949 resultados para Signaling Pathways


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The modulation of gene regulation by progesterone (P) and its classical intracellular regulation by progestin receptors in the brain, resulting in alterations in physiology and behavior has been well studied. The mechanisms mediating the short latency effects of P are less well understood. Recent studies have revealed rapid nonclassical signaling action of P involving the activation of intracellular signaling pathways. We explored the involvement of protein kinase C (PKC) in P-induced rapid signaling in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMN) and preoptic area (POA) of the rat brain. Both the Ca2+-independent (basal) PKC activity representing the activation of PKC by the in vivo treatments and the Ca+2-dependent (total) PKC activity assayed in the presence of exogenous cofactors in vitro were determined. A comparison of the two activities demonstrated the strength and temporal status of PKC regulation by steroid hormones in vivo. P treatment resulted in a rapid increase in basal PKC activity in the VMN but not the POA. Estradiol benzoate priming augmented P-initiated increase in PKC basal activity in both the VMN and POA. These increases were inhibited by intracerebroventricular administration of a PKC inhibitor administered 30 min prior to P. The total PKC activity remained unchanged demonstrating maximal PKC activation within 30 min in the VMN. In contrast, P regulation in the POA significantly attenuated total PKC activity +/- estradiol benzoate priming. These rapid changes in P-initiated PKC activity were not due to changes in PKC protein levels or phosphorylation status.


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CD4+ T helper (Th) lymphocytes are vital for integrating immune responses by orchestrating the function of other immune cell types. Naïve Th cells can differentiate into different effector subsets that are characterized by their cytokine profile and immune regulatory functions. These subsets include Th1, Th2, Th17, natural and inducible regulatory T cells (nTreg and iTreg respectively), among others. We focused our investigation on two Th lineages, Th17 and regulatory T cells, with opposing functions in the immune system. These subsets have been suggested to be reciprocally regulated since they both require TGF-b for their development. We investigated the role of the Treg-associated master transcription factor Foxp3, and found that Foxp3 inhibits Th17 cell generation by preventing the transcriptional activity of the two main Th17-specific transcription factors, nuclear orphan receptors RORa and RORgt. At the molecular level, we identified two different functional domains in Foxp3 required for such inhibition: the LQALL sequence in exon 2 and the TIP60/HDAC7 binding domain. These domains could be crucial to either prevent the association of the nuclear receptors to coactivators or to recruit histone deacetylases to RORa- or RORgt-target genes. Since TGF-b is a common cytokine required for the commitment towards both Th lineages, we determined the role of the TGF-b-dependent signaling pathway in the generation of each subset. By using mice with deficiencies in signaling molecules downstream of TGF-b, we found that while Smad2, Smad3 and Smad4 are required for the generation of iTreg cells, only Smad2 is indispensable for the induction of IL-17-producing cells, suggesting that TGF-b induces these T helper lineages through differential signaling pathways. Thus, our findings describe novel transcriptional regulatory mechanisms that control the generation of two T helper lineages with opposing functions. These findings could provide novel therapeutic targets to treat diseases where the balance of these T cells is dysregulated, such as in autoimmunity, chronic infectious diseases and cancer.


