998 resultados para Structural sustainability


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Protein kinases phosphorylate several cellular proteins providing control mechanisms for various signalling processes. Their activity is impeded in a number of ways and restored by alteration in their structural properties leading to a catalytically active state. Most protein kinases are subjected to positive and negative regulation by phosphorylation of Ser/Thr/Tyr residues at specific sites within and outside the catalytic core. The current review describes the analysis on 3D structures of protein kinases that revealed features distinct to active states of Ser/Thr and Tyr kinases. The nature and extent of interactions among well-conserved residues surrounding the permissive phosphorylation sites differ among the two classes of enzymes. The network of interactions of highly conserved Arg preceding the catalytic base that mediates stabilization of the activation segment exemplifies such diverse interactions in the two groups of kinases. The N-terminal and the C-terminal lobes of various groups of protein kinases further show variations in their extent of coupling as suggested from the extent of interactions between key functional residues in activation segment and the N-terminal αC-helix. We observe higher similarity in the conformations of ATP bound to active forms of protein kinases compared to ATP conformations in the inactive forms of kinases. The extent of structural variations accompanying phosphorylation of protein kinases is widely varied. The comparison of their crystal structures and the distinct features observed are hoped to aid in the understanding of mechanisms underlying the control of the catalytic activity of distinct subgroups of protein kinases.


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The actin cytoskeleton is required, in all eukaryotic organisms, for several key cellular functions such as cell motility, cytokinesis, and endocytosis. In cells, actin exists either in a monomeric state (G-actin) or in a filamentous form (F-actin). F-actin is the functional form, which can assemble into various structures and produce direct pushing forces that are required for different motile processes. The assembly of actin monomers into complicated three-dimensional structures is tightly regulated by a large number of actin regulating proteins. One central actin regulating protein is twinfilin. Twinfilin consists of two actin depolymerizing-factor homology (ADF-H) domains, which are capable of binding actin, and is conserved from yeast to mammals. Previously it has been shown that twinfilin binds to and sequesters G-actin, and interacts with the heterodimeric capping protein. More recently it has been found that twinfilin also binds to the fast growing actin filament ends and prevents their growth. However, the cellular role of twinfilin and the molecular mechanisms of these interactions have remained unclear. In this study we characterized the molecular mechanisms behind the functions of twinfilin. We demonstrated that twinfilin forms a high-affinity complex with ADP-bound actin monomers (ADP-G-actin). Both ADF-H domains are capable of binding G-actin, but the C-terminal domain contains the high-affinity binding site. Our biochemical analyses identified twinfilin s C-terminal tail region as the interaction site for capping protein. Contrary to G-actin binding, both ADF-H domains of twinfilin are required for the actin filament barbed end capping activity. The C-terminal domain is structurally homologous to ADF/cofilin and binds to filament sides in a similar manner, providing the main affinity for F-actin during barbed end capping. The structure of the N-terminal domain is more distant from ADF/cofilin, and thus it can only associate with G-actin or the terminal actin monomer at the filament barbed end, where it regulates twinfilin s affinity for barbed ends. These data suggest that the mechanism of barbed end capping is similar for twinfilin and gelsolin family proteins. Taken together, these studies revealed how twinfilin interacts with G-actin, filament barbed ends, and capping protein, and also provide a model for how these activities evolved through a duplication of an ancient ADF/cofilin-like domain.


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Resurrection plants can withstand extreme dehydration to an air-dry state and then recover upon receiving water. Tripogon loliiformis (F.Muell.) C.E.Hubb. is a largely uncharacterised native Australian desiccation-tolerant grass that resurrects from the desiccated state within 72 h. Using a combination of structural and physiological techniques the structural and physiological features that enable T. loliiformis to tolerate desiccation were investigated. These features include: - (i) a myriad of structural changes such as leaf folding, cell wall folding and vacuole fragmentation that mitigate desiccation stress; - (ii) potential role of sclerenchymatous tissue within leaf folding and radiation protection; - (iii) retention of ~70% chlorophyll in the desiccated state; - (iv) early response of photosynthesis to dehydration by 50% reduction and ceasing completely at 80 and 70% relative water content, respectively; - (v) a sharp increase in electrolyte leakage during dehydration, and; - (vi) confirmation of membrane integrity throughout desiccation and rehydration. Taken together, these results demonstrate that T. loliiformis implements a range of structural and physiological mechanisms that minimise mechanical, oxidative and irradiation stress. These results provide powerful insights into tolerance mechanisms for potential utilisation in the enhancement of stress-tolerance in crop plants.


