961 resultados para Scientific literature.


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La ricerca si focalizza sul rapporto tra tecnologie abilitanti e corpo umano. La miniaturizzazione delle tecnologie, unita alla loro maggiore diffusione negli ambienti, porta ad interrogarsi sull’efficacia dell’integrazione di esse con corpo e attività ad esso connesse. Il contesto problematico della ricerca riguarda i dispositivi indossabili e il progetto di soluzioni destinate a risolvere inediti bisogni o potenziare i sensi umani. La letteratura scientifica e i casi studio circoscrivono il piede come efficace piattaforma per la sperimentazione di interfacce aptiche di comunicazione uomo/macchina, atte a connettere il corpo con informazioni referenziate all’ambiente. Il piede, elemento motorio duplice e simmetrico, ha un’elevata qualità percettiva ed è morfologicamente adeguato all’applicazione di tecnologie emergenti. La posizione di soglia, tra spazio e corpo, consente la raccolta di stimoli da entrambe le aree. La bibliografia evidenzia quanto la pressione, rispetto alla vibrazione, sia preferibile nella comunicazione aptica in quanto componente naturale dei linguaggi relazionali del corpo. Dall’analisi multidisciplinare emerge infine l’opportunità di sviluppo del ritmo come componente strutturale dei messaggi. I legami relazionali tra ritmo, corpo e comportamenti umani sono evidenti in molteplici meccanismi: trascinamento ritmico, mimesi ritmica, sincronia. La messa in relazione di piede, pressione e ritmo diventa affordance dello spazio, capace di suggerire, enfatizzare o attivare determinati comportamenti. L’unione di questi elementi è qui definita ritmica podotattile ed esplicitata nella tesi della descrizione delle sue caratteristiche, dalla circoscrizione di campi e azioni applicative e dalla raccolta dati sui test effettuati con i prototipi costruiti. Le analisi quantitative e qualitative dei dati di lettura del movimento e delle emozioni dimostrano quanto l’utilizzo di un linguaggio ritmico aptico nel piede esprima elevate potenzialità di integrazione con il corpo nel rispetto del comfort e dell’equilibrio attentivo nei flussi di azione preesistenti. I risultati aprono riflessioni su nuove applicazioni progettuali nel campo museale, lavorativo e urbano.


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La conservazione preventiva degli edifici storici e dei beni custoditi al loro interno rappresenta una sfida ad oggi condivisa a livello internazionale. Tale conservazione dipende da numerose variabili, tra le quali il microclima indoor gioca un ruolo decisivo. Il fine di questa tesi è verificare come lo studio del microclima indoor, supportato dalla simulazione virtuale e dalla conoscenza storica delle evoluzioni dell’edificio stesso (legate a modifiche impiantistiche; architettoniche; d’uso; ecc., nel corso degli anni), costituiscano una base conoscitiva fondamentale, da cui architetti e restauratori possono partire per definire strategie specifiche, volte alla conservazione preventiva del Patrimonio. Per fare questo, l’autore presenta le indagini svolte per tre casi-studio: la Sala 33 della Reggia di Venaria Reale, in provincia di Torino, Italia; la Biblioteca Generale Storica dell’Università di Salamanca, in Spagna; il Portico della Gloria, nartece della Cattedrale di Santiago de Compostela, in Spagna. La metodologia definita e adottata per l’analisi e l’interpretazione dei dati di ciascun caso-studio ha previsto la comprensione e la messa in relazione tra: scelte costruttive; vicende evolutive delle singole architetture; fattori che ne determinano il microclima, letti (o ipotizzati) nelle relative modifiche diacroniche; degrado delle architetture e dei beni che sono custoditi in esse. Infine, uno degli esiti più innovativi della ricerca è stata la definizione di due indici di rischio: sono stati infatti definiti due nuovi indici (Heritage Microclimate Risk -HMR- e Predicted Risk of Damage -PRD-) legati al microclima degli edifici che ospitano beni e manufatti che costituiscono il patrimonio storico artistico e culturale. Tali indici sono stati definiti tenendo conto di tutte le variabili da cui il microclima dipende e dei fattori che ne determinano l’evolversi nel tempo e nello spazio.


