815 resultados para Social Marketing, Alcohol
In the era of an information revolution customers come in contact with huge numbers of marketing messages in their everyday lives. This leads to so called, information noise, which may result in many messages going unnoticed. Thus marketing managers are forced to search for more effectively ways of getting customers’ attention and are more willingly to use unconventional promotional methods based on using original forms or places in an effort to create the element of surprise and make their message more eye-catching for the targeted audience. This kind of move tends to evoke strong emotions, motiving readers to pass the message on. Creating such a buzz around brand name would also enhance the campaign’s effect. Unfortunately, this form of communication also brings with it some negative effects due to controversial or taboo topics connected with sensitive social issues. An analysis of the advertising methods used by the owners of the most powerful Polish brands shows that there is some evidence of the use of such methods in Poland. Nevertheless unconventional advertising methods are not a commonly used practice.
The growing importance of tourism in overall economic activity worldwide has favored the intensification of competition among cities that seek to create environments attractive to tourists and potential investors. It has been common practice to import characteristics of the business environment in the public management of cities. The city marketing is a key tool used by public leaders to promote a linkage between the tourism image and urban image and involves, in addition to promoting the image of the city, the planning of interventions in urban space, trying to formulate a positive image of the city able to facilitate the deployment of capital. This research seeks to understand the nature of city marketing as part of contemporary urban management and analyzes how is its application in decisions concerning the promotion of tourism in Natal/RN. The approach of this research is qualitative, exploratory and descriptive, in which respondents were the main leaders of two of the official tourism site, the Empresa Potiguar de Promoção Turística and the Secretaria Municipal de Turismo e Desenvolvimento Econômico. It was found that there is a strong articulation of public power with private enterprise in the design and conduct of the actions of urban marketing, that from the survey data show that the behavior of target markets provide guidelines for taking strategic decisions relating to tourism. Sun and sea are some key elements explored to form the image of Natal and to authorize the sale of the city as a tropical paradise. However, there is an increase in the diversification of tourism products, seeking to increase flow to the segments of ecotourism, adventure, business and culture. It s also growing the use of local culture as a tourism product, however, the cultural representation focuses on superficial values and does not bring to light the social and historical richness that the city has. Public authorities use the city marketing strategies as a means able to maximize the attractiveness of Natal urban space to investors, business groups and tourists. It can be observed that urban managers seek solutions that can continuously increase the tours, which often manifests in interventions that focus the tourist areas of the city, in oposition of those who do not contribute to a positive reading of the city, which ultimately generate the worsening of spacial and social inequalities
O estudo realizado aborda a temática "Plano de marketing: uma proposta para o Hospital do Açúcar", com direção norteadora para efetuar uma avaliação diagnóstica das atividades da Fundação Hospital da Agroindústria do Açúcar e do Álcool de Alagoas, visando proporcionar uma radiografia de sua situação e, posteriormente, plano estratégico para o desenvolvimento de um processo de gestão eficiente e eficaz. Justifica-se o presente estudo tendo em vista a importância da unidade hospitalar para o Estado de Alagoas, considerando-se sua infra¬estrutura, seus serviços prestados à comunidade alagoana, bem como possibilitar uma reorientação estratégica que possibilite otimizar suas atividades para um atendimento qualitativo e manutenção de suas atividades de forma eficiente e eficaz. Objetiva efetuar uma análise do complexo organizacional da instituição, radiografando seus pontos fortes e fracos, suas oportunidades e riscos, enfim levantando a realidade de suas atividades possibilitando a estruturação de um plano estratégico de marketing que propicie um melhor posicionamento de mercado ao hospital e que defina objetivos e metas e ser alcançados a partir da identificação de oportunidades ambientais e empresariais compatíveis com seus recursos humanos e materiais, também, levando, em consideração os seus fins a sua finalidade filantrópica, respaldada por lei. