991 resultados para Second molar Permanent dentition


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The treatments for ischemic stroke can only be administered in a narrow time-window. However, the ischemia onset time is unknown in ~30% of stroke patients (wake-up strokes). The objective of this study was to determine whether MR spectra of ischemic brains might allow the precise estimation of cerebral ischemia onset time. We modeled ischemic stroke in male ICR-CD1 mice using a permanent middle cerebral artery filament occlusion model with laser Doppler control of the regional cerebral blood flow. Mice were then subjected to repeated MRS measurements of ipsilateral striatum at 14.1 T. A striking initial increase in γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and no increase in glutamine were observed. A steady decline was observed for taurine (Tau), N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA) and similarly for the sum of NAA+Tau+glutamate that mimicked an exponential function. The estimation of the time of onset of permanent ischemia within 6 hours in a blinded experiment with mice showed an accuracy of 3310 minutes. A plot of GABA, Tau, and neuronal marker concentrations against the ratio of acetate/NAA allowed precise separation of mice whose ischemia onset lay within arbitrarily chosen time-windows. We conclude that (1)H-MRS has the potential to detect the clinically relevant time of onset of ischemic stroke.


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ABSTRACT A second species of Angucephala DeLong & Freytag, 1975 is described and illustrated from Ecuador, A. freytagi sp. nov. (Napo Province). This species can be distinguished from the type species (A. mellana DeLong & Freytag, 1975) mainly by features of the male pygofer and styles. A redescription of the genus and illustrations of the type species are also provided.


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Second cancer risk assessment for radiotherapy is controversial due to the large uncertainties of the dose-response relationship. This could be improved by a better assessment of the peripheral doses to healthy organs in future epidemiological studies. In this framework, we developed a simple Monte Carlo (MC) model of the Siemens Primus 6 MV linac for both open and wedged fields that we then validated with dose profiles measured in a water tank up to 30 cm from the central axis. The differences between the measured and calculated doses were comparable to other more complex MC models and never exceeded 50%. We then compared our simple MC model with the peripheral dose profiles of five different linacs with different collimation systems. We found that the peripheral dose between two linacs could differ up to a factor of 9 for small fields (5 5 cm(2)) and up to a factor of 10 for wedged fields. Considering that an uncertainty of 50% in dose estimation could be acceptable in the context of risk assessment, the MC model can be used as a generic model for large open fields (≥10 10 cm(2)) only. The uncertainties in peripheral doses should be considered in future epidemiological studies when designing the width of the dose bins to stratify the risk as a function of the dose.


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Estudiantes motivados producen profesores motivados y viceversa (Lesley Denham)La cita refleja el efecto recproco que tiene el comportamiento del profesor en el compromiso de los estudiantes a lo largo del ao y viceversa. Es sorprendente como, destacando las fortalezas de cada estudiante en lugar de sus debilidades, nunca comparndolos entre ellos sino con su propio rendimiento, puede despertar una motivacin intrnseca en el estudiante, y una merecida satisfaccin personal para el profesor.Sin embargo, no existen botones motivacionales mgicos que podamos pulsar y hacer que el alumno quiera aprender. Como profesores, tomar la iniciativa ser crucial: dar a nuestros estudiantes el espacio suficiente para experimentar, realzar su autonoma, e intuir las respuestas a travs de un proceso inductivo. En definitiva, hacerles protagonistas de su proceso de aprendizaje.Incluir AICLE en la clase de ingls es una metodologa que nos ayudar a conseguirlo. Los estudiantes asocian AICLE con algo interesante y divertido, diferente a las sesiones tericas. Como resultado, al utilizar la lengua, lo hacen movidos por sus sentimientos, aprendiendo de forma implcita.Estudiants motivats produeixen professors motivats i viceversa (Lesley Denham)La cita reflecteix l'efecte recproc que t el comportament del professor en el comproms dels estudiants al llarg de l'any i viceversa. s sorprenent com, destacant les fortaleses de cada estudiant en lloc de les seves debilitats, mai comparant-los entre ells sin amb el seu propi rendiment, pot despertar una motivaci intrnseca a l'estudiant, i una merescuda satisfacci personal per al professor.No obstant aix, no existeixen botons motivacionals mgics que puguem prmer i fer que l'alumne vulgui aprendre. Com a professors, prendre la iniciativa ser crucial: donar als nostres estudiants l'espai suficient per experimentar, realar la seva autonomia, i intuir les respostes a travs d'un procs inductiu. En definitiva, fer-los protagonistes del seu procs d'aprenentatge.Incloure AICLE en la classe d'angls s una metodologia que ens ajudar a aconseguir-ho. Els estudiants consideren AICLE interessant i divertit, diferent a les sessions teriques. Com a resultat, en utilitzar la llengua, ho fan moguts pels seus sentiments, aprenent de forma implcita.


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The ill effects of second-hand smoke are now well documented. To protect the population from exposure to tobacco smoke, comprehensive smoking bans are necessary as expressed in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and its guidelines. Switzerland has only a partial smoking ban full of exceptions which has been in effect since 2010, which reproduces the so-called Spanish model. In September 2012, the Swiss citizens refused a proposal for a more comprehensive ban. This case study examines the reasons behind this rejection and draws some lessons that can be learnt from it.


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Situados en el contexto cataln, el artculo estudia la influencia de la L1 (rumano) en algunos aspectos morfosintcticos de la adquisicin de las L2s. Para ello se analizan las competencias lingsticas en cataln y castellano de un grupo de escolares cuya L1 es el rumano y que cursan 2. y 4. de ESO. Los datos muestran que los alumnos cuya L1 es el rumano, a pesar de dominar una lengua romnica cercana a las lenguas de aprendizaje (L2/L3), presentan dificultades comparables a otros colectivos con otras lenguasde origen. Por otra parte, nuestra investigacin confirma que la L1 de este alumnado juega un importante papel en la adquisicin de ambas lenguas, concluyendo que parte de los errores hallados son aquellos que se basan en estructuras de la lengua propia