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With the advent of 5G, several novel network paradigms and technologies have been proposed to fulfil the key requirements imposed. Flexibility, efficiency and scalability, along with sustainability and convenience for expenditure have to be addressed in targeting these brand new needs. Among novel paradigms introduced in the scientific literature in recent years, a constant and increasing interest lies in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as network nodes supporting the legacy terrestrial network for service provision. Their inherent features of moving nodes make them able to be deployed on-demand in real-time. Which, in practical terms, means having them acting as a base station (BS) when and where there is the highest need. This thesis investigates then the potential role of UAV-aided mobile radio networks, in order to validate the concept of adding an aerial network component and assess the system performance, from early to later stages of its deployment. This study is intended for 5G and beyond systems, to allow time for the technology to mature. Since advantages can be manyfold, the aerial network component is considered at the network layer under several aspects, from connectivity to radio resource management. A particular emphasis is given to trajectory design, because of the efficiency and flexibility it potentially adds to the infrastructure. Two different frameworks have been proposed, to take into account both a re-adaptable heuristic and an optimal solution. Moreover, diverse use cases are taken under analysis, from mobile broadband to machine and vehicular communications. The thesis aim is thus to discuss the potential and advantages of UAV-aided systems from a broad perspective. Results demonstrate that the technology has good prospects for diverse scenarios with a few arrangements.


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The Agenda 2030 contains 17 integrated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG 12 for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) promotes the efficient use of resources through a systemic change that decouples economic growth from environmental degradation. The Food Systems (FS) pillar in SDG 12 entails paramount relevance due to its interconnection to many other SDGs, and even when being a crucial world food supplier, the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Region struggles with environmental and social externalities, low investment in agriculture, inequity, food insecurity, poverty, and migration. Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) was regarded as a pertinent approach to identify hotspots and trade-offs, and support decision-making process to aid LAC Region countries as Costa Rica to diagnose sustainability and overcome certain challenges. This thesis aimed to ‘evaluate the sustainability of selected products from food supply chains in Costa Rica, to provide inputs for further sustainable decision-making, through the application of Life Cycle Thinking’. To do this, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Life Cycle Costing (LCC), and Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA) evaluated the sustainability of food-waste-to-energy alternatives, and the production of green coffee, raw milk and leafy vegetables, and identified environmental, social and cost hotspots. This approach also proved to be a useful component of decision-making and policy-making processes together with other methods. LCT scientific literature led by LAC or Costa Rican researchers is still scarce; therefore, this research contributed to improve capacities in the use of LCT in this context, while offering potential replicability of the developed frameworks in similar cases. Main limitations related to the representativeness and availability of primary data; however, future research and extension activities are foreseen to increase local data availability, capacity building, and the discussion of potential integration through Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA).


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Microenvironment in bone tumors is a dynamic entity composed of cells from different origins (immune cells, stromal cells, mesenchymal stem cells, endothelial cells, pericytes) and vascular structures surrounded by a matrix of different nature (bone, cartilage, myxoid). Interactions between cancer cells and tumor microenvironment (TME) are complex and can change as tumor progress, but are also crucial in determining response to cancer therapies. Chondrosarcoma is the second most frequent bone cancer in adult age, but its treatment still represents a challenge, for the intrinsic resistance to conventional chemotherapy and radiation therapy. This resistance is mainly due to pathological features, as dense matrix, scarce mitoses and poor vascularization, sustained by biological mechanisms only partially delucidated. Somatic mutation in the Krebs cycle enzyme isocytrate dehydrogenase (IDH) have been described in gliomas, acute myeloid leukemia, cholangiocarcinoma, melanoma, colorectal, prostate cancer, thyroid carcinoma and other cancers. In mesenchymal tumors IDH mutations are present in about 50% of central chondrosarcoma. IDH mutations are an early event in chondrosarcoma-genesis, and contribute to the acquisition of malignancy through the block of cellular differentiation, hypoxia induction through HIF stabilization, DNA methylation and alteration of cellular red-ox balance. While in gliomas IDH mutations confers a good prognosis, in chondrosarcoma IDH prognostic role is controversial in different reported series. First aim of this project is to define the prevalence and the prognostic role of IDH mutation in high grade central conventional chondrosarcoma patients treated at Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli. Second aim is the critical revision of scientific literature to understand better how a genomic event in cancer cell can trigger alteration in the TME, through immune infiltrate reshaping, angiogenesis induction, metabolic and methylation rewiring. Third aim is to screen other sarcoma histotypes for the presence of IDH mutation.


