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Loss of natural sandal populations due to illicit felling, forest encroachment and spike disease have an adverse effect on genetic diversity of the species. To initiate any genetic improvement programme in sandal, a precise understanding of the population genetic diversity structure is essential. The concern over the loss of genetic variability in sandal is particularly critical, as there is hardly any information regarding the diversity status of the natural populations. Identifying fast growing, disease resistant, oil rich sandal trees through breeding and their mass multiplication for afforestation are the best method for ensuring sustainable supply of superior sandalwood. The healthy sandal trees existing in heavily spike diseased area can be used as a promising starting point for any such breeding programme (Venkatesh, 1978). So far, no genetic information is available regarding the resistant nature of spike disease evaded trees left in heavily infected patches. The high rate of depletion of the superior trees in South Indian sandal reserves due to illegal felling and spike disease has necessitated an urgent need for conservation of the surviving trees.Widespread occurrence of spike disease in Marayoor forest reserve was reported in 1981 (Ghosh and Balasundaran, 1995). Because of the high density of trees and varying intensity of spike disease, Marayoor sandal population was found to be ideal for experimental studies in sandal (Ghosh et al., 1985). Fifteen trees of reserve 51 of Marayoor range had been selected as candidate plus trees for growth and spike disease evasion . These trees have been selected for mass multiplication through tissue culture technique.


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Based on the adaption of fishes to their habitat, they are divided into three ecological groups - marine, fresh water and estuarine or brackish water forms. Estuarine fishes inhabit the less saline region of the sea, estuaries and other inland waters. These fishes are more subjected to pollution than fresh water fishes or marine fishes as they encounter pollutants present in the outgoing river water and the incoming sea water during low and high tides respectively. So, the study of the biology of the estuarine fishes has become unavoidable to assess their suitability in aquaculture. The development of both capture and culture fisheries related to any brackish water system is dependent on the availability of scientific‘ data on the various biological factors in respect of the different species. Such a study on fishes will be helpful in formulating suitable schemes for the management of brackish water for capture and culture fisheries. It was therefore felt that a study of the biological and biochemical aspects of two estuarine fishes Megalops cyprinoides Broussonet and Scatophargus Bloch which are not fully exploited in aquaculture programmes, was worth undertaking. The present study is expected to advance our knowledge on the biology of the two fishes which are very desirable for brackish water fish farming


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Rubber has become an indispensable material in Ocean technology. Rubber components play critical roles such as sealing, damping, environmental protection, electrical insulation etc. in most under water engineering applications. Technology driven innovations in electro acoustic transducers and other sophisticated end uses have enabled quantum jump in the quality and reliability of rubber components. Under water electro acoustic transducers use rubbers as a critical material in their construction. Work in this field has lead to highly reliable and high performance materials which has enhanced service life of transducers to the extent of 1015 years. Present work concentrates on these materials. Conventional rubbers are inadequate to meet many of the stringent functional of the requirements. There exists large gap of information in the rubber technology of under water rubbers, particularly in the context of under water electro acoustic transducers. Present study is towards filling up the gaps of information in this crucial area. The research work has been in the area of compounding and characterisation of rubbers for use in under water electro acoustic transducers. The study also covers specific material system such as encapsulation material, baffle material, seal material, etc. Life prediction techniques of under water rubbers in general has been established with reference to more than one functional property. This thesis is divided into 6 chapters.


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Penaeid prawns form the most economically significant group in the marine and brackishwater fishery resources of India. This particular group contributes about 62% of the total prawn landings of the country. At present prawns have assumed an important place especially as a commodity supporting an export trade of sizable magnitude. Considerable interest has been shown in the last decade to increase prawn production through various culture practices, mainly due to the high demand for good quality prawns for export coupled with the stagnant and even depleting nature of marine catches. Available informations suggest that among the 15 species of shrimps and prawns occurring in Indian waters, which are deemed suitable for aquaculture, the Indian white prawn §.indicus is identified as one of the most important commercial species. Considering the increasing importance as an accepted species for prawn culture, £.indicus was selected for the present study. In the life history of prawns, moulting is an important event, which enables the animal to achieve growth. This dynamic physiological event continues through out the life span ofthe prawn, linking almost all biological activities with this process. Hence, a good knowledge pertaining to the physiology of moulting is imperative to understand the growth process. This knowledge will be of great use in the scientific prawn farming, so as to achieve high prawn production.


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This Thesis contains a detailed account of the results of the investigations on the "Studies on sea cucumbers of Minicoy, Lakshadweep" from the Arabian Sea, carried out from January 1990 to December 1991. The results are presented and discussed in six chapters, preceded by an "lntroduction", "Review of literature" and "Materials and Methods". A brief account on the importance of sea-cucumbers, its general morphology, present status of sea-cucumbers and their fishery in India and the major objectives of the present study are given in the "lntroduction" "Review of Literature" has covered and reviewed almost all available published reports and informations on sea-cucumbers on global basis, with special emphasis on Indian region and particularly in Minicoy Island. The Minicoy Island topography particularly the lagoon and reef flat area, discretion of sampling stations, survey on sea-cucumbers in space and time, analysis of samples both in the field and laboratory, statistical analysis of data, etc. and the period of study are given under "Materials and Methods.


