989 resultados para Sturm, Julia


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Avaliaram-se retrospectivamente as cirurgias realizadas em aves no Serviço de Cirurgia de Pequenos Animais do Hospital Veterinário da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, durante período de oito anos. De um total de 90 intervenções cirúrgicas para diagnóstico e/ou tratamento de afecções, 27 foram ortopédicas e 63 de tecidos moles. Quanto ao percentual de cirurgias ortopédicas realizadas segundo as diferentes ordens, observou-se: Psittaciformes 85,19%, Piciformes 7,41%, Anseriformes 3,70% e Falconiformes 3,70%. Para as de tecidos moles os Psittaciformes representaram 92,06%, Columbiformes 3,17%, Passeriformes 3,17% e Anseriformes 1,60%. Entre os tipos de afecções ortopédicas encontradas as fraturas apresentaram a maior ocorrência (88,90%), seguidas de luxação (3,70%), avulsão traumática de extremidade (3,70%) e artrite/osteomielite (3,70%). Dentre as afecções cirúrgicas de tecidos moles as neoplasias apresentaram a maior ocorrência (30,15%), seguidas das neoformações cutâneas ou de anexos não neoplásicos (17,46%), neoformações cutâneas sem diagnóstico (7,94%), distocia (7,94%), fístula de papo (7,94%), hérnia abdominal (4,76%), sinusite (4,76%), gangrena de extremidade de membros (3,17%), perfuração de esôfago (3,17%), prolapso de cloaca (3,17%), "Necrose avascular de dígito" (1,59%), ferida na região da quilha (1,59%), perfuração de cavidade celomática (1,59%), neoformação em cavidade celomática sem diagnóstico (1,59%), corpo estranho em trato gastrointestinal (1,59%) e otite (1,59%). A distribuição das afecções cirúrgicas segundo as espécies acometidas mostrou o "grupo dos papagaios", representado em sua maioria por espécies do gênero Amazona, como prevalente. O conhecimento das afecções cirúrgicas e espécies de aves mais acometidas acrescentam informações para aqueles que já atuam nesta área e servem como indicador de estudo para futuros cirurgiões de aves.


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A preocupação quanto a conservação de peças anatômicas existe a mais de 5 mil anos, pois o uso de peças cadavéricas são indispensáveis para o ensino, contribuindo com a melhora das habilidades aplicativas, assimilativas e compreensivas da disciplina. Esse trabalho propõe maior utilização das técnicas apresentadas em laboratórios de anatomia, visando abolir o uso do formol como conservante, permitindo um ambiente agradável para a prática da relação ensino-aprendizagem. Para isso foram utilizadas quatro técnicas anatômicas, a criodesidratação, glicerinação, injeção de látex e injeção de vinilite seguido de corrosão, que foram executadas utilizando cães, gatos e órgãos provenientes de doações. Com a criodesidratação e glicerinação os materiais anatômicos ficaram consideravelmente mais leves do que eram quando mantidos em formol, mantendo-se inodoros, diferente do evidenciado na utilização de formol e outros conservantes. As estruturas de estudo das peças ficaram intactas, de fácil visualização e o armazenamento passou a ser feito em caixas fechadas sem qualquer tipo de liquido, mantendo-se assim por até 3 anos. As técnicas de injeção de látex e vinilite seguido de corrosão mostraram total eficiência preenchendo os sistemas injetados, podendo visualizar as ramificações e todo caminho percorrido no sistema circulatório. As quatro técnicas anatômicas estudadas nesse trabalho mostraram ser suficientes para atender as necessidades dos estudantes quanto ao estudo da anatomia, devido à perfeita evidenciação de estruturas externas e internas dos animais.


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Foram avaliados, por meio da tomografia computadorizada, 19 cães com mastocitomas tratados com quimioterapia. Aspectos como contorno, atenuação, realce pós-contraste e presença de clivagem com estruturas adjacentes foram avaliados. Aplicaram-se os critérios RECIST e a mensuração volumétrica das lesões para se avaliar a resposta ao tratamento. Quanto à atenuação, os mastocitomas se mostraram como lesões homogêneas ou heterogêneas, com tendência a limites definidos e contornos regulares e apresentaram realce moderado após administração do contraste iodado intravenoso. Os métodos RECIST e a mensuração volumétrica apresentaram uma excelente concordância na classificação da resposta terapêutica, fornecendo um bom parâmetro da resposta ao tratamento instituído. O exame de tomografia computadorizada se mostrou útil na delimitação do tumor e importante ferramenta no planejamento das margens cirúrgicas.