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa foi desenvolvida de natureza exploratória, objetivando proporcionar maiores informações sobre o assunto; e bibliográfica, tendo como objetivo conhecer, recolher, selecionar, analisar e interpretar as contribuições teóricas já existentes sobre o assunto. No primeiro capítulo abordará o marketing e o plano de marketing, seus conceitos e aplicações, a visualização e aplicação do marketing de serviços, a modalidade do marketing para instituições sem fins lucrativos, até chegar na estrutura e elaboração do plano de marketing. No segundo capítulo aborda o contexto do Hospital do Açúcar e Álcool de Alagoas, conceitos e definições acerca da organização hospitalar, uma abordagem histórica acerca da instituição estudada, a sua estrutura organizacional, a infraestrutura, os recursos e a realidade organizacional. No terceiro capítulo é efetuada demonstração da metodologia aplicada, considerando as duas etapas de estudo realizadas. No quarto capítulo foi efetuado uma abordagem analítica acerca do planeamento de marketing da Fundação Hospital do Açúcar, a partir da realidade encontrada, da análise de SWOT, da estratégia de marketing mix, do segmento alvo, posicionamento e tipo de concorrentes, e do plano de ação. As razões pessoas que levaram a realização do presente estudo se deve ao fato da importância da Fundação Hospital do Açúcar para o Estado de Alagoas, bem como para a população carente e consumidora dos serviços hospitalares, tendo em vista representar uma instituição tradicional e historicamente fincada na localidade, merecendo, portanto, maior atenção das autoridades e sociedade em geral. ABSTRACT; The carried through study it approaches the thematic "Marketing plan: a proposal for the Hospital of the Sugar", with norteadora direction to effect a diagnostic evaluation of the activities of the Foundation Sugar and Alcohol Hospital of Alagoas, being aimed to provide an x-ray of its situation and, later, a strategical plan for the development of a process of efficient and efficient management. The present study in view of the importance of the hospital unit for the State of Alagoas is justified, considering itself its infrastructure, its services given to the Algona community, as well as making possible a strategical reorientation that it makes possible to optimize its activities for a qualitative attendance and maintenance of its activities of efficient and efficient form. Aiming to carry out an analysis of this institution complex of the institution, being radiographed its strong and weak points, its chances and risks, at last raising the reality of its activities making possible the structure of a strategical plan in the market that propitiates one better positioning of market for the hospital and that it defines reached objectives and goals and being from the identification of compatible ambient and enterprise chances with its human resources and material, also, taking, in consideration its ends its philanthropic purpose, endorsed by law. Methodologically, the research was developed of exploratory nature, aiming to provide greaters information on the subject; bibliographical collect, to select, to analyze and theoretical contributions. ln the first chapter it will approach the marketing and the plan of marketing, its concepts and applications, the visualization and application of the marketing services, the modality of the marketing for institutions without lucrative ends, until arriving in the structure and elaboration of the marketing plan. ln as the chapter it approaches the context of the Sugar and Alcohol Hospital of Alagoas, concepts and definitions concerning the hospital organization, a historical boarding concerning the studied institution, its organizational structure, the infrastructure, the resources and the organizational reality. ln the third chapter demonstration of the applied methodology is effected, considering the two carried through stages of study. ln the room chapter an analytical boarding concerning the planning of marketing of the Foundation wich effected the Hospital of the Sugar, from the found reality, of the analysis of SWOT, the strategy of marketing mix, the white segment, positioning and type of competitors, and the plan of action. The reasons people who had taken the accomplishment of the present study to the fact of the importance of the Foundation Sugar and Alcohol Hospital of Alagoas, as well as for the devoid population and consumer of the hospital services, in view of representing a traditional institution and historicamente fincada in the locality, deserving, therefore, greater attention of the authorities and society in general.
Food security is defined as a situation that exists when “all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life. It is a multilevel concept, which includes four main dimensions: availability related to food supply; accessibility in order to ensure the physical and economic access to food; adequacy to meet nutritional needs in quantity and quality while respecting individual food preferences and cultural issues (utilization); and, lastly, stability of the guarantee of food security over time. According to the food security definition, it is abroad concept where all these dimensions are largely affected by a considerable number of factors related to: public policies of different sectors, food production/industry/distribution food systems, marketing and advertising of food, social support networks and individual determinants related to food choice behaviour.