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A rough hydrophobic surface when immersed in water can result in a ``Cassie'' state of wetting in which the water is in contact with both the solid surface and the entrapped air. The sustainability of the entrapped air on such surfaces is important for underwater applications such as reduction of flow resistance in microchannels and drag reduction of submerged bodies such as hydrofoils. We utilize an optical technique based oil total internal reflection of light at the water-air interface to quantify the spatial distribution of trapped air oil such a surface and its variation with immersion time. With this technique, we evaluate the sustainability of the Cassie state on hydrophobic surfaces with four different kinds of textures. The textures studied are regular arrays of pillars, ridges, and holes that were created in silicon by a wet etching technique, and also a texture of random craters that was obtained through electrodischarge machining of aluminum. These surfaces were rendered hydrophobic with a self-assembled layer Of fluorooctyl trichlorosilane. Depending on the texture, the size and shape of the trapped air pockets were found to vary. However, irrespective of the texture, both the size and the number of air pockets were found to decrease with time gradually and eventually disappear, suggesting that the sustainability of the ``Cassie'' state is finite for all the microstructures Studied. This is possibly due to diffusion of air from the trapped air pockets into the water. The time scale for disappearance of air pockets was found to depend on the kind of microstructure and the hydrostatic pressure at the water-air interface. For the surface with a regular array of pillars, the air pockets were found to be in the form of a thin layer perched on top of the pillars with a large lateral extent compared to the spacing between pillars. For other surfaces studied, the air pockets are smaller and are of the same order as the characteristic length scale of the texture. Measurements for the surface with holes indicate that the time for air-pocket disappearance reduces as the hydrostatic pressure is increased.


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The influence of chemical specificity of hydrophilic surfaces on the structure of confined water in the subnanometer regime is investigated using grand canonical Monte Carlo Simulations. The structural variations for water confined between hydroxylated silica surfaces are contrasted with water confined between mica surfaces. Although both surfaces are hydrophilic, our Study shows that hydration of potassium ions on the mica surface has a strong influence on the water Structure and solvation force response of confined water. In contrast to the disrupted hydrogen bond network observed for water confined between Mica Surfaces, water between silica surfaces retains its hydrogen bond network displaying bulklike structural features down to surface separations as small as 0.45 nm. Hydrogen bonding of all invariant contact water layer with the surface silanol groups aids in maintaining a constant number of hydrogen bonds per water molecule for the silica surfaces. As a consequence water depletion and rearrangement upon decreasing confinement is a strong function of the hydrophilic surface specificity, particularly at smaller separations. An oscillatory solvation force response is only observed for water confined between Silica surfaces, and bulklike features are observed for both Surfaces above a surface separation of about 1.2 nm. We evaluate and contrast the water density, dipole moment distributions, pi pair correlation functions, and solvation forces as a function of the surface separation.


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Molybdenum oxide films (MoO3) were deposited on glass and crystalline silicon substrates by sputtering of molybdenum target under various oxygen partial pressures in the range 8 × 10−5–8 × 10−4 mbar and at a fixed substrate temperature of 473 K employing dc magnetron sputtering technique. The influence of oxygen partial pressure on the composition stoichiometry, chemical binding configuration, crystallographic structure and electrical and optical properties was systematically studied. X-ray photoelectron spectra of the films formed at 8 × 10−5 mbar showed the presence of Mo6+ and Mo5+ oxidation states of MoO3 and MoO3−x. The films deposited at oxygen partial pressure of 2 × 10−4 mbar showed Mo6+ oxidation state indicating the films were nearly stoichiometric. It was also confirmed by the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic studies. X-ray diffraction studies revealed that the films formed at oxygen partial pressure of 2 × 10−4 mbar showed the presence of (0 k 0) reflections indicated the layered structure of α-phase MoO3. The electrical conductivity of the films decreased from 3.6 × 10−5 to 1.6 × 10−6 Ω−1 cm−1, the optical band gap of the films increased from 2.93 to 3.26 eV and the refractive index increased from 2.02 to 2.13 with the increase of oxygen partial pressure from 8 × 10−5 to 8 × 10−4 mbar, respectively.


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Optically clear glasses were fabricated by quenching the melt of CaCO3-Bi2O3-B2O3 (in equimolecular ratio). The amorphous and glassy characteristics of the as-quenched samples were confirmed via the X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) studies These glasses were found to. have high thermal stability parameter (S). The optical transmission studies carried out in the 200-2500 nm wavelength range confirmed both the as-quenched and heat-treated samples to be transparent between 400 nm and 2500 nm. The glass-plates that were heat-treated just above the glass transition temperature (723 K) for 6 h retained approximate to 60% transparency despite having nano-crystallites (approximate to 50-100 nm) of CaBi2B2O7 (CBBO) as confirmed by both the XRD and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies. The dielectric properties and impedance characteristics of the as-quenched and heat-treated (723 K/6 h) samples were studied as a function of frequency at different temperatures. Cole-Cole equation was employed to rationalize the impedance data.


