918 resultados para Styrene-butadiene rubber.


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We analyzed 42 models from 14 brands of refill liquids for e-cigarettes for the presence of micro-organisms, diethylene glycol, ethylene glycol, hydrocarbons, ethanol, aldehydes, tobacco-specific nitrosamines, and solvents. All the liquids under scrutiny complied with norms for the absence of yeast, mold, aerobic microbes, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Diethylene glycol, ethylene glycol and ethanol were detected, but remained within limits authorized for food and pharmaceutical products. Terpenic compounds and aldehydes were found in the products, in particular formaldehyde and acrolein. No sample contained nitrosamines at levels above the limit of detection (1 μg/g). Residual solvents such as 1,3-butadiene, cyclohexane and acetone, to name a few, were found in some products. None of the products under scrutiny were totally exempt of potentially toxic compounds. However, for products other than nicotine, the oral acute toxicity of the e-liquids tested seems to be of minor concern. However, a minority of liquids, especially those with flavorings, showed particularly high ranges of chemicals, causing concerns about their potential toxicity in case of chronic oral exposure.


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Työssä on tutkittu eri kumilaatujen soveltuvuutta viherlipeäympäristöön laboratoriomittausten avulla. Kumia tultaisiin käyttämään viherlipeälinjan letkuventtiilissä. Suomalaisista sellutehtaista saaduista viherlipeänäytteistä mitattiin alkali- ja vierasainepitoisuudet. Kumitestauksissa viherlipeässä pyrittiin selvittämään kumien kesto prosessiolosuhteita vastaavissa olosuhteissa. Kumit asetettiin kuumaan viherlipeään jännitettynä ja pidettiin siinä kolme vuorokautta. Kumista tutkittavia ominaisuuksia olivat kumin massan muutos, kovuus, vetolujuus sekä murtovenymä. Kolmen vuorokauden testien tulosten perusteella valittiin kolme kumilaatua tuhannen tunnin kestotestiin, joissa seurattiin kumin massan käyttäytymistä sekä kumin pitkäaikaisen altistamisen viherlipeässä vaikutusta lujuusominaisuuksiin. Kokeissa havaittiin osan testatuista kumeista sitovan viherlipeää itseensä, mikä aiheuttaisi viherlipeän pääsyn letkun vahvikkeisiin ja aiheuttaisi letkun hajoamisen. Osa kumeista kului kemiallisesti, mikä taas aiheuttaisi letkun rasitustilanteissa repeämiä letkun pinnassa ja lopulta letkun hajoamisen. Kuitenkin suuressa osassa testatuissa kumimateriaaleissa ei ollut suuria massanmuutoksia. Tällöin lujuusmittaukset kertoivat muilta osin kumin kestosta. Muutamilla kumeilla massanmuutokset olivat alhaisia, mutta lujuusarvot olivat romahtaneet. Kuitenkin laboratoriomittausten tulosten perusteella pystyttiin löytämään kumimateriaali, joka kestäisi paremmin viherlipeäprosessissa kuin teollisuudessa käytössä ollut kumimateriaali. Kuitenkin lopullinen varmuus tästä voidaan saada teollisuudessa tehtyjen testausten avulla.


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Our body schema gives the subjective impression of being highly stable. However, a number of easily-evoked illusions illustrate its remarkable malleability. In the rubber-hand illusion, illusory ownership of a rubber-hand is evoked by synchronous visual and tactile stimulation on a visible rubber arm and on the hidden real arm. Ownership is concurrent with a proprioceptive illusion of displacement of the arm position towards the fake arm. We have previously shown that this illusion of ownership plus the proprioceptive displacement also occurs towards a virtual 3D projection of an arm when the appropriate synchronous visuotactile stimulation is provided. Our objective here was to explore whether these illusions (ownership and proprioceptive displacement) can be induced by only synchronous visuomotor stimulation, in the absence of tactile stimulation.


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Nokian Renkaat Oyj:ssä on suuntaus päivittäin valmistettavien kumisekoitusten määrien lisäämiseen. Sekoitusmäärien kasvaessa myös laadunvalvontamittauksien kapasiteettia pitää nostaa tai vaihtoehtoisesti vähentää näytteiden tutkimiseen kuluvaa aikaa tai tutkittavien näytteiden määrää. On mietitty, voitaisiinko näytteenottopaikkaa vaihtamalla saada edustavampi näyte. Aikaistamalla näytteenottopaikkaa näytteet saataisiin tutkittua aikaisemmin ja siten sekoitukset saataisiin käyttöön entistä nopeammin. Teoriaosassa käsitellään kumisekoitusprosessia ja tutustutaan käytettävään prosessilaitteistoon ja prosessin eri vaiheisiin. Lisäksi tutustutaan prosessin ohjaukseen, prosessimittauksiin, prosessin säätöihin ja hälytyksiin. Työssä käsitellään myös laatuun vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja perehdytään käytössä oleviin laadunvalvontamittauksiin ja näytteiden analysointiin. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkitaan, mikä olisi paras näytteenottokohta, mietitään mittausten ja mittausajan vähentämisen vaikutuksia sekä sitä, miten näytteet tulisi merkitä. Lisäksi kokeellisessa osassa tehdään neuroverkkomalli viskositeetin ennustamiseksi.