El turismo, es una actividad fundamental para el desarrollo económico, social, cultural y ecológico de El Salvador, ya que es un segmento económico de mucho potencial en la generación de riqueza y que acompañado de elementos de tipo social y cultural, es una alternativa para el desarrollo integral de diferentes sectores. El turismo de playa en El Salvador actualmente se está convirtiendo en uno de los rubros de mayor importancia para el desarrollo turístico del país. Actualmente se ha empezado a promover el turismo de playa de El Salvador a nivel internacional, destacando que en el país existen bellas playas durante todo el año, incluso, en periodos de invierno en los que brilla el sol durante casi todo el día. Tomando en consideración lo antes expuesto se presenta el informe final del trabajo de investigación titulado “Marketing Digital Para Incentivar el turismo en los Hoteles ubicados en La Playa El Tunco, Departamento de La Libertad” el cual se elaboró con el propósito que se utilice de guía para la implementación de estrategias que ayuden a mejorar el posicionamiento de los hoteles de la zona de la Playa El Tunco en los medios Digitales. Para obtener la información acerca de los medios utilizados por los turistas internacionales, principal demanda potencial para la oferta turística en la zona de la Playa el Tunco, resultó imprescindible realizar una investigación de campo en la cual se utilizaron como instrumentos de investigación dos cuestionarios, dirigidos de la siguiente manera: el primero, a los dueños o encargados de los hoteles de la zona de la playa El Tunco; el segundo, un cuestionario que se pasó a la totalidad de la muestra obtenida del universo representado por los turistas internacionales que visitaron la playa El Tunco en el momento de la investigación. El conjunto de técnicas utilizadas en la investigación de campo denotan que la demanda potencial se interesa en conocer nuevos destinos turísticos y se ven atraídos por la oferta turística de los Hoteles de la zona y la oferta de servicios especializada para los turistas extranjeros que practican deportes acuáticos, aprovechando la amplitud de arena, el reconocimiento del lugar y las condiciones de oleaje que presenta la playa El Tunco. Lo cual podrá tomarse como una ventaja competitiva frente a otras playas de la región. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos a través de la investigación bibliográfica y de campo se recomienda, utilizar el plan de Marketing Digital diseñado, ya que éste servirá de guía para desarrollar de manera efectiva la promoción turística a través de estrategias mercadológicas que vayan dirigidas a posicionar y comercializar los productos y servicios turísticos ofrecidos por los Hoteles de la zona
This dissertation is an analysis of social activism within women’s professional tennis. In the 46 years since the women known as the Original 9 began protesting against the pay inequality between men’s and women’s tennis, subsequent cohorts of women have brought different issues and concerns to women’s tennis, expanding its scope and efforts. Using qualitative research, including interviews with former players and press conference participation at tournaments to access current players, this study shows the lineage of social activism within women’s tennis and the issues, expressions, risks and effects of each cohort. Intersectionality theoretically frames this study, and analyses of performativity appears regularly. Each generational cohort is a chapter of this study. The Original 9 of the Movement Cohort fought for equal prize money. The Bridge Cohort, the era of Evert and Navratilova, continued the Movement Cohort’s push for equal prize money; however, they also ushered in identity politics (including gender, sexuality, and nationality, but with the notable exception of race). The Professional Cohort, the current era, followed the Bridge Cohort and is characterized by its focus on corporatization and mass-marketing. As such, there is a focus among the players on individualism which can seem like a lack of social activism is occurring. However, race, neglected during the Bridge Cohort, emerged during the Professional Cohort. The individualism of this cohort made space for Blackness to show unapologetically, though, within certain constraints. Finally, a few players are working on social justice issues in society at large, as well as trying to institute change within women’s tennis. These players make up the Post-Professional Cohort (or, as Pam Shriver from the Bridge Cohort calls them, “Bridge Throwbacks”). This study shows the evolution of social activism within women’s tennis, as it reflects larger social change. Though bound together as one unified body, the social activism engaged in by each generation focused on different issues, making each generational cohort distinct from the whole of women’s professional tennis.
This project had as main goal to improve the perception of male surfers about the surf brand Lightning Bolt. It was proposed the creation of a collection of wetsuits as well as the “A Pure Source” Project to show the commitment of the brand with the surf community. To promote both several promotional activities are suggested such as the use of magazines, radio, banners and social media. To complement the distribution chain of the brand, a concept store and a mobile store are also recommended. With this project the brand will be able to double the number of current surfers that buy the brand in a profitable and effective way. The project is expected to generate a net profit of 91,294€ in year 1.
