950 resultados para THROUGH CELL


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Through the years, several studies reported the involvement of nuclear lipid signalling as highly connected with cell cycle progression. Indeed, nuclear Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-Biphosphate (PIP2) hydrolisis mediated by Phospholipases C (PLC), which leads to production of the second messengers Diacylglycerol (DAG) and Inositol-1,4,5-Triphosphate (IP3), is a fundamental event for both G1/S and G2/M checkpoints. In particular, we found that nuclear DAG production was mediated by PLCbeta1, enzyme mainly localized in the nucleus of K562 human erythroleukemia cells. This event triggered the activation and nuclear translocation of PKCalpha, which, in turn, resulted able to affect cell cycle via modulation of Cyclin D3 and Cyclin B1, two important enzymes for G1/S transition and G2/M progression respectively.


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The recent finding that MYC-driven cancers are sensitive to inhibition of the DNA damage response (DDR) pathway, prompted us to investigate the role of DDR pathway as therapeutic target in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), which frequently overexpresses the MYC oncogene. In a preliminary immunohistochemical study conducted on 99 consecutive DLBCL patients, we found that about half of DLBCLs showed constitutive expression of the phosphorylated forms of checkpoint kinases (CHK) and CDC25c, markers of DDR activation, and of phosphorylated histone H2AX (γH2AX), marker of DNA damage and genomic instability. Constitutive γH2AX expression correlated with c-MYC levels and DDR activation, and defined a subset of tumors characterised by poor outcome. Next, we used the CHK inhibitor PF-0477736 as a tool to investigate whether the inhibition of the DDR pathway might represent a novel therapeutic approach in DLBCL. Submicromolar concentrations of PF-0477736 hindered proliferation in DLBCL cell lines with activated DDR pathway. These results were fully recapitulated with a different CHK inhibitor (AZD-7762). Inhibition of checkpoint kinases induced rapid DNA damage accumulation and apoptosis in DLBCL cell lines and primary cells. These data suggest that pharmacologic inhibition of DDR through targeting of CHK kinases may represent a novel therapeutic strategy in DLBCL. The second part of this work is the clinical, molecular and functional description of a paradigmatic case of primary refractory Burkitt lymphoma characterized by spatial intratumor heterogeneity for the TP53 mutational status, high expression levels of genomic instability and DDR activation markers, primary resistance to chemotherapy and exquisite sensitivity to DDR inhibitors.


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The gut microbiota (GM) is essential for human health and contributes to several diseases; indeed it can be considered an extension of the self and, together with the genetic makeup, determines the physiology of an organism. In this thesis has been studied the peripheral immune system reconstitution in pediatric patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (aHSCT) in the early phase; in parallel, have been also explored the gut microbiota variations as one of the of primary factors in governing the fate of the immunological recovery, predisposing or protecting from complications such as the onset of acute graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). Has been demonstrated, to our knowledge for the first time, that aHSCT in pediatric patients is associated to a profound modification of the GM ecosystem with a disruption of its mutualistic asset. aGvHD and non-aGvHD subjects showed differences in the process of GM recovery, in members abundance of the phylum Bacteroidetes, and in propionate fecal concentration; the latter are higher in the pre-HSCT composition of non-GvHD subjects than GvHD ones. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), such as acetate, butyrate and propionate, are end-products of microbial fermentation of macronutrients and distribute systemically from the gut to blood. For this reason, has been studied their effect in vitro on human DCs, the key regulators of our immune system and the main player of aGvHD onset. Has been observed that propionate and, particularly, butyrate show a strong and direct immunomodulatory activity on DCs reducing inflammatory markers such as chemokines and interleukins. This study, with the needed caution, suggests that the pre-existing GM structure can be protective against aGvHD onset, exerting its protective role through SCFAs. They, indeed, may regulate cell traffic within secondary lymphoid tissues, influence T cell development during antigen recognition, and, thus, directly shape the immune system.