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Polymeeriadsorbentteja valmistetaan silloittamalla styreeniä, akrylaattia tai fenoliformaldehydiä. Useimmiten ristisilloittajana toimii divinyylibentseeni. Polymeeriadsorbenteissa ei itsessään ole ioninvaihtoryhmiä, joten ne sopivat ionittomien ja heikosti ionisoitujen aineiden adsorptioon. Usein polymeeriadsorbentteja käytetään vaihtoehtona aktiivihiilelle eri sovelluksissa. Työn kirjallisuusosassa on katsaus polymeeriadsorbenttien sovelluksiin lähinnä elintarviketeollisuudessa. Lisäksi siinä selvitetään polymeeriadsorbenttien rakennetta ja synteesimenetelmiä. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin valittujen styreeni- ja akrylaattipohjaisten polymeeriadsorbenttien soveltuvuutta kromatografisen erotuksen stationaarifaasiksi. Kromatografia-ajoissa käytettiin eluenttina vettä, jonka lämpötila oli pääasiassa joko 75 tai 125 °C. Jälkimmäisessä lämpötilassa vesi on paineistettua neste, jota kutsutaan myös alikriittiseksi vedeksi. Malliaineina oli eri sokereita, aminohappoja sekä bentsoehappoa ja bentsyylialkoholia. Kromatografisen soveltuvuuden lisäksi selvitettiin adsorbenttien termistä kestävyyttä ja rakennetta. Termisesti polymeeriadsorbentit kestivät hyvin lämpötiloja 125 °C:eseen saakka. Polymeeriadsorbenteilla, joilla on suuri ominaispinta-ala, on myös suuri adsorptiokapasiteetti. Styreenipohjaiset adsorbentit erottivat kaikkia tutkittuja malliaineita akrylaattipohjaisia paremmin. Jotkut adsorbentit eivät erottaneet mitään tutkituista yhdisteistä. Lämpötilan nostaminen kavensi piikkejä ja nopeutti malliaineiden retentoitumista, mutta ei parantanut erottumista.


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We propose a simple rheological model to describe the thixotropic behavior of paints, since the classical hysteresis area, which is usually used, is not enough to evaluate thixotropy. The model is based on the assumption that viscosity is a direct measure of the structural level of the paint. The model depends on two equations: the Cross-Carreau equation to describe the equilibrium viscosity and a second order kinetic equation to express the time dependence of viscosity. Two characteristic thixotropic times are differentiated: one for the net structure breakdown, which is defined as a power law function of shear rate, and an other for the net structure buildup, which is not dependent on the shear rate. The knowledge of both kinetic processes can be used to improve the quality and applicability of paints. Five representative commercial protective marine paints are tested. They are based on chlorinated rubber, acrylic, alkyd, vinyl, and epoxy resins. The temperature dependence of the rheological behavior is also studied with the temperature ranging from 5 ºC to 35 ºC. It is found that the paints exhibit both shear thinning and thixotropic behavior. The model fits satisfactorily the thixotropy of the studied paints. It is also able to predict the thixotropy dependence on temperature. Both viscosity and the degree of thixotropy increase as the temperature decreases.


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Recent studies have shown that a fake body part can be incorporated into human body representation through synchronous multisensory stimulation on the fake and corresponding real body part- the most famous example being the Rubber Hand Illusion. However, the extent to which gross asymmetries in the fake body can be assimilated remains unknown. Participants experienced, through a head-tracked stereo head-mounted display a virtual body coincident with their real body. There were 5 conditions in a between-groups experiment, with 10 participants per condition. In all conditions there was visuo-motor congruence between the real and virtual dominant arm. In an Incongruent condition (I), where the virtual arm length was equal to the real length, there was visuo-tactile incongruence. In four Congruent conditions there was visuo-tactile congruence, but the virtual arm lengths were either equal to (C1), double (C2), triple (C3) or quadruple (C4) the real ones. Questionnaire scores and defensive withdrawal movements in response to a threat showed that the overall level of ownership was high in both C1 and I, and there was no significant difference between these conditions. Additionally, participants experienced ownership over the virtual arm up to three times the length of the real one, and less strongly at four times the length. The illusion did decline, however, with the length of the virtual arm. In the C2-C4 conditions although a measure of proprioceptive drift positively correlated with virtual arm length, there was no correlation between the drift and ownership of the virtual arm, suggesting different underlying mechanisms between ownership and drift. Overall, these findings extend and enrich previous results that multisensory and sensorimotor information can reconstruct our perception of the body shape, size and symmetry even when this is not consistent with normal body proportions.