Propósito y Método del Estudio: El propósito del estudio fue conocer la relación entre la violencia escolar y el consumo de alcohol en estudiantes de secundaria del área metropolitana de Monterrey, Nuevo León. El diseño fue descriptivo correlacional, el muestreo fue aleatorio con asignación proporcional al tamaño del estrato, conformado por cada grado escolar. El tamaño de muestra se determinó en base a una correlación considerando un nivel de confianza de 95%, para una prueba bilateral. Se obtuvo una muestra de 420 estudiantes. Se utilizó una Cedula de Datos Personales y de Consumo de Alcohol, el test AUDIT y los Indicadores de la Calidad de la Convivencia en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. El estudio se apegó al Reglamento de la Ley General en materia de Investigación para la Salud (1987). Contribución y Conclusiones: La prevalencia de violencia escolar en los estudiantes fue de 42.4%, para el indicador de victimización fue de 12.4%, para agresión 11.9% y para percepción de confrontación 34.5%. Así mismo, se reporta que la prevalencia de consumo de alcohol alguna vez en la vida fue de 45.5%, la prevalencia de consumo en el último año fue de 23.8%, el consumo en el último mes fue de 10.7% y el consumo en los últimos siete días fue de 4.5%. Los estudiantes comenzaron a beber alcohol en promedio a los 12 años de edad. En cuanto a los tipos de consumo de alcohol, el 63% presentó un consumo sensato, 23% un consumo dependiente y 14% un consumo dañino. De acuerdo a los resultados se encontró que a medida que avanza la edad, se presenta mayor violencia escolar (H= 31.58, p< .001). Además de acuerdo al coeficiente de correlación de Spearman se encontró relación positiva y significativa entre la variable de violencia escolar y el consumo de alcohol (rs= .236, p <.001), es decir, a mayor violencia escolar mayor consumo de alcohol. En cuanto a los indicadores de victimización, igualmente mostraron relación positiva y significativa con el consumo de alcohol (rs= .349, p <.001), lo cual demuestra que a mayor victimización mayor consumo de alcohol. Por otra parte el indicador de agresión no mostró dicha relación (rs= .171, p= .20), al igual que el indicador de percepción de confrontación (rs= .177, p=.10).
In this dissertation, we apply mathematical programming techniques (i.e., integer programming and polyhedral combinatorics) to develop exact approaches for influence maximization on social networks. We study four combinatorial optimization problems that deal with maximizing influence at minimum cost over a social network. To our knowl- edge, all previous work to date involving influence maximization problems has focused on heuristics and approximation. We start with the following viral marketing problem that has attracted a significant amount of interest from the computer science literature. Given a social network, find a target set of customers to seed with a product. Then, a cascade will be caused by these initial adopters and other people start to adopt this product due to the influence they re- ceive from earlier adopters. The idea is to find the minimum cost that results in the entire network adopting the product. We first study a problem called the Weighted Target Set Selection (WTSS) Prob- lem. In the WTSS problem, the diffusion can take place over as many time periods as needed and a free product is given out to the individuals in the target set. Restricting the number of time periods that the diffusion takes place over to be one, we obtain a problem called the Positive Influence Dominating Set (PIDS) problem. Next, incorporating partial incentives, we consider a problem called the Least Cost Influence Problem (LCIP). The fourth problem studied is the One Time Period Least Cost Influence Problem (1TPLCIP) which is identical to the LCIP except that we restrict the number of time periods that the diffusion takes place over to be one. We apply a common research paradigm to each of these four problems. First, we work on special graphs: trees and cycles. Based on the insights we obtain from special graphs, we develop efficient methods for general graphs. On trees, first, we propose a polynomial time algorithm. More importantly, we present a tight and compact extended formulation. We also project the extended formulation onto the space of the natural vari- ables that gives the polytope on trees. Next, building upon the result for trees---we derive the polytope on cycles for the WTSS problem; as well as a polynomial time algorithm on cycles. This leads to our contribution on general graphs. For the WTSS problem and the LCIP, using the observation that the influence propagation network must be a directed acyclic graph (DAG), the strong formulation for trees can be embedded into a formulation on general graphs. We use this to design and implement a branch-and-cut approach for the WTSS problem and the LCIP. In our computational study, we are able to obtain high quality solutions for random graph instances with up to 10,000 nodes and 20,000 edges (40,000 arcs) within a reasonable amount of time.