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Chemotherapeutic SN1‑methylating agents are important anticancer drugs. They induce several covalent modifications in the DNA, from which O6‑methylguanine (O6MeG) is the main toxic lesion. In this work, different hypotheses that have been proposed to explain the mechanism of O6MeG‑triggered cell death were tested. The results of this work support the abortive processing model, which states that abortive post‑replicative processing of O6MeG‑driven mispairs by the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) machinery results in single‑strand gaps in the DNA that, upon a 2nd round of DNA replication, leads to DNA double‑strand break (DSB) formation, checkpoint activation and cell death. In this work, it was shown that O6MeG induces an accumulation of cells in the 2nd G2/M‑phase after treatment. This was accompanied by an increase in DSB formation in the 2nd S/G2/M‑phase, and paralleled by activation of the checkpoint kinases ATR and CHK1. Apoptosis was activated in the 2nd cell cycle. A portion of cells continue proliferating past the 2nd cell cycle, and triggers apoptosis in the subsequent generations. An extension to the original model is proposed, where the persistence of O6MeG in the DNA causes new abortive MMR processing in the 2nd and subsequent generations, where new DSB are produced triggering cell death. Interestingly, removal of O6MeG beyond the 2nd generation lead to a significant, but not complete, reduction in apoptosis, pointing to the involvement of additional mechanisms as a cause of apoptosis. We therefore propose that an increase in genomic instability resulting from accumulation of mis‑repaired DNA damage plays a role in cell death induction. Given the central role of DSB formation in toxicity triggered by chemotherapeutic SN1‑alkylating agents, it was aimed in the second part of this thesis to determine whether inhibition of DSB repair by homologous recombination (HR) or non‑homologous end joining (NHEJ) is a reasonable strategy for sensitizing glioblastoma cells to these agents. The results of this work show that HR down‑regulation in glioblastoma cells impairs the repair of temozolomide (TMZ)‑induced DSB. HR down‑regulation greatly sensitizes cells to cell death following O6‑methylating (TMZ) or O6‑chlorethylating (nimustine) treatment, but not following ionizing radiation. The RNAi mediated inhibition in DSB repair and chemo‑sensitization was proportional to the knockdown of the HR protein RAD51. Chemo‑sensitization was demonstrated for several HR proteins, in glioma cell lines proficient and mutated in p53. Evidence is provided showing that O6MeG is the primary lesion responsible for the increased sensitivity of glioblastoma cells following TMZ treatment, and that inhibition of the resistance marker MGMT restores the chemo‑sensitization achieved by HR down‑regulation. Data are also provided to show that inhibition of DNA‑PK dependent NHEJ does not significantly sensitized glioblastoma cells to TMZ treatment. Finally, the data also show that PARP inhibition with olaparib additionally sensitized HR down‑regulated glioma cells to TMZ. Collectively, the data show that processing of O6MeG through two rounds of DNA replication is required for DSB formation, checkpoint activation and apoptosis induction, and that O6MeG‑triggered apoptosis is also executed in subsequent generations. Furthermore, the data provide proof of principle evidence that down‑regulation of HR is a reasonable strategy for sensitizing glioma cells to killing by O6‑alkylating chemotherapeutics.