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Epidemiological and health aspects of sheep husbandry were assessed on 213 sheep flocks in 142 municipalities from the state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. An updated questionnaire was filled out for each flock, requesting data on the farm, the flock and the farmer by the veterinarians of the State Government Agency for Animal Health (Instituto Mineiro de Agropecuária). Thirteen important variables were selected and scored to determine the technological level of the 117 farms; 0.9% of them was classified as high technological level, 45.3% as medium technological level and 53.0% as low technological level. Lamb production was the main objective of the farms and the main features were low-frequencies of individual identification of animals (16.9%), technical assistance (31.9%), use of quarantine for newly acquired animals (0.9%) the separation of animals by age group (3.7%) and requeste the sanitary certificate at purchasing of animals (11.7%). The main health problems reported were abortion (23.9%), keratoconjunctivitis (17.9%), contagious ecthyma (13.6%), pneumonia (10.3%), diarrhea (9.3%) and caseous lymphadenitis (6.1%). Information of the epidemiological situation and the mainly health measures used in the sheep farms are important to improve the productivity and quality of the lamb.


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The aim of this thesis was to examine congruencies between university identity and university images of prospective and current students. Therefore, factors essentially influencing on expected and experienced university images were identified. Providing an understanding on the differences in the formation of both concepts allowed the analysis of potential incongruities between a university’s identity and the perceptions its students hold. The study was conducted in July and August 2013 at Lappeenranta University of Technology by means of a web-based research survey. The sample consisted of 160 international Master’s degree students who were admitted in 2011, 2012 and 2013. Descriptive and multivariate statistical analysis methods were used to process the data. The results of the study indicated statistically significant incongruities between the case university’s identity and its students’ images. Further, the expected and experienced university images showed incongruities to each other. Deviations were additionally detected to be dependent on the students’ home regions. All in all, there is potential for an improvement of the students’ experiences resulting from a low perception of the student’s preparation for future job life.


