r. rok obywateli ma być w jej przekonaniu okazją do odświeżenia wizerunku UE i jej instytucji. Z całą pewnością czas ten będzie można wykorzystać w celu wypromowania nowych instrumentów wpływu obywateli i ich zrzeszeń na proces decyzyjny UE m. in. za pomocą zawartej w przepisach traktatu z Lizbony o europejskiej inicjatywie legislacyjnej. Będzie to również dobra okazja do zainaugurowania europejskiej kampanii wyborczej w roku poprzedzającym wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego. Przy ich okazji być może zostaną wprowadzone w życie nowe przepisy modyfikujące dotychczasowe zasady elekcji posłów do PE. Należy jednak sceptycznie odnieść się co do szans na radykalną zmianę nastrojów Europejczyków do Unii Europejskiej. W wielu bowiem przypadkach socjalizacja europejska obywateli UE napotyka na trudności wynikające z faktu pojawiania się nowej jakości tzw. „Znaczących Innych”, którzy działając w tym obszarze nie zawsze są rzecznikami UE i jej dalszej integracji. Możemy zatem obserwować oznaki psychologicznego rozkładu wspólnoty, którego następstwem może być jej rozkład polityczny . Kryzys „otworzył nam oczy” wskazując na istotne różnice między deklaracjami politycznymi a nieprzystającą do nich rzeczywistością. Pokazując Europę, w którą nie chcemy wierzyć .
Wydział Nauk Społecznych: Instytut Psychologii
Wydział Biologii
Wydział Biologii
Religious participation -- Religious beliefs -- Faith, practices, and experiences -- Sharing faith -- Evaluations of church -- Moral views and risk behaviors -- Civic activities.
Published Version
Earth's surface is rapidly urbanizing, resulting in dramatic changes in the abundance, distribution and character of surface water features in urban landscapes. However, the scope and consequences of surface water redistribution at broad spatial scales are not well understood. We hypothesized that urbanization would lead to convergent surface water abundance and distribution: in other words, cities will gain or lose water such that they become more similar to each other than are their surrounding natural landscapes. Using a database of more than 1 million water bodies and 1 million km of streams, we compared the surface water of 100 US cities with their surrounding undeveloped land. We evaluated differences in areal (A WB) and numeric densities (N WB) of water bodies (lakes, wetlands, and so on), the morphological characteristics of water bodies (size), and the density (D C) of surface flow channels (that is, streams and rivers). The variance of urban A WB, N WB, and D C across the 100 MSAs decreased, by 89, 25, and 71%, respectively, compared to undeveloped land. These data show that many cities are surface water poor relative to undeveloped land; however, in drier landscapes urbanization increases the occurrence of surface water. This convergence pattern strengthened with development intensity, such that high intensity urban development had an areal water body density 98% less than undeveloped lands. Urbanization appears to drive the convergence of hydrological features across the US, such that surface water distributions of cities are more similar to each other than to their surrounding landscapes. © 2014 The Author(s).