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The mechanism of tumorigenesis in the immortalized human pancreatic cell lines: cell culture models of human pancreatic cancer Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is the most lethal cancer in the world. The most common genetic lesions identified in PDAC include activation of K-ras (90%) and Her2 (70%), loss of p16 (95%) and p14 (40%), inactivation p53 (50-75%) and Smad4 (55%). However, the role of these signature gene alterations in PDAC is still not well understood, especially, how these genetic lesions individually or in combination contribute mechanistically to human pancreatic oncogenesis is still elusive. Moreover, a cell culture transformation model with sequential accumulation of signature genetic alterations in human pancreatic ductal cells that resembles the multiple-step human pancreatic carcinogenesis is still not established. In the present study, through the stepwise introduction of the signature genetic alterations in PDAC into the HPV16-E6E7 immortalized human pancreatic duct epithelial (HPDE) cell line and the hTERT immortalized human pancreatic ductal HPNE cell line, we developed the novel experimental cell culture transformation models with the most frequent gene alterations in PDAC and further dissected the molecular mechanism of transformation. We demonstrated that the combination of activation of K-ras and Her2, inactivation of p16/p14 and Smad4, or K-ras mutation plus p16 inactivation, was sufficient for the tumorigenic transformation of HPDE or HPNE cells respectively. We found that these transformed cells exhibited enhanced cell proliferation, anchorage-independent growth in soft agar, and grew tumors with PDAC histopathological features in orthotopic mouse model. Molecular analysis showed that the activation of K-ras and Her2 downstream effector pathways –MAPK, RalA, FAK, together with upregulation of cyclins and c-myc were involved in the malignant transformation. We discovered that MDM2, BMP7 and Bmi-1 were overexpressed in the tumorigenic HPDE cells, and that Smad4 played important roles in regulation of BMP7 and Bmi-1 gene expression and the tumorigenic transformation of HPDE cells. IPA signaling pathway analysis of microarray data revealed that abnormal signaling pathways are involved in transformation. This study is the first complete transformation model of human pancreatic ductal cells with the most common gene alterations in PDAC. Altogether, these novel transformation models more closely recapitulate the human pancreatic carcinogenesis from the cell origin, gene lesion, and activation of specific signaling pathway and histopathological features.


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Immune dysfunction is encountered during spaceflight. Various aspects of spaceflight, including microgravity, cosmic radiation, and both physiological and psychological stress, may perturb immune function. We sought to understand the impact of microgravity alone on the cellular mechanisms critical to immunity. Clinostatic RWV bioreactors that simulate aspects of microgravity were used to analyze the response of human PBMC to polyclonal and oligoclonal activation. PHA responsiveness in the RWV bioreactor was almost completely diminished. IL-2 and IFN-$\gamma$ secretion was reduced whereas IL-1$\beta$ and IL-6 secretion was increased, suggesting that monocytes may not be as adversely affected by simulated microgravity as T cells. Activation marker expression (CD25, CD69, CD71) was significantly reduced in RWV cultures. Furthermore, addition of exogenous IL-2 to these cultures did not restore proliferation. Antigen specific T cell activation, including the mixed-lymphocyte reaction, tetanus toxoid responsiveness, and Borrelia activation of a specific T cell line, was also suppressed in the RWV bioreactor.^ The role of altered culture conditions in the suppression of T cell activation were considered. Potential reduced cell-cell and cell-substratum interactions in the RWV bioreactor may play a role in the loss of PHA responsiveness. However, PHA activation in Teflon culture bags that limit cell-substratum interactions was not affected. Furthermore, increasing cell-population density, and therefore cell-cell interactions, in the RWV cultures did not help restore PHA activation. However, placing PBMC within small collagen beads did partially restore PHA responsiveness. Finally, activation of purified T cells with crosslinked CD2/CD28 or CD3/CD28 antibody pairs, which does not require costimulation through cell-cell contact, was completely suppressed in the RWV bioreactor suggesting a defect internal to the T cell.^ Activation of both PBMC and purified T cells with PMA and ionomycin was unaffected by RWV culture, indicating that signaling mechanisms downstream of PKC activation and calcium flux are not sensitive to simulated microgravity. Furthermore, sub-mitogenic doses of PMA alone but not ionomycin alone restored PHA responsiveness of PBMC in RWV culture. Thus, our data indicate that during polyclonal activation in simulated microgravity, there is a specific dysfunction within the T cell involving the signaling pathways upstream of PKC activation. ^