Alcohol is one of the oldest and most widely used drugs on the planet, but the cellular mechanisms by which it affects neural function are still poorly understood. Unlike other drugs of abuse, alcohol has no specific receptor in the nervous system, but is believed to operate through GABAergic and serotonergic neurotransmitter systems. Invertebrate models offer circuits of reduced numerical complexity and involve the same cell types and neurotransmitter systems as vertebrate circuits. The well-understood neural circuits controlling crayfish escape behavior offer neurons that are modulated by GABAergic inhibition, thus making tail-flip circuitry an effective circuit model to study the cellular mechanisms of acute alcohol exposure. Crayfish are capable of two stereotyped, reflexive escape behaviors known as tail-flips that are controlled by two different pairs of giant interneurons, the lateral giants (LG) and the medial giants (MG). The LG circuit has been an established model in the neuroscience field for more than 60 years and is almost completely mapped out. In contrast, the MG is still poorly understood, but has important behavioral implications in social behavior and value-based decision making. In this dissertation, I show that both crayfish tail-flip circuitry are physiologically sensitive to relevant alcohol concentrations and that this sensitivity is observable on the single cell level. I also show that this ethyl alcohol (EtOH) sensitivity in the LG can be changed by altering the crayfish’s recent social experience and by removing descending inputs to the LG. While the MG exhibits similar physiological sensitivity, its inhibitory properties have never been studied before this research. Through the use of electrophysiological and pharmacological techniques, I show that the MG exhibits many similar inhibitory properties as the LG that appear to be the result of GABA-mediated chloride currents. Finally, I present evidence that the EtOH-induced changes in the MG are blocked through pre-treatment of the potent GABAA receptor agonist, muscimol, which underlines the role of GABA in EtOH’s effects on crayfish tail-flip circuitry. The work presented here opens the way for crayfish tail-flip circuitry to be used as an effective model for EtOH’s acute effects on aggression and value-based decision making.
The use of virtual social networks (VSNs) has been prevalent among consumers worldwide. Numerous studies have investigated various aspects of VSNs. However, these studies have mainly focused on students and young adults as they were early adopters of these innovative networks. A search of the literature revealed there has been a paucity of research on adult consumers’ use of VSNs. This research study addressed this gap in the literature by examining the determinants of engagement in VSNs among adult consumers in Singapore. The objectives of this study are to empirically investigate the determinants of engagement in VSNs and to offer theoretical insights into consumers’ preference and usage of VSNs. This study tapped upon several theories developed in the discipline of technology and innovation adoption. These were Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation, Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Conceptual Framework of Individual Innovation Adoption by Frambach and Schillewaert (2002), Enhanced Model of Innovation Adoption by Talukder (2011), Extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) and the Information Systems (IS) Success Model. The proposed research model, named the Media Usage Model (MUM), is a framework rooted in innovation diffusion and IS theories. The MUM distilled the essence of these established models and thus provides an updated, lucid explanation of engagement in VSNs. A cross-sectional, online social survey was conducted to collect quantitative data to examine the validity of the proposed research model. Multivariate data analysis was carried out on a data set comprising 806 usable responses by utilizing SPSS, and for structural equation modeling AMOS and SmartPLS. The results indicate that consumer attitude towards VSNs is significantly and positively influenced by: three individual factors – hedonic motivation, incentives and experience; two system characteristics – system quality and information quality; and one social factor – social bonding. Consumer demographics were found to influence people’s attitudes towards VSNs. In addition, consumer experience and attitude towards VSNs significantly and positively influence their usage of VSNs. The empirical data supported the proposed research model, explaining 80% of variance in attitude towards VSNs and 45% of variance in usage of VSNs. Therefore, the MUM achieves a definite contribution to theoretical knowledge of consumer engagement in VSNs by deepening and broadening our appreciation of the intricacies related to use of VSNs in Singapore. This study’s findings have implications for customer service management, services marketing and consumer behavior. These findings also have strategic implications for maximizing efficient utilization and effective management of VSNs by businesses and operators. The contributions of this research are: firstly, shifting the boundaries of technology or innovation adoption theories from research on employees to consumers as well as the boundaries of Internet usage or adoption research from students to adults, which is also known as empirical generalization; secondly, highlighting the issues associated with lack of significance of social factors in adoption research; and thirdly, augmenting information systems research by integrating important antecedents for success in information systems.
