994 resultados para St. Thomas, Ontario
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Standing l-r: George? son of Max Reiss?, Max Reiss, Harry Gould, Moritz Reiss, Joe Reiss, and Herbert Reiss; Seated l-r: Trude Reiss (wife of Herbert), Else Reiss (mother of Joe), Lily Friedlander Gould, Eva Fantl Gould, Trude Reiss (wife of Joe), and Marta Reiss (wife of Max)
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Standing l-r: George? son of Max Reiss?, Max Reiss, Harry Gould, Moritz Reiss, Joe Reiss, and Herbert Reiss; Seated l-r: Trude Reiss (wife of Herbert), Else Reiss (mother of Joe), Lily Friedlander Gould, Eva Fantl Gould, Trude Reiss (wife of Joe), and Marta Reiss (wife of Max)
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Typed caption: Festakt in der Stadthalle zur Eroeffnung der Heidelberger Festpiele 1929. Thomas Mann hielt die Festrede. Unsere Aufnahme zeigt einen Ausschnitt aus der Festversammlung, an der die geistige Prominenz Heidelbergs und zahlreiche bedeutende Persoenlichkeiten des deutschen Kulturlebends teilnahmen. Von links nach rechts in der 1. Reihe: Rene Schickele, Rudolf Rittner, Gustav Hargung, Prof. Dr. Martin Dibelius, Gerhart Hauptmann, Dr. Rudolf H. Goldschmidt, Oberbuergermeister Dr. Neinhaus, Thomas Mann und Frau, Kultusminister Leers, Rudolf G. Binding; In der 3. Reihe: Oberbaurat L. Schmieder, Nobelpreistraeger Dr. F. Bergius, Bankdirektor Fremerey, Prof. Hellpach, Prof. Radbruch
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This symbolic study of "St.Cyprien" concentration camp life done while Nussbaum was interned there in France. It is inscribed "Entwurf zu einem Gemälde" (Study for a painting) at lower left corner. It shows a group of men huddled around a globe or hunched in isolation against a desolate background of barren land and barbed wire. The drawing is one of the most artistically powerful and technically perfect in the collection.
The Australian lungfish is a unique living representative of an ancient dipnoan lineage, listed as ‘vulnerable’ to extinction under Australia’s
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