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Plankton community, drawn from a vary wide variety of animal phyla, formed the basic food supply of marine life and indicators of water mass. The term meroplankton generally referred to that portion of the zooplankton which is transient in nature, remaining rest of their lives in the nektonic or benthic environment. This group was selected for intensive studies, considering the role of meroplankton in the economy of the sea and the scarcity of literature on them from the Indian Ocean. The preser .udy besides providing information regarding the fixation and preservation !e _ iniques and biochemical aspects of tropical meroplankton, also consolidates information regarding their zoogeography in the Indian Ocean region, with a view to amplifying the limited information available from this area. The distribution studies are based on the collections made during the International Indian Ocean Expedition (1960-65), whereas the material for preservation and biochemical studies was collected from the coastal waters during 1968-1978. Salient features:- 2% of formaldehyde buffered with 2% borax, added to the plankton in the ratio of 9:1 was found the best fixative. On fixation the plankton underwent shrinkage due to loss of 15 to 87% water. Addition of antioxidants prevented colour fading. Narcotization by different specific reagents prior to fixation reduced distortions due to violent reaction and improved morphological conditions. One percent formaldehyde solution in sea water buffered with borax or neutralised with calcium carbonate perfectly preserved majority of meroplankton. Equally good was one percent propylene phenoxetol buffered with borax. Biochemical compostion of vaioous taxa showed variations according to their age class, size groups metamorphosing stage, feeding mechanism, type of organism fed and time of collection. General distribution studies of 4 meroplankton taxa - Anthozoan larvae, cirripedia larvae, sipunculoid larvae and gastropod larvae stowed abundance in the coastal areas especially during the SW monsoon period. Based on the larval distribution different zoo-geographical areas in the Indian Ocean are differentiated.


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At present, there is paucity of information regarding the breeding biology, especially from southeastern region, which differs in its climatic features from northeastern coastal areas, where some attempts have been made to study the biology of the fish, though not documented in detail (Jhingran and Natarajan, I969; Patnaik and Jena, 1976; Kowtal, 1977; Roy e_t _a_l_., I977). The present work, first to undertake detailed investigation into reproductive aspects of the fish from India is not only confined to biology, but extend to the study on histological as well as physiological changes in the processes associated with natural reproductive cycle. The main objective of the study is to develop a background for the standardisation of subsequent artificial propagation techniques for the Sea Dass The thesis is presented in three chapters. The first chapter; general introduction, surveys the literature pertaining to the status of research on Lates calcarifer with specific reference to reproduction and acquaculture. The second chapter entitled, materials and methods gives description regarding collection of specimens as well as samples in addition to the various analytical methodologies employed during the study.


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Systematic investigations on prevulcanization of NR latex with special reference to the influence of storage of latex and after-treatments of films, have been carried out. The other aspects studied include the effect of temperature on sulphur prevulcanization, the extent of crosslinking, tensile properties, stress relaxation characteristics, water absorption and leaching characteristics of prevulcanizcd latex films


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Lipids constitute a significant portion of the biomass of earth and lipolytic enzymes play a very important role in lipid turn over. Apart from their biological significance, lipolytic enzymes are also very important in the fields of nutrition, food technology, medicine and preparative and analytical lipid biochemistry. Recent developments in the study of proteins and enzymes have largely benefited the study of lipolytic enzymes, that some of these enzymes were isolated in pure form. Even today there is a continuous search for new and potent sources of these lipolytic enzymes. The zest for elucidating the structure and mechanism of action of the enzymes obtained in pure form for biochemist still remains unabated. The literature shows no record of such an effort for the study of lipases from marine sources. The fact that many fishes like oil sardine, mackerel, cat fish, seer etc. contains large amounts of lipid shows the possibility of the existence of lipases in significant amounts necessitating their exhaustive study. Such a study will, not only provide alternate sources for lipase but also will provide methods to curb lipolysis and the resultant rancidity and off flavor development in fish and fishery products.