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Vad händer när det finns inslag av främmande språk i en roman eller novell? Hur kan litterär flerspråkighet se ut och vilka konsekvenser får det för stilen, berättandet, tematiken och inte minst bokens politiska laddning? Varför är inslag av finska en så laddad sak i finlandssvensk litteratur? I doktorsavhandlingen Att skriva sig över språkgränserna. Flerspråkighet i Jac. Ahrenbergs och Elmer Diktonius prosa undersöker Julia Tidigs språkblandning i Finlands svenska litteratur. Under sent 1800-tal kryddade viborgaren Jac. Ahrenberg sina berättelser med finska, ryska och inte minst franska. Flerspråkigheten hos Ahrenberg både stöder och stör de resonemang om nationalitet och språk som utvecklas i böckerna. Under mellankrigstiden skrev den rebelliske modernisten Elmer Diktonius sina prosaböcker på en svenska så full av finsk påverkan att den smakade finnbastu . Flerspråkigheten hos Diktonius är både ett medel för skildring av Finland och landets medborgare och en öppning till kopplingen mellan estetik och politik i författarskapet. Avhandlingen kartlägger flerspråkighetens spänningsfyllda förhållande till idéer om modersmål, territorier och finlandssvensk identitet. Även om tiden som undersöks är förfluten är frågeställningarna högaktuella än idag: Finns det mer eller mindre äkta flerspråkighet i finlandssvensk litteratur? Får skönlitteraturen bryta mot normerna för korrekt svenska? Vad händer med synen på författaren om den gör det? Kräver den flerspråkiga texten en flerspråkig läsare? Avhandlingen visar att litterär språkblandning kan vara effektiv på alla plan i texten och att den måste analyseras i relation både till den värld där texten skrivs och den värld där texten läses. På vägen utmanas invanda föreställningar om det enda modersmålet, och om språkgränser, översättning och förståelse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mitä tapahtuu kun romaanissa tai novellissa on havaittavissa vieraan kielen vaikutusta? Miltä kaunokirjallinen monikielisyys voi näyttää ja millaisia seurauksia sillä on tyyliin, kerrontaan, teemojen käsittelyyn ja ennen kaikkea kirjan poliittiseen lataukseen nähden? Miksi suomenkielinen aines suomenruotsalaisessa kirjallisuudessa on niin arkaluontoinen asia? Tohtorinväitöskirjassa Att skriva sig över språkgränserna. Flerspråkighet i Jac. Ahrenbergs och Elmer Diktonius prosa (Kirjoittaminen yli kielirajojen. Monikielisyys Jac. Ahrenbergin ja Elmer Diktoniuksen proosassa) Julia Tidigs tutkii kieltensekoitusta Suomen ruotsinkielisessä kirjallisuudessa. Viipurilainen Jac. Ahrenberg maustoi kertomuksiaan suomen, venäjän ja varsinkin ranskan kielellä 1800-luvun lopulla. Ahrenbergin monikielisyys sekä tukee että häiritsee niitä ajatuksia kansallisuudesta ja kielestä, joita kirjoissa kehitellään. Sotien välisenä aikana kapinallinen modernisti Elmer Diktonius kirjoitti proosakirjojaan ruotsin kielellä, mikä oli niin täynnä suomen kielen vaikutusta, että se maistui saunalta . Diktoniuksen monikielisyys on sekä keino kuvata Suomea ja sen asukkaita että ominaisuus minkä kautta käsitellä ja ymmärtää estetiikan ja politiikan kytköstä. Väitöskirja kartoittaa monikielisyyden jännitteitä täynnä olevaa suhdetta äidinkielen, territorioiden ja suomenruotsalaisen identiteetin käsitteisiin. Vaikka tutkimuksen ajankohta kuuluu menneisyyteen ovat kysymyksen asettelut erittäin ajankohtaisia vielä tänäänkin: Onko suomenruotsalaisessa kirjallisuudessa olemassa enemmän tai vähemmän aitoa monikielisyyttä? Saako kaunokirjallisuus rikkoa korrektin ruotsin kielen rajoja? Mitä tapahtuu kirjailijasta saadulle näkemykselle, jos hän tekee näin? Vaatiiko monikielinen teksti monikielisen lukijan? Väitöskirja osoittaa, että kirjallinen kieltensekoitus voi olla tehokasta tekstin kaikilla tasoilla ja että se täytyy analysoida suhteessa sekä siihen maailmaan, jossa se kirjoitetaan että maailmaan, jossa teksti luetaan. Matkalla haastetaan totutut käsitykset ainoasta äidinkielestä, ja kielirajoista, käännöksestä ja ymmärryksestä.


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Este trabalho explora e problematiza as relações entre iniciação, segredo e saber sagrado - questões que em termos da perspectiva da performance se traduzem respectivamente como preparação dos perfomers, dialética entre o que se mostra e o que não se mostra e a aquisição de competência performática - nas aulas de tango milongueiro em Buenos Aires. À luz dos conceitos propostos por Michael Taussig (1999) em Defacement: Public Secrecy and the Labour of the Negative o "não saber" dançar o tango por parte das mulheres se interpreta como uma ignorância sagrada que preserva a magia do tango e o lugar dos homens como únicos geradores do movimento feminino.


