841 resultados para Surgery referral inquiry


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OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate five discal cysts with detailed magnetic resonance imaging findings in nonsurgical and following postoperative microdiscectomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Five discal cysts in four patients who underwent magnetic resonance imaging were found through a search in our database and referral from a single orthopedic spine surgeon. Computed tomography in two cases and computed tomography discography in one case were also performed. RESULTS: Five discal cysts were present in four patients. Three patients had no history of previous lumbar surgery and the other patient presented with two discal cysts and recurrent symptoms after partial laminectomy and microdiscectomy. All were oval shaped and seated in the anterior epidural space. Four were ventrolateral, and the other one was centrally positioned in the anterior spinal canal. One showed continuity with the central disc following discography. Three were surgically removed. CONCLUSION: Magnetic resonance imaging can easily depict an epidural cyst and the diagnosis of a discal cyst should be raised when an homogeneous ventrolateral epidural cyst contiguous to a mild degenerated disc is identified.


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We present a retrospective study on 22 operations of exostosis of the external auditory canal in 20 patients. 8 patients were passionated by water sports. The most frequent indication for surgery (13 operations) was recurrent external otitis or ceruminal obstruction. In 7 cases the need for a wider access to the middle ear indicated surgery. Surgery was usually performed as an outpatient procedure, maximum hospitalization was 3 days. The mean healing period was 6 (3-10) weeks. Mean follow up was 43 (3-110) months. There were no severe intraoperative complications such as facial paresis, lesions of the ossicles or of the inner ear. As intraoperative complications we found 2 perforations of the tympanic membrane, 2 expositions of the capsule of the mandibular joint, one of which was followed by chronic pain. As postoperative complications we found an early soft tissue stenosis of the external auditory canal and one late soft tissue stenosis which recurred after revision surgery. No recurrence of exostosis was seen. We describe an up to now unknown complication: the appearance of bilateral petrositis caused by staphylococcus epidermidis after bilateral surgery in an otherwise healthy patient. This study confirms that severe complications are rare, minor ones however relatively common. And that also minor complications may have a troublesome follow. Therefore and because of the potential of severe complications indication for surgery must be made cautiously and risks of the operation must not be underestimated.


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The efficacy of Gamma Knife surgery (GKS) in local tumor control of non-secreting paragangliomas (PGLs) has been fully described by previous studies. However, with regard to secreting PGL, only one previous case report exists advocating its efficacy at a biological level. The aims of this study were: 1) to evaluate the safety/efficacy of GKS in a dopamine-secreting PGL; 2) to investigate whether the biological concentrations of free methoxytyramine could be used as a marker of treatment efficacy during the follow-up. We describe the case of a 62-year-old man diagnosed with left PGL. He initially underwent complete surgical excision. Thirty months after, he developed recurrent biological and neuroradiological disease; the most sensitive biomarker for monitoring the disease, concentration of plasma free methoxytyramine, started to increase. GKS was performed at a maximal marginal dose of 16 Gy. During the following 30 months, concentration of free methoxytyramine gradually decreased from 0.14 nmol/l (2*URL) before GKS to 0.09 nmol/l, 6 months after GKS and 0.07 nmol/l at the last follow-up after GKS (1.1*URL), confirming the efficacy of the treatment. Additionally, at 30 months there was approximately 36.6% shrinkage from the initial target volume. The GKS treatment was safe and effective, this being confirmed clinically, neuroradiologically and biologically. The case illustrates the importance of laboratory tests taking into account methoxytyramine when analyzing biological samples to assess the biochemical activity of a PGL. In addition, the identification of methoxytyramine as a unique positive biomarker could designate it for the monitoring of tumor relapse after treatments, including Gamma Knife surgery.