Theory suggests that economic instruments, such as pollution taxes or tradable permits, can provide more efficient technology adoption incentives than conventional regulatory standards. We explore this issue for an important industry undergoing dramatic decreases in allowed pollution - the U.S. petroleum industry's phasedown of lead in gasoline. Using a duration model applied to a panel of refineries from 1971-1995, we find that the pattern of technology adoption is consistent with an economic response to market incentives, plant characteristics, and alternative policies. Importantly, evidence suggests that the tradable permit system used during the phasedown provided incentives for more efficient technology adoption decisions.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Pain symptoms are common among Iraq/Afghanistan-era veterans, many of whom continue to experience persistent pain symptoms despite multiple pharmacological interventions. Preclinical data suggest that neurosteroids such as allopregnanolone demonstrate pronounced analgesic properties, and thus represent logical biomarker candidates and therapeutic targets for pain. Allopregnanolone is also a positive GABAA receptor modulator with anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, and neuroprotective actions in rodent models. We previously reported inverse associations between serum allopregnanolone levels and self-reported pain symptom severity in a pilot study of 82 male veterans. METHODS: The current study investigates allopregnanolone levels in a larger cohort of 485 male Iraq/Afghanistan-era veterans to attempt to replicate these initial findings. Pain symptoms were assessed by items from the Symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL-90-R) querying headache, chest pain, muscle soreness, and low back pain over the past 7 days. Allopregnanolone levels were quantified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. RESULTS: Associations between pain ratings and allopregnanolone levels were examined with Poisson regression analyses, controlling for age and smoking. Bivariate nonparametric Mann–Whitney analyses examining allopregnanolone levels across high and low levels of pain were also conducted. Allopregnanolone levels were inversely associated with muscle soreness [P = 0.0028], chest pain [P = 0.032], and aggregate total pain (sum of all four pain items) [P = 0.0001]. In the bivariate analyses, allopregnanolone levels were lower in the group reporting high levels of muscle soreness [P = 0.001]. CONCLUSIONS: These findings are generally consistent with our prior pilot study and suggest that allopregnanolone may function as an endogenous analgesic. Thus, exogenous supplementation with allopregnanolone could have therapeutic potential. The characterization of neurosteroid profiles may also have biomarker utility.
The present study aimed to investigate the effects of cytochalasin B (20 μM) on the uptake of 3-O-[(14)C]-methyl-D-glucose or D-[U-(14)C]glucose (8.3 mM each) by BRIN-BD11 cells. Taking into account the distribution space of tritiated water ((3)HOH), which was unexpectedly increased shortly after exposure of the cells to cytochalasin B and then progressively returned to its control values, and that of L-[1-(14)C]glucose, used as an extracellular marker, it was demonstrated that cytochalasin B caused a modest, but significant inhibition of the uptake of D-glucose and its non-metabolized analog by the BRIN-BD11 cells. These findings resemble those observed in acinar or ductal cells of the rat submaxillary gland and displayed a relative magnitude comparable to that found for the inhibition of D-glucose metabolism by cytochalasin B in purified pancreatic islet B cells. These findings reinforce the view that the primary site of action of cytochalasin B is located at the level of the plasma membrane.
Due to their high risk of developing severe Bordetella pertussis (Bp) infections, it is recommended to immunize preterm infants at their chronological age. However, little is known about the persistence of their specific immune responses, especially of the cellular responses recognized to play a role in protection. We compared here the cellular immune responses to two major antigens of Bp between three groups of one year-old children born prematurely, who received for their primary vaccination respectively the whole cell vaccine Tetracoq(®) (TC), the acellular vaccine Tetravac(®) (TV), or the acellular vaccine Infanrix-hexa(®) (IR). Whereas most children had still detectable IFN-γ responses at one year of age, they were lower in the IR-vaccinated children compared to the two other groups. In contrast, both the TV- and the IR-vaccinated children displayed higher Th2-type immune responses, resulting in higher antigen-specific IFN-γ/IL-5 ratios in TC- than in TV- or IR-vaccinated children. The IFN-γ/IL-5 ratio of mitogen-induced cytokines was also lower in IR- compared to TC- or TV-vaccinated children. No major differences in the immune responses were noted after the booster compared to the pre-booster responses for each vaccine. The IR-vaccinated children had a persistently low specific Th1-type immune response associated with high specific Th2-type immune responses, resulting in lower antigen-specific IFN-γ/IL-5 ratios compared to the two other groups. We conclude that antigen-specific cellular immune responses persisted in one year-old children born prematurely and vaccinated during infancy at their chronological age, that a booster dose did not significantly boost the cellular immune responses, and that the Th1/Th2 balance of the immune responses is modulated by the different vaccines.
Wat is kenmerkend voor het design van Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)? Wat maakt ontwerpen van MOOCs bijzonder uitdagend maar ook bijzonder interessant? In de workshop over MOOC Ontwerp gaat u actief op zoek naar antwoorden aan de hand van ervaringen met het ontwerpen en uitleveren van MOOCs in twee Europese projecten: EMMA en ECO.