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Ilex guayusa, a tree native from the Amazon Rainforest, represents an important part of the culinary traditions and folk medicine of the indigenous tribes. In fact, infusions of different parts of the tree have been used as natural remedies. Particularly, the infusion obtained by the dry leaves of guayusa is a source of phenolic compounds, which are considered as antioxidant substances and have been associated with numerous benefits for human health. Currently, the growing interest of consumers towards healthy food and drinks has led to the rapid spread of this drink. However, the scientific literature about the content of polar compounds in infusion of guayusa leaves is scarce. Therefore, the aims of the present work were to enhance the extraction conditions of phenolic compounds from guayusa leaves by infusion and to characterize them via HPLC-ESI-TOF-MS. To reach these objectives, a Box-Behnken design (BBD) was applied to test the effect of different extraction conditions (time 2, 8 and 14 min), temperature (25, 62.5 and 100 °C) and solid ratio (0.25, 0.375 and 0.50 g) on the sum of phenolic content. On the one hand, the optimal conditions were 1 min infusion, 100 °C and 0.370 g of dry leaves. On the other hand, the 99% of the nine phenolic compounds identified were phenolic acids derivatives from hydroxycinnamic acid and the 1% belonged to the flavonoid family. The major compound was dicaffeoylquinic acid (68%). The difference between the results obtained and those of other researches is probably due to the stochastic nature of the vegetable matrix samples, since their chemical composition is susceptible to multiple factors. To sum up, the use of experimental design provided greater quantity of phenolic compounds than other extraction techniques such as blanching, or only to the oxidation process. Besides, the high resolution of the TOF spectrometer allowed the characterization of new isomers of the compounds previously described.


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Sulla spinta dell’approvazione della legge italiana 47/2017 “Disposizioni in materia di misure di protezione dei minori stranieri non accompagnati”, questo lavoro è teso ad affrontare le complesse aspettative genitoriali e parentali sviluppatesi intorno al processo di categorizzazione MSNA di cui questa legge è diventata approdo giuridico. Le controverse aspettative di accompagnamento legatesi alla denominazione di “non accompagnato”, prese come aspetto scontato e assiomatico in molta parte della letteratura scientifica che utilizza l’acronimo, sono state qui intese come un nodo ambiguo e questionabile. Attraverso una ricerca e una metodologia antropologico-etnografica queste rappresentazioni contradditorie sono esplorate a partire da un “crocevia di campi” da queste interessati in un territorio amministrativo dell’Italia Settentrionale variamente frequentato tra 2018 e 2021. Insieme ad ambienti, metodi e sfide della ricerca locale, una prima sezione situa storicamente e contestualmente la categoria MSNA come fenomeno in sé piuttosto che come efficace espressione descrittiva di soggetti. Le due sezioni successive, dedicate rispettivamente alla neo-realtà di tutela volontaria e a quella di una comunità socio-educativa/di tipo familiare rivolta a persone di minore età, interrogano invece questi ambienti come spazi e tempi di elaborazione prima e negoziazione poi di rappresentazioni e pratiche relazionali e parentali molteplici.


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Il lavoro descritto in questo elaborato indaga la presenza dei tratti dell’italiano neostandard in un corpus di produzioni scolastiche scritte, con particolare attenzione all’uso di indicativo e congiuntivo nelle frasi completive. In particolare, delle tendenze di ristandardizzazione selezionate si osservano gli usi linguistici di alunni/e, le correzioni imposte dai/dalle docenti e le indicazioni delle grammatiche per la scuola; questa ricognizione permette di tracciare un quadro generale degli atteggiamenti della scuola nei confronti dei tratti del neostandard. La seconda parte dell’elaborato è dedicata a un’analisi dell’alternanza modale nelle subordinate completive; in primo luogo, si espone una revisione della letteratura sulla complementazione, sulla modalità e sul congiuntivo in italiano, con un focus particolare sulla sua recessione; in seguito, si procede all’analisi del fenomeno sulla base dei dati appositamente raccolti nelle scuole che hanno partecipato all'indagine. In secondo luogo, l’accettabilità dell’indicativo pro congiuntivo in testi scritti a scuola viene ulteriormente indagata tramite la somministrazione di un compito di correzione ai/alle docenti. L’ultima parte dell’elaborato accoglie un’analisi approfondita delle grammatiche per la scuola, la cui trattazione del congiuntivo è messa in relazione con le osservazioni della letteratura specialistica; ciò permette di completare il quadro riguardo agli atteggiamenti della scuola e di proporre riflessioni di natura glottodidattica.