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Body change illusions have been of great interest in recent years for the understanding of how the brain represents the body. Appropriate multisensory stimulation can induce an illusion of ownership over a rubber or virtual arm, simple types of out-of-the-body experiences, and even ownership with respect to an alternate whole body. Here we use immersive virtual reality to investigate whether the illusion of a dramatic increase in belly size can be induced in males through (a) first person perspective position (b) synchronous visual-motor correlation between real and virtual arm movements, and (c) self-induced synchronous visual-tactile stimulation in the stomach area.


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El trabajo consta de un completo estudio tribológico del sistema WX que consiste en la mezcla mecánica de WC-12Co y NiCrBSi en diferentes proporciones: 20% NiCrBSi (W2), 40% NiCrBSi (W4) y 60% NiCrBSi (W6). Los recubrimientos se han obtenido por proyección térmica de alta velocidad (HVOF). Para todos los sistemas, el coeficiente de fricción es menor que 0.5 y la energía intercambiada entre el par friccionante y el recubrimiento es inferior a 10 KJ. Para cuantificar el desgaste por fricción se han utilizado la profundidad de la huella y el volumen perdido durante el ensayo, obtenidos mediante Interferometría de Barrido de Luz Blanca (SLWI) y SEM. La profundidad de la huella sigue una evolución directamente proporcional al contenido en NiCrBSi. Un mayor contenido en WC-12Co aumenta la resistencia al desgaste por fricción y disminuye la velocidad de desgaste por abrasión (ensayo Rubber Wheel). En los recubrimientos obtenidos, no se observa difusión entre las fases, la adherencia con el sustrato es excelente, la porosidad menor al 2% y se produce un incremento de la dureza del recubrimiento debido al endurecimiento por trabajo de la matriz causada por impacto.


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Altering the normal association between touch and its visual correlate can result in the illusory perception of a fake limb as part of our own body. Thus, when touch is seen to be applied to a rubber hand while felt synchronously on the corresponding hidden real hand, an illusion of ownership of the rubber hand usually occurs. The illusion has also been demonstrated using visuomotor correlation between the movements of the hidden real hand and the seen fake hand. This type of paradigm has been used with respect to the whole body generating out-of-the-body and body substitution illusions. However, such studies have only ever manipulated a single factor and although they used a form of virtual reality have not exploited the power of immersive virtual reality (IVR) to produce radical transformations in body ownership.


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PURPOSE: To meta-analyze the literature on the clinical performance of Class V restorations to assess the factors that influence retention, marginal integrity, and marginal discoloration of cervical lesions restored with composite resins, glass-ionomer-cement-based materials [glass-ionomer cement (GIC) and resin-modified glass ionomers (RMGICs)], and polyacid-modified resin composites (PMRC). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The English literature was searched (MEDLINE and SCOPUS) for prospective clinical trials on cervical restorations with an observation period of at least 18 months. The studies had to report about retention, marginal discoloration, marginal integrity, and marginal caries and include a description of the operative technique (beveling of enamel, roughening of dentin, type of isolation). Eighty-one studies involving 185 experiments for 47 adhesives matched the inclusion criteria. The statistical analysis was carried out by using the following linear mixed model: log (-log (Y /100)) = β + α log(T ) + error with β = log(λ), where β is a summary measure of the non-linear deterioration occurring in each experiment, including a random study effect. RESULTS: On average, 12.3% of the cervical restorations were lost, 27.9% exhibited marginal discoloration, and 34.6% exhibited deterioration of marginal integrity after 5 years. The calculation of the clinical index was 17.4% of failures after 5 years and 32.3% after 8 years. A higher variability was found for retention loss and marginal discoloration. Hardly any secondary caries lesions were detected, even in the experiments with a follow-up time longer than 8 years. Restorations placed using rubber-dam in teeth whose dentin was roughened showed a statistically significantly higher retention rate than those placed in teeth with unprepared dentin or without rubber-dam (p < 0.05). However, enamel beveling had no influence on any of the examined variables. Significant differences were found between pairs of adhesive systems and also between pairs of classes of adhesive systems. One-step self-etching had a significantly worse clinically index than two-step self-etching and three-step etch-and-rinse (p = 0.026 and p = 0.002, respectively). CONCLUSION: The clinical performance is significantly influenced by the type of adhesive system and/or the adhesive class to which the system belongs. Whether the dentin/enamel is roughened or not and whether rubberdam isolation is used or not also significantly influenced the clinical performance. Composite resin restorations placed with two-step self-etching and three-step etch-and-rinse adhesive systems should be preferred over onestep self-etching adhesive systems, GIC-based materials, and PMRCs.