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Tutkielmani aiheena on korkeakouluopiskelijoiden lukukauden aikaisen työssäkäynnin yhteys hyvinvointiin. Ensimmäisessä tutkimuskysymyksessäni jaottelen työajan, vapaa-ajan ja opiskeluajan erikseen tarkastelun kohteeksi, jotta saan selville eri ajankäyttötapojen yhteyden psyykkiseen oireiluun. Tämän asetelman avulla voin paremmin nostaa esille työajan merkitystä yhtenä selittävänä tekijänä vapaa-ajan ja opiskeluajan rinnalla. Koska hyvinvointiin vaikuttavat muutkin tekijät kuin ajankäyttötavat, toisessa tutkimuskysymyksessäni otan huomioon demografiset ja koulutustekijät, tulot ja työllistymisasenteen sekä näiden yhteyden psyykkiseen oireiluun työssäkäynnin rinnalla. Tutkielmani antaa uudenlaisen näkökulman opiskelijoiden työssäkäyntiä koskevaan keskusteluun ja hahmottaa, minkälainen merkitys työllä, vapaa-ajalla ja opiskeluajalla on opiskelijoiden hyvinvointiin. Kohdejoukkona ovat Suomen ammattikorkeakoulujen ja yliopistojen opiskelijat, joista kyselyyn vastasi 3011 henkilöä. Aineistonani on valmis Eurostudent 2010, joka on osa yhteiseurooppalaista Eurostudent IV -tutkimushanketta. Tutkimusmetodeina käytän logistista regressiota ja tulokset esitetään marginaaliefekteinä. Keskeisimmät tulokset ovat, että työssäkäyvillä opiskelijoilla on pienempi todennäköisyys psyykkiseen oireiluun kuin työtä tekemättömillä opiskelijoilla. Vapaa-ajalla on hyvin heikko, mutta kuitenkin merkitsevä, positiivinen yhteys psyykkiseen oireiluun. Opiskeluajalla ei ole yhteyttä psyykkiseen oireiluun. Toisen tutkimuskysymyksen muuttujista nousee selkeästi esille perheellisyyden ja positiivisen työllistymisasenteen yhteys psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin. Tulosten selityksenä on, että työssäkäynnillä on muitakin myönteisiä vaikutuksia opiskelijan hyvinvointiin kuin pelkästään toimeentulon paraneminen. Työssäkäyvät opiskelijat mahdollisesti kehittävät elämänhallintakeinoja, joita kuvastavat myös perheellisyys ja positiivinen työllistymisasenne. Perheellisyys turvaa sosiaaliset suhteet, jotka tukevat hyvinvointia, ja myönteinen suhtautuminen tulevaisuuteen toimii suojaavana tekijänä epävarmuutta vastaan. Toisaalta kyseessä voi olla, että työssäkäyvät opiskelijat ovat alkujaan terveempiä, mikä osittain selittäisi vapaa-ajan yhteyden psyykkiseen oireiluun. Psyykkisesti oireilevat mahdollisesti tarvitsevat enemmän vapaa-aikaa.


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Non-metallic implants made of bioresorbable or biostable synthetic polymers are attractive options in many surgical procedures, ranging from bioresorbable suture anchors of arthroscopic surgery to reconstructive skull implants made of biostable fiber-reinforced composites. Among other benefits, non-metallic implants produce less interference in imaging. Bioresorbable polymer implants may be true multifunctional, serving as osteoconductive scaffolds and as matrices for simultaneous delivery of bone enhancement agents. As a major advantage for loading conditions, mechanical properties of biostable fiber-reinforced composites can be matched with those of the bone. Unsolved problems of these biomaterials are related to the risk of staphylococcal biofilm infections and to the low osteoconductivity of contemporary bioresorbable composite implants. This thesis was focused on the research and development of a multifunctional implant model with enhanced osteoconductivity and low susceptibility to infection. In addition, the experimental models for assessment, diagnostics and prophylaxis of biomaterial-related infections were established. The first experiment (Study I) established an in vitro method for simultaneous evaluation of calcium phosphate and biofilm formation on bisphenol-Aglycidyldimethacrylate and triethylenglycoldimethacrylate (BisGMA-TEGDMA) thermosets with different content of bioactive glass 45S5. The second experiment (Study II) showed no significant difference in osteointegration of nanostructured and microsized polylactide-co-glycolide/β-tricalcium phosphate (PLGA /β-TCP) composites in a minipig model. The third experiment (Study III) demonstrated that positron emission tomography (PET) imaging with the novel 68Ga labelled 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid (DOTA) CD33 related sialic-acid immunoglobulin like lectins (Siglec-9) tracer was able to detect inflammatory response to S. epidermidis and S. aureus peri-implant infections in an intraosseous polytetrafluoroethylene catheter model. In the fourth experiment (Study IV), BisGMATEGDMA thermosets coated with lactose-modified chitosan (Chitlac) and silver nanoparticles exhibited antibacterial activity against S. aureus and P. aeruginosa strains in an in vitro biofilm model and showed in vivo biocompatibility in a minipig model. In the last experiment (Study V), a selective androgen modulator (SARM) released from a poly(lactide)-co-ε-caprolactone (PLCL) polymer matrix failed to produce a dose-dependent enhancement of peri-implant osteogenesis in a bone marrow ablation model.