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Il presente lavoro si propone di concentrare la propria attenzione sulle terme pubbliche di età tardoantica – considerando l’insieme della letteratura scientifica disponibile e la necessità di un aggiornamento metodologico – comprese nelle provinciae dell’Hellas e di Creta, secondo i confini che possono essere tracciati sulla base del Synekdemos di Hierocles (§ 1). Il territorio di queste provinciae tardoantiche corrisponde all’incirca alle moderne regioni amministrative della Grecia Occidentale, della Grecia Centrale, dell’Attica e del Peloponneso per l’Ellade e dell’isola di Creta. In aggiunta all’indagine sulle caratteristiche architettoniche degli impianti, si è tentato di porre in rilievo le trasformazioni funzionali verificatesi in esse durante e dopo il loro utilizzo primario (§ 2). Oltre che sui singoli edifici (§ 2.1), l’indagine si è rivolta al contesto topografico di appartenenza. Le osservazioni raccolte sull’insieme del territorio descritto sono state inoltre messe a confronto con alcuni casi di studio rappresentati dalle città di Salonicco, Atene, Patrasso, Corinto e Gortina (§ 3). Si è cercato infine di sintetizzare i risultati emersi dalla ricerca, per contestualizzare il fenomeno termale tardoantico nell’ambito del suo sviluppo architettonico, dei mutamenti politici e urbanistici, dell’influenza del processo di cristianizzazione sulla società del periodo (§ 4).


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The rapid progression of biomedical research coupled with the explosion of scientific literature has generated an exigent need for efficient and reliable systems of knowledge extraction. This dissertation contends with this challenge through a concentrated investigation of digital health, Artificial Intelligence, and specifically Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing's (NLP) potential to expedite systematic literature reviews and refine the knowledge extraction process. The surge of COVID-19 complicated the efforts of scientists, policymakers, and medical professionals in identifying pertinent articles and assessing their scientific validity. This thesis presents a substantial solution in the form of the COKE Project, an initiative that interlaces machine reading with the rigorous protocols of Evidence-Based Medicine to streamline knowledge extraction. In the framework of the COKE (“COVID-19 Knowledge Extraction framework for next-generation discovery science”) Project, this thesis aims to underscore the capacity of machine reading to create knowledge graphs from scientific texts. The project is remarkable for its innovative use of NLP techniques such as a BERT + bi-LSTM language model. This combination is employed to detect and categorize elements within medical abstracts, thereby enhancing the systematic literature review process. The COKE project's outcomes show that NLP, when used in a judiciously structured manner, can significantly reduce the time and effort required to produce medical guidelines. These findings are particularly salient during times of medical emergency, like the COVID-19 pandemic, when quick and accurate research results are critical.


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In recent years, the seismic vulnerability of existing masonry buildings has been underscored by the destructive impacts of earthquakes. Therefore, Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) retrofitting systems have gained prominence due to their high strength-to-weight ratio, compatibility with substrates, and potential reversibility. However, concerns linger regarding the durability of these systems when subjected to long-term environmental conditions. This doctoral dissertation addressed these concerns by studying the effects of mild temperature variations on three FRCM systems, featuring basalt, glass, and aramid fibre textiles with lime-based mortar matrices. The study subjected various specimens, including mortar triplets, bare textile specimens, FRCM coupons, and single-lap direct shear wallets, to thermal exposure. A novel approach utilizing embedded thermocouple sensors facilitated efficient monitoring and active control of the conditioning process. A shift in the failure modes was obtained in the single lap-direct shear tests, alongside a significant impact on tensile capacity for both textiles and FRCM coupons. Subsequently, bond tests results were used to indirectly calibrate an analytical approach based on mode-II fracture mechanics. A comparison between Cohesive Material Law (CML) functions at various temperatures was conducted for each of the three systems, demonstrating a good agreement between the analytical model and experimental curves. Furthermore, the durability in alkaline environment of two additional FRCM systems, characterized by basalt and glass fibre textiles with lime-based mortars, was studied through an extensive experimental campaign. Tests conducted on single yarn and textile specimens after exposure at different durations and temperatures revealed a significant impact on tensile capacity. Additionally, FRCM coupons manufactured with conditioned textile were tested to understand the influence of aged textile and curing environment on the final tensile behavior. These results contributed significantly to the existing knowledge on FRCM systems and could be used to develop a standardized alkaline testing protocol, still lacking in the scientific literature.