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PURPOSE: Adenoma is the main parathyroid disorder leading to primary hyperparathyroidism (PHP). Minimally invasive parathyroidectomy (MIP) is recognized as a valid procedure for adenoma-related PHP. It requires precise preoperative localization combining Tc-99m-MIBI (methoxy-isobutyl-isonitrile) scintigraphy and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) with x-ray computed tomography (CT) and intraoperative confirmation of successful excision by change in intact parathormone (iPTH) levels. The study aim was to assess the surgery success in relation to these two parameters. METHODS: All patients operated on for PHP from 2005 to mid-2014 at our institution were retrospectively reviewed. MIP was performed in case of precise preoperative adenoma localization on scintigraphy, absence of past cervical surgery, and absence of concomitant thyroid resection necessity. In these patients, iPTH levels were monitored intraoperatively. Confirmation criteria for iPTH values were a return to normal level or a decrease >50 % of basal iPTH level. RESULTS: There were 197 PHP operations during the study period: 118 MIP and 79 bilateral neck explorations (BNEs). The MIP success rate was 95 % (112/118) with a preoperative MIBI scan ± CT accurate in 94 % (111/118) of the patients and with correct iPTH in 90 % (106/118) of the cases. Among the 12 iPTH levels that did not meet the confirmation criteria, 10 returned to normal range by postoperative day 2. Treatment failure appeared in three patients (one BNE, two MIPs). CONCLUSIONS: Tc-99m-MIBI dual-phase scintigraphy with SPECT/CT is the key examination for functional and morphological parathyroid adenoma localization. If preoperative scintigraphy is obvious and intraoperative assessment is clear, one could possibly safely omit iPTH, as it may lead to unnecessary BNE in primary PHP.


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BACKGROUND: The use of a robotic surgical system is claimed to allow precise traction and counter-traction, especially in a narrow pelvis. Whether this translates to improvement of the quality of the resected specimen is not yet clear. The aim of the study was to compare the quality of the TME and the short-term oncological outcome between robotic and laparoscopic rectal cancer resections. METHODS: 20 consecutive robotic TME performed in a single institution for rectal cancer (Rob group) were matched 1:2 to 40 laparoscopic resections (Lap group) for gender, body mass index (BMI), and distance from anal verge on rigid proctoscopy. The quality of TME was assessed by 2 blinded and independent pathologists and reported according to international standardized guidelines. RESULTS: Both samples were well matched for gender, BMI (median 25.9 vs. 24.2 kg/m(2), p = 0.24), and level of the tumor (4.1 vs. 4.8 cm, p = 0.20). The quality of the TME was better in the Robotic group (complete TME: 95 vs. 55 %; p = 0.0003, nearly complete TME 5 vs. 37 %; p = 0.04, incomplete TME 0 vs. 8 %, p = 0.09). A trend for lower positive circumferential margin was observed in the Robotic group (10 vs. 25 %, p = 0.1). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that robotic-assisted surgery improves the quality of TME for rectal cancer. Whether this translates to better oncological outcome needs to be further investigated.


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Effects of counseling and guidance on health behavior, health, and functional abilities of coronary artery bypass (cab) patients Hospital periods of heart patients are brief and full of activity today, and for that reason, the meaning of counseling and guidance becomes emphasized. The present intervention study started based on observations of staff members at the heart organization. According to these observations, there were gaps in counseling and guidance intended for coronary artery bypass (CAB) patients. The purpose of the present intervention study was to describe and evaluate the program on counseling and guidance organized for patients who were referred to CAB operations. More specifically, the study was to assess its short-term (3-month), intermediate (6-month), and long-term (12-month) effects on health behavior, health, and functional abilities of CAB patients of any age on one hand and elderly on the other, as well as on their mortality. The data consisted of those individuals having coronary heart disease (CHD) and living in Uusimaa (n = 365) who went through their first CAB operation at the Helsinki University Hospital between May 7th, 1998 and December 31st, 2001. Based on the need of urgency, they were divided into two groups: 1) surgery with regular referral procedure (non-acute) or 2) surgery in the acute phase of CHD. Randomization into an intervention and a control group was separately carried out within these two groups. A subgroup was formed by including those 65 years or older who were operated on with regular referral procedure. Data on health behavior, health, and functional abilities were gathered with survey questionnaires. Times and causes of death were examined January 1st, 1998 through December 31st, 2004. Intervention included counseling and guidance in small groups. The intervention of the non-acutely operated patients was implemented prior to and following surgery, whereas the intervention of the acutely operated patients was implemented after surgery alone. The control group received regular health care services. Counseling and guidance contributed in positive terms to the frequency of alcohol use among non-acutely operated men and to the frequencies of exercise and functional ability among women. The intervention was also capable of having an effect on the exercise frequencies of elderly and acutely operated men. The present intervention did not have an effect on the body mass index, whereas it had barely a slight effect on the health status of the CAB patients. The findings of the intervention and generalizations resulting from them must be viewed critically because the data analysis utilized a multi-testing situation, many variables, and several subgroups. The study did not involve intention to treat analysis. Additionally, a loss of patients was great especially among the elderly and acutely operated patients.


