791 resultados para Sibling bullying


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Disk drives are the bottleneck in the processing of large amounts of data used in almost all common applications. File systems attempt to reduce this by storing data sequentially on the disk drives, thereby reducing the access latencies. Although this strategy is useful when data is retrieved sequentially, the access patterns in real world workloads is not necessarily sequential and this mismatch results in storage I/O performance degradation. This thesis demonstrates that one way to improve the storage performance is to reorganize data on disk drives in the same way in which it is mostly accessed. We identify two classes of accesses: static, where access patterns do not change over the lifetime of the data and dynamic, where access patterns frequently change over short durations of time, and propose, implement and evaluate layout strategies for each of these. Our strategies are implemented in a way that they can be seamlessly integrated or removed from the system as desired. We evaluate our layout strategies for static policies using tree-structured XML data where accesses to the storage device are mostly of two kinds—parent-to-child or child-to-sibling. Our results show that for a specific class of deep-focused queries, the existing file system layout policy performs better by 5–54X. For the non-deep-focused queries, our native layout mechanism shows an improvement of 3–127X. To improve performance of the dynamic access patterns, we implement a self-optimizing storage system that performs rearranges popular block accesses on a dedicated partition based on the observed workload characteristics. Our evaluation shows an improvement of over 80% in the disk busy times over a range of workloads. These results show that applying the knowledge of data access patterns for allocation decisions can substantially improve the I/O performance.


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Bullying is a growing problem in all organizations. This paper will examine how transformational theory can be used to understand victims who are being bullied in the workplace. This research will provide useful information regarding all aspects of bullying and how it relates to this theory.


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Disk drives are the bottleneck in the processing of large amounts of data used in almost all common applications. File systems attempt to reduce this by storing data sequentially on the disk drives, thereby reducing the access latencies. Although this strategy is useful when data is retrieved sequentially, the access patterns in real world workloads is not necessarily sequential and this mismatch results in storage I/O performance degradation. This thesis demonstrates that one way to improve the storage performance is to reorganize data on disk drives in the same way in which it is mostly accessed. We identify two classes of accesses: static, where access patterns do not change over the lifetime of the data and dynamic, where access patterns frequently change over short durations of time, and propose, implement and evaluate layout strategies for each of these. Our strategies are implemented in a way that they can be seamlessly integrated or removed from the system as desired. We evaluate our layout strategies for static policies using tree-structured XML data where accesses to the storage device are mostly of two kinds - parent-tochild or child-to-sibling. Our results show that for a specific class of deep-focused queries, the existing file system layout policy performs better by 5-54X. For the non-deep-focused queries, our native layout mechanism shows an improvement of 3-127X. To improve performance of the dynamic access patterns, we implement a self-optimizing storage system that performs rearranges popular block accesses on a dedicated partition based on the observed workload characteristics. Our evaluation shows an improvement of over 80% in the disk busy times over a range of workloads. These results show that applying the knowledge of data access patterns for allocation decisions can substantially improve the I/O performance.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of bullying and victimization in a metropolitan area. A cross-sectional study with kindergarten (n = 127) and first grade (n = 126) children was conducted in two Miami-Dade County Public Schools and three private schools in the same area. Bullying and victimization behavior and social acceptance were assessed through peer nomination and the mental health outcomes of depression and anxiety were assessed through children's self-report. Teachers and parents also completed a social behavior scale for each child. Three areas of analyses were conducted pertaining to membership classification of social roles and the social acceptance and mental health outcomes associated with those roles, reporter agreement within the social roles, and the psychometric properties of the Childhood Social Behavior Scale. Results showed an overall negative pattern of adjustment for children identified as a member of any of the negative social roles. Also, the results support a new analytic approach to the investigation of social roles. The implication of these findings for early identification, social policy, and effective prevention strategies are discussed.