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Alpha oscillatory activity has long been associated with perceptual and cognitive processes related to attention control. The aim of this study is to explore the task-dependent role of alpha frequency in a lateralized visuo-spatial detection task. Specifically, the thesis focuses on consolidating the scientific literature's knowledge about the role of alpha frequency in perceptual accuracy, and deepening the understanding of what determines trial-by-trial fluctuations of alpha parameters and how these fluctuations influence overall task performance. The hypotheses, confirmed empirically, were that different implicit strategies are put in place based on the task context, in order to maximize performance with optimal resource distribution (namely alpha frequency, associated positively with performance): “Lateralization” of the attentive resources towards one hemifield should be associated with higher alpha frequency difference between contralateral and ipsilateral hemisphere; “Distribution” of the attentive resources across hemifields should be associated with lower alpha frequency difference between hemispheres; These strategies, used by the participants according to their brain capabilities, have proven themselves adaptive or maladaptive depending on the different tasks to which they have been set: "Distribution" of the attentive resources seemed to be the best strategy when the distribution probability between hemifields was balanced: i.e. the neutral condition task. "Lateralization" of the attentive resources seemed to be more effective when the distribution probability between hemifields was biased towards one hemifield: i.e., the biased condition task.


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Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Halide Perovskites (HOIPs) include a large class of materials described with the general formula ABX3, where A is an organic cation, B an inorganic cation and X an halide anion. HOIPs show excellent optoelectronic characteristics such as tunable band gap, high adsorption coefficient and great mobility life-time. A subclass of these materials, the so-called two- dimensional (2D) layered HOIPs, have emerged as potential alternatives to traditional 3D analogs to enhance the stability and increase performance of perovskite devices, with particular regard in the area of ionizing radiation detectors, where these materials have reached truly remarkable milestones. One of the key challenges for future development of efficient and stable 2D perovskite X-ray detector is a complete understanding of the nature of defects that lead to the formation of deep states. Deep states act as non-radiative recombination centers for charge carriers and are one of the factors that most hinder the development of efficient 2D HOIPs-based X-ray detectors. In this work, deep states in PEA2PbBr4 were studied through Photo-Induced Current Transient Spectroscopy (PICTS), a highly sensitive spectroscopic technique capable of detecting the presence of deep states in highly resistive ohmic materials, and characterizing their activation energy, capture cross section and, under stringent conditions, the concentration of these states. The evolution of deep states in PEA 2 PbBr 4 was evaluated after exposure of the material to high doses of ionizing radiation and during aging (one year). The data obtained allowed us to evaluate the contribution of ion migration in PEA2PbBr4. This work represents an important starting point for a better understanding of transport and recombination phenomena in 2D perovskites. To date, the PICTS technique applied to 2D perovskites has not yet been reported in the scientific literature.


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This article presents the results of a review of the literature on tourism from 2005 to 2009. Precisely, 1,648 articles were reviewed and classified into eight macro-lines of research. The content of the Strategy macro-line was analyzed in greater depth, as it was considered to be an "umbrella" for the other dimensions pertinent to tourism. The literature thus provided significant elements confirming the appropriateness of the strategic network perspective for research on sustainable tourism management, and it also helped identify the actors that are most critical for leading the development of a tourist destination.


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Fraud is as old as Mankind. There are an enormous number of historical documents which show the interaction between truth and untruth; therefore it is not really surprising that the prevalence of publication discrepancies is increasing. More surprising is that new cases especially in the medical field generate such a huge astonishment. In financial mathematics a statistical tool for detection of fraud is known which uses the knowledge of Newcomb and Benford regarding the distribution of natural numbers. This distribution is not equal and lower numbers are more likely to be detected compared to higher ones. In this investigation all numbers contained in the blinded abstracts of the 2009 annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Anesthesia and Resuscitation (SGAR) were recorded and analyzed regarding the distribution. A manipulated abstract was also included in the investigation. The χ(2)-test was used to determine statistical differences between expected and observed counts of numbers. There was also a faked abstract integrated in the investigation. A p<0.05 was considered significant. The distribution of the 1,800 numbers in the 77 submitted abstracts followed Benford's law. The manipulated abstract was detected by statistical means (difference in expected versus observed p<0.05). Statistics cannot prove whether the content is true or not but can give some serious hints to look into the details in such conspicuous material. These are the first results of a test for the distribution of numbers presented in medical research.