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L'energia solare rientra nel gruppo delle energie rinnovabili, ovvero che provengono da una fonte il cui utilizzo attuale non ne pregiudica la disponibilità nel futuro. L'energia solare ha molti vantaggi, poiché è inesauribile ed è una risorsa d'immediata disponibilità perché giunge attraverso i raggi del sole. La conversione fotovoltaica sfrutta il meccanismo di generazione di carica elettrica prodotto dall'interazione della radiazione luminosa su di un materiale semiconduttore. La necessità di creare energia riducendo al minimo l'impatto ambientale ed il contemporaneo aumento del prezzo di fonti fossili come ad esempio il petrolio ed il carbone (senza trascurare il fatto che le riserve di essi sono, di fatto, esauribili) ha portato un aumento considerevole della produzione di energia elettrica tramite conversione fotovoltaica. Allo stato attuale dell'economia e dei mercati, sebbene il settore fotovoltaico sia in forte crescita, non è esente da un parametro che ne descrive le caratteristiche economiche ed energetiche, il cosiddetto rapporto costo/efficienza. Per efficienza, si intende la quantità di energia elettrica prodotta rispetto alla potenza solare incidente per irraggiamento, mentre per costo si intende quello sostenuto per la costruzione della cella. Ridurre il rapporto costo/efficienza equivale a cercare di ottenere un'efficienza maggiore mantenendo inalterati i costi, oppure raggiungere una medio-alta efficienza ma ridurre in maniera significativa la spesa di fabbricazione. Quindi, nasce la necessità di studiare e sviluppare tecnologie di celle solari all'avanguardia, che adottino accorgimenti tecnologici tali per cui, a parità di efficienza di conversione, il costo di produzione della cella sia il più basso possibile. L'efficienza dei dispositivi fotovoltaici è limitata da perdite ottiche, di ricombinazione di carica e da resistenze parassite che dipendono da diversi fattori, tra i quali, le proprietà ottiche e di trasporto di carica dei materiali, l'architettura della cella e la capacità di intrappolare la luce da parte del dispositivo. Per diminuire il costo della cella, la tecnologia fotovoltaica ha cercato di ridurre il volume di materiale utilizzato (in genere semiconduttore), dal momento in cui si ritiene che il 40% del costo di una cella solare sia rappresentato dal materiale. Il trend che questo approccio comporta è quello di spingersi sempre di più verso spessori sottili, come riportato dalla International Technology Roadmap for Photovoltaic, oppure ridurre il costo della materia prima o del processo. Tra le architetture avanzate di fabbricazione si analizzano le Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell-PERC e le Metal Wrap Through-MWT Cell, e si studia, attraverso simulazioni numeriche TCAD, come parametri geometrici e di drogaggio vadano ad influenzare le cosiddette figure di merito di una cella solare.


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This thesis focuses on the design and characterization of a novel, artificial minimal model membrane system with chosen physical parameters to mimic a nanoparticle uptake process driven exclusively by adhesion and softness of the bilayer. The realization is based on polymersomes composed of poly(dimethylsiloxane)-b-poly(2-methyloxazoline) (PMDS-b-PMOXA) and nanoscopic colloidal particles (polystyrene, silica), and the utilization of powerful characterization techniques. rnPDMS-b-PMOXA polymersomes with a radius, Rh ~100 nm, a size polydispersity, PD = 1.1 and a membrane thickness, h = 16 nm, were prepared using the film rehydratation method. Due to the suitable mechanical properties (Young’s modulus of ~17 MPa and a bending modulus of ~7⋅10-8 J) along with the long-term stability and the modifiability, these kind of polymersomes can be used as model membranes to study physical and physicochemical aspects of transmembrane transport of nanoparticles. A combination of photon (PCS) and fluorescence (FCS) correlation spectroscopies optimizes species selectivity, necessary for a unique internalization study encompassing two main efforts. rnFor the proof of concepts, the first effort focused on the interaction of nanoparticles (Rh NP SiO2 = 14 nm, Rh NP PS = 16 nm; cNP = 0.1 gL-1) and polymersomes (Rh P = 112 nm; cP = 0.045 gL-1) with fixed size and concentration. Identification of a modified form factor of the polymersome entities, selectively seen in the PCS experiment, enabled a precise monitor and quantitative description of the incorporation process. Combining PCS and FCS led to the estimation of the incorporated particles per polymersome (about 8 in the examined system) and the development of an appropriate methodology for the kinetics and dynamics of the internalization process. rnThe second effort aimed at the establishment of the necessary phenomenology to facilitate comparison with theories. The size and concentration of the nanoparticles were chosen as the most important system variables (Rh NP = 14 - 57 nm; cNP = 0.05 - 0.2 gL-1). It was revealed that the incorporation process could be controlled to a significant extent by changing the nanoparticles size and concentration. Average number of 7 up to 11 NPs with Rh NP = 14 nm and 3 up to 6 NPs with Rh NP = 25 nm can be internalized into the present polymersomes by changing initial nanoparticles concentration in the range 0.1- 0.2 gL-1. Rapid internalization of the particles by polymersomes is observed only above a critical threshold particles concentration, dependent on the nanoparticle size. rnWith regard possible pathways for the particle uptake, cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) has revealed two different incorporation mechanisms depending on the size of the involved nanoparticles: cooperative incorporation of nanoparticles groups or single nanoparticles incorporation. Conditions for nanoparticle uptake and controlled filling of polymersomes were presented. rnIn the framework of this thesis, the experimental observation of transmembrane transport of spherical PS and SiO2 NPs into polymersomes via an internalization process was reported and examined quantitatively for the first time. rnIn a summary the work performed in frames of this thesis might have significant impact on cell model systems’ development and thus improved understanding of transmembrane transport processes. The present experimental findings help create the missing phenomenology necessary for a detailed understanding of a phenomenon with great relevance in transmembrane transport. The fact that transmembrane transport of nanoparticles can be performed by artificial model system without any additional stimuli has a fundamental impact on the understanding, not only of the nanoparticle invagination process but also of the interaction of nanoparticles with biological as well as polymeric membranes. rn