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The social and economic changes of the last decades have enhanced the dehumanization of labor relations and the deterioration of the work environment, by the adoption of management models that foster competitiveness and maximum productivity, making it susceptible to the practice of workplace bullying. Also called mobbing, bullying can occur through actions, omissions, gestures, words, writings, always with the intention of attacking the self-esteem of the victim and destroy it psychologically. In the public sector, where relations based on hierarchy prevail, and where the functional stability makes it difficult to punish the aggressor, bullying reaches more serious connotations, with severe consequences to the victim. The Federal Constitution of 1988, by inserting the Human Dignity as a fundamental principle of the Republic, the ruler of the entire legal system, sought the enforcement of fundamental rights, through the protection of honor and image of the individual, and ensuring reparation for moral and material damage resulting from its violation. Therefore, easy to conclude that the practice of moral violence violates fundamental rights of individuals, notably the employee's personality rights. This paper therefore seeked to analyze the phenomenon of bullying in the workplace, with emphasis on the harassment practiced in the public sector as well as the possibility of state liability for harassment committed by its agents. From a theoretical and descriptive methodology, this work intended to study the constitutional, infra and international rules that protect workers against this practice, emphasizing on the fundamental rights violated. With this research, it was found that doctrine and jurisprudence converge to the possibility of state objective liability for damage caused by its agents harassers, not forgetting the possibility of regressive action against the responsible agent, as well as its criminal and administrative accountability.


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The changes ocurred in the world of capitalist labor, especially from the last decades of the 20th century, accentuated the process of manipulation and domination of the working class, materialized mainly through naturalization and / or trivialization of violence, conducted in the work environment. From this process, emerge the elements of bullying, that is, the embarrassing and humiliating practices which extend through time, degrading human race, and becoming fruitful object for study, debate and the intervention of the professionals of the Social Service area. Thus, we assume the perspective of analyzing the concepts and the work of social workers, whom work at people management area before the bullying in the workplace. We propose the following objectives: apprehend the settings of bullying, in the contemporary context of competitiveness and flexibility of work, as well as its implications for workers' health; characterize the background of this expression of violence at work in the municipality of Natal- RN; and analyze the powers and duties of the social worker in the process of prevention, identification and addressing of bullying in the context of work. This study consisted of a qualitative approach, based on the dialectical-critical method as soon as we adopt methodological procedures such as: theoretical knowledge, documental and field research, and performed using semi-structured interviews. The subjects of this research were nine (09) the Social Service professionals working in personnel management area, in five (5) institutions with legal and branches of different activities, located in Natal-RN. Even interviewed one (01) representative of the Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Norte Office (MPT-RN). The findings of this analysis indicate that bullying is a contemporary expression of "social question", which is presented as a demand for the Social-assistants – covered up and / or camuflage – under the guise of problems related to workers' health or mere conflicts of interpersonal relationships, that is, without any causal connection with the organization of work. The fear of losing job, not to be inserted in the labor market, and / or suffering reprisals, deepens the subject levels of the victims of bullying. Hence the importance of Social Workers are capable to understand the social reality, by preventing and combating the elements of bullying.


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La Violencia Filio-Parental (VFP) es un fenómeno que permanece oculto dentro del ámbito familiar, lo que ha producido que no se haya podido dimensionar ni investigar adecuadamente. Es en los últimos años cuando se ha empezado a presentar interés en clínicos e investigadores por el creciente número de casos y denuncias que se han producido. La VFP es aquella violencia ejercida por un menor o un adulto joven, que no está madurando adecuadamente, contra sus padres o las personas que ejercen dicha función, a través de agresiones verbales, daño material o económico, amenazas, agresiones físicas y psicológicas para obtener el poder del ambiente familiar, donde la víctima siente desesperanza e impotencia y donde el agresor se encuentra en un permanente estado de insatisfacción, se siente incomprendido e intenta pasar el menor tiempo posible con sus víctimas a las que considera responsables de la situación. La VFP tiene diferentes manifestaciones además de la violencia física, también están presentes la violencia verbal, psicológica, material y económica. En el presente trabajo se recogen la evolución producida en el estudio de la VFP, los estudios epidemiológicos que se han ido realizando y los modelos teóricos propios y que se pueden utilizar para explicar el origen y mantenimiento de la misma. La víctima principal de este tipo de violencia suele ser la madre aunque no se puede calificar como un tipo de violencia de género. El agresor es el hijo varón, especialmente en el caso de la violencia física, pero no existen diferencias significativas entre chicos y chicas a la hora de ejercer VFP. Los adolescentes que ejercen VFP viven en una sociedad que justifica el uso de la violencia como un recurso válido a la hora de solucionar los conflictos, presentan problemas de salud mental, consumo de drogas y otras conductas disruptivas, además pueden haber sido víctimas de abusos por parte de sus progenitores o iguales (Bullying) e incluso haber sido testigos y víctimas de violencia doméstica. Ninguna de estas situaciones justifica totalmente el origen y el mantenimiento de la VFP. Los progenitores padecen un elevado sufrimiento por la situación y por la incomprensión social de la misma; tienen dificultades en sus relaciones de pareja, les cuesta imponer la autoridad de formas razonables, pueden presentar estilos educativos dispares e inadecuados; además pueden presentar problemas de salud mental y consumo de sustancias...