A democracia contemporânea vem, ao longo das últimas décadas, recebendo cada vez mais influência dos meios de comunicação em seus processos. Com o surgimento e propagação da Internet, os governos tem precisado se adaptar e se preocupar com a transparência de suas ações e com as inúmeras vozes de atores sociais cada vez mais conectados, informados e munidos de ferramentas, por meio das quais, podem realizar comunicações de grande alcance de forma rápida e eficaz, sem o intermédio de grandes meios de comunicação. Com o objetivo de observar a relação entre o governos e cidadãos por meio das redess sociais online – um dos principais meios por onde a sociedade, hoje, tem se comunicado e se mobilizado sobre inúmeras, inclusive, políticas – esse estudo analisou como o Ministério da Educação do Brasil (MEC), órgão responsável pelo planejamento e desenvolvimento de políticas públicas para educação no país, trabalha sua comunicação com o cidadão por meio do Facebook e como utiliza essa ferramenta no processo de implementação e avaliação de suas políticas. O trabalho foi realizado por meio do estudo exploratório e da análise qualitativa dos dados colhidos na página MEC no Facebook entre anos de 2011 e 2014, período do primeiro mandato da presidente Dilma Rousseff. Com a análise, observou-se que o MEC modificou bastante a forma como se comunica por esta rede social, recebendo, inclusive, aparente melhor infra-estrutura para esta tarefa. Sua mudança de postura no Facebook deixa claro o interesse e a busca pela participação dos cidadadãos no desevolvimento de suas políticas públicas. Por outro lado, mostra que essa participação é, de certa forma, limitada pela atitude do MEC de não desenvolver diálogo com o cidadão, mantendo-os sempre a certa distância.
Pros y contras percibidos del consumo de alcohol y consumo de alcohol en estudiantes de preparatoria
Propósito y Método del Estudio: El propósito fue conocer la relación que existe entre los pros (beneficios) y contras (barreras) percibidos del consumo de alcohol y el consumo de alcohol en estudiantes de una preparatoria técnica de una Universidad Pública ubicada en el Municipio de Guadalupe, Nuevo León. Para el sustento teórico se consideró el Modelo Transteórico ó de Etapas de Cambio (Prochaska y DiClemente, 1986). El diseño del estudio fue descriptivo correlacional. Se realizó un muestreo aleatorio estratificado con asignación proporcional al tamaño del estrato. El tamaño de la muestra se determinó en base a una prueba de correlación, considerando un nivel de significancia de 0.05, Coeficiente de Correlación por hipótesis alterna de .20 y una tasa de no respuesta del 25%, obteniéndose una muestra de n= 333 participantes. Contribución y conclusiones: El 71.8% de los estudiantes ha consumido alcohol alguna vez en la vida, el 55% durante los últimos doce meses y el 17.4% durante los últimos siete días. El 25.2% de los estudiantes presentó consumo sensato de alcohol, el 15.3% consumo dependiente y el 14.4% consumo dañino. La subescala de contras del consumo de alcohol ( = 23.2, DE= 5.1) presentó una media más alta que los pros ( = 12.6, DE= 4.8). Los pros presentaron relación positiva con el consumo de alcohol (AUDIT) (rs= .468, p= .001), consumo sensato (rs= .449, p= .001), consumo dependiente (rs= .345, p= .002) y consumo dañino (rs= .330, p= .001). Los contras presentaron relación negativa con el consumo de alcohol (AUDIT) (rs = - .278, p= .001), consumo sensato (rs= -.335, p= .001) y consumo dependiente (rs = - .222, p= .003). Se identificó que los hombres percibieron mayores pros ( = 13.68, Mdn= 12.00) [U= 9949.00, p=.001] y las mujeres percibieron mayores contras ( = 24.88, Mdn= 26.00) [U= 9123.00, p=.001] hacia el consumo de alcohol. También se encontró que los participantes que estudian y trabajan presentaron mayores pros ( = 15.11, Mdn= 14.00) [U= 5168, p=.001] y los que sólo estudian presentaron mayores contras ( = 23.47, Mdn= 25.00) [U= 6069.50, p=.001] hacia el consumo de alcohol. Además se identificó que el tipo de consumo de alcohol presentó diferencia por sexo, las mujeres reportaron mayor consumo sensato (57.7%) y dependiente (30.8%) y los hombres presentaron mayor consumo dañino de alcohol (37.1%).
Dissertação de Mestrado, Psicologia Social e das Organizações, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2015