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Adhesion, immune evasion and invasion are key determinants during bacterial pathogenesis. Pathogenic bacteria possess a wide variety of surface exposed and secreted proteins which allow them to adhere to tissues, escape the immune system and spread throughout the human body. Therefore, extensive contacts between the human and the bacterial extracellular proteomes take place at the host-pathogen interface at the protein level. Recent researches emphasized the importance of a global and deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms which underlie bacterial immune evasion and pathogenesis. Through the use of a large-scale, unbiased, protein microarray-based approach and of wide libraries of human and bacterial purified proteins, novel host-pathogen interactions were identified. This approach was first applied to Staphylococcus aureus, cause of a wide variety of diseases ranging from skin infections to endocarditis and sepsis. The screening led to the identification of several novel interactions between the human and the S. aureus extracellular proteomes. The interaction between the S. aureus immune evasion protein FLIPr (formyl-peptide receptor like-1 inhibitory protein) and the human complement component C1q, key players of the offense-defense fighting, was characterized using label-free techniques and functional assays. The same approach was also applied to Neisseria meningitidis, major cause of bacterial meningitis and fulminant sepsis worldwide. The screening led to the identification of several potential human receptors for the neisserial adhesin A (NadA), an important adhesion protein and key determinant of meningococcal interactions with the human host at various stages. The interaction between NadA and human LOX-1 (low-density oxidized lipoprotein receptor) was confirmed using label-free technologies and cell binding experiments in vitro. Taken together, these two examples provided concrete insights into S. aureus and N. meningitidis pathogenesis, and identified protein microarray coupled with appropriate validation methodologies as a powerful large scale tool for host-pathogen interactions studies.


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In the search to understand the interaction between cells and their underlying substrates, life sciences are beginning to incorporate micro and nano-technology based tools to probe, measure and improve cellular behavior. In this frame, patterned surfaces provide a platform for highly defined cellular interactions and, in perspective, they offer unique advantages for artificial implants. For these reasons, functionalized materials have recently become a central topic in tissue engineering. Nanotechnology, with its rich toolbox of techniques, can be the leading actor in the materials patterning field. Laser assisted methods, conventional and un-conventional lithography and other patterning techniques, allow the fabrication of functional supports with tunable properties, either physically, or topographically and chemically. Among them, soft lithography provides an effective (and low cost) strategy for manufacturing micro and nanostructures. The main focus of this work is the use of different fabrication approaches aiming at a precise control of cell behavior, adhesion, proliferation and differentiation, through chemically and spatially designed surfaces.


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Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is abundantly expressed in the nervous system and acts on target cells through NPY receptors. The human adrenal cortex and adrenal tumors express NPY receptor subtype Y1, but its function is unknown. We studied Y1-mediated signaling, steroidogenesis and cell proliferation in human adrenal NCI-H295R cells. Radioactive ligand binding studies showed that H295R cells express Y1 receptor specifically. NPY treatment of H295R cells stimulated the MEK/ERK1/2 pathway, confirming that H295R cells express functional Y1 receptors. Studies of the effect of NPY and related peptide PYY on adrenal steroidogenesis revealed a decrease in 11-deoxycortisol production. RIA measurements of cortisol from cell culture medium confirmed this finding. Co-treatment with the Y1 antagonist BIBP2336 reversed the inhibitory effect of NPY on cortisol production proving specificity of this effect. At mRNA level, NPY decreased HSD3B2 and CYP21A2 expression. However NPY revealed no effect on cell proliferation. Our data show that NPY can directly regulate human adrenal cortisol production.