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Este livro resulta da compilação de alguns textos escritos na continuidade de comunicações apresentadas no Ciclo de Conferências de Mediação e Intervenção Social, iniciado em 2014, e organizado pelo Mestrado em Mediação Intercultural e Intervenção Social (MIIS), Licenciatura de Serviço Social, Curso de Especialização Tecnológica em Serviço Social e Desenvolvimento Comunitário, Curso Técnico Superior Profissional em Intervenção Social e Comunitária e Departamento de Ciências Sociais da Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais (ESECS) do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (IPL), bem como de textos escritos pelos docentes do MMIIS, que mostram a sua investigação na área e disponibilizam, assim, recursos pedagógicos próprios para os estudantes. Os textos que se seguem prendem-se, justamente, com a investigação que, paralelamente, fomos fazendo na área das migrações, educação intercultural, mediação intercultural e sociopedagógica, pedagogia social e educação social, serviço social e identidades profissionais, assim como com a investigação dos convidados nacionais e internacionais que muito nos honram em juntar à nossa pesquisa as suas reflexões e investigações sobre Pedagogia Social (José António Caride), Educação Intercultural e Mediação Sociopedagógica (Américo Peres), Indisciplina e Bullying na escola (João Amado e Cristina Vieira) e Acolhimento Familiar (Paulo Delgado).


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This qualitative study explored the rural to urban migration’s effect and its related factors on later life health status and health perception among Kazakh Chinese. The participants were same sex sibling pairs, of which one moved from rural to urban areas in early life and the other stayed in rural areas. Rural participants tend to have more selected chronic diseases conditions and other self-reported conditions than urban participants but less physical limitations in older age. There is no clear difference on the health perceptions between rural and urban participants. Health care access and environmental factors are the major differences that may affect health in later life for rural participants.


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Background/aims: Objective of the current thesis is to investigate the potential impact of birth by Caesarean section (CS) on child psychological development, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), behavioural difficulties and school performance. Structure/methods: Published literature to date on birth by CS, ASD and ADHD was reviewed (Chapter 2). Data from the UK Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) were analysed to determine the association between CS and ASD, ADHD and parent-reported behavioural difficulties (Chapter 3). The Swedish National Registers were used to further assess the association with ASD, ADHD and school performance (Chapters 4-6). Results: In the review, children born by CS were 23% more likely to be diagnosed with ASD after controlling for potential confounders. Only two studies reported adjusted estimates on the association between birth by CS and ADHD, results were conflicting and limited. CS was not associated with ASD, ADHD or behavioural difficulties in the UK MCS. In the Swedish National Registers, children born by CS were more likely to be diagnosed with ASD or ADHD. The association with elective CS did not persist when compared amongst siblings. There was little evidence of an association between birth by elective CS and poor school performance. Children born by elective CS had slight reduction in school performance. Conclusions: The lack of association with the elective CS in the sibling design studies indicates that the association in the population is most probably due to confounding. A small but significant association was found between birth by CS and school performance. However, the effect may have been due to residual confounding or confounding by indication and should be interpreted with caution. The overall conclusion is that birth by CS does not appear to have a causal relationship with the aspects of child psychological development investigated.