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1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D 3] exerts pleiotropic effects on osteoblasts via both long-term nuclear receptor-mediated and rapid membrane-initiated pathways during bone remodeling and mineral homeostasis. This study explored the membrane transducers that mediate rapid effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 on osteoblasts, including sphingomyelinase (SMase) and L-type voltage sensitive calcium channels (VSCCs). ^ It was previously demonstrated that 1,25(OH)2D3 stimulates transmembrane influx of Ca2+ through VSCCs in ROS 17/2.8 osteoblasts, however the molecular identity of 1,25(OH)2D 3-regulated VSCC has not been known. In this study, on the basis of in vitro tests of three unique ribozymes specifically cleaving a1C mRNA, I transfected ROS 17/2.8 cells with vectors coding recombinant ribozyme modified with U1 snRNA structure, and successfully selected stable clonal cells in which the expression of a1C was strikingly reduced. Ca2+ influx studies in these cells compared to control transfectants showed selective attenuation of depolarization- and 1,25(OH)2D3-regulated Ca2+ responses. These results allow us to conclude that the cardiac ( a1C ) subtype of the L-type VSCC is the major membrane transducer of Ca 2+ influx in osteoblasts. ^ I also demonstrated that 1,25(OH)2D3 induces a rapid hydrolysis of membrane sphingomyelin (SM) in ROS 17/2.8 cells, with the concomitant generation of ceramide, detectable at 15 minute, and maximal at 1 hour after addition. Sphingosine, sphingosine-1-phosphate (SPP) and sphingosylphosphorylcholine (SPC), downstream products of SM hydrolysis, but not ceramide, elicit Ca 2+ release from intracellular stores. Considering ceramide, sphingosine, and SPP as second messengers modulating intracellular kinases or phosphatases, these findings implicate sphingolipid-signaling pathways in transducing rapid effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 on osteoblasts. In structure/function analyses of sphingolipid signaling, it was observed that psychosine elicits Ca2+ release from intracellular stores. This challenges the dogma that sphingosine phosphorylation permits mobilization of Ca2+ , because psychosine is a sphingosine analog galactosylated at 1-carbon, preventing phosphorylation at that site. Psychosine is the pathological metabolite found in patients with Krabbe's disease, suggesting that psychosine disrupts the physiological sphingolipid signaling by chronic release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. ^ Slower SM turnover than Ca2+ influx through VSCCs in response to 1,25(OH)2D3 demonstrates ceramide does not mediate the 1,25(OH)2D3-induced Ca2+ signaling, a conclusion endorsed further by the failure of ceramide to induce Ca 2+ signaling. ^


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It has been shown that glucocorticoids accelerate lung development by limiting alveolar formation resulting from a premature maturation of the alveolar septa. Based on these data, the aim of the present work was to analyze the influence of dexamethasone on cell cycle control mechanisms during postnatal lung development. Cell proliferation is regulated by a network of signaling pathways that converge to the key regulator of cell cycle machinery: the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) system. The activity of the various cyclin/CDK complexes can be modulated by the levels of the cyclins and their CDKs, and by expression of specific CDK inhibitors (CKIs). In the present study, newborn rats were given a 4-d treatment with dexamethasone (0.1-0.01 microg/g body weight dexamethasone sodium phosphate daily on d 1-4), or saline. Morphologically, the treatment caused a significant thinning of the septa and an acceleration of lung maturation on d 4. Study of cyclin/CDK system at d 1-36 documented a transient down-regulation of cyclin/CDK complex activities at d 4 in the dexamethasone-treated animals. Analysis of the mechanisms involved suggested a role for the CKIs p21CIP1 and p27KIP1. Indeed, we observed an increase in p21CIP1 and p27KIP1 protein levels on d 4 in the dexamethasone-treated animals. By contrast, no variations in either cyclin and CDK expression, or cyclin/CDK complex formation could be documented. We conclude that glucocorticoids may accelerate lung maturation by influencing cell cycle control mechanisms, mainly through impairment of G1 cyclin/CDK complex activation.


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Plant infections by the soil bacterium Agrobacterium rhizogenes result in neoplastic disease with the formation of hairy roots at the site of infection. Expression of a set of oncogenes residing on the stably integrated T-DNA is responsible for the disease symptoms. Besides the rol (root locus) genes, which are essential for the formation of hairy roots, the open reading frame orf13 mediates cytokinin-like effects, suggesting an interaction with hormone signaling pathways. Here we show that ORF13 induced ectopic expression of KNOX (KNOTTED1-like homeobox) class transcription factors, as well as of several genes involved in cell cycle control in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). ORF13 has a retinoblastoma (RB)-binding motif and interacted with maize (Zea mays) RB in vitro, whereas ORF13, bearing a point mutation in the RB-binding motif (ORF13*), did not. Increased cell divisions in the vegetative shoot apical meristem and accelerated formation of leaf primordia were observed in plants expressing orf13, whereas the expression of orf13* had no influence on cell division rates in the shoot apical meristem, suggesting a role of RB in the regulation of the cell cycle in meristematic tissues. On the other hand, ectopic expression of LeT6 was not dependent on a functional RB-binding motif. Hormone homeostasis was only altered in explants of leaves, whereas in the root no effects were observed. We suggest that ORF13 confers meristematic competence to cells infected by A. rhizogenes by inducing the expression of KNOX genes and promotes the transition of infected cells from the G1 to the S phase by binding to RB.