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This thesis is about a comparative study of early childhood education (ECE) curriculum documents focused on education for sustainability (EfS) in South Korea and Australia. It examined how the national ECE curriculum documents in two culturally different contexts align with contemporary concepts of sustainability and activist early childhood education for sustainability (ECEfS) principles. Drawing on systems theory, Korean and Australian ECE curriculum documents were used as the primary sources for this study within the framework of critical document analysis (CDA). This study offers a step forward in developing culturally inclusive/holistic understandings of sustainability and more contextualised/localised approaches to ECEfS.


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We describe the solution combustion synthesis and characterization of La1-xKxMnO3 (0.0 <= x <= 0.25) perovskite phases, which is a low temperature initiated, rapid route to prepare metal oxides. As-synthesized compounds are amorphous in nature; crystallinity was observed on heating at 800 degrees C for 5 min. Structural parameters were determined by the Rietveld refinement method using powder XRD data. Parent LaMnO3 compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic structure (space group Pbnm, No. 62). Potassium substituted compounds were crystallized with rhombohedral symmetry (space group R-3c, No. 167). The ratio of the Mn3+/Mn4+ was determined by the iodometric titration. The Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FTIR) shows two absorption bands for Mn-O stretching vibration (v, mode), Mn-O-Mn deformation vibration (v(b) mode) around 600 cm(-1) and 400 cm(-1) for the compositions, x = 0.0, 0.05 and 0-10. Four-probe electrical resistivity measurements reveal a composition controlled metal to insulator transition (TM-1), the maximum TM-1 was observed for the composition La0.85K0.15MnO3 at 287 K. Room temperature vibrating sample magnetometer data indicate that for the composition up to x = 0-10, the compounds are paramagnetic whereas composition with x = 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25 show magnetic moments of 27, 29 and 30 emu/g, respectively.


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In this paper, we report the synthesis of barium zirconate, BaZrO3, (BZ) nanotubes fabricated by the modified sol-gel method within the nanochannels of anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) templates. The morphology, structure, and composition of as prepared nanotubes were characterized by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), selected-area electron diffraction ( SAED), high resolution TEM (HRTEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The results of XRD and SAED indicated that postannealed (at 650 degrees C for 1 h) BZ nanotubes (BZNTs) exhibited a polycrystalline cubic perovskite crystal structure. SEM and TEM analysis revealed that BZNTs possessed a uniform length and diameter (similar to 200 nm) and the thickness of the wall of the BZNTs was about 20 nm. Y-junctions, multiple branching and typical T-junctions were also observed in some BZNTs. EDX analysis demonstrated that stoichiometric BaZrO3 was formed. HRTEM image confirmed that the obtained BZNTs were composed of nanoparticles in the range of 5-10 nm. The possible formation mechanism of BZNTs was discussed.


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Elephants use vocalizations for both long and short distance communication. Whereas the acoustic repertoire of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) has been extensively studied in its savannah habitat, very little is known about the structure and social context of the vocalizations of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), which is mostly found in forests. In this study, the vocal repertoire of wild Asian elephants in southern India was examined. The calls could be classified into four mutually exclusive categories, namely, trumpets, chirps, roars, and rumbles, based on quantitative analyses of their spectral and temporal features. One of the call types, the rumble, exhibited high structural diversity, particularly in the direction and extent of frequency modulation of calls. Juveniles produced three of the four call types, including trumpets, roars, and rumbles, in the context of play and distress. Adults produced trumpets and roars in the context of disturbance, aggression, and play. Chirps were typically produced in situations of confusion and alarm. Rumbles were used for contact calling within and among herds, by matriarchs to assemble the herd, in close-range social interactions, and during disturbance and aggression. Spectral and temporal features of the four call types were similar between Asian and African elephants.


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This thesis details a Miocene aged sedimentary rock formation located in north island New Zealand. Mapping, stratigraphic logging and petrographic analysis of the rock formation ascertained that it was deposited in a deep-marine, tectonically active region. The work details the make-up of the sedimentary rocks using geochemistry and microscopy to define their origin. This definition was used to interpret the depositional model of the sediments detailing how they were transported and how they were emplaced.


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We propose a self-regularized pseudo-time marching strategy for ill-posed, nonlinear inverse problems involving recovery of system parameters given partial and noisy measurements of system response. While various regularized Newton methods are popularly employed to solve these problems, resulting solutions are known to sensitively depend upon the noise intensity in the data and on regularization parameters, an optimal choice for which remains a tricky issue. Through limited numerical experiments on a couple of parameter re-construction problems, one involving the identification of a truss bridge and the other related to imaging soft-tissue organs for early detection of cancer, we demonstrate the superior features of the pseudo-time marching schemes.