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Cette thèse doctorale, qui prend la forme de quatre articles, est une étude corrélationnelle mettant en relation le raisonnement moral et la légitimation des dynamiques d’intimidation par les pairs chez des adolescents de 3ème secondaire. L’objectif principal poursuivi était d’examiner la contribution de la désensibilisation morale aux conduites adoptées par les adolescents lors d’incidents d’intimidation à l’école. L’objectif secondaire était d’examiner l’importance accordée respectivement à des standards de conduite issus des domaines moral, conventionnel et personnel chez les adolescents impliqués dans des incidents d’intimidation. Le premier article expose la problématique de la légitimation des dynamiques d’intimidation par les jeunes en faisant état des croyances normatives et des caractéristiques des environnements scolaires qui y sont associées. L’article discute de l’écart qui s’observe entre l’opposition affirmée de la majorité des adolescents face aux conduites d’intimidation et leur récurrence dans les milieux scolaires et vient compléter une première section décrivant les conséquences de l’intimidation pour les communautés scolaires. Le deuxième article s’inscrit dans le cadre théorique de cette thèse et fait état des connaissances sur le raisonnement moral des élèves impliqués dans des dynamiques d’intimidation. Il présente une explication des conduites d’intimidation dans la perspective de la théorie des domaines de la connaissance sociale et dans celle de la théorie de l’agentivité morale. Ces approches ont été retenues pour opérationnaliser le concept de désensibilisation morale afin de rencontrer les objectifs de recherche poursuivis. Le troisième article rapporte la démarche utilisée pour vérifier l’hypothèse d’une relation positive entre les conduites d’intimidation et l’acceptabilité d’incidents d’intimidation hypothétiques, de même que l’hypothèse d’une relation positive entre les conduites d’intimidation et le désengagement moral chez les adolescents impliqués. Le quatrième article rapporte la démarche utilisée pour examiner les justifications sociomorales émises par différents profils d’adolescents impliqués dans des incidents d’intimidation de façon à associer leur conduite avec les domaines de connaissances normatives auxquels se rattachent leurs justifications. Les résultats obtenus sont ensuite discutés au chapitre suivant afin de mettre en évidence la contribution de chacune des approches morales retenues à l’explication des conduites en contexte d’intimidation et les caractéristiques du raisonnement moral associées aux rôles adoptés et des pistes d’intervention sont offertes. Finalement, cette thèse doctorale conclue que seul le niveau moyen de désengagement moral, un indice global de l’adhésion à des croyances normatives antisociales, contribue statistiquement à l’explication des conduites adoptées lors d’incident d’intimidation au-delà du sexe des participants. Quant au raisonnement sociomoral, il informe davantage sur la façon dont les circonstances d’incidents d’intimidation sont reliées à la désensibilisation morale des jeunes impliqués. Les adolescents qui prennent activement la défense de pairs intimidés étaient caractérisés par un raisonnement moral plus uniforme, tandis que le raisonnement des élèves qui intimident et de ceux qui demeurent passifs était caractérisé par la subordination de principes moraux, respectivement en faveur d’impératifs à caractère conventionnel et d’impératifs à caractère personnel.


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Mediante el programa de extensión de la Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social, se llevó adelante el proyecto "Red-Acción: intervención multi-agencial en comunidades educativas para la inclusión de jóvenes", cuyo objetivo consistió en el trabajo con instituciones atravesadas por condiciones de exclusión social. Las alumnas María Luz Barreneche (FaHCE- UNLP) Y Romina Lonigro (FPyCS- UNLP) fuimos convocadas a participar de este proyecto bajo el dictado de un taller de Teatro Musical en la Escuela Secundaria N° 3 de Ensenada. Se trabajó en conjunto con el CAJ (espacio de aprendizaje situado en la propia escuela); con el objetivo de apelar a estrategias comunicacionales y creativas para atender a una población juvenil de alta vulnerabilidad que requiere ser convocada desde otros formatos institucionales para su inclusión. El taller buscó desde un principio permitir consolidar un espacio en el cual los relatos de los chicos pudieran plasmarse a partir de lo que tienen para decir sus cuerpos. Se trabajó contra el frío, el espacio, la bulimia, el bullying, la marihuana, entre otras cuestiones, pero logrando cinco presentaciones en vivo y motorizando un cambio mediante un lema compartido: "Sí se puede"