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ALS is the most common adult neurodegenerative disease that specifically affects upper and lower neurons leading to progressive paralysis and death. There is currently no effective treatment. Thus, identification of the signaling pathways and cellular mediators of ALS remains a major challenge in the search for novel therapeutics. Recent studies have shown that noncoding RNA molecules have a significant impact on normal CNS development and on causes and progression of human neurological disorders. To investigate the hypothesis that expression of the mutant SOD1 protein, which is one of the genetic causes of ALS, may alter expression of miRNAs thereby contributing to the pathogenesis of familial ALS, we compared miRNA expression in SH-SY5Y expressing either the wild type or the SOD1 protein using small RNA deep-sequencing followed by RT-PCR validation. This strategy allowed us to find a group of up and down regulated miRNAs, which are predicted to play a role in the motorneurons physiology and pathology. The aim of my work is to understand if these modulators of gene expression may play a causative role in disease onset or progression. To this end I have checked the expression level of these misregulated miRNAs derived from RNA-deep sequencing by qPCR on cDNA derived from ALS mice models at early onset of the disease. Thus, I’m looking for the most up-regulated one even in Periferal Blood Mononuclear Cell (PBMC) of sporadic ALS patients. Furthermore I’m functionally characterizing the most up-regulated miRNAs through the validation of bioinformatic-predicted targets by analyzing endogenous targets levels after microRNA transfection and by UTR-report luciferase assays. Thereafter I’ll analyze the effect of misregulated targets on pathogenesis or progression of ALS by loss of functions or gain of functions experiments, based on the identified up/down-regulation of the specific target by miRNAs. In the end I would define the mechanisms responsible for the miRNAs level misregulation, by silencing or stimulating the signal transduction pathways putatively involved in miRNA regulation.


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ALS is a neurodegenerative disease that specifically affects upper and lower motor neurons leading to progressive paralysis and death. There is currently no effective treatment. Thus, identification of the signaling pathways and cellular mediators of ALS remains a major challenge in the search for novel therapeutic approaches. Recent studies have shown that non-coding RNAs have a significant impact on normal CNS development and onset and progression of neurological disorders. Based on this evidence we specifically test the hypothesis that misregulation of miRNA expression is a common feature in familiar ALS. Hence, we are exploiting human neuroblastoma cell lines either expressing the SOD1(G93A) mutation or depleted from Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) as tools to investigate the role of miRNAs in familiar ALS. To this end we performed a genome-wide scale miRNA expression on these cells, using whole-genome small RNA deep-sequencing followed by quantitative real time validation (qPCR). This strategy allowed us to find a group of dysregulated miRNAs, which are predicted to play a role in the motorneurons physiology and pathology. We verified our data on cDNA derived from SOD1-ALS mice models at early stage of the disease and on cDNA derived from lymphocytes from a small group of ALS patients. In the future, we plan to define the mechanisms responsible for the miRNA dysregulation, by silencing or stimulating the signal transduction pathways putatively involved in miRNA expression and regulation.