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Oral implantology is a common procedure in dentistry, especially for fully or partially edentulous patients. The implants must be placed in the best location from both the aesthetic and functional point of view. Because of this it is increasingly more frequent to resort to regeneration techniques that use substitutes of the bone itself, in order to be able to insert the implants in the most appropriate location. Material and Methodology: A review was performed on the literature from the last ten years based on the following search limitations: "graft materials', 'allograft', 'xenograft', 'autologous graft" and 'dentistry". Results: 241 works were obtained that after reading their respective summaries, they were reduced to 38, and 9 previous works were included in order to summarize the concepts. Discussion: Autologous grafts are the 'gold standard' of the bone regeneration. They have obvious advantages, but they also have drawbacks. This is why allogeneic and xenogeneic tissues are used. The former because of their clear similarity with the recipient's tissue and the latter due to their wide availability. Given that these grafts also have drawbacks, the industry has developed synthetic materials that have properties similar to those of human bone tissue. However, as of today, the ideal material to substitute human bone has not yet been found. In recent years the tendency has been to combine these synthetic materials with the patient's own bone, which is extracted during drilling in implant placement, with bone marrow aspiration, or with bone morphogenetic proteins. Thus the intention is to equip these substances with the osteogenic capacity. Conclusions: There is currently no ideal graft material, with the exception of those materials that come directly from the patient. We hope that in the coming years we will have products that will allow us to perform rehabilitations with better results and provide a better quality of life for our patients, especially those who have more complex situations to resolve, like the patients that are operated on for head and neck cancer


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This paper reports how laboratory projects (LP) coupled to inquiry-based learning (IBL) were implemented in a practical inorganic chemistry course. Several coordination compounds have been successfully synthesised by students according to the proposed topics by the LP-IBL junction, and the chemistry of a number of metals has been studied. Qualitative data were collected from written reports, oral presentations, lab-notebook reviews and personal discussions with the students through an experimental course with undergraduate second-year students at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia during the last 5 years. Positive skills production was observed by combining LP and IBL. Conceptual, practical, interpretational, constructional (questions, explanations, hypotheses), communicational, environmental and application abilities were revealed by the students throughout the experimental course.


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Educational institutions are not being effective, because they do not give individuals what they need to integrate into postmodern society, nor produce citizens that postmodern society needs. Shortcomings include the scientific literacy and cognitive domain levels attained, with an aggravating waning interest in science among pre-university students. We present an inquiry module, an inquiry dynamic, as an education resource for the study of perturbations of a chemical equilibrium state by pre-university or university students of basic chemistry, to contribute to the relevance and popularity of science, potentiation of science literacy and development of cognition. Here we describe an investigation with pre-university students.


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ABSTRACT In section XII of the First Inquiry, Hume refers to the two Hellenistic schools of skepticism (Academic and Pyrrhonian) to present his own view of skepticism, which, however, depends on the ancient skeptics mainly indirectly. Hume's view of skepticism depends crucially on Descartes and post-Cartesian philosophers such as Pascal, Huet, Foucher and Bayle, who reacted skeptically to major Cartesian doctrines but followed one version or other of Descartes's methodical doubt. Although all these post-Cartesian philosophers are relevant in section XII, I focus on the topics in which Descartes himself-besides his skeptical followers-seems directly relevant. After an introductory section (I) on Julia Annas' and Richard Popkin's views of Hume's relation to, respectively, ancient and modern skepticism, I turn to section XII and examine what Hume calls (II) "consequent skepticism about the senses," (III) "antecedent skepticism," and (IV) "Academic skepticism."