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Mediante el programa de extensión de la Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social, se llevó adelante el proyecto "Red-Acción: intervención multi-agencial en comunidades educativas para la inclusión de jóvenes", cuyo objetivo consistió en el trabajo con instituciones atravesadas por condiciones de exclusión social. Las alumnas María Luz Barreneche (FaHCE- UNLP) Y Romina Lonigro (FPyCS- UNLP) fuimos convocadas a participar de este proyecto bajo el dictado de un taller de Teatro Musical en la Escuela Secundaria N° 3 de Ensenada. Se trabajó en conjunto con el CAJ (espacio de aprendizaje situado en la propia escuela); con el objetivo de apelar a estrategias comunicacionales y creativas para atender a una población juvenil de alta vulnerabilidad que requiere ser convocada desde otros formatos institucionales para su inclusión. El taller buscó desde un principio permitir consolidar un espacio en el cual los relatos de los chicos pudieran plasmarse a partir de lo que tienen para decir sus cuerpos. Se trabajó contra el frío, el espacio, la bulimia, el bullying, la marihuana, entre otras cuestiones, pero logrando cinco presentaciones en vivo y motorizando un cambio mediante un lema compartido: "Sí se puede"


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Mediante el programa de extensión de la Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social, se llevó adelante el proyecto "Red-Acción: intervención multi-agencial en comunidades educativas para la inclusión de jóvenes", cuyo objetivo consistió en el trabajo con instituciones atravesadas por condiciones de exclusión social. Las alumnas María Luz Barreneche (FaHCE- UNLP) Y Romina Lonigro (FPyCS- UNLP) fuimos convocadas a participar de este proyecto bajo el dictado de un taller de Teatro Musical en la Escuela Secundaria N° 3 de Ensenada. Se trabajó en conjunto con el CAJ (espacio de aprendizaje situado en la propia escuela); con el objetivo de apelar a estrategias comunicacionales y creativas para atender a una población juvenil de alta vulnerabilidad que requiere ser convocada desde otros formatos institucionales para su inclusión. El taller buscó desde un principio permitir consolidar un espacio en el cual los relatos de los chicos pudieran plasmarse a partir de lo que tienen para decir sus cuerpos. Se trabajó contra el frío, el espacio, la bulimia, el bullying, la marihuana, entre otras cuestiones, pero logrando cinco presentaciones en vivo y motorizando un cambio mediante un lema compartido: "Sí se puede"


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Samples (blood or tissue fluid) from 594 arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus), 390 Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus), 361 sibling voles (Microtus rossiaemeridionalis), 17 walruses (Odobenus rosmarus), 149 barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis), 58 kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla), and 27 glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus) from Svalbard and nearby waters were assayed for antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii using a direct agglutination test. The proportion of seropositive animals was 43% in arctic foxes, 7% in barnacle geese, and 6% (1 of 17) in walruses. There were no seropositive Svalbard reindeer, sibling voles, glaucous gulls, or kittiwakes. The prevalence in the arctic fox was relatively high compared to previous reports from canid populations. There are no wild felids in Svalbard and domestic cats are prohibited, and the absence of antibodies against T gondii among the herbivorous Svalbard reindeer and voles indicates that transmission of the parasite by oocysts is not likely to be an important mechanism in the Svalbard ecosystem. Our results suggest that migratory birds, such as the barnacle goose, may be the most important vectors bringing the parasite to Svalbard. In addition to transmission through infected prey and carrion, the age-seroprevalence profile in the fox population suggests that their infection levels are enhanced by vertical transmission.