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Helicobacter pylori infects the human gastric mucosa causing a chronic infection that is the primary risk factor for gastric cancer development. Recent studies demonstrate that H. pylori promotes tolerogenic dendritic cell (DC) development indicating that this bacterium evades the host immune response. However, the signaling pathways involved in modulating DC activation during infection remain unclear. Here, we report that H. pylori infection activated the signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) pathway in murine bone marrow-derived DCs (BMDCs) and splenic DCs isolated ex vivo. Isogenic cagA-, cagE-, vacA- and urease-mutants exhibited levels of phosphoSTAT3 that were comparable to in the wild-type (WT) parent strain. H. pylori-infected BMDCs produced increased immunosuppressive IL-10, which activated STAT3 in an autocrine/paracrine fashion. Neutralization of IL-10 prevented H. pylori-mediated STAT3 activation in both BMDCs and splenic DCs. In addition, anti-IL-10 treatment of infected H. pylori-BMDCs was associated with increased CD86 and MHC II expression and enhanced proinflammatory IL-1β cytokine secretion. Finally, increased CD86 and MHC II expression was detected in H. pylori-infected STAT3 knockout DCs when compared to WT controls. Together, these results demonstrate that H. pylori infection induces IL-10 secretion in DCs, which activates STAT3, thereby modulating DC maturation and reducing IL-1β secretion. These findings identify a host molecular mechanism by which H. pylori can manipulate the innate immune response to potentially favor chronic infection and promote carcinogenesis. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Angiogenesis, the development of new blood vessels from preexisting ones, is driven by coordinated signaling pathways governed by specific molecules, hemodynamic forces, and endothelial and periendothelial cells. The processes involve adhesion, migration, and survival machinery within the target endothelial and periendothelial cells. Factors that interfere with any of these processes may therefore influence angiogenesis either positively (pro-angiogenesis) or negatively (antiangiogenesis). The avian area vasculosa (AV) and the avian chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) are two useful tools for studying both angiogenesis and antiangiogenesis since they are amenable to both intravascular and topical administration of target, agents, are relatively rapid assays, and can be adapted very easily to study angiogenesis-dependent processes, such as tumor growth. Both models provide a physiological setting that permits investigation of pro-angiogenic and antiangiogenic agent interactions in vivo.


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CSPG4 marks pericytes, undifferentiated precursors and tumor cells. We assessed whether the shed ectodomain of CSPG4 (sCSPG4) might circulate and reflect potential changes in CSPG4 tissue expression (pCSPG4) due to desmoplastic and malignant aberrations occurring in pancreatic tumors. Serum sCSPG4 was measured using ELISA in test (n = 83) and validation (n = 221) cohorts comprising donors (n = 11+26) and patients with chronic pancreatitis (n = 11+20) or neoplasms: benign (serous cystadenoma SCA, n = 13+20), premalignant (intraductal dysplastic IPMNs, n = 9+55), and malignant (IPMN-associated invasive carcinomas, n = 4+14; ductal adenocarcinomas, n = 35+86). Pancreatic pCSPG4 expression was evaluated using qRT-PCR (n = 139), western blot analysis and immunohistochemistry. sCSPG4 was found in circulation, but its level was significantly lower in pancreatic patients than in donors. Selective maintenance was observed in advanced IPMNs and PDACs and showed a nodal association while lacking prognostic relevance. Pancreatic pCSPG4 expression was preserved or elevated, whereby neoplastic cells lacked pCSPG4 or tended to overexpress without shedding. Extreme pancreatic overexpression, membranous exposure and tissue(high)/sera(low)-discordance highlighted stroma-poor benign cystic neoplasm. SCA is known to display hypoxic markers and coincide with von-Hippel-Lindau and Peutz-Jeghers syndromes, in which pVHL and LBK1 mutations affect hypoxic signaling pathways. In vitro testing confined pCSPG4 overexpression to normal mesenchymal but not epithelial cells, and a third of tested carcinoma cell lines; however, only the latter showed pCSPG4-responsiveness to chronic hypoxia. siRNA-based knockdowns failed to reduce the malignant potential of either normoxic or hypoxic cells. Thus, overexpression of the newly established conditional hypoxic indicator, CSPG4, is apparently non-pathogenic in pancreatic malignancies but might mark distinct epithelial lineage and contribute to cell polarity disorders. Surficial retention on tumor cells renders CSPG4 an attractive therapeutic target. Systemic 'drop and restoration' alterations accompanying IPMN and PDAC progression indicate that the interference of pancreatic diseases with local and remote shedding/release of sCSPG4 into circulation deserves broad diagnostic exploration.