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Studies on the chemistry of vulcanization” play a central role in the efforts to achieve better product performance from natural and synthetic rubbers. They provide rubber technologists with an increasingly realistic picture of molecular framework of vulcanizates, from which relation between physical properties and chemical constitution may be deduced. Moreover, these studies are also aimed at the understanding of the vulcanization process, in sufficiently advanced chemical mechanistic terms, so that the effect of changes on vulcanizate structure can rationally be predicted.“ The study of accelerator activity ofthe binary system containing ATU with TMTD, and with MBTS in sulphur vulcanization of dry natural rubber using standard procedures for compounding and vulcanization is described in the third chapter. The study of the gum vulcanizates form part I of this chapter The behaviour of the experimental mixes were compared with those of the controls containing thiourea; diphenyl guanidine


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In forestry, availability of healthy seeds is an important factor in raising planting stock. Initial seed health and storage conditions are the major factors governing the germinability of seeds. Like seeds of agricultural and horticultural crops, forest tree seeds are also liable to be affected by micro-organisms during storage, which affects the germination, and reduces the viability. Further introduction of seed-borne diseases into newly sown crops/areas on account of using unhealthy seeds is also not ruled out. Availability of healthy stock of seedlings is intrinsic for raising plantations and to meet this requirement elimination of nursery diseases by appropriate chemicals is of prime imortance. As exotic tree species may become susceptible to various native pathogens, it is generally considered better to select indigenous tree species for large scale plantations as they are well adapted to local environment. However, before taking up large scale afforestation progranme involving any indigenous tree species, it is essential to have knowledge about seed disorders and seedling diseases and their management. with a View to select appropriate tree species with fewer seed disorders and seedling disease problems for use in further plantation programme, four indigenous tree species such as Albizia odoratissima (L.f) Benth., Lagerstroemia microcazpa Wt., Pterocazpus marsupiwn Roxb. and Xylia xylocarpa (Roxb.) Taub. were evaluated to meet the above parameters


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The present work comprises studies on the salinity tolerance and respiratory metabolism of a mood-boring sphaeromid, Sphaeroma annandalei, Stabbing and two free living,foulers of the family Cirolanidae, Cirolana fluviatilis Stabbing and C. uilleyi Stabbing. Except for the systematic accounts and general observations by Pillai (1961) and the preliminary studies on the salinity tolerance and respiration of C. fluviatilis by Nagabhushanam and Gopalakrishnamurthy (1965, 1965a) very little is known about these isopods From Indian waters. Studies by John (1968) on the habits, structure, and development of Sphaeroma terebrans and by Cheriyan (1973) on the eoéphysiology of the same are the recent major contributions on this interesting group of animals. 5. annandalei is closely related to S. terebrans and has been reported to occur on timber along with the latter (Pillai, 1951). s. gggandalei is a serious pest attacking wood along the Kerala coast, but detailed works on this species have not been undertaken so Far


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Ecology is the study of systems at a level in which individuals or whole organisms may be considered elements of interaction, either among themselves, or with a loosely organised environmental matrix. Systems at this level are named ecosystems, and ecology, of course, is the biology of ecosystems" (Hargalef, 1968). This thesis includes principally, a study on the ecology of zooplankton of the Cochin backwaters conducted during the years 1971-72. This monsoonal estuarine system is particularly interesting, since it exhibits a wide range of variations in its environmental conditions which is naturally reflected in the fauna also. Several publications on various aspects of its hydrobiology have come out in the recent past. But studies on the zooplankton of the estuary have mostly been discontinuous either in space or time or restricted to its groups


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Enhancement and culture of bivalves presents an opportunity to maximise and even increase production of many growing areas. Clam culture is less intensive both for capital and labour, involves simple farming and management techniques and is considered an efficient means of protein production. Clams are efficient converters of primary production and growth rate is fast with maximum production in 5-6 months. with culture, production is less influenced by poor recruitment. Stable production facilitates market development. Rivalves are being increasingly used in bio-medical research. Culture practices would ensure uninterrupted supplies of experimental material. Paucity of biological data restricts the development of efficient management and culture techniques of bivalves. This study was undertaken with a view to provide information on some aspects of biology of the bivalve S_. scripta which have hitherto been uninvestigated.


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Bamboos are vulnerable to various diseases which affect them in nurseries, plantations as well as in natural stands. In India, rot and blight of emerging culms have already been identified as the limiting factor of the bamboo production in many bamboo growing areas, especially in the coastal belts of Orissa (Jamaluddin et a1., 1992). Similarly, foliage blight and rust have been recorded to pose threat to nursery as well as outplanted seedlings which are in the early establishnent phase (Bakshi et a1., 1972; Harsh et a1., 1989). With the increased emphasis and priority on raising multipurpose tree species, large—scale planting of bamboos has been initiated recently in the State. Limited experience in raising the bamboo seedlings together with the lack of information on bamboo diseases and their control measures often resulted in partial to complete failure of many nurseries. Also, poor handling of bareroot seedlings for outplanting affected seriously the planting programme. This was clearly reflected by the large-scale nortality of outplanted young seedlings reported from many plantations. So far, no systanatic attempt has been made to study the diseases affecting bamboos in nurseries, plantations and natural stands in the country. Hence, the present investigation was taken up to conduct a systematic study of the diseases affecting bamboos in Kerala.