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In the rubber hand illusion tactile stimulation seen on a rubber hand, that is synchronous with tactile stimulation felt on the hidden real hand, can lead to an illusion of ownership over the rubber hand. This illusion has been shown to produce a temperature decrease in the hidden hand, suggesting that such illusory ownership produces disownership of the real hand. Here we apply immersive virtual reality (VR) to experimentally investigate this with respect to sensitivity to temperature change. Forty participants experienced immersion in a VR with a virtual body (VB) seen from a first person perspective. For half the participants the VB was consistent in posture and movement with their own body, and in the other half there was inconsistency. Temperature sensitivity on the palm of the hand was measured before and during the virtual experience. The results show that temperature sensitivity decreased in the consistent compared to the inconsistent condition. Moreover, the change in sensitivity was significantly correlated with the subjective illusion of virtual arm ownership but modulated by the illusion of ownership over the full virtual body. This suggests that a full body ownership illusion results in a unification of the virtual and real bodies into one overall entity - with proprioception and tactile sensations on the real body integrated with the visual presence of the virtual body. The results are interpreted in the framework of a"body matrix" recently introduced into the literature.


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The Ziegler-Natta catalyst and the polymerization thereof are systems which require careful handling and special treatment of chemicals. In spite of the use of inert atmosphere and dry chemicals, some Ziegler-Natta systems may present low activities or even may deactivate because of unsuitable handling. Some features of the TiCl3 synthesis and its characterization when related to the presence of impurities are described. Evidences of poor handling of chemicals and/or laboratory devices while in synthesis of the catalyst are emphasized. The problems arising from butadiene polymerization and some relevant details in propylene polymerization are also presented with teaching objectives.


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The catalytic dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene in presence of steam is the main commercial route to produce styrene. The industrial catalysts are potassium- and chromia-doped hematite which show low surface areas leading to bad performance and short life. In order to develop catalysts with high areas, the effect of beryllium on the textural properties and on the catalytic performance of this iron oxide was studied. The influence of the amount of the dopant, the starting material and the calcination temperature were also studied. In sample preparations, iron and beryllium salts (nitrate or sulfate) were hydrolyzed with ammonia and then calcinated. The experiments followed a factorial design with two variables in two levels (Fe/Be= 3 and 7; calcination temperature= 500 and 700ºC). Solids without any dopant were also prepared. Samples were characterized by elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy, surface area and porosity measurements, X-ray diffraction, DSC and TG. The catalysts were tested in a microreactor at 524ºC and 1 atm, by using a mole ratio of steam/ ethylbenzene=10. The selectivity was measured by monitoring styrene, benzene and toluene formation. It was found that the effect of beryllium on the characteristics of hematite and on its catalytic performance depends on the starting material and on the amount of dopant. Surface areas increased due to the dopant as well as the nature of the precursor; samples produced by beryllium sulfate showed higher areas. Beryllium-doped solids showed a higher catalytic activity when compared to pure hematite, but no significant influence of the anion of starting material was noted. It can be concluded that beryllium acts as both textural and structural promoter. Samples with Fe/Be= 3, heated at 500ºC, lead to the highest conversion and were the most selective. However, catalysts prepared from beryllium sulfate are the most promising to ethylbenzene dehydrogenation due to their high surface area which could lead to a longer life.


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Angle-resolved electron energy-loss spectra have been measured for the methyl methacrylate (MMA) and styrene molecules in the 0 - 50 eV energy range. The spectra have been obtained at 1 keV incident energy, with an energy resolution of 0.8 eV and covering an angular range of 2.0 to 7.0 degrees. Within our knowledge, this is the first gas-phase excitation spectrum for MMA and styrene in this energy range. The spectra of MMA at small scattering angles are dominated by an intense peak at 6.7 eV followed by a broad band centered at about 16 eV. In the case of styrene, six bands can be observed in the spectra. Based on the angular behaviour of the excitation spectra of these molecules, the low-lying peaks observed are considered to be associated predominantly with dipole-allowed processes. In both cases, new bands can be observed for excitation energies greater than 20 eV. This could be associated with dipole-forbidden transitions to shake-up and doubly-excited states.