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The p62/SQSTM1 adapter protein has an important role in the regulation of several key signaling pathways and helps transport ubiquitinated proteins to the autophagosomes and proteasome for degradation. Here, we investigate the regulation and roles of p62/SQSTM1 during acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cell maturation into granulocytes. Levels of p62/SQSTM1 mRNA and protein were both significantly increased during all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA)-induced differentiation of AML cells through a mechanism that depends on NF-κB activation. We show that this response constitutes a survival mechanism that prolongs the life span of mature AML cells and mitigates the effects of accumulation of aggregated proteins that occurs during granulocytic differentiation. Interestingly, ATRA-induced p62/SQSTM1 upregulation was impaired in maturation-resistant AML cells but was reactivated when differentiation was restored in these cells. Primary blast cells of AML patients and CD34(+) progenitors exhibited significantly lower p62/SQSTM1 mRNA levels than did mature granulocytes from healthy donors. Our results demonstrate that p62/SQSTM1 expression is upregulated in mature compared with immature myeloid cells and reveal a pro-survival function of the NF-κB/SQSTM1 signaling axis during granulocytic differentiation of AML cells. These findings may help our understanding of neutrophil/granulocyte development and will guide the development of novel therapeutic strategies for refractory and relapsed AML patients with previous exposure to ATRA.


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von Willebrand factor/ristocetin (vWF/R) induces GPIb-dependent platelet agglutination and activation of αIIbβ3 integrin, which also binds vWF. These conditions make it difficult to investigate GPIb-specific signaling pathways in washed platelets. Here, we investigated the specific mechanisms of GPIb signaling using echicetin-coated polystyrene beads, which specifically activate GPIb. We compared platelet activation induced by echicetin beads to vWF/R. Human platelets were stimulated with polystyrene beads coated with increasing amounts of echicetin and platelet activation by echicetin beads was then investigated to reveal GPIb specific signaling. Echicetin beads induced αIIbβ3-dependent aggregation of washed platelets, while under the same conditions vWF/R treatment led only to αIIbβ3-independent platelet agglutination. The average distance between the echicetin molecules on the polystyrene beads must be less than 7 nm for full platelet activation, while the total amount of echicetin used for activation is not critical. Echicetin beads induced strong phosphorylation of several proteins including p38, ERK and PKB. Synergistic signaling via P2Y12 and thromboxane receptor through secreted ADP and TxA2, respectively, were important for echicetin bead triggered platelet activation. Activation of PKG by the NO/sGC/cGMP pathway inhibited echicetin bead-induced platelet aggregation. Echicetin-coated beads are powerful and reliable tools to study signaling in human platelets activated solely via GPIb and GPIb-triggered pathways.


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BACKGROUND Angiogenesis and vascular remodelling are crucial events in tissue repair mechanisms promoted by cell transplantation. Current evidence underscores the importance of the soluble factors secreted by stem cells in tissue regeneration. In the present study we investigated the effects of paracrine factors derived from cultured endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) on rat brain endothelial cell properties and addressed the signaling pathways involved. METHODS Endothelial cells derived from rat brain (rBCEC4) were incubated with EPC-derived conditioned medium (EPC-CM). The angiogenic response of rBCEC4 to EPC-CM was assessed as effect on cell number, migration and tubular network formation. In addition, we have compared the outcome of the in vitro experiments with the effects on capillary sprouting from rat aortic rings. The specific PI3K/AKT inhibitor LY294002 and the MEK/ERK inhibitor PD98059 were used to study the involvement of these two signaling pathways in the transduction of the angiogenic effects of EPC-CM. RESULTS Viable cell number, migration and tubule network formation were significantly augmented upon incubation with EPC-CM. Similar findings were observed for aortic ring outgrowth with significantly longer sprouts. The EPC-CM-induced activities were significantly reduced by the blockage of the PI3K/AKT and MEK/ERK signaling pathways. Similarly to the outcome of the rBCEC4 experiments, inhibition of the PI3K/AKT and MEK/ERK pathways significantly interfered with capillary sprouting induced by EPC-CM. CONCLUSION The present study demonstrates that EPC-derived paracrine factors substantially promote the angiogenic response of brain microvascular endothelial cells. In addition, our findings identified the PI3K/AKT and MEK/ERK pathways to play a central role in mediating these effects.