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Dendritic cells (DC) are professional antigen presenting cells that represent an important link between innate and adaptive immunity. Danger signals such as toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists induce maturation of DC leading to a T-cell mediated adaptive immune response. In this study, we show that exogenous as well as endogenous inflammatory stimuli for TLR4 and TLR2 induce the expression of HIF-1alpha in human monocyte-derived DC under normoxic conditions. On the functional level, inhibition of HIF-1alpha using chetomin (CTM), YC-1 and digoxin lead to no consistent effect on MoDC maturation, or cytokine secretion despite having the common effect of blocking HIF-1alpha stabilization or activity through different mechanisms. Stabilization of HIF-1alpha protein by hypoxia or CoCl(2) did not result in maturation of human DC. In addition, we could show that TLR stimulation resulted in an increase of HIF-1alpha controlled VEGF secretion. These results show that stimulation of human MoDC with exogenous as well as endogenous TLR agonists induces the expression of HIF-1alpha in a time-dependent manner. Hypoxia alone does not induce maturation of DC, but is able to augment maturation after TLR ligation. Current evidence suggests that different target genes may be affected by HIF-1alpha under normoxic conditions with physiological roles that differ from those induced by hypoxia.


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Tissue transglutaminase (TG2) is implicated in cellular processes such as apoptosis and cell migration. Its acyl transferase activity cross-links certain proteins, among them transcription factors were described. We show here that the TG2 inhibitor KCC009 reversed resistance to tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing factor (TRAIL) in lung cancer cells. Sensitization required upregulation of death receptor 5 (DR5) but not of death receptor 4. Upregulation of DR5 involved the first intron of the DR5 gene albeit it was independent from p53 and nuclear factor kappa B. In conclusion, inhibition of tissue transglutaminase provides an interesting strategy for sensitization to TRAIL-induced apoptosis in p53-deficient lung cancer cells.


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Pancreatic cancer is an aggressive tumour following a multistep progression model through precursors called pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN). Identification of reliable prognostic markers would help in improving survival. The aim of this study was to investigate the role as well as the prognostic significance of different cell cycle and proliferation markers, namely p21, p27, p53 and Ki-67, in pancreatic carcinogenesis.


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Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is a malignant myeloproliferative disease of hematopoietic stem cells. The disease progresses after several years from an initial chronic phase to a blast phase. Leukemia-specific T cells are regularly detected in CML patients and may be involved in the immunological control of the disease. Here, we analyzed the role of leukemia-specific CD8(+) T cells in CML disease control and the mechanism that maintains CD8(+) T-cell immunosurveillance in a retroviral-induced murine CML model. To study antigen-specific immune responses, the glycoprotein of the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus was used as model leukemia antigen. Leukemia-specific CTL activity was detectable in vivo in CML mice and depletion of CD8(+) T cells rapidly led to disease progression. CML-specific CTL were characterized by the expression of the IL-7 receptor -chain. In addition, leukemia cells produced IL-7 that was crucial for the maintenance of leukemia-specific CTL and for disease control. Therefore, CML cells maintain the specific CD8(+) T-cell-mediated immune control by IL-7 secretion. This results in prolonged control of disease and probably contributes to the characteristic chronic phase of the disease.


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Sir, anti TNF-α agents (aTNFs) are the most commonly prescribed biological agents in RA. More recently abatacept (ABA), a T-cell costimulation modulator, and rituximab (RTX), a monoclonal antibody directed against CD20, have become available. Observational studies suggest that switching to a new drug class may be more effective in uncontrolled RA than switching to a class of biologics to which the patient had unsuccessfully been exposed [1]. Information about the efficacy and safety of cycling strategies through third-line biologics is lacking. This study aimed to analyse the effectiveness and safety of switching patients to ABA as the third biological class after failure of aTNF plus RTX. The Swiss Clinical Quality Management (SCQM) programme for RA is a longitudinal population-based cohort, which has been approved by the local ethics committees of all participating centres [2]. For this analysis, we collected all the …