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Electrical machines have significant improvement potential. Nevertheless, the field is characterized by incremental innovations. Admittedly, steady improvement has been achieved, but no breakthrough development. Radical development in the field would require the introduction of new elements, such that may change the whole electrical machine industry system. Recent technological advancements in nanomaterials have opened up new horizons for the macroscopic application of carbon nanotube (CNT) fibres. With values of 100 MS/m measured on individual CNTs, CNT fibre materials hold promise for conductivities far beyond those of metals. Highly conductive, lightweight and strong CNT yarn is finally within reach; it could replace copper as a potentially better winding material. Although not yet providing low resistivity, the newest CNT yarn offers attractive perspectives for accelerated efficiency improvement of electrical machines. In this article, the potential for using new CNT materials to replace copper in machine windings is introduced. It does so, firstly, by describing the environment for a change that could revolutionize the industry and, secondly, by presenting the breakthrough results of a prototype construction. In the test motor, which is to our knowledge the first in its kind, the presently most electrically conductive carbon nanotube yarn replaces usual copper in the windings.


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The molecular functions of the non-cell cycle-related Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) have been of primary interest within the neuroscience field, but novel undertakings are constantly emerging for the kinase in tissue homeostasis, as well as in diseases such as diabetes and cancer. Although Cdk5 activation is predominantly regulated by specific non-cyclin activator protein binding, additional mechanisms have proved to orchestrate Cdk5 signaling in cells. For example, the interaction between the intermediate filament protein nestin and Cdk5 has been proposed to determine cellular fate during neuronal apoptosis through nestin-dependent adjustment of the sensitive balance and turnover of Cdk5 activators. While nestin constitutes a crucial regulatory scaffold for appropriate Cdk5 activation in apoptosis, Cdk5 itself phosphorylates nestin with the consequence of filament reorganization in both neuronal progenitors and differentiating muscle cells. Interestingly, the two proteins are often found coexpressed in various tissues and cell types, proposing that nestin-mediated scaffolding of Cdk5 and its activators may be applicable to other tissue systems as well. In the literature, the molecular functions of nestin have remained in the shade, as it is mostly exploited as a marker protein for progenitor cells. In light of these studies, the aim of this thesis was to assess the importance of the nestin scaffold in regulation of Cdk5 actions in cell fate decisions. This thesis can be subdivided into two major projects: one that studied the nature of the Cdk5-nestin interplay in muscle, and one that assessed their role in prostate cancer. During differentiation of a myoblast cell line, the filament formation properties of nestin was found to be crucial in directing Cdk5 activity, with direct consequences on the process of differentiation. Also the genetic knockout of nestin was found to influence Cdk5 activity, although differentiation per se was not affected. Instead, the genetic ablation of nestin had broad consequences on muscle homeostasis and regeneration. While the nestin-mediated regulation of Cdk5 in muscle was found to act in multiple ways, the connection remained more elusive in cancer models. Cdk5 was, however, established as a significant determinant of prostate cancer proliferation; a behavior uncharacteristic for this differentiation-associated kinase. Through complex and simultaneous regulation of two major prostate cancer pathways, Cdk5 was placed upstream of both Akt kinase and the androgen receptor. Its action on proliferation was nonetheless mainly exerted through the Akt signaling pathway in various cancer models. In summary, this thesis contributed to the knowledge of Cdk5 regulation and functions in two atypical settings; proliferation (in a cancer framework) and muscle differentiation, which is a poorly understood model system in the Cdk5 field. This balance between proliferation and differentiation implemented by Cdk5 is ultimately regulated (where present) by the dynamics of the cytoskeletal nestin scaffold.


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Avaliou-se a percepção da qualidade intrínseca dos vinhos finos tintos elaborados no Rio Grande do Sul em comparação com seus principais concorrentes da Argentina e Chile. A análise sensorial foi realizada por 31 consumidores da classe de maior poder aquisitivo de Porto Alegre. O teste de aceitação propôs escalas hedônicas para avaliar os atributos sensoriais dos produtos. A análise estatística valeu-se de ANOVA e teste de Tukey. Os resultados demonstraram que a qualidade intrínseca dos vinhos brasileiros não representa um fator restritivo à competitividade do setor que pode ser alavancada com o desenvolvimento de estratégias de marketing consistentes.